The meaning of the symbols of sabim, sa’bi’ seen in a dream.

Sabim (sa’bi’m) | Dream Interpretation

Interpretation According To The Contrasting Meaning Of Things

Seeing oneself as weeping will be interpreted as joy and happiness as long as such weeping is not done with sound, screaming or tearing one’s collar to pieces as when mourning. One the contrary joy, happiness, merry-making, laughter, dancing etc. will be interpreted as grief and sorrow

Similarly, if two persons are seen fighting in the dream then the one who loses the battle will be the one to gain victory.

Similarly, if a person sees himself being cupped it means he will be compelled to fulfill certain conditions in an agreement or contract. Or if a person sees himself being made to agree on certain conditions, it means he will get cupped.

The reason being that in Arabic the word shart (condition) is sometimes used to mean “cupping*”

*Cupping: The use of a cupping glass from which the air has been exhausted, to draw blood to the surface of the skin-Collins).... interpretation according to the contrasting meaning of things dream meaning

Adobe Maker

In a dream, an adobe maker represents someone who earns his money from his own sweat and saves his earnings. Molding these bricks and drying them in the sun in a dream means prosperity. Handling wet adobes or stampeding a wet adobe mix and smoothing it in a dream means distress, toiling, sorrow or corruption. Half-dried molds of adobes placed under the sun in a dream represent workers or servants.

(Also see Adobe; Bricks)... adobe maker dream meaning

Ai-azhar Mosque

(See Masjid)... ai-azhar mosque dream meaning

Angels In The Masjid

If angels are seen in mosques it means that due to the religious shortcomings of the people of that town, the angels are commanding them to engage in dua, salaah, charity and sincere repentance.

If angels are seen in the marketplace it means they are prohibiting the people from dishonesty in measure and weight. And if angels are seen in the cemetery it means a great calamity will be fall the pious servants of Allah.... angels in the masjid dream meaning

Ape Or Monkey

It presents his enemy who is defeated.

The reason hfor his defeat is the fact that Allah has deprived him of His favours because of his sins, infamy and wickedness.... ape or monkey dream meaning

Aqlia Mosque

(See Masjid)... aqlia mosque dream meaning

Armor Maker

In a dream, he represents a person who advises people to live in peace and harmony.

(Also see Armor)... armor maker dream meaning

Ascending A Mountain Without Faltering

If someone sees himself climbing a mountain without faltering, it is a hint that his desire to acquire a particular thing will be fulfilled-but after much difficulty and hardship.... ascending a mountain without faltering dream meaning

Ass Becoming A Mule

If a person sees his ass changing into a mule means the fruits of his efforts will be enjoyed by an-other. This will happen when he will be on a journey.... ass becoming a mule dream meaning

Assistant Magistrate

(Assistant judge) Seeing the assistant magistrate in a dream means either following the traditions of the righteous ones, or the avenues of innovation.... assistant magistrate dream meaning

Astrologer, Soothsayer, Magician Etc.

Any of the above symbolises a great liar who may also be very close to the king or government.... astrologer, soothsayer, magician etc. dream meaning

Auditory Meatus

(See Earwax)... auditory meatus dream meaning

Basket Maker

A Wealthy person who can cause benefit or harm.

The same is the interpretation of seeing a slaughterer, glass manufacturer, fuller and diver.... basket maker dream meaning

Beauty Mark

In a dream, a beauty mark means honor and dignity for a woman, and it means wealth for a man.

(Also see Birthmark)... beauty mark dream meaning

Biack Magic

(See Magic arts)... biack magic dream meaning

Black Mare

he will marry a wealthy woman.... black mare dream meaning

Bone Marrow

(See Body’; Marrow)... bone marrow dream meaning

Books And Magazine

Books and magazines that are rolled up in a bundle symbolise news that is concealed. Books that are laid open symbolise news that is plain and obious.... books and magazine dream meaning

Bread Or Roti Made Of Flour

It symbioses excessive wealth. Prosperity and a comfortable life is in store for the one who eats it.... bread or roti made of flour dream meaning


(Woman’s milk-producingglands)Awoman’s breast in a dream represent’s one’s wife, progeny and a large property. They also represent honor and prosperity. Their beauty is her beauty, and their ailment is her illness.

If one sees a woman hanging down from her breast in a dream, it means that she has committed adultery and that she will give birth to a bastard son.

If a man sees milk coming from his breast, and ifhe is poor, it means that his poverty will end, his life will be a long one, and he will even carry the financial responsibility of caring for two of his brothers. Ifhe is unmarried, it means that he argues about his fertility and doubts his own ability to conceive children.

If a young woman sees her breasts in a dream, it means that she will bear a child. Otherwise, if a single young girl sees her own breasts in a dream, it means that she will get married.

If a female child sees herself having matured breasts in a dream, it means her death.

If a man sees himselfsuckling milk from a woman he does not recognize in a dream, it means a long sickness. Otherwise, ifhis wife is pregnant, it means kissing his wife’s breasts. Suckling milk from a woman’s breast also means imprisonment and deprivation, stress and sadness.

If an old man sees the breast of a woman in his dream, it means that he will hear bad news.

If a teenager sees that, it means that he is in love.

If a man sees himself having a female milk suckling breast in a dream, it means friends, children, or a wife who are of no benefit to him. Ifsuch breasts look hanging tall in the dream, it means either death of one’s child, or it could mean that one will commit a sin.

If one’s breasts are dripping milk in a dream, they represent a woman who cares about her home duty, or it could mean falling into debts.

If one’s breasts are transformed into iron or copper in the dream, it means loss of a child.

A growth in children’s bosom or breasts in a dream means an illness, festering wounds, or it could mean an ulcer.

The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one’s personal wardrobe. Woman’s breasts in a dream also may be interpreted to mean one’s father and mother.

(Also see Body’)... breast dream meaning

Breast Filling With Milk

If a woman sees here breasts filling with milk or milk flowing from her breasts, it is interpreted as prosperity and wealth in abundance coming her way.... breast filling with milk dream meaning


These symbolise a person’s daughters.... breasts dream meaning

Broiling Meat

(See Roasting meat)... broiling meat dream meaning

Broken Minaret

A broken or fallen minaret suggests the people of that locality will become corrupt in matters of religions by dividing into numerous sects.... broken minaret dream meaning

Buying Meat From The Butcher

If a person dreams that he has purchased meat from the butcher who delivers it to his house it means he will experience ailment in that portion of his body which is linked to the meat.

If he pays for the meat it means he will be compensated for his difficulties.

If not, he will not be compensated and will experience shock.... buying meat from the butcher dream meaning

Arabic Months

(Lunar months : 1- Muharram; 2- Safar; 3- Rabi-’uIAwal; 4- Rabi’u Thani’; 5-Jamadul Awwal; 6- Jamadu Thani’; 7- Rajab; 8- Sha’ban; 9- Ramadan; 10- ShawwaI; 11- Zul-Qi’dah; 12- Zul-Hiliah) Seeing a dream during the month of Muharram means that the dream is most true as it is seen. Thus, having a dream during the month of Muharram could be even called a vision and it never fails. Such a dream means success, relieffrom difficulties, release from a prison, or recovering from an illness. Ifthe person had retreated from his town, he will return to it. This interpretation is based on the story of God’s prophet Jonah, upon whom be peace, after he emerged from the belly of the whale. Perhaps the person in the dream may face a great spiritual challenge in his life, or it could mean the death of a great man of knowledge or the emergence of such a gnostic or wise man in that city. Ifthe person seeing the dream is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins, for GodAlmighty has accepted the repentance ofAdam, upon whom be peace, during that month.

If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idrls) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. Ifa traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a longjourney, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi.

If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. Ifthe person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and ifhe desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire ofNimrod, or perhaps, ifhe had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. Ifthe person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. Ifone is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows : If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. Ifhe is sick, it means recovering from his illness. Ifone is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied.

If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm.

If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabt-rul Awwal, and ifhe is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his moneywill be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month.

If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled.

If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. Ifone’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi’u Thiini, and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but ifit suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as JamiidulAwwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God. be forever pleased with her.

If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thaw, and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it.

If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven.

A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha’ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever.

If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. Ifthe person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.

If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal, if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph.

If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himselfwhere he lives. Ifthe dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunarmonth, known inArabic as Zul-Hijjahindicates ajourney then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices.

If one sees this month in his dream or sees himselfoffering sacrifices in it, or ifhe sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war.... arabic months dream meaning

Cage Maker

In a dream, a cage maker represents a builder, a tailor, marriage, a teacher, a prison guard or a weaver.... cage maker dream meaning

Camel Meat

It represents the belongings of the one who sees the dream.... camel meat dream meaning

Candy Maker

A candy maker in a dream represents a man of knowledge, or he could mean profits.

(Also see Candy salesman)... candy maker dream meaning

Canis Major


See Dog)... canis major dream meaning

Canis Minor


See Dog)... canis minor dream meaning

Carrying A Mountain

The carrying of stones, rocks and mountains means one will be made to carry great burdens by people who are hard and cruel.... carrying a mountain dream meaning

Chickpeas (chana), Lentils (masoor) And Peas

Seeing any of these means the person will obtain unlawful wealth after much grief and sorrow.... chickpeas (chana), lentils (masoor) and peas dream meaning

Child Molester

(See Pederasty)... child molester dream meaning

Citrus Medica

(Citron; Citrus Bigaradia; Zollikoferia spinosa) Seeing any of the citrus medica plants in a dream means combatting illness, distress, trouble or it could represent a beautiful, but a cheap woman.... citrus medica dream meaning

Climbing A Mountain

Climbing a mountain, enjoying its vegetations and drinking from its fresh and sweet water in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife.

(Also see Kllimar; Veil)... climbing a mountain dream meaning

Climbing A Mountain

If a person sees himself climbing a mountain it means he will attain high positions.... climbing a mountain dream meaning

Cloth Merchant

He symbolises a man of high standing in the community; or he symbolises a poet or a man of wisdom.... cloth merchant dream meaning

Coat Of Mail

(Armor; Kingdom; Money; Peace; Shield) In a dream, a coat or mail represents protection from one’s enemy. Ifone sees himselfmaking a coat of mail in a dream, it means that he will build a castle.

To see oneselfwearing one means becoming a leader. Ifa merchant sees himselfwearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means that his business keeps growing, being completely sheltered and protected from losses.

If the coat of mail is understood to mean a friend in the dream, then it will represent a gracious friend and a good helper when one needs him.

A coat of mail also represents one’s son who is strong and capable, who suffices himself and helps his father. Wearing a coat of mail in a dream is a blessing and a favor one receives from a third party who will support him and defend him under all circumstances. Wearing one in a dream means protection for one’s wife, properties and interests.

If a woman sees herself wearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means a husband and protection. It also could mean a supporting brother, a compassionate son, money, clothing or strong supporters. Wearing a suit of mail in a dream also means having a strong son, or it could mean travels.... coat of mail dream meaning

Coins Made From Copper, Bronze Etc.

Receiving them symbolises evil gossiping about oneself and imprisonment. It could also mean unwholesome rizq and a lowly trade.... coins made from copper, bronze etc. dream meaning


(See Birth Control)... condom dream meaning

Conquering Or Dropping A Mountain

If a person sees himself conquering or defeating a mountain (as in a fight), it means he will commit murder.... conquering or dropping a mountain dream meaning

Corn And Millet

Each symbolises one’s wealth which will be of no avail to one.... corn and millet dream meaning

Corn Measurer

(See Measurer)... corn measurer dream meaning

Counting Money

(See Counting)... counting money dream meaning

Cow Milk, Camel Milk And Buffalo Milk

All three symbolise prosperity and goodness, sheep milk also symbolises prosperity and goodness but to a lesser degree than the former.... cow milk, camel milk and buffalo milk dream meaning

Crystalline Mineral

(See Carnelian-red)... crystalline mineral dream meaning

Curdled Milk

(See Milk)... curdled milk dream meaning

Delivering A Male Issue

If a son is born to hi, it means he will soon be faced with difficulties, hardships and anxiety.

The same applies to buying a male slave.... delivering a male issue dream meaning

Digging A Hole In The Mountain

If a person sees himself breaking into the mountain (just as a thief breaks into a house) or digging into the mountain, it means he is guilty of deceiving someone.... digging a hole in the mountain dream meaning

Donkey Milk

A tamed donkey’s milk represents serious illness but he will be cured.... donkey milk dream meaning

Drinking Camel Milk

Drinking camel milk without milking it means the person will acquire lawful wealth from someone who is physically strong, wields power and commands respect.... drinking camel milk dream meaning

Drinking Fresh Milk

If a person sees himself drinking fresh milk (not whey or curd) of a known animal, it implies that he will acquire wealth that is halaal and lawful.... drinking fresh milk dream meaning

Drinking Hyena Milk

His wife will deceive him and be unfaithful to him.... drinking hyena milk dream meaning

Drinking Milk From The Breast

If a person sees himself drinking or being fed milk from the breast of a woman, it means he will either be imprisoned or find himself in utter poverty, as the maximum period for suckling is tow years. Anything beyond that means imprisonment or dire straits.... drinking milk from the breast dream meaning

Drinking The Milk Of A Lioness

The person seeing this is to become prosperous. He will also overpower his enemy.... drinking the milk of a lioness dream meaning

Drinking The Milk Of A Panther

The One who drinks the milk will attain much blessings and barakah in the near future.... drinking the milk of a panther dream meaning

Dreaming Of Vessels, Vases, Utensils, Mirror, Scissors Etc.

Vessels symbolise servants and lads while stove, hearths, grates, cauldrons, lamps, table-cloths etc. symbolise grief, sorrow and anxiety which will be felt by the head of the household if the Arabic masculine equivalent is used for any of the above words. But it it is used as a feminine such as qidr, qifah, maa’idah, musarrajah and qas’ah, then they symbolise a person’s wife.. As for the word sufrah though feminine, it symbolises the husband all the same.

(Qidr : Cauldron, Cooking Pot; Qifah : large basket; Maa’idah : table-cloth; Musrrajah : lamp; Qas’ah trough)

Whatever is made from copper or lead such as cups, saucers, plates, trays kettles etc. they all symbolise a person’s servants and lads.... dreaming of vessels, vases, utensils, mirror, scissors etc. dream meaning

Drinking The Milk Of A She-ass

It means severe illness with no hope of recovery.

And Allah Subhanahoo Wata’ala knows best.... drinking the milk of a she-ass dream meaning

Drinking The Milk Of A Sow

Drinking such milk means a person will commit evil through his intellect and wealth.... drinking the milk of a sow dream meaning

Drinking Tiger Milk

It means profound grief and sorrow.... drinking tiger milk dream meaning

Drinking Wolf Milk

the one who drinks the milk will attain much goodness in that if he is in grief he will soon find relief and if he is a destitute he will become rich.... drinking wolf milk dream meaning

Eating Camel Meat

it means illness for the one who eats it.... eating camel meat dream meaning

Eating Dog Meat

Eating dog meat means he will over power his enemy as well as acquire assets form him.... eating dog meat dream meaning

Eating Elephant Meat

The One who eats the meat will receive assets from some authority.

The extent of such assets will depend on how much meat he eats.

The same interpretation is given if a person sees himself taking possession of the skin, bone or any other portion of the elephant.... eating elephant meat dream meaning

Eating Half-cooked Meat Of A Goat

He will become prosperous.... eating half-cooked meat of a goat dream meaning

Eating Lion Meat

The one who eats the meat will receive riches from some authority or a powerful person.... eating lion meat dream meaning

Eating Mutton

In the above case if he sees himself as eating the meat of the animal it means he will usurp his wealth.... eating mutton dream meaning

Eating Roasted Meat

Eating roasted meat means that the observer of the dram will be given meager livelihood and will face much hardships an anxiety for, roasting is called shayyun in Arabic meaning a wound. And a wound causes harm and grief.... eating roasted meat dream meaning

Eating Roasted Meat

He will receive sustenance after much anxiety.... eating roasted meat dream meaning

Eating The Flesh Of His Mare

Eating the flesh of his mare means prosperity and honour. Also, he will enjoy a good reputation and receive subsistence (rizq).... eating the flesh of his mare dream meaning

Eating The Meat Of A Lamb

His child will become a means of prosperity for him.... eating the meat of a lamb dream meaning

Eating The Raw Meat Of A Goat

Eating raw meat of goat or striking someone with such meat means he will slander someone or speak ill behind his back.... eating the raw meat of a goat dream meaning

Eating Turtle Meat

He will acquire Islamic Knowledge.... eating turtle meat dream meaning

Erecting A Masjid

Erecting or building a masjid is an indication that the person will join a group of people in an effort to accomplish some noble task or to enable someone to get married... erecting a masjid dream meaning

Eye Makeup

(See Kohl)... eye makeup dream meaning

Face Mask

(See Helmet)... face mask dream meaning

Field Meant For Growing Produce

Seeing his field utilized for growing produce means that he will prosper in matter pertaining to his Deen and Worldly life.

The greener the field the greater the prosperity.... field meant for growing produce dream meaning

Fire In The Market Place

Fire seen in the market place or shop is an indication that much loss will be sustained in business..... fire in the market place dream meaning

Forging Money

In a dream, forging money means using vile words, or words without action.

(Also see Minting)... forging money dream meaning

Frothing At The Mouth

Frothing at the mouth in a dream means excitement, madness or infuriation in wakefulness.

(Also see Foam)... frothing at the mouth dream meaning

Full Moon

(Qur’fm)... full moon dream meaning

Galia Moschata

(Oils; Perfume made of a mixture of musk and ambergris) Anointing oneself with galia moschata in a dream means happiness,joy, peace, praises, commendations and celebrations. Anointing oneself with this perfume in a dream also could mean performing a pilgrimage to Mecca or begetting a son. Wearinggalia moschata in a dream also could denote distress from an allegation that will be handed down by someone in authority.... galia moschata dream meaning

Getting Married

(See Grave)... getting married dream meaning

Ghee And Milk

They represent wealth and prosperity for the person who acquires or takes ownership for them.... ghee and milk dream meaning

Good Manners

(See Perfume salesman)... good manners dream meaning

Grain Merchant

In a dream, a grain merchant represents a man of dignity whose earnings are blessed if he does not need to sell his merchandise in the dream, but if he is eager to dispose of his merchandise, then it will bring him humiliation.

If one sees the governor of his town selling grains in a dream, it means that he will lose his post.

A grain merchant in a dream also represents the head of merchants, a union boss, the chief craftsperson, or a popular and a magnanimous ruler. Selling grains and not seeing the return or money in a dream represents one’s ascetic detachment and gratitude to his Lord, for the real price of things is gratitude.

(Also see Wheat)... grain merchant dream meaning

Green Mare

He will marry a woman with a charming personality and a sweet, singing voice.... green mare dream meaning

Gutter Of Mercy

(Mizaab) If one sees the Gutter of Mercy in a dream, which is located on the roof of the Holy Ka’aba in Mecca inside a mosque or a house in a dream, it carries the same interpretation as that of seeing the Well ofZamzam in a dream. Standing under the Gutter of Mercy at the Holy Ka’aba in a dream means that one’s wishes will come true, and particularly if pure fresh water pours through it. However, ifmurky water comes through it, then it means the opposite.

(Also see Gutter; Ka’aba; Zamzam)... gutter of mercy dream meaning

Hair Of The Armpits, Public Hair And The Moustache

If the hair is small or few, it symbolises steadfastness on Deen and Sunnah.

If the hair is plenty is symbolises wilaayat which is bereft of Deen.... hair of the armpits, public hair and the moustache dream meaning

Hand Mill

(Laboring; Livelihood; Millstone; Travel) A hand mill in a dream means overcoming distress, pain, or satisfying one’s needs. It could also mean richness after poverty, marriage, a servant, or moving into a new house.

If someone sees a hand mill in a house that is not accustomed to grinding its own grain or spices in a dream, it means adversities, defeat, or arguments. Ifone then grinds bread, or meat or honey with in the dream, it denotes a despicable character of the people of that house, their falsehood, affectation, lesbian or pervert nature.

If one sees a hand mill grinding stones in a dream, it means that he will be seized by terror. Ifone grinds barley or grains for food in a dream, it means solving the family’s problems, prosperity, recovering from illness, or refurbishing one’s business. Ifone sees a huge hand mill in the center of a town in a dream, it means war and destruction and especially if he sees it grinding rocks or emitting fire or sparks. Otherwise, it means a plague if the hand mill is grinding spoiled and moldy grains, mud, or spoiled meat.

If one sees the millstone tilted in a dream, it means rising prices.

If the hand mill is turning with nothing to grind in the dream, it means toiling aimlessly.

If the hand mill turns using a wheel in the dream, it means prosperity.

If one sees the hand mill turning and not grinding in a dream, it means travels.

If it turns for no useful purpose in a dream, it denotes the nearing of one’s death.

A pair of small hand grinders in a dream represent two loathsome partners that no one can correct or guide.

If one sees himself operating a millstone by hand in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood following the required religious conduct, and earns his money from his own sweat.

A millstone in a dream also may denote loathsome actions.

If a prisoner sees a broken millstone in a dream, it means that he will be soon released, and if he is under a death sentence, it means that the judgment will be rescinded, or that he may die before the judgment is carried out. As far as the question of livelihood, the better looking and effective is the hand mill, the better are one’s earnings and vice-versa.

If one buys a hand mill in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will marry off his daughter, or that he will travel on business.

If the millstone is interpreted to mean a husband or a wife, then it represents respectful people.

A hand mill in a dream also means comfort, relief, evil, fight, dispute, wife, servant,livelihood, travels, gourmandism, or a woman who gives herself priority in everything.

(Also see Water mill; Windmill)... hand mill dream meaning

Hearing The Athaan In Any Month Other Than Thil-hijjah

If the athaan is heard in any other month besides the months of Hajj it means he will impart the knowledge of Deen through discourses and lectures.

The same applies to athaan heard in streets and lanes.... hearing the athaan in any month other than thil-hijjah dream meaning

Herbal Medicine

(See Ivy; Solomon)... herbal medicine dream meaning

Holy Mecca

(See Ka’aba; Mecca)... holy mecca dream meaning

Horse Milk

The drinker will acquire a good reputation.... horse milk dream meaning

Incomplete Athaan During Any Month Other Than Hajj

An incomplete athaan during any month other than Thil-Hijjah means he will steal something from which he will not profit a tall and, instead, he will become popular as a chief.... incomplete athaan during any month other than hajj dream meaning

Incomplete Athaan During The Month Of Hajj

Seeing oneself calling out an incomplete athaan during the months of Hajj suggests that the observer of the dream is among the good and pious people. It could also mean he will proceed for Hajj but will not be able to complete it.... incomplete athaan during the month of hajj dream meaning

Indian Meal

(See Boiled vegetables; Stew)... indian meal dream meaning

Intoxicants Made From Dates Or Grapes

They signify apprehension and doubt about one’s resources or about the lawfulness of one’s earnings.... intoxicants made from dates or grapes dream meaning

Keenness Of Mind

(See Wakefulness)... keenness of mind dream meaning

Lending Money

Lending an object or lendingmoney to someone in a dream means profits of equal value.

(Also see Borrowing; Loan)... lending money dream meaning

Linen Merchant

(Linen shop) A linen merchant in a dream represents trials with women, depression, distress, toiling, adversities and humiliation.... linen merchant dream meaning

Lioness Milk

It means the observer will defeat his foe.... lioness milk dream meaning

Lumber Merchant

(Wood) In a dream, a lumber merchant represents the chief of hypocrites. One’s dream also could mean building homes and roads.... lumber merchant dream meaning

Lunar Months

(See Arabic months)... lunar months dream meaning


(See Scepter)... mace dream meaning


(See Insanity; Mental derangement)... madman dream meaning


(See Mental derangement)... madness dream meaning



See Five times prayers)... maghrib dream meaning


(See Worshipping fire)... magi dream meaning

Magic Arts

(Conjuring; Jugglery; Tricks) In a dream, magic arts mean deceit, pride, artificiality and temptations.

To learn about sorcery, or black magic, or about similar arts in a dream means innovation and heedlessness.

(Also Magician; Sorcery; Spit out)... magic arts dream meaning

Magic Practice

(See Fortuneteller; Magic arts; Sorcery; Spit out)... magic practice dream meaning


(Illusion) In a dream, a magician represents a seducer.

If he uses an apple in his illusion in the dream, it means that he will seduce his own son.

If he uses a butterfly in his performance in the dream, it means that he will rape his own wife.

(Also see Magic arts; Sorcery; Spit out)... magician dream meaning


(See Giant)... magnification dream meaning


(Blabber; Hodgepodge) In a dream, a magpie represents a man who keeps no promise, who has neither honor nor does he feel comfortable with anyone. Such a man is rich, accursed and opportunistic.

If a magpie speaks to someone in a dream, it means that he will receive news concerning a distant person. Catching a magpie in a dream means overcoming a corrupt and a perfidious person. Fighting with a magpie in a dream means engaging in a futile adventure and gaining nothing from it.... magpie dream meaning


(See Worshipping fire)... magus dream meaning


(Fragrance; Seeds used in perfumes and in making sweets; Prunus Mahaleb, bot.) In a dream, a mahaleb tree represents blessed and sweet earnings. Seeing a mahaleb tree or a branch of it in a dream also may mean begetting a son.... mahaleb dream meaning



See Palanquin)... mahmal dream meaning


Mail in a dream means activities or travels. Mail in a dream also means being led by one’s evil actions and sins into the road of destruction or consequent death.

(Also see Mailman; Ostrich)... mail dream meaning

Mail Carrier

(See Carrier)... mail carrier dream meaning


In a dream, a mailman represents the caller to God, a preacher, a news carrier, an emissary, a letter carrier or a courier.

(Also see Dromedary rider; Mail; Ostrich)... mailman dream meaning


(See Family support)... maintenance dream meaning


Majesty and reverence in a dream represents glad tidings, or rising into a high raking position and earning an exalted station in God’s sight whether the person seen in such a state is alive or dead.

To recognize a state of reverence and majesty in a dream also means receiving guidance on the straight path, or repenting from one’s sins.... majesty dream meaning


(Cosmetics; Henna; Kohl; Medicine) Cosmetic makeup in a dream represents a craftsman’s working tools. Makeup in a dream also means adornment, money, or children.

(Also see Blushing; Kohl)... makeup dream meaning

Making Additions To Salaah

And if a person sees himself making additions to the Salaah (Such as performing five rak’aat or observing three sajdahs instead of two) then it implies that he has either questioned the authenticity of or entertained doubts., with regards the five basic principles of Islam. ... making additions to salaah dream meaning



See Angels)... mala’ika dream meaning


(Gender; Fertilizing; Masculine virility) A human being of the male gender in a dream represents a positive element, a decisive force, or someone who is extremely lucky.

(Also see Man)... male dream meaning

Male Of Ostrich

It presents a man who is a foreigner and unmarried.... male of ostrich dream meaning


(See Hammer)... mallet dream meaning


(See String instruments)... mandolin dream meaning


(Feeding trough) Seeing a manger or a feeding trough in a dream means having power, receiving a gift, or it could represent one’s intelligence, diversification and qualifications.

A manger in a dream also represents a woman. Seeing two animals feeding from a trough in a dream means that one’s wife is hiding a secret affair.... manger dream meaning


(See Missile launcher)... mangonel dream meaning

Manifest Character

(Character; Hidden; Forest; Wild plants; Woods)... manifest character dream meaning


(See Appearance)... manifestation dream meaning


(Conduct; Quality; Magnitude) The quality of humankind in a dream may represent the quality ofthe like creations. Thus, a beneficial bird may mean a praiseworthy person, a beast may represent the like quality in man, a harvest projecting a particular person denotes human qualities of a lesser magnitude, etcetera.

(Also see Human being; Man)... mankind dream meaning


(Food; Valuable gift; Unexpected favor) A gummy saccharine secretion found on a species of a Tamarisk tree.

A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money.... manna dream meaning


A mansion in a city with huge windows is regarded as an excellent dream. Climbing such a mansion means the beholder will attain lofty positions during his lifetime. Good fortune and happiness are in store for him.... mansion dream meaning

Male Organ

(Penis) To look at one’s sexual organs in a dream means profits, children, fame, carnal desires, want, family, strength, virility, conduct, or longevity.

If a man sees himself without a male organ in a dream, it means that he will lose a son who will either die or travel away from his father, and who will leave no tracks of his whereabouts. It also could mean that he will have no more children.

If a sick person sees himself without a male organ in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. Ifhe is a king or a governor, it means that he will be deposed. Having two male organs in a dream means that one will beget two sons. Castration in a dream means that one will bear no more daughters.

If a pregnant woman sees herself having a male organ in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. Ifshe never had children before, it means that she is barren.

If one is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will fulfil his religious covenant, or pay a debt.

A pubic area which is excessively hairy in a dream represents an insolent person. Feeding one’s sexual organ in a dream means dying an ugly death.

If one’s male organ turns into a female organ in a dream, it means that he has lost his virility, or that he will become submissive. Ifone sees himselftouching his wife’s sexual organ which then turns into a male organ in a dream, it means that she may undergo an operation in relation to abnormal sexual trend.

A male organ in a dream also represents a craftsman’s tools. Playing with one’s male organ in a dream means that one does not shy from God’s presence and that of His angels, or that he has forgotten about proper conduct or common moral standards, or ifhe is a learned person, it means that he will forget what he has learned.... male organ dream meaning


(The archangel Malik; The guardian of hell-fire) Seeing the archangel Malik in a dream means standing before a policeman or a police commissioner for questioning.

If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment.

If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly.

If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating something that is given by Malik in a dream also means abstinence and repentance from sin, or it could mean submitting to guidance after having gone astray. Ifone sees the archangel Malik walking toward him in a dream, it means peace and safety from hell-fire. It also means salvation and restoration of one’s faith. However, if he sees the archangel Malik walking away from him and showing displeasure in the dream, it means that one will commit an act that will deliver him into the blaze of hell-fire.

(Also see Hell-fire)... malik dream meaning


(Skin disease of domestic animals; Abacterial disease) In a dream, mangy represents pestilence or a plague.

If one sees himself struck by such a disease causing him to itch though no puss or malignant festering runs from his sores in the dream, it means that his troubles and adversities are caused by his own progeny or relatives.

If one’s body is afflicted with mangy in a dream, it means that his troubles will come from his friends or from his working environment.

If it strikes at his right hand or his cheek in a dream, then his adversities will come from his clan. Ifit strikes at his left hand, then his troubles will come from his business partner or brother.lfhis illness forms puss in the dream, it means hard earned money that will also cause headache. Such a disease means money for a poor person and it could mean leadership for a rich person. Following this trail of thinking, mangy or any skin disease in a dream signify less harm compared to other diseases.

If an employees experiences such skin disorder in a dream, it means that he does not qualify to work in that company.

If it is one’s son in the dream, it means that he will disobey his father concerning an undesired friendship.lfit is one’s wife in the dream, it means that she is engaged in something awful that will bring shame to the entire family.... mangy dream meaning



See Kbimar)... mantilla dream meaning


(Attire; Cap; Garb; Mantilla; Khimar; Veil)... mantle dream meaning


(See Reference book)... manual dream meaning


(Dung; Excrement) Manure represents money for one who eats it, or for one who collects it in his house or in a barn in his dream. Any animal excrements that are used to fertilize the soil, or if they are used as fuel represent profits when seen in a dream and particularly dried dung. Pigeons’ droppings, or the refuse of any type of fowl in a dream represent unlawful money. Cow dung in a dream is a sign of prosperity and a good harvest for farmers only.

(Also see Droppings; Dung)... manure dream meaning

Maple Syrup

(See Sugar)... maple syrup dream meaning

Maple Tree

(See Mulberry tree)... maple tree dream meaning

Maqam Ibrahim


See Abraham; Pilgrimage; Station of Abraham)... maqam ibrahim dream meaning

Marble Cutter

In a dream, a marble cutter represents wealth, a palace, high class, beauty, unity and love. Laying marble in a dream means preparing oneself for the next move, or completing a pathway.

(Also see Marble)... marble cutter dream meaning

Marble Saw

(See Saw)... marble saw dream meaning


(See Earthquake; Thunder)... march dream meaning

March Of An Army

In a dream, it means sorrow, or earnestly seeking knowledge, desiring to become wealthy, preparing to perform a pilgrimage, or celebrating a religious festival. Ifone sees himselfmarching alone in a campaign in a dream, it means that he might endanger his own life, lose his wealth, or that he may face an awesome trial that will bear heavily on him.... march of an army dream meaning


A mare or female horse symbolises a woman.

If a person sees himself as becoming the owner of a mare or as mounting his own mare it means he will acquire a good, honourable and blessed woman.... mare dream meaning


Intoxicating drug and a wild grass obtained from the hemp plant. In a dream, marijuana means contemptible earnings, a sickness, and a miserable life.

(Also see Intoxicants)... marijuana dream meaning


(Abraham; Ismail: Immolation; Liberation) Manumission of a slave in a dream represents a ritual sacrifice, or the offering of an animal during the Feats of Immolation, on the 10th day of the Arabic month of ZulHijjah, and following the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.

If one gives permission to his wife to leave him in a dream, it means that they will be divorced.

If a bondman sees himself liberated in a dream, it means that he or his master may die shortly.

If a bondman dies in a dream, it means that he will be liberated. Manumission means departure from bondage.

If a sick person sees himself liberated from bondage in a dream, it means his death.lfhe is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sin. Ifhe is an atheist, it means that he will become a believer and God Almighty will forbid his flesh to hell-fire.

If a free man sees himself liberated from slavery in a dream, it means that he will repay his debts, or repent for his sins.

(Also see Feast of Immolation; Slave)... manumission dream meaning


(Beauty; Eulogy; Hardness; Wealth) In a dream, marble represents prosperity, a beautiful wife, respectable people, class, servants, or properties.

If a poor person sees the floor of his house covered with marble in a dream, it means prosperity, marriage, purchasing a business, acquiring knowledge, learning a poem, bearing righteous children, or if he qualifies, it could mean that he will receive a high ranking appointment, or that he may actually work with marble, or in sculpturing marble or in manufacturing fountains from marble, or work in masonry, or as a stone cutter, or he may change his attitude toward things, signaling the end of depression and the start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations. Ifone sees gravestones made of marble, or if one sees marble pillars in a dream, it means a good reward for one’s deeds, or it could mean eulogy, or lauding.

An architecturally sound edifice made from marble in a dream represents good writing, skillfulness, dowry or a generous prenuptial agreement.

If the marble is used excessively in the dream, it means suspicion and doubt about one’s resources or source of income.

The marble bases of a pillar in a dream represents social benefits. As for marble tiles in a dream, they represent beautiful and noble women, or dignitaries. As for marble jars, tiles, or basins in a dream, they represent the positive and negative effects one overlooks during the course of this life.

(Also see Column; Marble cutter)... marble dream meaning


A mare in a dream represents a noble woman.

If one sees himself riding a mare in a dream, it means that he may rape a chaste and a noble woman. In general, a mare in a dream represents people who are known for their honesty and good conduct. Buying a mare in a dream also means getting married. Ifone is already married, then it means that he will own a property or a farm.

A mare in a dream also represents a rich person, a beautiful woman or a handsome looking man, a religious person, a comforting wife, a forbearing husband, or a sick person.

If one loses his mare, or if it dies in the dream, it means that he will lose his source of income. Dismounting a mare in a dream may mean loss of one’s business, a divorce, or loss of one’s house. Hearing the squealing of a mare in a dream means increase in one’s income, or it could mean one’s promotion at work. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means developing a beneficial relationship with a politician.

(Also see Donkey; Horse)... mare dream meaning

Marine Birds

They symbolises the ministers of the king or government or their officers and officials if such birds are seen in the water. But if they are seen on dry land it means prosperity, freshness and verdure. And if the birds are green it means grief, sorrow and perplexity.... marine birds dream meaning


(bot. Mint; Sweet marjoram; Wild marjoram) Smelling a marjoram plant in a dream means recovering from an illness and enjoying a good health for that year. Planting a marjoram in a dream means begetting a healthy and a beautiful child who will grow to possess a good character. Marjoram in a dream also could mean marriage, or something that will not last.

(Also see Mint)... marjoram dream meaning


Going to the marketplace in a dream means seeking knowledge, or looking for work.

A marketplace in a dream also represents a mosque, or winning a war. In fact, the merchants and the customers bargain with one another, some win and some lose.

If a knowledge seeking student sees himself in a marketplace that he does not recognize, then if he walks away from it in the dream, it means that he will cease schooling or interrupt his studies and fail to acquire his degree, or it could mean that he has missed his Friday congregational prayers. It also could mean that the knowledge he is seeking is not intended to please God Almighty. Ifone sees himself shoplifting in a dream, it means that he steals, or holds contempt and conceit in his heart, or if he is a man of knowledge, it means that he will foster falsehood or become affected. Ifone sees a common marketplace on fire, or filled with people, or with a stream of fresh water running in the middle of it, or if it is fragrant with perfumes in the dream, then it represents good business for everyone and increase in their profits, though hypocrisy will later on spread among the people. Otherwise, if one finds the shops closed, the merchants drowsing and spiders webs spreading in every corner and covering the merchandise in the dream, it means stagnation of business or suffering major losses. Seeing the marketplace in a dream is also interpreted to represent the world. Whatever affects it will show in people’s lives, in their mosques, churches, or temples including their profits, losses, clothing, recovering from illness, lies, stress, sorrows or adversities.

If the market is quiet in the dream, then it represents the laziness of its salespeople.

(Also see Entering a house)... marketplace dream meaning


(Color; Bay-colored; Reddish-brown) In a dream, the color maroon means dignity, nobility, power, or it could represent a wealthy woman.

(Also see Colors)... maroon dream meaning


cure from all diseased and ailments.... marriage dream meaning

Marriage Bond

To rescind one’s bond of marriage in a dream means either death or dismissal from work.

To revoke the bond of marriage in a dream also may mean selling a product for a term, requiring its return, or it may mean apostasy.

(Also see Marriage; Yoke)... marriage bond dream meaning

Marriage For Pleasure

(Morganatic marriage.

See Explorer)... marriage for pleasure dream meaning


(Cage; Digging a grave; Duel; Golden cage; Pearl; Sanctuary; Silver cage) Marriage in a dream represents the providence of God Almighty and care for His servants. Marriage in a dream also means imprisonment, indebtedness, sorrow, distress, depression, carrying a liability, or endeavoring to achieve a high ranking position.

If one marries a known woman in his dream, it means that he will endeavor to satisfy the normal responsibilities of a husband. Ifone marries an unknown woman, and ifhe could not see her in his dream, it denotes the nearing of his death, or it could mean moving from an old house into a new one.

If a sick woman sees herself getting married to a man she does not recognize or know his name in a dream, it means that she may die from her illness.

If the man who sees himself getting married in the dream qualifies, it means that he will attain a high ranking job or a suitable position.

If one’s wedding ceremony is made with witnesses only in the dream, it means that he has made a covenant with God Almighty.

If he performs a traditional wedding ceremony with its celebrations and festivities in the dream, it means a new job, or it could mean acquiring fame, or becoming renowned for one’s good reputation or character. Marriage in a dream is also interpreted in association with a trade.

If one marries a woman who dies shortly after her wedding in the dream, it means that he will perform a job that earns him nothing but hard labor, toiling and stress.

If one marries an adulteress in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer.

If one marries a vicious, aggressive or a dominating wife in a dream, it means that his movements will be hampered with various restrictions.

If one marries a deceased woman in a dream, it means that he will revive a profitable project he had earlier abandoned.

If a man offers his mother in marriage to one of his friends in a dream, it means that he will sell his house.

If a pregnant woman sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl.

If she sees herself in her wedding night in a dream, it means that she will beget a son.

If a mother who has a son sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will marry off her son. In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of an unwed woman in a dream means benefits.

If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it means that she will become lost and impoverished.

If a married man sees himself getting married to a second woman in a dream, it means profits.

To marry the daughter of a known man of knowledge in a dream means prosperity. Ifa sick woman marries a man of knowledge in her dream, it means recovering from her illness.

If a man sees himself marrying a living relative who is in a degree of consanguinity that precludes such a marriage in a dream, it means that he will sever his ties with such a relative, or with her family. Otherwise, if that relative is already dead, it means that he will contact her immediate relatives and establish a friendly relationship with them.

(Also see Cage; Duel; Sanctuary; Wife; Yoke)... marriage dream meaning

Marriage Of A Man To A Man

If a person sees himself marrying an unknown young man, it means he will gain victory over his enemy. But if he is known and there is no enmity between them then he the “bridge” will acquire some goodness from either the “groom” or someone who resembles him in name or personality.... marriage of a man to a man dream meaning

Marriage Of A Wife

If a person sees his wife getting married to someone else, it means her household will become wealthy and prosperous.... marriage of a wife dream meaning

Marriage To One’s Mother, Sister Etc.

If a person dreams that he is marrying his mother, sister or any such person with whom marriage is forbidden is Islam-and such a dream is seen in any of the sacred months of Thil-Qa’dah, Thil-Hijjah, Muiharram or Rajab-it means he will proceed to Makkah and Madeenah. But if such a dream is not seen in any of the said months it means he will treat his relatives with kindness and serve them well.

If his relationship with them was estranged, it will be re-established.... marriage to one’s mother, sister etc. dream meaning


In a dream, bon marrows represent hidden treasures, a library, ammunition or an inheritance. Bone marrows in a dream also mean hoarding money.

If a sick person sees his bone marrow in a dream, it means that he will find a cure and recover from his illness.

(Also see Body’; Bones; Brain)... marrow dream meaning

Marrying A Dead Woman

He will succeed in acquiring his pursuit regarding which he has lost all hopes.... marrying a dead woman dream meaning


(Planet) The planet Mars in a dream represents evil, calamities, trouble, fear, or blood shedding. Seeing the planet Mars descending or burning in a dream means calamities, injustice, burglaries, divorce, or demolishing one’s habitat.

The planet Mars in a dream also represents a warrior, an army, or the police force.

(Also see Heavens)... mars dream meaning


(See Meadow)... marsh dream meaning

Marsh Mallow Tree

(See Mill)... marsh mallow tree dream meaning


(See Weasel)... marten dream meaning


(Pith) In a dream, a martingale represents braces for a broken rib, bone setting, ointment for chest pain, the support by which one finds courage, feeling good about oneself, or the core that evokes pride about one’s achievement.

A martingale in a dream also could mean self-restraint, or self control.... martingale dream meaning


Seeing a known martyr alive in a dream means following his good traditions and aspiring for his character and conduct. Seeing a known martyr in a dream also means striving to attain God’s pleasure and to reach His nearness.... martyr dream meaning


(arb. Hill of Marwa; Mecca.

See Rituals of the pilgrimage; Sa’i)... marwa dream meaning


(Veil) If a man sees himself wearing a mask in a dream, it means that he may commit adultery with his servant or his housekeeper. Wearing a mask in a dream also means developing gratitude and contentment.

(Also see Helmet)... mask dream meaning


(See Construction worker)... mason dream meaning


(See Educator)... master dream meaning


(See Chewing gum)... masticate dream meaning

Masticating Teeth

To see the teeth in the act of chewing suggest that one of his family members will fall ill.... masticating teeth dream meaning


(arb. God’s House; Mosque; Place of worship) In Arabic, the word masjid means a place of prostration, while the word Jami means a place of gathering.

A masjid or a mosque in a dream represents a scholar and its gates represent men of know ledge and the guardians, or the attendants of God’s House. Building a masjid in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, fostering the unity of one’s family, or becoming ajudge, should one qualify for such an office.

A masjid filled with people in a dream represents a gnostic, a man of knowledge and wisdom, or a preacher who invites people to his house, advises them, brings their hearts together, teaches them the precepts oftheir religion and explains the wisdom behind the divine revelations. Seeing a masjid being demolished in a dream means that such a gnostic, or religious scholar and devout believer will die in that locality. In a dream, if the roof of a masjid caves in, it means that one will indulge in an abominable action.

If one sees a stranger performing his prayers in a masjid in a dream, it means that the Imam of that masjid will dies from a terminal illness.

If one enters a masjid in the company of a group of people, and if they dig a small hole for him inside the masjid in the dream, it means that he will get married.

If one’s house becomes a masjid in a dream, it means that he will attain piety, purity of heart, escetic detachment and an honor he will receive from his brethren. He will also call upon them to follow what is true and to abstain from what is false. Ifa masjid is transformed into a bathhouse in a dream, it means that a chaste person will turn corrupt or become heedless.

A masjid in a dream also represents a marketplace or a business. Ifone has to climb up a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, then the masjid represents a thrifty person who does not like to share what he has.

If one has to climb down a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, it means that his needs will be satisfied. Ifa masjid in the city is moved to a remote village in a dream, it means stagnation of one’s business, being ostracized from one’s community, or it could mean legal complications related to one’s inheritance.

If a ruler builds a house for God Almighty or a masjid in a dream, it means that he will be ajust ruler and he will govern his subject by the divine laws.

If a religious scholar builds a masjid in a dream, it means that he will author a book that will benefit others, or delivers a commentary on a complex religious issue, or if he is wealthy, it means that he will pay the alms tax due on his assets. Building a masjid in a dream also means getting married, or conceiving a child who will grow to become a righteous and a knowledgeable scholar, or if one is poor, it means that he will become rich. Otherwise, it means that one will serve God’s House and fill it with invocations, supplications, serving the interest of the community, leading the people to unity and love, and teaching them to value obedience to God’s commands. Building a masjid in a dream also could mean becoming a real estate agent, or repenting from one’s sins, or receiving guidance on God’s path, or to die as a martyr, hence, what one builds for God Almighty in a dream, represents his house in paradise. Such interpretation applies if one builds a masjid following the proper procedures and with lawfully earned money, and using proper materials. Otherwise, building it with what is unlawful of money or materials in the dream, or changing the direction ofthe prayer niche, etcetera, then one’s dream will carry the opposite meaning.

If one builds a masjid or a fellowship house in a dream, it means that he will seek the path of knowledge and wisdom, or that he will attend a pilgrimage during that same year, or establish a permanent business, such as a hotel, a bathhouse or a shop, etcetera. Building the roof of a masjid in a dream means taking care of orphans, or sponsoring homeless children. Expanding a masjid in a dream means increase in one’s good deeds, repentance from a sin, adopting good conduct, or being just. Seeing oneself inside a new masjid one does not recognize in a dream means attending the pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca during that same year, orjoiningreligious circles to learn about one’s religion.

If one’s shop becomes a masjid, or if the masjid becomes a shop in the dream, it denotes lawful earnings, or it could mean mixing lawful and unlawful earnings.

A forsaken masjid or mosque in a dream means intentionally ignoring the value of gnostics and religious scholars, or denying the necessity to command what is good and to eschew what is evil.

A forsaken masjid in a dream also denotes the presence of ascetics who have renounced the world and its people and care less about their material possessions.

A known mosque in a dream represents the city where it is erected.

For instance, the AlUia mosque in a dream represents Jerusalem, the Sacred mosque represents Mecca, the Prophet’s Mosque (uwbp) represents Medina, the Omayyad mosque represents Damascus, Al-Azhar mosque represents Cairo and the Blue mosque represents Istanbul, etcetera.

A known mosque in a dream also could represent the renowned scholars who live in that place, or the ruler of that country, or any of his ministers.

If one enters a mosque and immediately after crossing the entrance gate, he prostrates himself to God Almighty in the dream, it means that he will be given the opportunity to repent for his sins.

If one comes to a masjid and finds its doors locked, then if someone opens the door to him in a dream, it means that he will help someone in paying his debt, then extol his good virtues in public. Ifone enters a mosque riding on an animal in a dream, itmeans that he will cut off his connection with his relatives, leave them behind and forbid them to follow him.

If one dies in a masjid in a dream, it means that he will die as a true penitent.

If the carpet or the straw mat of a mosque becomes a shredded rag in the dream, it means that the community of that masjid is divided and corrupt. Building a masjid in a dream also means overcoming one’s enemy. Entering the Sacred Mosque in Mecca in a dream means arriving with one’s bride to their new home and it could mean fulfillment of a promise, being truthful, dispelling one’s fear and reaching the shore of safety.

(Also see Minaret; Minbar; Mosque)... masjid dream meaning

Material Gift From Allah :

If a person sees Allah giving him something pertaining to the world, it means he will soon be afflicted with sickness. It may also mean that some hardship will befall him. As recompense, he shall received great rewards from Allah which will earn him Jannah.... material gift from allah : dream meaning

Math Teacher

(See Educator)... math teacher dream meaning


(See Yoke of matrimony)... matrimony dream meaning


(See Shovel)... mattock dream meaning


(See Bull; Cattle dealer; King)... mayor dream meaning


(Bed; Sleeping pad) In a dream, a mattress represents comfort or a woman. Selling one’s mattress in a dream means divorcing one’s wife.

If one’s wife is sick, then selling one’s mattress means that she may die from her illness. Ifone sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife. Ifthe mattress is stuffed with wool, cotton, or down in the dream, it represents a wealthy woman.

If the mattress is made of brocade or silk in the dream, it represents a Hindu woman.

If the color of the mattress is white in the dream, it represents a religious and a pious wife.

A green mattress in a dream represents a pious and a religious wife.

A black mattress in the dream represents a woman who is engaged in doing something for other than God’s pleasure. Buying a new and a beautifullooking mattress in a dream means marriage to a chaste and a beautiful woman.

If the new mattress is torn or damaged in the dream, it means living with an impious woman. Changing the place of one’s bed in a dream means divorce.

If one finds himselfunable to sleep on his bed in a dream, it means that he cannot have marital relationship with his wife, or perhaps he could be suffering from impotence.

If one tears his mattress in pieces in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery.

If he sees his mattress placed in front of the city hall in a dream, it means that he may assume an important political appointment.

An unknown mattress in an unknown place in a dream means buying, receiving, or inheriting a farmland.

A mattress in a dream also means bearing a son. Changing one’s mattress in a dream means leaving one’s wife for the sake of another woman.

If one does not like to sleep on his mattress in a dream and prefers to find another place to rest, it means that he will renounce his conjugal life. Folding one’s mattress and placing it aside in a dream means leaving one’s home for a long journey, divorcing one’s wife, or avoiding to sleep with her for one reason or another, or it could mean the death of either the husband or the wife. Sitting over one’s bed in a dream means gaining authority, or managing someone’s business. Sleeping in a dream means heedlessness, or it could mean peace and tranquility.

(Also see Bed)... mattress dream meaning


(See Worshipping fire)... mazdaism dream meaning


(Beauty; Grass; Green; Knowledge; Paradise; Wisdom) In a dream, a meadow represents an easy and a trouble free money, or it could represent a wife who has little reservation and tactfulness. Seeing a meadow in a dream also means receiving inner knowledge that is imparted directly by God Almighty through mystical inspirations, or it could mean establishing a charitable endowment.

A meadow with its pasture, streams, perennials and spireas in a dream represents the world, its ornaments, attractions and wealth.

A meadow in a dream also may mean a place of business or a work place.

To see and cherish a green meadow without being able to unfold its reach in a dream represents the vastness and essence of Islam.

If a poor person sees himself walking through the meadows, gathering grass, leaves, herbs, flowers and eating them in his dream, it means prosperity.

If a rich person sees that in his dream, it means that his wealth will increase.

If someone who has renounced the pleasures of this world or an ascetic sees such a dream, it means that he will return to desiring it, or that he will be seduced by the world again. Walking between meadows in a dream means going on a business trip or changing one’s profession.

The same interpretation is given if one sees himself walking between two different markets.

If one sees a deceased person sitting in the meadows in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Meadows in a dream also represent the world and its pleasures, or they could represent a rich wife. Seeing an unusual meadow which is admired only when beheld, and enjoyed especially when visited in a dream represents a revered place, a house of God, a mosque, the grave of a prophet, or the graves of the righteous ones.

A meadow in a dream also may represent the Book of revelations, the Qur’an, knowledge, wisdom, or paradise.

If one sees himself walking from the midst of meadows into a salt swampland or a marsh in a dream, it means that he follows innovations, or that he indulges in sinful actions. Hearing the call to prayers from inside a meadow in a dream means a good deed, guidance after heedlessness, repentance, attending the congregational prayers, or following a funeral procession.... meadow dream meaning


(See Food fare; Food)... meal dream meaning


(Collapsing walls) In a dream, measles mean money which is earned from an official person, though one could lose it.

If a farmer is afflicted with measles during the harvest season in a dream, it means a devastating damage to his crop.... measles dream meaning


(Foot; Inch; Span; Spread; Width) In a dream, a measure or any of its related elements means travels. Measuring a wall with the span of one’s hand in a dream means that he may travel to a nearby town. Ifhe measures the same distance on the ground in a dream, it means that he may travel to a distant place.

If one measures the ground up to two arms length in a dream, it means that he will attend the pilgrimage in Mecca.

If one measures a house or a shop with his thumb in a dream, it means that he may buy that place.... measure dream meaning


(Percentage; Proportion; Ratio) A measure in a dream represents a magician, a thief, trickery, or wasting money.

(Also see Scale; Scale beam; Unit of weight; Weight) ... measure dream meaning


(Weight) In a dream, a measured weight represents guidance, knowledge, wisdom, a wife, profits, distress, trouble, or poverty.

(Also see Weight)... measure dream meaning


(Balance; Corn measurer; Measuring controller; Quantity surveyor; Scale) In a dream, one who metes out or dispenses measures and weights represents a ruler, a leader or ajudge. Ifhis measurement is exact, it means that he is ajust person. Otherwise, it represents a tyrant. Ifone is given a scale for measuring, or if he becomes a measurer or a measuring controller, or a surveyor in a dream, and if he qualifies, it means that he will be appointed as a judge, or as a leader.

If he does not qualify, it means that he will grow in wisdom, righteousness, justice and balance which he can use to help himself and others.

(Also see Measure’; Scale)... measurer dream meaning

Measuring Controller

(See Measurer)... measuring controller dream meaning


(See Necklace)... medal dream meaning


(Flesh; Knowledge; Money; Substance; Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money. Eating raw meat in a dream means illness and pain. Eating raw meat in a dream also may mean benefits. Seeing raw meat and not eating from it in a dream could have adverse meaning. Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one’s wealth. Eating a meat dish with an old man in a dream means becoming renowned, or entering the inner circle of a governor. Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities. Tender meat in a dream mean death or backbiting. Eating the flesh of a human being in a dream means backbiting him. Eating one’s own flesh in a dream means earning money from one’s own sweat.

If a woman eats the flesh of another woman in a dream, it means that they are lesbians. Ifa woman eats her own flesh in a dream, it means that she will commit adultery.

The meat of a yellow cow in a dream means illness.

The cooked meat of a snake in a dream means receivingmoney from one’s enemy.

The uncooked flesh of a snake in a dream means slanderi-ig one’s enemy.

The meat of a lion in a dream means receiving money from a ruler and the same goes for the flesh of all predatory animals or birds. Hog or swine’s meat in a dream means unlawful money. Eating sausages or dried meat in a dream means speaking ill of deceased people. Camel’s meat in a dream means earning money from a rich and a powerful enemy unless if the one seeing it does not touch it in his dream. However, touching camel’s meat in a dream means suffering from such a strong person. Eating it cooked in a dream means defrauding someone, then falling sick and recovering from one’s illness.

It is also said that eating camel’s meat in a dream means earning money from a ruler. Beef in a dream means hardships, toiling and lack of work. Holding a mutton inside one’s house in a dream means meeting with a new person, accepting an invitation, or inviting a person one has never met or known to share a meal. Seeing a whole skinned but uncut mutton inside one’s house in a dream means a sudden adversity, loss, calamity, or death.

If the mutton is fat, it means that one may receive an inheritance from a will which is left by a deceased relative.

If it is skinny, it means that one will inherit nothing from him. Eating broiled beef in a dream means standing before a judge or a ruler. Eating a chicken in a dream means receiving benefits from a woman. Meat in a dream also means forbearance and patience for someone who is hot tempered, or who gets angry easily. Eating meat in a dream also could mean recovering from an illness, an end to one’s distress, trouble and adversities. Eating the meat of an unlawful animal in a dream means receiving unlawful money. Eating a suspicious meat in a dream means earning suspicious money, or having an illegitimate marriage. Eating fowls’ meat in a dream means profits for a traveller. Eating a fish in a dream means easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings. Cooked or broiled fowl meat in a dream means profits and money earned from a woman through deception and dishonesty.

If it is uncooked in the dream, then it means backbiting or slandering a woman. Eating the meat of an unlawful bird in a dream means deceiving, defrauding, or stealing money from unjust people. Eating swan’s meat in a dream means benefits drawn from pious and religious people. Eating fired or broiled chicks in a dream means hard earned money. Unknown meat in a dream represents the hidden treasures of past nations, or buried treasures.

(Also see Butcher; Flesh; Mutton; Pot)... meat dream meaning


(Holy Mecca; Imam) In a dream, the Holy Mecca represents the Imam of all the Muslims. Whatever happens to it in a dream will manifest in his life.

The city of Mecca in a dream also could represent the spiritual and religious standing of the person seeing such a dream. Ifone sees himselfliving or owning a house in Mecca in a dream, it means honor and knowledge.

If one sees himself living in Mecca in a dream, it also may mean that he will give his daughter in marriage to a noble person. Walking away from Mecca in a dream means separation from one’s superior. Ifone sees that Mecca is demolished in a dream, it means that he does not perform his prayers. Entering Mecca in a dream also could mean getting married to a girl everyone is hoping to marry.

If a sinner sees himself entering the city of Mecca in a dream, it means that he will repent for his sins.

If one has a dispute and sees himself entering Mecca in a dream, it means that he will lose his argument. Entering Mecca in a dream also means reaching safety and peace in one’s life. Leaving one’s homeland and travelling to Mecca in a dream means that God willing, he will shortlyjoin the pilgrimage caravan and perform his Hajj.

If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that his illness will be long and that he may die from it, or he may join the company of the dwellers of the heavenly paradise. Seeing oneself in Mecca and residing in the lodge one usually uses in a dream means extension of one’s contract, or reappointment at a previously held position.

If Mecca becomes one’s home in a dream, it means that he may move to live there. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls in a dream means that one will die as a martyr. Visiting the holy Ka’aba in Mecca during a business trip in a dream means concern and attachment to material gains and worldly profits. Walking on the road to Mecca in a dream means going on a pilgrimage. Ifone sees Mecca fertile in a dream, it means benefits, and ifhe sees it barren in a dream, it means the opposite.

(Also see Circumambulation; Masjid; Visiting holy sites)... mecca dream meaning


(See Intercession)... mediation dream meaning

Medicinal Paste

(See Electuary)... medicinal paste dream meaning


Taking or using medicine means cure from sickness, protection against all ailments and the acquiring of good health and blessedness.... medicines dream meaning


Visiting the Holy city of Medina, the city of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means profits and blessings in this world. Standing at the door of the Sacred Mosque in Medina, or in front ofthe Blessed Chamber ofGod’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means repenting from a sin and acceptance of one’s repentance. Seeing the Holy city of Medina in a dream can be interpreted in six ways to reflect peace, mercy, forgiveness, salvation, relief from distress and enjoying a happy life.

(Also see Masjid; Visiting holy sites)... medina dream meaning


(See Fortuneteller)... medium dream meaning


(See Medlar tree)... medlar dream meaning


(Crab apple; Crataegus azarolus; Mespilus germanica) Eating a bitter tasting applelike fruit of the medlar tree or any of such varieties that are also used in making preserves, or eaten yellow, spoiled, or unripened in a dream means a sickness.

The more yellowish is its color in the dream, the more pain and suffering such an sickness will bring. Eating a green medlar fruit in a dream represents no such danger. Eating any yellowish fruit in a dream represents a sickness, except for citron, apples, or the lotus fruit, for their yellow color in the dream does not cause any harm, since their substance is a viable medicinal cure.... medlartree dream meaning


(Drug; Inkwell) Taking medicine in a dream means correcting oneself, or it could mean fulfilling one’s religious obligations. Ifone takes a medicine for his illness in a dream, it means that he will correct his conduct.

If it denotes knowledge in the dream, it means that he will benefit from what he learns and accepts the good advice.

If one refuses to take his medicine in the dream, it means that he will deviate from the path of his Lord and shift his interests to his allotment or luck in this world. Medicine in a dream also denotes an inkwell. Licking medicine with one’s index finger in a dream means proclaiming the truth, or it could mean profits from the direction the index finger is pointing at in the dream. Swallowing medicinal powder means greed, self-absorption, reclusion and withdrawal. Taking liquid medicine orally means profits. Swallowing pills in a dream means obliging a sinner to correct himself, to repent, or to go on the straight path. It also could mean caring to teach an ignorant person.

If a woman applies a medicinal make-up in a dream, it represents her menstruation. As for an unwed girl, it means marriage, and for a barren woman, it means a child. Inserting a suppository into the rectum in a dream means spying or eavesdropping.

To take a laxative in a dream means attempting to correct one’s religious devotion, or it could mean washing one’s body from impurities.

The success of one’s attempt depends on the potency of his medicine. Seeking good health in a dream means trying to amend one’s life for the better.

The same meaning applies if one sees himself using an ointment for his eyes.

A yellow colored medicine in a dream means illness.

A laxative in a dream means a cure for a sick person and a warning for a healthy person to correct himself.

A bad tasting medicine in a dream means a fever followed by a chill. Good tasting medicine in a dream is beneficial for rich people, though bad for poor people. Interpreting a cure with a medicine in a dream is not like interpreting recovering without a medicine.

(Also see Grapes)... medicine dream meaning


(Humiliation; Submissiveness) If learned people, scholars, or leaders show meekness, or if they are humiliated in a dream, it represents weakness in their faith, and submissiveness to the demands of their enemy.

(Also see Humiliation)... meekness dream meaning


A water melon in a dream represents a sick person with many problems including suppression of urine.

A melon in a dream also means that one will be struck with an adversity for which he will find no solution, and he will not understand its consequences for sometime to come. Eating a water melon in a dream also means release from prison.

If one sees himself extending his hands to the heavens from where he receives a water melon in the dream, it means 274 that he is seeking ajob in the government or a wealth which he shall shortly receive.

A ripened water melon in a dream means a sickness, while a green and unripened melon means youth and a good health. Honeydew in a dream represent a group of men and women who possess good character and manners. In a dream, a melon also represents a beautiful woman though with bad qualities.... melon dream meaning


(See Arm)... member dream meaning


(See Darn)... mend dream meaning


(Patching) A mender in a dream represents happiness and prosperity.

(Also see Darn)... mender dream meaning


(See Beggar; Poverty)... mendicant dream meaning


(See Old woman)... menopause dream meaning

Menstrual Period

(Discharge; Menstruation; The Curse of Eve) Experiencing one’s menstrual period in a dream means that one has committed a wrongdoing, or it could mean confusion.

If a woman sees herself taking a ritual ablution thereafter in the dream, it means that she will repent for his sin and her adversities will be dispelled.

If an aged woman sees herself experiencing that in the dream, it means that she will bear a son.

If a widow or an unmarried woman experiences her menstrual period in a dream, it means that she will get married.

If a man sees himself experiencing women’s menstrual period in a dream, it means that he will commit an unlawful act, or that he lies. Ifhe sees his wife in her period in the dream, it means that she will close herself to him, or that he will lose money in his business.

(Also see Garden; Hilarity; Mirth)... menstrual period dream meaning


If a person sees his wife menstruating it means his work will be obstructed.

If he sees himself as menstruating he will commit evil.... menstruation dream meaning

Mental Derangement

(Madness) Mental derangement in a dream means cognizance of evil people, or it could mean forgiveness of one’s sins.... mental derangement dream meaning

Mental Disorder

(See Delirium; Distraction)... mental disorder dream meaning

Mental Keenness

(See Perspicacity)... mental keenness dream meaning


(See Educator)... mentor dream meaning


In a dream, mercenaries represent soldiers ofpunishment.

(Also see Soldiers)... mercenaries dream meaning


(See Returning the merchandise)... merchandise dream meaning


Ifone sees himself as a store owner, sitting in his shop, surrounded with his merchandise, giving orders, buying and selling in a dream, it means a commanding post in his own field.

If the person is not a businessman, but still sees himself in a dream carrying some trade tools such as a scale, a scoop, etcetera, it means financial balance in his life. Merchants in a dream also represent travel, news, profits or a high position.

A merchant in a dream also may represent a spendthrift, or negligence of several religious obligations set by God Almighty.

A woman merchant in a dream represents an enemy.

(Also see Grain merchant)... merchant dream meaning


(Planet; Policeman) The planet Mercury in a dream represents people of authority, writers, commanders, secretary of state, minister, traveling from one country to another, distress, adversities, or fights.

If in wakefulness the Moon and Mercury are appearing simultaneously in the skies, then all dreams will be false and one may have to face lies, poverty, scary news, murders, or robberies.

The planet Mercury in a dream also represents a policeman.

(Also see Heavens)... mercury dream meaning

Mental Hospital

(Insane asylum; Hell-fire; Lunatics; Prison) In a dream, a mental hospital or an insane asylum represents a bathhouse, or a sauna which is the dwelling of evil spirits, the place of uncovering one’s private parts, or showing unpleasant conduct in public.

A mental hospital in a dream also represents a training school, caring for children’s education, teaching children to behave themselves, a place of learning, a school, a playground, a place of clamor and noise, using vile words, stealing money, or separation from one’s family and children.

If a deceased person is seen in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in hell-fire, for a mental hospital sometime uses force with its patients and ties them up, or imprisons them. Ifone sees himself in a mental hospital in a dream, it means that he might go to jail for a crime he committed. Mixing with lunatics and insane people in a dream also means imprisonment and mixing with criminals, or it could mean falling sick, or dyingfrom a terminal illness.

If a poor person sees himself inside a mental hospital in a dream, it means financial success, receiving outside help, comfort and joy in his life.

(Also see Insanity)... mental hospital dream meaning


(Quicksilver) In a dream, mercury means a project, or an intention that will not be brought to completion.

If one sees himself giving mercury to someone, or if he holds it in his hand in a dream, it means that he fails his promises. It also means that he disinclines in his religious practices, follows his own mind and desire, or it could mean that he is a hoax, a betraying person, or a treacherous person. Ifhe eats it in a dream, it means that one of his children will grow to be one who fails his promises.... mercury dream meaning


(Compassion) Seeing a merciful person showing compassion toward a weak person in a dream means clarity about one’s spiritual commitment, and that one’s religious devotion will grow stronger.

If one sees himself being treated with mercy in a dream, it means that he will receive forgiveness. Ifone is granted divine mercy in a dream, it means that he is endowed with favors and blessings. Ifone sees himselfbeing merciful and happy in a dream, it means that he will memorize the holy Qur’an by heart.... mercy dream meaning

Merry Making

Merry making means grief and grief means merry making.

Restriction : It symbolises firmess and steadfastness. And restrictions are of various types.

Restriction in the Majid: Restriction in the majid or in the act of salaah or in the path of Allah means the persons will be firm in matters of Deen and he will abstain from committing sins.

Restriction in a City, House or Village : He will marry Soon.... merry making dream meaning


(See Letter)... message dream meaning


(See Herald; Prophet)... messenger dream meaning


(Sharing a table; Table companion) To share a table with a deceased person in a dream means that one will be paying a pecuniary penalty that will be exacted by the authorities. Sharing a table with someone who is away on a trip in a dream means receiving news from him. Sharing a table with evil companions, evil spirits, satans, or jinn in a dream means fighting against a crime ring.... messmate dream meaning


(See Star)... meteor dream meaning


(See Mouse)... mice dream meaning


(See Mikii’rl)... michael dream meaning

Middle Course

(Frugal; Taking the middle course) Taking the middle course in a dream, or following one’s own interest, or being frugal, or adopting restraint in one’s dream means finding an appropriate woman to marry, choosing a suitable partner, or pursuing a spiritual path to learn about good conduct. Ifone finds himself limiting his outdoor walks, or intentionally staying away from crowds in a dream, it denotes his humility and good character.... middle course dream meaning

Middle Man

(See Auctioneer; Broker)... middle man dream meaning


(Fly) In a dream, a midge represents a boy, a woman, a servant, or money.... midges dream meaning


(Accoucheuse) In a dream, a midwife means revealing hidden secrets that when unveiled, they will cause injuries or death. Seeing a midwife in a dream also denotes good advice. Seeing her in a dream also indicates walking through adversities, reaching peace, initiating fascination, or she could represent trials, evil, crying, or paying a fine.

(Also see Dromedary rider)... midwife dream meaning

Migraine Headache

In a dream, headache represents sins.

If one suffers from a headache in a dream, he should repent for his sins, refrain from what he is doing, distribute money in charity, observe voluntary religious fast, seek a spiritual retreat, or strive to do good deeds. Headache in a dream means suffering from 276 unhappiness or misery in one’s life. Headache also represents one’s employer or supervisor.

If one who is suffering from a migraine headache in wakefulness sees his temples transformed into iron in a dream, it means that his illness will be cured.... migraine headache dream meaning


(See Explorer)... migrator dream meaning


(See Milestone)... milepost dream meaning


(Event; Landmark; Milepost) In a dream, a milestone represents a son, an emissary, a messenger, travels, or a pious person who serves people’s needs.... milestone dream meaning


(See Army general)... military dream meaning

Military Review

(See Exhibition)... military review dream meaning

Military Service

(See Conscription)... military service dream meaning


Milk in general symbolises the Fitratul Islam and the Sunnah of Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam). Fitratual Islam means the natural religion of Islam while Sunnah means the actions of RAsoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam). Thus, dirnking or possessing milk suggest that the observer will attain righteousness and he will remain stead fast on his Deen.... milk dream meaning

Milk Of A Bitch

It represents intense fear and that the observer’s foe will gain vicotyr over him.... milk of a bitch dream meaning


(arb. Alcove; Niche; Prayer niche) In a dream, a prayer niche or a mihrab represents a leader, a guide, or the Imam of a mosque. Praying at the mihriib in a dream means glad tidings.

If a woman sees herself praying at the mihrab of a mosque in a dream, it means that she will beget a son or a daughter. In a dream, the alcoves or shelters that poor people use for their retreats in a mosque represent sincerity, love, devotion, remembrance of God Almighty, standing in night prayers, and aloofness. Building a mihriib inside one’s house in a dream means bearing male children. Otherwise, it means that such a property will be donated by its owner for religious use. Seeing an incorrectly positioned prayer niche in a mosque in a dream means deviation for God’s path and erring in one’s words and actions. In a dream, a mihriib also represents lawful sustenance or a pious wife.

If one sees the prayer niche of a mosque misdirected, or if it emits a vile odor, or if one sees the corpse of a dead animal lying inside it in a dream, it indicates that the one who is seeing the dream is an unbeliever, an innovator and a hypocrite.... mihrab dream meaning

Mika’il (michael)

(The archangel Michael, upon whom be peace.) Seeing the archangel Mika’ll (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity, wealth, blessings in one’s life, good harvest and rain.

If a pious person sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means success, attaining one’s goals and fulfilling his intentions in this world and in the hereafter. Ifan ungodly person sees him in a dream, it represents a warning that could precede the destruction of a town or a village, or a calamity during which the person seeing the dream also could suffer. Ifone sees him (uwbp) in a town in a dream, it means a rainfall, good harvest and low prices for that year.

If he speaks to the person seeing the dream, or gives him something in the dream, it means joy, blessings and glad tidings of entering the heavenly paradise, for he is the angel of mercy.

If one sees him (uwbp) during a rainy season, it means prosperity, or listening to the singing ofbirds, or such a dream could imply the building of an army and raising the banners of war. Seeing him (uwbp) during a dry season in a dream could then represent a trustworthy treasurer, a good accountant or a successful business manager.

The archangel Michael (uwbp) in a dream also represents a compassionate ruler who is to his subjects like a father to his children. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also may mean drought, or perhaps the dream could mean that a barren woman will conceive a child, or that a difficult and a controversial issue will be resolved.

If a traveller sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it may mean adversities on the road, or a rain storm that could delay his journey. Seeing him (uwbp) near someone to whose trade a rainy weather means business losses in a dream means distress and adversities.

If seen near a farmer in a dream, it means a good harvest and profits from one’s business.

If one becomes the archangel Mika’Il (uwbp) in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and earning a good reputation.... mika’il (michael) dream meaning


Milking a cow in a dream represents a demanding employer. Milking a goat may mean good neighborly relations, toadying, diplomacy, or seeking to earn one’s livelihood.

If an employee sees himself milking a cow or a goat in a dream, it means that he will marry his employer’s wife.

If a poor person sees himself milking a goat or a cow and drinking her milk in a dream, it means financial stability.

If he is rich, it means that he will rise in station. Milking a camel in a dream means receiving a significant gift from a person in authority.

If the milk turns into blood in the dream, it means that he will acquire illegal funds. Milking any domesticated animal in a dream also means marriage to a righteous person, or bearing a blessed child.

The element of milk in a dream also can be interpreted as deception.

(Also see Dairyman; Milk; Trader)... milking dream meaning

Milking A She-camel

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a she-camel dream meaning

Milking A She-camel

The one who does this will acquire lawful wealth from a woman. But if, instead of milk, he takes out blood, pus or anything else from the udder the wealth thus acquired with be unlawful.... milking a she-camel dream meaning

Milking A Swine

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a swine dream meaning

Milking A Zebra

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a zebra dream meaning


Seeing a milkmaid in a dream depicts benefits, a person with good character, or to seek and hear gentle words.

A milkmaid in a dream also could represent an employer demanding refunds from his workers.

A milkmaid or a milkman in a dream also represents a righteous person.

(Also see Dairyman)... milkmaid dream meaning


(See Milkmaid)... milkman dream meaning


he presents a porter or one who hires out animals.... miller dream meaning

Miller’s Scale

(See Balance)... miller’s scale dream meaning


In a dream, a millstone represents a husband and a wife.

(Also see Hand mill)... millstone dream meaning

Mimosa Tree

A Mimosa tree in a dream connotes stinginess, evil and behaving with the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire.

(Also see Tree)... mimosa tree dream meaning


(Pilgrims’ camp; Pilgrimage) Seeing oneself in Mina in a dream means fulfilling one’s wishes in this world and in the next, and it could mean dispelling all fears.

(Also seeArafiit; Circumambulation; Cradle oflsmall; Ka’aba; Muzdalifa; Pelting stones; Pilgrimage; Responding; Station ofAbraham; ‘Umrah)... mina dream meaning


(Hash) Mincemeat in a dream represents what follows in the food preparation process. First it is minced, then mixed with other ingredients, where its identity changes, then it becomes a dish with a different taste.

For an unmarried person, minced meat in a dream means marriage and children, and for a pregnant woman, it means a boy. Minced meat in a dream also means merging of capitals, establishing a business partnership and the advantages that come from a stronger corporation.... mincemeat dream meaning

Minor Hajj

(See ‘Umrali)... minor hajj dream meaning


(Bot.) In a dream, mint means an announcement ofsomeone’s death.

(Also see Marjoram)... mint dream meaning


(Instinct; Nature; Profits) In a dream, milk represents nature, instinct, or easy and lawful money. However, curdled milk in a dream represents unlawful money.

If a man or a woman discover that they are carrying milk in their breast in a dream, it means building of one’s savings.

If a man sees milk flowing from his breast in a dream, it means wealth, prosperity and that new opportunities will rise from every direction. Woman’s milk in a dream means recovering from an illness.

If a woman sees herselfcarrying milk in her breast in a dream, when in reality she does not have it, it means that she will breast feed a new born.

If a woman sees herself breast-feeding a baby, a man, or another woman in her dream, it means that the source of earnings will be hampered or restricted to both the suckling person and to the one who is breast-feeding him. Hiring a wetnurse to breast-feed one’s child in a dream means raising a child to be like his father, or to have the character of one’s father. Sucking milk from a woman’s breast in a dream also means prosperity and profits. Drinking the milk ofa horse in a dream means receiving love and affection from someone in authority and earning benefits from such a relationship. Drinking the milk of a mare in a dream means a meeting with a ruler. In general, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, or sheep’s milk in a dream represent lawful earnings. Milking in a dream means craftiness and cunning, or it could mean prosperity. Milking an Arabian shecamel in a dream means working in an Arab country. Milking an Asian Bactrian camel in a dream means working in another country. Ifblood comes out of the glands of a she-camel instead of milk in a dream, it means deviation from God’s path, or it could represent a tyranny. Ifa venom flows from one’s glands instead of milk in the dream, it means earning unlawful money.

If a merchant, or a business man milks any milk producing animal in a dream, it means profits. Sucking the gland of a pregnant she-camel, one, two, or three times in a dream means steadfastness in one’s religion, performing one’s obligatory prayers, distributing charity, acquiring knowledge and wisdom. Milking a camel and drinking its milk in a dream also means marriage to a pious and a chaste woman.

If one is already married, then it means that his wife will beget a blessed son. I[ a poor person sees himself milking a cow and drinking its milk in a dream, it means that he will earn enough money to satisfy his basic needs. Drinking sheep’s milk, or goat’s milk in a dream means profits, happiness, comfort and joy. Lioness milk in a dream also means money or conquering one’s enemy, or justly opposing the ruler of the country.

The milk of an eagle in a dream means power and victory. Tiger’s milk in a dream means avowing one’s enmity toward someone. Drinking the milk ofajackal or a wolf in a dream means paying a fine, extreme fear, suffering losses, or lack of determination, or it could mean presiding over people and skillfully defrauding them of their wealth. Drinking swine’s milk in a dream means changes in one’s state, altering one’s mind and focus. However, drinking a little of it in a dream may mean acquiring lawful earnings, though drinking a lot of it in the dream could mean receiving unlawful money. Drinking bitch’s milk in a dream means feebleness of mind, or senility, or it could represent money earned from an unjust person, or it could mean presiding over one’s local community, or becoming the governor of the town. Drinking the milk of any beasts in a dream represents doubt about one’s religion. Drinking zebra’s milk in a dream also means an illness. Drinking the milk of a deer or a gazelle in a dream represents small earnings.

The milk of non-milk producing animals or birds in a dream means that one’s wish will come true.

The milk of predatory animals and stingers in a dream means making peace with one’s enemy. Drinking snake’s milk in a dream means performing a deed that is pleasing to God Almighty, rejoicing, or escaping from a calamity.

The milk of a fox in a dream denotes a passing illness which will be followed by borrowing a small amount of money, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Drinking donkey’s milk in a dream also represents an illness, while drinking the milk of a she-ass in a dream means profits. eat’s milk in a dream represents an illness, experiencing life’s adversities, or it could denote generosity. Seeing.milk spilled on the ground in a dream means corruption, tyranny and blood-shed on earth that will equal the amount of the spilled milk. Sheep’s milk in a dream means honest earnings. Cow’s milk also means wealth.

A mule’s milk in a dream means financial straits, adversities and horror.

The milk of a sable in a dream means an illness or fear. Pouring milk into the drain or wasting it in a dream means losing money, or it could mean longevity, pregnancy, knowledge, or a scandal that will expose one’s private life. Curdled milk in a dream means distress. Rabbit’s milk and horse’s milk in a dream means having a righteous name, or giving a righteous name to one’s newborn. Human milk in a dream represents a trust one should not waste or give to other than its rightful owner.

The milk of an unknown animal in a dream means energy and strength for a sick person, release from prison, illegal seizure of property, or extortion and blackmailing.

(Also see Breast-feeding; Colostrum; Dairyman; Milking)... milk dream meaning

Milk Of Game

Milk of all edible game symbolises prosperity and lawful rizq.... milk of game dream meaning

Milk Of Wild Camel

It symbolises progress in one’ Deen.... milk of wild camel dream meaning

Milking A Camel

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a camel dream meaning

Milking A Cow

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a cow dream meaning

Milking A Cow And Drinking Its Milk

If a person sees himself milking and drinking cow milk it is a glad tiding that he will become rich, or if he is rich his wealth will increase; or if he is a slave he will become free and marry his mistress.... milking a cow and drinking its milk dream meaning

Milking A Deer

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a deer dream meaning

Milking A Donkey

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a donkey dream meaning

Milking A Fox

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a fox dream meaning

Milking A Gazelle

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a gazelle dream meaning

Milking A Horse

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a horse dream meaning

Milking A Jackal

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a jackal dream meaning

Milking A Lioness

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a lioness dream meaning


(Grinder; Press) In a dream, a mill represents a school, a courthouse, a balance, justice, righteousness, benefits, blessings, money, food, charity, or marriage.

The millstone in a dream represents a wife and a husband.

The flour that issues from between the two grinding stones represents sperms or children.

A mill in a dream also means distress and adversities, uptightness, headache, a rivulet, or a windmill.

If one sees a mill grinding human beings in a dream, it means loss of lives and adversities.

If one sees a mill grinding something that is not edible in a dream, it means drought and rising prices.

If the amount of flour coming from the mill is plentiful in the dream, it means lowering of prices, or recovering from an illness. Grinding lupine seeds, henna seeds, potash, saltwort, salsola kali, jojobe seeds or any seeds from the marsh mallow tree in a dream means washing oneself from sin, overcoming difficulties, paying one’s debts and recovering from an illness.

(Also see Oil press; Press; Sugar mill)... mill dream meaning


(Flour; Moving around in a circle) In a dream, a miller represents a selfish person who is particularly interested in acquiring worldly gains and at whatever price it may cost. Ifone sees an old man being a miller in a dream, the old man here represents his grandfather, or one’s bosom friend and consequently one will prosper and become extremely wealthy from his business.

If the miller is a young and a strong man in the dream, then he represents a strong helper.

A bakery miller in a dream means that one will attain his own goals through hard work.

If one sees himself grinding a sufficient quantity of wheat for two, three, or four people in a dream, it means that he labors for his own need and can barely provide for his family. Ifthe miller is a young man who has gray hair in the dream, then he represents both prosperity and strength. Seeing a miller in a dream also means adversities, fights, a spendthrift, usury, or a hard working guardian. Grinding other grains in a dream means dispelling distress and bitterness from one’s heart.

(Also see Saffron)... miller dream meaning


(Spiritual guide; Letter carrier; Lighthouse; Minaret of a mosque) In a dream, the minaret of a mosque represents a righteous man who fosters unity and love between people, who calls them to live by their religious covenant and guides them on the path of God Almighty.

If a minaret is demolished in a dream, it represents the death of such a spiritual guide, fading of his name, dispersal of his community, and perhaps it could lead to the reversal of their conditions.

The minaret of the city’s central mosque in a dream represents a letter carrier, or a guide calling people to God’s path. Falling down from the top of a minaret into a well in a dream means marrying a strong minded woman who uses vicious expressions, when one already has a pious wife with whom he enjoys peace and tranquility. It also means losing one’s authority or control. Climbing a wooden minaret and calling people to prayers in a dream means attaining authority and rising in station through hypocrisy. Sitting alone on the top of a minaret, praising God’s glory and glorifying His oneness in a dream means becoming famous, while the loud glorifications mean that one’s distress and sorrow will be lifted by God’s leave.

The minaret of a mosque in a dream also represents the chief minister of the ruler, or it could represent the muezzin.

(Also see Lantern; Mailman; Masjid; Mosque; Muezzin; Watchtower)... minaret dream meaning


(arb. Pulpit; Sermon) A pulpit in a dream represents the Imam, the spiritual guide and commander of all the Muslims who also represents God’s Messenger (uwbp) on earth.

A minbar in a dream also represents a blessed abode in the hereafter, and an exalted station through which God’s Name is glorified. Standing one a pulpit and delivering a poised sermon in a dream means attaining an honorable station.

If one does not qualify for such a position, then it means that he will acquire good fame.

If a ruler or a governor is forced to come down from the pulpit in a dream, it means loss of his status, or it could mean his death.

If one is seen standing on a pulpit and if he does not speak or deliver a sermon, or if what he says denotes evil in the dream, it means that he will be unjustly executed, or it could mean that God Almighty will protect him against such injustice.

The pulpit in a dream also means rulership and subduing one’s enemy. Rising on a pulpit in a dream also could mean a betrothal or proposing a marriage. Otherwise, it could mean a scandal.

If a ruler stands on a pulpit in a dream, it represents the continuity of his reign. Standingon a pulpit with one’s hands tied in a dream means carrying out an execution which is brought about by one’s own crimes.... minbar dream meaning


He symbolises a person who causes disturbance, disunity and ill feelings in the community. He rouses people against one another.... minter dream meaning


it symbolises a person’s wife.

If a person sees himself as looking into a mirror, if his wife is expecting, she will give birth to a son who will resemble him. But if she is not nor does he have a son it means he will lose his job and someone else will take his position.

If a pregnant woman sees herself looking into the mirror she will give birth to a girl who will resemble her in every way. But if she is not pregnant it means her husband will marry another woman who will occupy the same house.

If a little boys sees himself looking into a mirror, a brother resembling him will be born. And if a little girl happens to see the same dream her moth will give birth to a girl.... mirror dream meaning


(Laughter; Menstrual period) Uncontrollable mirth in a dream means a misdeed one desires to eliminate but to no avail.

If one does control his hilarity and excuses himself in the dream, it means that he will fall back into the same misdeed.

(Also see Laughter)... mirth dream meaning


Miseries and adversities in a dream mean poverty, illness, divisiveness, or enmity.... misery dream meaning


(See Bribe)... misfortune dream meaning

Mish’ar Ai-haram

(See Muedalifa)... mish’ar ai-haram dream meaning


(Betrayal; Deception; Milk; Swindle; Trickery; War) If one sees that someone is misleading him or tricking him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will grant him victory over his enemy.

The deceiver in the dream will be the loser, and the misled person in the dream represents the real winner.

(Also see Fraudulent bankruptcy)... misleading dream meaning


(See Missile launcher)... missile dream meaning


(Money) A minter in a dream represents a well spoken person who tricks others with his fancy words. Ifhe does not receive a wage for his work, a minter in a dream represents a reliable and an honorable person of a pleasant character and company. However, ifhe asks for wage in the dream, then he represents a hypocrite, a slanderer, one who follows hearsay, or he could be a poet. Minting in a dream connotes an appointment at a high ranking position for a qualified person.

A minter in a dream also represents the ruler, his chief minister, a religious leader, a spiritual person, an artist, a scribe, a tax collector or an employee of a collection agency.

A minter in a dream also represents religious jurisprudence, or one who observes his religious rites.

A minter in a dream also represents a srotyteller, a religious doctor, or a dream interpreter. Forging money in a dream means speaking bad words, or speaking words without acting upon them.... minter dream meaning


(Phantom; Spook) In a dream, a mirage represents falsehood, or something that will not take effect.

If one desires something, then sees a mirage in his dream, it means that his desire is impossible to attain, or that he will be deprived from attaining it.

A mirage in a dream also represents hypocrisy and ingratitude, disbelief in God’s oneness and love to amass the world and to indulge in its pleasures.

A mirage in a dream also may denote false hopes, or unattainable goals.

If one is summoned by the court to testify in a case, and if he sees a mirage in his dream, it also means that he will give a false statement.

A mirage in a dream also represents a story that has no basis, or deception and lies that are reported as if they were true.

(Also see Ghost)... mirage dream meaning


(Mud) To sink, stick, or walk in mire in a dream means fear, distress, difficulties and adversities.

The same interpretation is given for muddling in the rainwaters, or walking in the rain.

If a sick person sees mire in his dream, it means sufferingfrom a prolonged illness. Walking out of mire in a dream means recovering from an illness. Walking in mire in a dream also means imprisonment, poverty, or sufferings caused by one’s sinfulness and lack of attending to his religious duties.

If a woman sees mire in her dream, it may mean that she may shortly conceive a child. In a dream, mire also means stagnation, disrupting communications, the past, pride about one’s wealth, or it could mean apostasy.

If the color of mud turns from black into red in a dream, it means moving from one’s country to another, or from one wife to another. During a drought, if one sees mire or mud in his dream, it means rain. Mire inside a well in a dream means an inheritance, or the surfacing of blessings, or any related interpretations to what a well represents in a dream.... mire dream meaning


A mirror in a dream means illusion, arrogance, pride, or a woman.

If one looks into a mirror and sees his beard black in a dream, it means honor, respect and dignity.

If one looks into a mirror and sees the reflections of someone who looks like him in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will look like his father and carry his trade. Looking into a mirror in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or getting married.

If one is already married, then it means the return of his wife from ajourney. Looking at the back of a mirror in a dream means loss of one’s crop, or entering one’s wife from the anus during sexual intercourse.

It is said that a mirror in a dream also represents manhood, virtues and station, all of which are subject to the size of the mirror one sees in his dream. Looking into a silver mirror in a dream means loss of one’s status, it also means suffering from adversities, distress and fear. Looking into a golden mirror in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, religious commitment, prosperity after poverty, redemption and regaining one’s position and status.

A broken mirror in a dream means the death of one’s wife, for a husband and a wife are mirrors to one another. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of a youth means facing an adversary or a competitor. Ifone sees an old person, then he has seen a good friend. Looking into a clean and a shiny mirror in a dream means dispelling one’s distress. Acorroded mirror in a dream connotes a bad state or a trying situation.

If the mirror is spurious, or not genuine in one’s dream, then it represents a great distress or a calamity. Gazing at a mirror and looking at oneself extensively in a dream means that God Almighty is not pleased with him and that he is disobeying God’s commands both in public and in private. Consequently, one will suffer from financial losses or feel down.

If a sick person looks into a mirror in his dream, it means his death.

A mirror in a dream also means travels or a pregnancy.

If a woman looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that she will beget a girl, and if a man looks into a mirror in a dream, it means that he will beget a boy. Looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection of someone else in a dream means hallucination, craziness, or loss of money.

If a man looks into a mirror and sees the reflection of a woman in a dream, it means either begetting a daughter, or getting married.

If a prisoner looks into a mirror in his dream, it means that he will be released from jail. Ifone becomes a mirror in a dream, it means that he will meet with people’s wrath and despise.

(Also see Basin)... mirror dream meaning


(See Fog)... mist dream meaning

Mixed Vegetables

(See Boiled vegetables; Stew)... mixed vegetables dream meaning



See Gutter of Mercy)... mizaab dream meaning


(Groaning) If a pregnant woman sees herself moaning in a dream, it means that she is in labor.... moaning dream meaning


(See Conscription)... mobilization dream meaning

Mockado Carpet

(See Rug)... mockado carpet dream meaning


In a dream, mockery means to dupe or to defraud someone.... mockery dream meaning


(See Dew)... moisture dream meaning


(See Teeth; Tooth)... molars dream meaning


They symbolise a person’s paternal uncles, aunts etc. Any defect ion them is suggestive of similar misfortune regarding them.... molars dream meaning

Molars And Pre-molars

These symbolise a persons paternal and maternal uncles and aunts.

The upper ones will then symbolise the males and the lower ones the females.

If a person sees any of these as fallen, and he does not pick them up nor or count them, it means one of his relatives will die. And if he sees all of them having fallen and he does not pick them up nor does he count them it suggest that he will outlive all of them, being the last to die.... molars and pre-molars dream meaning

Missile Launcher

(Ballista; Battering ram; Mangonel) Seeing a mangonel or a missile launcher for hurling heavy stones in a dream means calumny, slander and a false accusation of fornication, untruth, or deceit.

A missile launcher in a dream also means victory for the oppressed and destruction for the unjust ones.

If the commander who is operating the missile launcher in the dream is 282 a ruler, then it means that he will write a letter with strong words to the other party.

The stone or the missile itself represents the messenger, or the carrier of such a letter.

If a superior launches a stone against a subject or an employee in a dream, it means that he will send an investigator, a controller or a supervisor of a stern nature. Watching the launch of a mangonel in a dream implies treachery, betrayal and a cause of’losses and sufferings. It also means defamation of the learned ones, or forcing them to downplay the ruler’s injustice, or to give utilitarian and opportune opinions about sacred religious values. Seeing a missile launcher in a dream also may signify corruption, adversities and trials that will befall the target of such missiles.... missile launcher dream meaning

Molar Tooth

Teeth in a dream represent the elderly members in one’s family, or their most distinctive ones.

If a molar tooth falls in a dream, it means loss of money or life. Molar teeth in a dream represent one’s relatives, or his friendliest relatives, or his own young children. Teeth of the upper jaw represent a male person and those of the lower jaw represent a female person. Whatever may affect them in a dream, will show in wakefulness.

For example, if one’s molar tooth falls in a dream, it means that the particular person it represents may die shortly, or it could mean being absolved of one’s debts, or perhaps repayment of one’s debts. Ifone suffers from a tooth ache in a dream, it represents ill words which are spoken against him by such family member, or that he feels hurt from the treatment he receives from such a family member.

(Also see Teeth; Tooth)... molar tooth dream meaning


(Cast; Form) In a dream, a mold represents what it is made for.

A silver casting mold in a dream means profits. Pastry molds in a dream also denote profits. Ashoe mold in a dream represents the property one walks on, and a mold for a hat represents the leading person, or the head of a business, or the head of a household.

(Also see Molder)... mold dream meaning


A mold maker in a dream represents a gnostic, or a genius who teaches each and everyone of his students what they particularly need. Since molds are containers, then he represents a man of knowledge who understands and protects people’s secrets.

A mold maker practicing his trade, buying and selling what he casts in a dream represents someone who is well acquainted with his profession, and who knows how to promote his services.

A molder in a dream is also interpreted as a person who encourages people to travel even as far as China to acquire knowledge.

(Also see Mold)... molder dream meaning


(Burrowing; Body snatching) In a dream, a mole represents an evil and an accursed man.... mole dream meaning


tzool.i A mole in a dream means blindness, uncertainty, unavoidable circumstances, disappearing from social circles, or it could mean incompetence in one’s field.

A mole in a dream also could mean having sharp hearing, or correcting one’s vision if one happens to have hearing disability or sight problems.

If a mole is seen beside a deceased person in a dream, it represents hell-fire. Seeing a mole in a dream also may indicate finding support in mundane endeavors. It also means trickery, insolence, or finding a permanent residence.... mole dream meaning


(A permanent skin mark) In a dream, moles mean a lasting attainment.... mole dream meaning

Molesting A Child

(See Pederasty; Sodomize; Sodomy)... molesting a child dream meaning


(See Convent)... monastery dream meaning


(Bones; Banana; Brass; Bread; Coin; Dirt; Dough; Pennies; Pie; Poison) A plated coin in a dream means lies, falsehood, or triviality.

To shower someone with money in a dream means listening to a filthy conversation, or impersonating someone. Money in a dream also means vain talk, or missing one’s prayers.

If one sees himself swallowing a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will betray his trust. Money in a dream is also interpreted as knowledge, faith, guidance, or becoming a government employee. Giving money away in a dream means dispelling agony, difficulties or burdens.

If one receives money in his dream, it means that he is entrusted with something. Handling one to four coins in a dream is a lucky number. Money in a dream is also interpreted as women’s talk. Having a lot of money in a dream means disputes. Receiving money from a known source in a dream means stress.

If the source is unknown in the dream, it means a calamity.

If one receives an engraved coin in a dream, it means that he may be hurt by his own family, or for the sake of a protege of his.

If one sees a deceased person giving him a coin of money in a dream, it means that he will be spared from an unjust trial.

If he refuses to take the money from the deceased person in the dream, it means that he should beware not to be unjust toward others or fall prey to their injustice.

If one who has ten coins finds that he only has five coins in the dream, it means that he will lose accordingly. Ifhe has five coins then sees them doubled in the dream, it means that he will double his money.

(Also see Banana; Banknote; Bones; Counting money; Pastry; Voice)... money dream meaning

Money Bag

(See Wallet)... money bag dream meaning

Money Belt

(See Wallet)... money belt dream meaning

Money Pouch

(See Wallet)... money pouch dream meaning


he symbolsies an aalim from whom people derive no benefit except material benefit.... money-changer dream meaning


(See Weasel)... mongoose dream meaning

Mongoose, Lynx Or Weasel

The interpretation of any of the above is the same as a cat except that the illness is of a less serious nature and for a shorter period.... mongoose, lynx or weasel dream meaning


(See Assistant teacher)... monitor dream meaning


(zoot. Lizard; Monitor lizard; Varanidae; Varanus Niloticus) A monitor lizard in a dream represents a vile, mean and a contemptible enemy who has little determination, though he is feared, and who is short of proof.... monitor dream meaning

Money Exchanger

In a dream, a money exchanger represents knowledge, poetry, speaking the right words, richness after poverty, a school, the fellowship of a wise man, or a scale. In a dream, a money exchanger also could represent someone who has knowledge, though no one benefit from what he knows except in mundane matters. His work relates to scientific writings, scientific arguments, dispute of authority, or questions and answers. Perhaps his only balance or criterion is his own judgment. His balance represents his tongue and ears. His weights are his only instrument for justice and judgment. His measuring pennies are his fights with people.

A money exchanger in a dream also represents a religious doctor or a scholar who takes religious questions and interprets their definitions. He also could be a dream interpreter who measures everything he takes in and gives an appropriate answer. He takes a pearl necklace for a price and gives words in return, or he takes scattered words and gives a beautiful pearl necklace in exchange.

If one who is experiencing difficulties in wakefulness changes some money in a dream, it means that his difficulties will diminish.

If one buys gold coins and gives silver money in exchange in a dream, it means reparation, financial obligations or liability. Seeing a money exchanger in a dream also represents wealth, or quick richness from suspicious sources, or he could represent an accountant, a bookkeeper, or a ledger keeper.... money exchanger dream meaning

Monitor Lizard

(See Monitor)... monitor lizard dream meaning


(Abstinence; Asceticism; Bat; Celibacy; Extremism; Fear; School of thought) Living a monastic life in a dream means walking away from common traditions. Becoming a monk in a dream means receiving praises, respect, or commendation, though one will become uptight because of it, or have limited resources, little money, lives meekly, have constant fears, or it could mean hiding away from people.... monk dream meaning

Monk’s Cell

(See Hermitage)... monk’s cell dream meaning


A monkey in a dream represents someone with every type of faults. Fighting with a monkey and beating him in a dream means falling sick then recovering from one’s illness. Ifthe monkey wins the fight, then it means falling to an illness that has no cure.

A monkey in a dream also represents a sinner and a criminal. Monkey’s bite in a dream represents a fight or having an argument with someone.

A monkey in a dream also represents a deceitful person, a sorcerer, or an illness.

If one becomes a monkey in a dream, it means profiting from sorcery, or engaging in adultery.

A monkey in a dream also represents a defeated enemy. Riding on the back of a monkey in a dream means winning a war against one’s enemy. Eating monkey’s flesh in a dream means suffering from depression, becoming poor, alcoholic, deprived, or suffering from an illness that could lead one near his death. Ifone is offered a monkey as a gift in a dream, it means that he will defeat and capture an enemy, or it could mean that he will betray a trust. Carrying a monkey over one’s shoulders in a dream means stealing something from one’s house, or something that belongs to his family.

A monkey in a dream also represents a filthy and a loathsome person. Owning a monkey in a dream means suffering major losses in one’s life.

A monkey in a dream also means committing a sin, disobedience to God’s commands, or becoming despised.

(Also see Gibbon)... monkey dream meaning


(Crafty; Cunning; Embroidering) A craftsman who applies a monogram or embroiders a garment in a dream represents a cunning and a craftyman of knowledge.

(Also see Embroiderer)... monogram dream meaning


(See Beast)... monster dream meaning


(See Arabic months)... month dream meaning


(Edifice; Imposing structure) In a dream, a monument means lies, falsehood, arrogance, or destruction.

An imposing monument in a dream also may mean spiritual guidance.... monument dream meaning

Mooing Of A Cow

(See Sound of animals)... mooing of a cow dream meaning


In a dream, the morning represents the fulfillment of a promise, or it could mean an unavoidable happening.

If one sees himself unhappy and miserable in the morning hours in a dream, it will denote a low spiritual state, lack of religious coherence, or it could mean sinfulness.

If an honest person sees the morning in his dream, it could mean either glad tidings of a new born if he is generous, or loss of his wealth if he is stingy.

If a farmer sees the morning in a dream, it means a penalty, a punishment, or financial losses for that year.

If one loses something then finds it in the morning in his dream, it means that he will provide a proof that will inculpate his enemy.

If a sick person sees the morning in his dream, it means either recovering from his illness, or it could mean his death. Ifone leads others in prayers in such a dream, it means travels, or making a pilgrimage to Mecca.

If the dream is interpreted to be his death, then it means a good end to his life in this world, light in one’s grave, or that God willing, he will enter paradise.

If one sees the morning and solicits water to drink, or purchases food, or barters for some barley in his dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties and dispel his adversities. Ifa prisoner sees the morning in his dream, it means that he will be released shortly.

If one’s travels are impeded by whatever cause, then seeing the morning in his dream means solving such problems and proceeding on with one’s plans.

If one is having difficulties with his wife, then seeing the morning in a dream means divorce or separation.

If a sinner sees the morning in his dream, it means repentance from his sin and egress from heedlessness.

If a merchant or a businessman who is having trouble in his trade sees the morning in his dream, it means good news and business growth. In general, seeing the morning in a dream means relief from difficulties, escape from danger, a good harvest, or winning one’s freedom.... morning dream meaning

Morning Star

(See Wedding; Star)... morning star dream meaning


(See Steamroller)... mortar dream meaning

Mortar & Pestle

In a dream, a mortar and a pestle represent a husband and a wife. None of the two works without the other. They perform hard work that no one else will do for them.

The mortar represents the man and the pestle represents his wife.... mortar & pestle dream meaning

Mortar Carrier

(Clay; Hod) In a dream, a mortar carrier represents a person who veils people’s ills and hides scandals.

To see oneselfas a mason in a dream means getting involved in a good project and seeking to do a good deed. Seeing a mason using mortar or hod in a dream means becoming strict, giving oneselfhard time, or toiling hard to serve others. Seeing a mortar carrier in a dream also means distress, misfortune, or hardships.... mortar carrier dream meaning


(Reverie; Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, a great scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeing the moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chief minister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one’s lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one’s friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk.

If a woman sees that the moon has fallen inside her house, then if she takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing the moon turned to the dark side in a dream means dismissal of the chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing before the sun in a dream means that the chief minister will rise against his master.

If the moon disappears in the skies in a dream, it means that one’s business has come to a halt, or that something he has asked for will not materialize, whether it be good or evil.

If the moon reappears in the dream, it means that one will receive what he is seeking, and again, whether it is good or bad for him. Seeing a bright and a radiant moon in the skies in a dream means justice and prosperity. Seeing the moon inside one’s house in a dream means that a guest or a traveller will soon arrive. Seeing the moon laying on the ground in a dream means the death of one’s mother. Walking on the moon in a dream means endearment and love for one’s mother.

The sun and the moon in a dream represent one’s father and mother. Seeing the reflection of one’s face in the moon in a dream means one’s death.

If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees his resemblance reflected in the moon in a dream, it means glad tidings of a son.

If one is looking into the skies and he suddenly sees the moon in his dream, it means that his enemies will be subjugated to him. Holding the moon in a dream means receiving a gift from a ruler or a rich person.

If a ruler sees the moon dimmed in a dream, it means that his subjects will rise against him.

If the moon turns into a sun in a dream, it means receiving honor and wealth from either one’s father or wife.

The moon in a dream also represents one’s wife, sons, daughters, sister, properties, business, craft, a vessel, a ship, or it could mean travels. As for a sick person or a traveller, seeing the moon in a dream means one’s destruction or death.

If the moon is veiled by clouds in the dream, it means a short sickness. Seeing the moon through the clouds in a dream means losing one’s job.

If a rich person sees clouds covering the moon in a dream, it means losing his wealth.

If the moon speaks to someone in his dream, it means that he will receive a high ranking appointment.

If a pregnant woman sees herself trying to reach the moon with her hand but to no avail in a dream, it means that she is wishing to have a son. Prostrating oneself to the sun or the moon in a dream means committing an awesome sin.

If one sees the sun and the moon prostrating themselves before him in a dream, it means that his father and mother are pleased with him.

If the moon splits in two halves in a dream, it means that harm will befall a great person, or that a major sign will manifest to show the divine power in that locality.

If one sees a lunar eclipse, or if the moon becomes opaque, or turns reddish in a dream, it means that major changes will take place in one’s life.

The moon in a dream also represents one’s bosom friend, an unjust governor, his chief minister, his assistant, a gambler, an oath, recovering from an illness or suffering from eye irritation. Seeing a full moon during the early days of the lunar month, when it is supposed to be only a crescent in a dream means benefits while the opposite means harm.

The moon in a dream also represents a scholar, an astrologer, an astronomer or a guide. Seeing the moon at its highest point in a dream means honor and blessings while seeing it at its lowest point in a dream means the opposite. Seeing the moon in the position of Aries in a dream means benefits for someone who desires to meet with high ranking people, though it could also have a negative connotation for someone who works in construction. Seeing the moon in the position of Taurus in a dream means losses for a business traveler. As for seeing it in the position of Gemini in a dream, then it means profits from a ranch and raising livestock. Seeing the moon in the position of Cancer in a dream means good time to get married and conceive children. Seeing it in the position of Leo in a dream means bad business for partnerships, securities, or mixing capitals. Seeing it in the position of Virgo in a dream is good for health and fitness oriented people. Seeing the moon in the position of Libra in a dream means water loss for a pregnant woman. Seeing the moon in the position of Scorpio in a dream means benefits for health oriented people, or for buying new clothing, though it also could connote negative results for travellers. Seeing the moon in the position of Sagittarius in a dream means bad time for planting or seedling. Seeing it coupled with Capricorn in a dream is a bad sign for construction or laying a foundation to a structure, or for starting a business. Seeing the moon in the position of Aquarius in a dream means bad time for sending messages or engaging in any enterprise. Seeing the moon in the position of Pisces in a dream is good for contracts and receiving a leadership position.

If one sees the sun, the moon and all the planets assembled before him, and together they all produced a radiant and a magnificent light in a dream, it means that one’s words are respected by people in authority.

If the stars and the planets have no light in the dream, then they mean a calamity. In a dream, seeing a sun and a moon on one’s right side and the same on his left side, above him, in front of him and behind him means a calamity and a defeat that will force one to retreat or to escape but to no avail.

(Also see Astrologer; Crescent; Eclipse; Night)... moon dream meaning

Moon In The Lap

If someone dreams of the Moon being in his or her lap while he or she is holding it, it is a glad tiding that he or she will be blessed with a boy who will be of much benefit to him... moon in the lap dream meaning

Moonless Night

(See Night)... moonless night dream meaning


(See Light)... moonlight dream meaning

Morganatic Marriage

(Marriage for pleasure.

See Explorer)... morganatic marriage dream meaning

Moringa Tree

(See Tree)... moringa tree dream meaning


(bot. Willow) In a dream, a moringa plant represents a serious and a hard working man who cannot sit idle, though he is not steadfast when confronted with adversities. It also represents a rough and a stern person who brings no significant benefits to his immediate circle.... morlnga dream meaning


If a sick person sees a mortician in a dream, it means his death or relief from adversities.

A mortician in a dream also means payment of one’s debts, or repentance of a sinner.

(Same as Undertaker. Also see Intestines)... mortician dream meaning


(God’s prophet Moses, upon whom be peace.) If one sees God’s prophet Moses, upon whom be peace, in a dream, it means that God Almighty will destroy a tyrant at his hands. Following that, the person seeing the dream will rise in station, continue to attain one victory after another, and he will never be humiliated or defeated. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also denotes the strength of righteous people, and the inevitable defeat of iniquitous people.

If at the time of seeing a dream with God’s prophet Moses (uwbp) there exist a tyrant or an ungodly leader, it means that God Almighty will destroy him, and one will be saved from his evil.

If someone in authority becomes Moses (uwbp) in a dream, or if he wears one of his cloaks, it means that he will vanquish his enemy and fulfill what his heart desires.

If one sees him (uwbp) in a prison or persecuted, or if one fears a major event that could put and end to his life, or an accident that could kill him, or a dangerous sea trip that could drown him, it means that God willing, he will escape and survive such adversity. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means the end of tyranny, or victory in a war.

If one is oppressed, worried and distressed by his own family, and ifhe sees Moses (uwbp) in a similar situation in a dream, it means that God Almighty will guide him to a way to overcome them, or if a traveller sees such a dream, it means that he will return safely to his home. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also indicates trials duringone’s childhood, separation from one’s family, witnessinguncommon miracles, or that one may suffer from his own family because of an admonition, or it could represent a will he will leave to them, or it could mean commanding good and eschewing evil. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means love for travel, praiseworthy intercession, sea travels, a safe return, profits, suffering from slander and false accusations, or perhaps it could mean that one may have weakness in his speech, or tottering, or that he may suffer from a head ill or injury.

If someone who has renounced worldly pleasures, an ascetic, or a pious person sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, it means increase in his wisdom, light in his heart and elevation of his station.lfa woman sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, she must fear loss of her child, or her dream could represent an adversity that should have a happy ending.

If a child sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, the same interpretation applies. Ifone sees himself carrying the staff of Moses (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach a high rank and win victory over his enemy. Ifhe is suffering from an evil spell or a sorcery, it means that it will be nullified.

(Also see Orphan)... moses dream meaning


(Gnat) In a dream, a mosquito represents an enemy who will cause bloodshed and mutilation.

A mosquitoes in a dream also represents a confidant, an associate or a strong person.

A mosquito’s bite in a dream means receiving money in compensation, or as blood reparation.... mosquito dream meaning

Mosquito Net

(See Canopy)... mosquito net dream meaning


(Particle; Speck) In a dream, it means extensive wealth, an enemy who has no honor, a weak opponent, a selfish person, or someone not worth mentioning.... mote dream meaning


(See Butterfly)... moth dream meaning


(Educator; Eye-brow; Governess) Seeing one’s mother in a dream has a deeper and a stronger meaning than seeing one’s father. All the same in one’s dream, seeing her means attaining one’s goal. Man’s dreams are most pleasing when he sees his parents, grand parents or a relative.

If one is going through difficulties and sees his mother in a dream, it means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate. Ifin real life he is awaitingsomeone’s return from ajourney, that person could arrive shortly. Ifone is sick, it means that he will be cured from his illness. Ifone sees his mother giving birth to him, should he be ill in real life, then it means the approach of his death, for a deceased is wrapped in a shroud, while a new born is wrapped with a receiving cloth. Ifthe person in question is poor, then seeing his mother in a dream means that his financial conditions will change for the better.lfhe is rich, it means restrictions of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others, and his movements are restricted.

(Also see Earth)... mother dream meaning

Mother Of Pearl

Buying a glittering glass ornament, or a house made of mother of pearls in a dream means choosing the pleasures of this world over the everlasting bliss of the hereafter, disdaining from obeying God’s commands, or it could mean becoming an apostate.

(Also see Pearl)... mother of pearl dream meaning

Mount ‘arafa

(See ‘Ararat)... mount ‘arafa dream meaning

Mount Of Mercy

(See ‘Ararat)... mount of mercy dream meaning

Mount Sinai

(See City)... mount sinai dream meaning

Mountain Goat

(Ibex; Oryx; Sasin; Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one’s town. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money from a king or from a wealthy and a powerful person, for the mountain in a dream represents such a person and the goat represents the prize. Looking at a mountain goat in a dream means slandering a person whoholds an important position in the government and who is well connected with the ruler. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means harm and sufferings, though eating its meat in a dream means that one will receive money from such a person.

(Also see Oryx)... mountain goat dream meaning

Mountain Pass

(See Canyon)... mountain pass dream meaning

Mountain Road

(See Ascent)... mountain road dream meaning

Mountain Trails

(Canyons) In a dream, deep valleys, or mountain trails represent deception, betrayal, perfidy and trickery.

(Also see Aqiq canyons)... mountain trails dream meaning

Mountains And Hills

Mountains and hills represent people, their ranks and positions depending on the hugeness, height and mass of such mountains and hills.

The same applies to boulders and rocks.

The person who sees such a dream will attain honour and dignity.... mountains and hills dream meaning


(Jami; Masjid) The main city mosque or the central mosque in a dream represents the king, the governor, or the ruler of a Muslim country, since he takes care of establishing the divine laws as well as he is the symbol of Islam and the decisive judge between the lawful and the unlawful. Smelling an apple inside a mosque means getting married.

A mosque in a dream is like the central market that people intend daily and endeavor to make profit therein.

It is a place where people will profit according to their deeds and efforts.

A mosque in a dream also represents one who is to be obeyed, respected and revered such as a father, a teacher, a shaikh or a man of knowledge. It also asserts justice ifone who enters a mosque in his dream is unjustly treated.

The main city mosque in a dream represents the Qur’anic revelation, the ocean of knowledge, a place of purification and washing one’s sins, the graveyard where submissiveness and contemplation are evoked, the washing and shrouding of the dead, medicine, u silence, focusing one’s intention and facing the qiblah at the Ka’aba in Mecca. Seeing the main city mosque in a dream also means to recognize something good and to act upon it. It also could be interpreted as the shelter from one’s enemy, and a sanctuary and a shelter of the believer from fear, and a house of peace.

The ceiling of the mosque represents the intimate and vigilant entourage of a king. Its outstretch represents the dignitaries. Its chandeliers represent its wealth and ornaments. Its prayer mats represent the king’s justice and his knowledgeable advisors. Its doors represent the guards. Its minaret represents the king’s vice-regent, the official speaker of the palace or it announcer.

If the main mosque in the dream is interpreted to represent the ruler of the land, then its pillars represent the element oftime. Its lights represent the noble retinue and the wise men of his epoch.

The ceiling represents the knowledge contained in the books that protect his justice and his references.

The minaret will then represent his chief minister or advisor.

The pulpit represents his servant.

The prayer niche represents his wife, or it may represent his lawful earnings, or a righteous and a chaste wife. Ifone sees a mosque burning in a dream, it means death, losses and political changes in the country.

The main mosque of the town also represents the pious people dwelling therein, the men of knowledge, the wise men, devotion, or a hermitage. Its niche represents the leader ofthe people (Imam).

The caller to prayers (Muezzin) represents the judge or a gnostic from that town or country who calls people to the right path and whose call is harkened to by the believer.

The doors of a mosque in a dream represent the trustees and guards who shelter people from outside attacks.

If one sees any of that in a dream, or whatever condition these elements are in, they represent the current condition of the people, and this is what the central mosque represents in one’s dream.

If one sees grass growing inside a mosque in a dream, then it means a wedding.

(Also see Imam; Ka’aba; Masjid; Minaret; Minbar; Muezzin)... mosque dream meaning

Mounting A Zebra

If a person sees himself as mounting a zebra or an antelope or a wild camel while he has no desire to hunt any of these, it means he will allow an evil person to enter his home, allowing him to do what he desires.

The same interpretation is given if, instead of mounting, he becomes the owner of any of the above animals or he subjugates them.... mounting a zebra dream meaning

Mounting An Ass

If a person sees himself as mounting as ass which is obedient, he will acquire abundant irzq and become prosperous.... mounting an ass dream meaning

Mounting An Elephant

If a person sees himself as mounting or owning an elephant or encircling it or utilizing it for any purpose other than ploughing, it is a glad tiding that he will either be endowed with power and superiority or he will be appointed to an important office by the government of a foreign country.... mounting an elephant dream meaning

Mounting An Ox Or Bull

Mounting an ox or becoming the owner of one means the person will be granted such a position by the king that other deputies of the king will be subservient to him. Moreover, by virtue of his status he will acquire good fortunes.... mounting an ox or bull dream meaning


Mourning means rejoicing and rejoicing means mourning.... mourning dream meaning

Mourning Period

(See Lddali)... mourning period dream meaning

Mourning The Dead

(See Lamenting)... mourning the dead dream meaning

Mouse Hole

(Den; Lair; Hole; Burrow) In a dream, any hole or den of such mammals means pursuing innovations in one’s religious practices, or being attached to following leaders of such ideas and who will lead people astray.

A den in a dream also represents the element of charcoal.

If one sees an animal coming out of a hole or a den in a dream, it means that he will utter words that befit the character of such an animal.... mouse hole dream meaning


(See Scythe)... mowing dream meaning


(Blear-eyed; Discharge of the eyes; Rheum) To see one’s eyes dimmed with foul discharges, or to see oneself blear-eyed in a dream means gazing at what is unlawful, becoming apathetic toward evil people, or suffering from financial difficulties, and for a woman it means inability to conceive children.... mucous dream meaning


(See Nasal mucus; Phlegm)... mucus dream meaning


(arb.; See Half a bushel)... mudd dream meaning


(God’s Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him; The Seal of the prophets; The last Messenger) It is related that God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, has said : “One who sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “He also has said : “One who sees me in a dream, it is as ifhe has truly seen me, for Satan cannot impersonate me. “ He also has said : “One who sees me in a dream will not enter the fire of hell.” Muslim theologians and scholars differ in opinion about the meaning of seeing tells of such a dream to describe the Prophet, upon whom be peace. Ifany of the “Describe him to me.” A§im Bin Kulayb added : “I described him as resembling Prophet (uwbp) is cognizance of his presence and understanding the reality of his character and example. Thus, recognizing the presence of the blessed being is as affirmation of the truth, while seeing the physical form represents his example and attributes, for being earthly does not change the essence of prophethood. When God’s Prophet (uwbp) said : “He will see me in wakefulness,” it means : ‘Expounding upon what he saw,’ for what one sees in such a dream is the truth which resides in the realms of the unseen. In the second saying, when God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, said : “It is as if he has truly seen me,” it means that if one had seen him during the time of delivering God’s massage, the example will be the same. Thus, the first saying signifies what is real and true while the second saying implies the physical reality and its example. Ifone sees God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, coming toward him in a dream, it means blessings and benefits, and if one sees God’s prophet (uwbp) turning away from him in a dream, it means the opposite. AI-Qagi ‘Iyag, God bless his soul, interpreted the words of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his saying : “Has truly seen me,” to mean : “has truly seen my physical form,” that the blessed companions knew, while seeing him in another form in a dream means that one’s dream connotes personal interpretations. Following the explanation of AI-Qagi ‘Iyiig, Imam Al Nawawi commented by saying : “This is a weak explanation.

A stronger interpretation is to say that one who sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream has seen him in reality however his resemblance may appear. Whether the resemblance in the dream is known or not.” In a separate commentary, Shaikh Al-Baqlani added : “What AI-Qiigi ‘Iyaghas said does not contradict what ImamAl-Nawa wi has said.” This is because the first dream does not require interpretation, according to AI-Qagi ‘Iyag. In the second type of dream, that is discussed in Imam Al-Nawawi’s comments, one’s dream does require interpretation or analysis. This is to mean that since no Satan can impersonate God’s Prophet (uwbp), then whatever appearance he displays in one’s dream is true.

The meaning of God’s prophet’s saying : “For Satan cannot impersonate me,” implies that since God’s guardianship (‘Isma) is inviolable, and since God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is sacrosanct, then as he was protected during the time of delivering God’s message to humanity, he is still protected by the same guardianship after God Almighty took him back to Himself. Thus, whoever sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in any appearance in a dream, it is as if has seen him in reality, regardless whether one sees him as a young man, or at the time of delivering his message, or as an old person.

If one sees him looking old in a dream, it means peace. Ifone sees him looking young in a dream, it means war.

If one sees him smiling in a dream, it means that one is truly emulating his traditions. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appearance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream. denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream. Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can God bless his soul. Like that, in the book of’Sh,arh al-Sh,ama-il’ of Imam AlTirmithi, it is also stated that Satan cannot impersonate God Almighty, His signs, prophets or angels. Ifsomeone suffering from distress sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his difficulties will be removed.

If a prisoner sees him in a dream, it means that he will be released form prison. Ifone is living at a time of economic chaos, and if high prices are exploiting the people of the land, or if injustice is tyrannizing everyone, then seeing God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream represents an end to such adversities. Seeing him in his beautiful, radiant and impeccable appearance as best described by his companions in a dream means glad tidings of attaining a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world and in the hereafter.

The state and clarity of one’s heart and how well polished is his own mirror determines in what appearance he may see him, upon whom be peace.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) comes toward someone in a dream, or leads him in prayers, or if one sees himself accompanying him on the road, or if one eats something sweet from his blessed hand, or receives a cloak, or a suitable shirt, or if God’s Prophet promises him something, or prays for him, then if the one seeing the dream qualifies for leadership, and if he is a righteous and ajust man who commands what is good and forbids what is evil, and ifhe is learned and practices what he knows, and ifhe is a pious worshipper and a devout Muslim, he will then attain the station and company of the blessed ones.

If the one who sees the dream is a disobedient servant of God Almighty, it means that he will repent for his sins and return to his Lord.

If he is living in heedlessness, it means that he will be guided. Perhaps, he might attain his goals in acquiring knowledge, or learn how to reconstruct his innermost being to befit a human being who is grateful to his Lord. Ifone is fearing oppression, persecution, or loss of his property and wealth sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means putting an end to such fears, for he is the best of intercessors to restore anyone before God Almighty. Ifone who follows innovations sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he should fear God Almighty, heed to His warnings and correct himself and particularly if he sees Him (uwbp) walking away from him, or turning his back to him. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream also means receiving glad tidings and happy news, or it could signify justice, establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank amongthe members ofone’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’raj) to the heavens to meet his Lord.

If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet upon whom be peace, did return the eye of his companion Qutadah to its place and made his sight sharper than it was by God’s leave, after Qutadah had lost his eye during one of the battles with the unbelievers.

If a traveller in the desert sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, or if there is drought somewhere, it means that rain will fall and springs will gush forth, as water gushed from between his blessed fingers when he placed his blessed hand over a half filled cup to quench the thirst of an entire army. Ifcalamities, starvation and drought has befallen a land and someone sees Him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that such calamities will be lifted and life will return to normal in that place.

If a woman sees him in a dream, it means that she will reach a high spiritual station, honor, righteousness, chastity, trustworthiness and perhaps be given a blessed progeny, or if she is wealthy, it means that she will spend her wealth on God’s path. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means facing adversities, bearing patience and suffering from one’s enemy.

If an orphan sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach an exalted station and the same goes if a foreigner sees him in his dream.

If a physician sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that people will benefit from his medicine. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also meansvictory over one’s enemy, or consolidating and paying one’s debts, or recovering from an illness, or attending a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca, or triumphing over one’s trials, or cessation of one’s adversities, or fertility of a barren land, or the pregnancy of a barren woman.

If a visitor to his mosque sees himself in a dream coming before God’s Prophet (uwbp) and finds him standing up, it denotes one’s correct religious standing, and it means that he will have commanding authority over the Imam of his time. Ifone finds him (uwbp) deceased in the dream, it means that a noble person from the family of the person seeing the dream will shortly die. Ifone sees the funeral of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall that country. Following his funeral procession up to his grave (uwbp) in a dream means that the person seeing the dream will yield to innovations. Visiting his grave (uwbp) in a dream means receiving a great treasure.

If one sees himself as the son of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, and even if one is not one of his descendents, it denotes one’s sincerity, true faith and certitude. Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) by one person does not exclude the remainder of the believers, but the blessings encompass all of them. Receiving something from him (uwbp) such as food or a drink in a dream means benefits and profits.

If one receives food which substance connotes negative circumstances, such as a melon or the like elements in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger, though he will toil and suffer from hardships during his trials.

If one sees that one of the limbs that belong to God’s Prophet (uwbp) has become his own in a dream, it means that he is following innovation and making changes in the laws God’s Prophet (uwbp) brought to humankind.

If one sees himself in a dream embodying the form of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, or wearing one of his garments, or receives his ring, or sword, then if the person is seeking to govern, he will attain that and the people will accept his leadership.

If one is suffering from persecution, or humiliation in the land, then seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) standing in a dream means that God Almighty will grant him victory and make him rise above his enemies.

If one is poor, his needs will be satisfied, or if he is unmarried, he will get married.

If one sees him (uwbp) in a ruined place in a dream, it means that such a place will be rebuilt. Ifone enters a room and finds him (uwbp) sitting there in a dream, it means that a miraculous sign, or a major event will take place in such a locality. Ifone sees him (uwbp) making the call to prayers in a dream, it means that prosperity will spread in that place.

If one sees him establishing the prayers (lqamah) in a dream, it means that the Muslims will reunite and dispel their differences. Ifone sees him (uwbp) placing kohl over his eyelids in a dream, it means that he will find safety and correct his religious stand, or it could mean that one will study and become a scholar in the field of the prophetic sayings (Ah.adrth).

If a pregnant woman sees him (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. Ifone sees him (uwbp) having a black beard with no gray hair in it in a dream, it will bring happiness, joy and prosperity to one’s life.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) is seen as an old man in a dream, it means strength in one’s life and victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him (uwbp) in his most exalted state in a dream means that the Imam, or the ruler of the country will rise in station and that his authority will expand.

If one sees his blessed neck wide, it means that the Imam is holding firmly to his trust. Ifone sees him (uwbp) having a large chest in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country is generous toward his subjects. Ifone sees his blessed stomach (uwbp) empty in a dream, it means that the treasury of the country is empty. Ifone sees his right hand closed in a dream, it means that the Imam or the ruler of the country does not pay his employees, or distribute the collected alms tax.

If one sees his blessed right hand (uwbp) open in a dream, it denotes the generosity of the ruler and his compliance with the distribution of charities and alms tax as prescribed in God’s book.

If his hands are locked together in a dream, it means complications in the life of the Imam, or the ruler of the country.

The same will affect the life of the person seeing the dream, including suffering from distress and adversities.

If one sees his blessed leg beautiful and hairy in a dream, it means that one’s clan will become stronger, and his tribe will grow.

If one sees the blessed thighs of God’s Prophet tall in a dream, it denotes longevity of the Imamor the ruler of the country. Ifone sees him (uwbp) standing in the midst of soldiers and everyone is laughingandjoking in a dream, it means that the Muslim army will be defeated and humiliated in a war.lfhe is seen with a small army that is ill equipped and everyone is looking down in the dream, it means that the Muslim army will triumph in that year. Ifone sees him (uwbp) combing his blessed hair and beard in a dream, It means that one’s distress and adversities will be dispelled. Seeing him (uwbp) in his own mosque, or in any mosque, or in his usual place in a dream it means gaining power and honor.

If one sees him standing in the midst of his companions delivering a revelation in a dream, it means that one will acquire a greater knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding. Seeing the grave of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream means prosperity and profits for a merchant, or the release ofa prisoner from his jail. Seeingoneselfin a dream as the father of God’s Prophet (uwbp) means that one’s faith will diminish and his certitude will weaken.

If a woman sees herself in a dream as one of the wives of God’s Prophet (uwbp), it represents her growingfaith. Ifone sees him (uwbp) looking into one’s affairs in a dream, it means that God’s Prophet (uwbp) is admonishing the one seeing the dream and commanding him to render his wife her due rights.

To walk behind him (uwbp) in a dream means following his (Sunnah) traditions in wakefulness.

To eat with him (uwbp) in a dream means that one is commanded to pay the annual alms tax (Islamic law) due over one’s money making assets, or liquid assets, gold, silver,jewelry, savings, etcetera, excepting one’s home or vehicle. Ifone sees God’s Prophet (uwbp) eating alone in a dream, it means that the one seeing the dream refuses to give charities and disdains to help those who ask for his help. In this sense, it is as if God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, is commanding the person to give charities and to help the needy. Ifone sees him (uwbp) bare footed in a dream, it means that one has neglected to do his regular prayers.

To see him (uwbp) and to shake hands with him in a dream means that one is truly his follower.

If one sees his blood mixed with that of God’s Prophet (uwbp) in a dream, it means that one will marry a woman from among his descendents, or that one will marry the daughter of a great religious scholar.

If God’s Prophet (uwbp) gives someone some type of greens or herbs in a dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger.

If he (uwbp) gives him something fresh or honey in the dream, it means that one will learn the Holy Qur’iin and acquire a great knowledge and wisdom according to the amount he receives in his dream.

If one returns the gift to God’s Prophet (uwbp) it means that he will follow innovation.

To see him (uwbp) delivering a sermon in a dream means that he is commanding people to do good and to eschew evil. Ifone sees the color of his skin (uwbp) tan in a dream, it means that one will think about repenting from his sins and abstain from young people’s ignorance.

If the color of his skin is white in the dream, it means that one will repent for his sins and turn to God Almighty for acceptance.

If he (uwbp) reprimands someone in a dream, it means that one must refrain from innovation and follow the prophetic traditions. Ifone finds that God’s Prophet (uwbp) has died in a specific location in a dream, it means that the person seeing the dream will die in that same place and God knows best.

(Also see Visiting holy sites)... muhammad dream meaning


(See Arabic months)... muharram dream meaning


Eating mulberries or strawberries in a dream mean increase in one’s earnings, praiseworthy religious assiduity, good faith, certitude and leading a healthy life. Blackberries in a dream represent gold.

The mulberry tree in a dream represents a wealthy person with many children. Mulberry in a dream also could mean borrowing money.

A mulberry tree in a dream also represents a wealthy and a generous man with a large family. Eating black mulberry in a dream also means prosperity.... mulberry dream meaning

Mulberry Tree

(Sycamore, bibl.) In a dream, a mulberry tree represents a person in a high position who has many children, who is big in size but ill mannered, who benefits no one, though he remains well respected.

If one gets some of its fruits in his dream, it means that he will receive something from such a person. Ifhe is hurt by its thorns in the dream, the same will take place in wakefulness. When maple trees, tamarisk trees and shrubs are mixed together in a dream, they mean victory and glad tidings for one who is contemplating a war or gearing for a fight. However, for the rest of people, these trees in a dream mean poverty and meekness.... mulberry tree dream meaning


A mountain in a dream represents a great and a noble man who possesses a strongand a commandingvoice, who commands good administration of his affairs and an excellent leadership. It also can be interpreted as a son, a difficult and austere woman, or a businessman.

If the mountain is rounded or flat in the dream, it means difficulties or distress.

A mountain in a dream also could mean achieving one’s goal, a journey, or fulfilling a promise.

If the mountain is standing distinct from other mountains in the dream, the above meanings become stronger.

If the mountain has pasture and stores a source of water, and if it is used as a permanent guarding post, then it represents a pious ruler. However, if it stores no water, and if no pasture grows therein in the dream, it represents a tyrant and a ruler who is an atheist, for in that case, it is dead and does not glorify God Almighty, nor can people benefit from it. In a dream, a mountain that stands high is alive, but a crumbling mountain which has turned into a pile of rocks is dead. Ifa person sees himselfclimbing an erect mountain, eating from its plants and drinking from its water, and ifhe qualifies to govern, it means that he will be appointed to a governing post under the auspices of a stringent ruler, though his subjects do receive benefits from his government.

The size of benefits the governor will acquire is equal to the quantity of food and the measure of water he drinks from it in his dream. Ifthe person is a merchant or a business man, a mountain in his dream represents profits and earning a good reputation.

If climbing the mountain is easy, then there are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships.

If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler.

If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern.

If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret.

If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world.

If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending it in a dream means relief.

If climbing means gaining a higher station, then descending in a dream means losing rank. Ifone sees himself climbing a mountain, though at a certain height he finds himself no longer able to climb or to descend in the dream, it means that he will die young.

If one sees himself falling from a mountain in a dream, it means that he will fall into sin. Ifhe falls and breaks a leg in the dream, it means that he will become despised by his superiors.

A mountain on fire in a dream represents the death of a dangerous person. Leaning against a mountain in a dream represents friendship with someone in authority. Living in the shadow of a mountain in a dream means earning one’s livelihood from such a person and living happily there. Carrying a mountain in a dream means carrying the responsibility of managing the business of a notable merchant, and such responsibilities will bear heavy on him.

If the mountain is radiant with lights, it means that one’s responsibilities will be light too.

If he sees a mountain descending from the heavens in a dream, it represents a visit of the local governor to that locality.

If one sees the mountain rising into the skies in a dream, it means that the governor of that town will be dismissed. Throwing stones from the top of a mountain in a dream means insulting others.

If the mountain is beautifully dressed in the dream, it means that one will command a greater authority. Seeing a mountain at a distance in a dream means a journey.

If one sees an earthquake hitting a mountain in a dream, it means that calamities will befall that land or country.

If an evildoer sees a mountain in his dream, it means that he will surely suffer for his sins. Swallowing a mountain in a dream means commanding and controlling ruthless and strong men. Climbing a mountain until one reaches a flat surface in a dream means serving orphans, or nursing sick people. Entering a cave inside a mountain in a dream means reaching safety.

The good or evil emanating from seeing a mountain in one’s dream depend on its fertility or bareness. Climbing a mountain and enjoying its vegetations and its sweet fresh waters in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife, or learning a knowledge or a trade that will satisfy one’s needs. Climbing a mountain through a straight path in a dream means facing things the way they are.

If one sees mountains moving forward with him, it means a war or a major conflict between people of knowledge. Falling down from the top of a mountain into the middle of beasts, crows, vultures, snakes, mammals, mire, filth, or rats and their different kinds in a dream means abstaining from sins, or refraining from innovation if escaping from them leads one into a mosque where he can enter to pray, or a garden where he can rest in peace. Ifthe mountain crumbles, and ifit is transformed into ashes or dirt in the dream, it means that whoever is meant in that dream shall lose his devotion and waste his life.

(Also see Ascending in the skies)... mountain dream meaning

Mounting A Horse

If a person sees himself as mounting a horse which has not defects at all while such a horse trots slowly and gracefully, it means he will acquire honour, dignity and respectability.

The same is the interpretation if he sees himself owning, acquiring or securing the horse.

For Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) has said : “The horse. Surely, its back is a means of honour for you and its stomach a means of fortune”.... mounting a horse dream meaning

Mounting A Mule

If a person who has an enemy with great physical strength, sees himself a s mounting a mule then he (the observer of the dream) will overpower and gain victory over him.

If a woman happens to see the same dream she will marry a man with great physical strength and of a temperamental disposition.

At times a mule is interpreted as a journey to be undertaken.... mounting a mule dream meaning

Mounting A Pack-horse

If he sees himself as mounting a pack-horse while he is in the habit of mounting an Arab horse it means his status will decrease and his happiness will come to an end. But it his habit is to mount such a horse his status will increase and he will become happy.... mounting a pack-horse dream meaning

Mounting A She-mule

Mounting a she-mule which is well saddled and well-bridled symbolises a barren woman.

The same is the interpretation if ownership is taken of such a mule.... mounting a she-mule dream meaning

Mounting A Sheep

In the above case if he sees himself as riding the animal, leading it to wherever he desires it means he will derive tremendous benefit from such a person.... mounting a sheep dream meaning


(Rodent; Thief; Woman) A mouse in a dream represents a dissolute and a sinful woman, a thief, or someone who feels flattered at exposing people’s private life.

To see a large family of mice in one’s house in a dream means money and prosperity.

If one sees a mouse playing inside his house where there is plenty of food in a dream, it means relief and money.

If a mouse leaves one’s house in a dream, it means that blessings will depart from that house and its earnings will diminish. Owning a pet mouse in a dream means having a servant or a housekeeper.

A black mouse and a white mouse in a dream represent the night and the day. Seeing a mouse of either black or white color going about its own business in the daylight in a dream means longevity.

If one sees a mouse nibbling into one’s garment in a dream, it means that one will announce his intentions or goals.

A mouse digging a hole in a dream represents a thief.

A mouse in a dream also could represents a girlfriend, an opportunistic woman, or a lady friend who is hiding her true intentions. Catching a mouse in a dream also means befriending a woman, or marriage. Mice in a dream also mean elation, or ecstasy unless they are of mixed colors. Mice in a dream also represent the members of one’s household. Killing or catching a mouse in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. Throwing a stone or shooting an arrow at a mouse in a dream means backbiting or slandering a contemptible woman, or corresponding with her eliciting the unlawful. Seeinga family of mice inside a well or near a slanting land in a dream means nearing the end of one’s life. Seeing a large family of mice inside one’s house in a dream also could represent a gathering of women, or holding a party in one’s house.

A mouse inside one’s shirt in a dream represents a woman friend out of whom no good can come.

The skin of a mouse in a dream means little money which is taken from a vile woman.... mouse dream meaning


Shaving, clipping or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lessening one’s burdens.

A moustache in a dream also means money.

A bad cut in one’s moustache in a dream means a mishap or losing money. Having an unusually long moustache in a dream means going against the currents, or it could mean an illness that will deprive one from eating solid food, or it could mean religious innovation.

A long and an ugly looking moustache in a dream means difficulties, sorrows, distress, becoming an alcoholic, refusing to surrender to others what belongs to them, or refusing to pay charity, or pretending to ignore the necessity to pay the obligatory alms tax. Shaving one’s moustache in a dream for someone who follows that trend means comfort and dispelling sorrows.

If one dislikes to shave his moustache and sees himself shaving it in a dream, it means that he will lose his rank, earn a bad reputation, or it could mean poverty or business losses. Having a small moustache or a short one in a dream means languor or laziness.... moustache dream meaning


(Cellar) In a dream, one’s mouth represents his life from inception to completion. One’s mouth in a dream also represents the course of one’s livelihood and the source of his strength. Putting medicine in one’s mouth in a dream means correcting one’s life for the better.

If one puts food in his mouth in a dream, it means worldly gains and profits, unless one puts something that tastes bad, or which is spoiled, then it means losses, distress and depression. Putting good and tasty food or sweets in one’s mouth in a dream means living a happy and a rich life.

If one’s mouth is buckled in a dream, it means death, sickness, dumbness, silence, helplessness, or defeat. Ifone’s mouth looks larger than usual in the dream, it denotes growth and greater benefits, but if one’s mouth looks smaller in the dream, then it means the opposite.

If one’s mouth smells good in the dream, it means speaking good words. Infection of one’s mouth in a dream means a disaster or business losses.

If something nice comes out of one’s mouth in a dream, it means kindness toward others. Ifone sees his mouth sealed in a dream and did not know who did it, it means a scandal or defamation. In a dream, one’s mouth is interpreted in seven ways : It could mean knowledge, a coffer, a cellar, a bookcase, a market, a doorman, a minister, or a door.

If a pious person sees a harness around his mouth in a dream, it means fasting from food.

If an impious person sees that, it means rebuke and reprimand.

(Also see Body’)... mouth dream meaning


(Caller to prayers; Muslim caller on the hour of prayers) In a dream, a muezzin represents’ someone who calls for what is good and blessed, a broker, an officiant who performs the wedding ceremony, the messenger of the king, or his door attendant.

If a muezzin recites the entire call to prayers in a dream, it may denote the pilgrimage season.

The call to prayers in a dream also may represent a siren announcing a burglary or a fire.

If a woman calls to prayers on top of a minaret in a dream, it means innovation and that a major trial will emerge in that locality.

If a child calls to prayers from the top of a minaret and at a time other than the hour of prayers in a dream, it means that ignorant people will rise to govern and lead his community.

The call to prayers in a dream also represents an official announcement.

An unknown muezzin in a dream represents the governor, or the ruler of that land.

(Also see Cock fighting; Minaret; Masjid; Mosque; Ram)... muezzin dream meaning


A mule symbolises a person who has no ancestral nobility yet possesses great physical strength and is of a temperamental disposition. Such a person may be a slave, shepherd or a person born out of wedlock.... mule dream meaning

Mule Driver

(Muleteer) A muleteer in a dream represents a policeman, a sheriff, a businessman, or business success.

(Also see Carrier)... mule driver dream meaning

Mule Milk

If drunk, it symbolises terror and hardship.... mule milk dream meaning

Mules Of Various Colours

Their interpretations are exactly as the interpretations of horses of various colours.... mules of various colours dream meaning


(See Mule driver)... muleteer dream meaning

Multiple Spouses

(See Polygamy)... multiple spouses dream meaning


Embalming the body of a deceased person in a dream is a cause of happiness for a sad person and repentance of a sinner.

(Also see Shroud)... mummification dream meaning

Mummy Case

(See Sarcophagus)... mummy case dream meaning


(See Killing)... murder dream meaning


In a dream, a mule represents an obstinate and a stupid person, an imbecile or a bastard. Amule in a dream represents an illegitimate child who is born from a foreign father in adultery. Riding a mule in a dream means longevity or marrying a barren woman.

If one sees himself mounting a saddled mule which is travelling toward Mecca in a dream, it means that he will soon perform a pilgrimage. Wandering on a mule in a dream means benefits.

An obstinate mule in a dream represents a cunning person. Riding a mule in a dream also means having a dispute with someone.

A weak mule who cannot be controlled in a dream represents a niggardly and a wicked person. Riding on top ofloads a mule is carrying, and if the mule is consenting in a dream means controlling one’s environment.... mule dream meaning


(Grumble; Rumble) Murmuring or grumbling in a dream denotes the impeachment of the governor, recovering from an illness, ajourney for someone who loves to travel, losses for arguing people, or perhaps it could mean marriage and celebrations.

To murmur in a dream also means to follow innovations and to lock one’s destiny on the path of error.... murmur dream meaning


Eating mushrooms in a dream means longevity, recovering of a sick person from his illness, marriage of an unwed person, acquiring knowledge, guidance, money or a job.

(Also see Food)... mushrooms dream meaning

Musical Instruments

(See Flute; Oboe; Tambourine; String instruments)... musical instruments dream meaning

Musical Performance

(See Delight)... musical performance dream meaning


Seeing a musician in a dream could mean relaxation, comfort, forgettingone’s problems, weddings, parties, fun, a repetition, mourning, or complaining.

(Also see Singing; String instruments)... musician dream meaning


In a dream, musk represents a private charity, pregnancy, a profitable business, a valuable property, a farm, fruit trees, olive trees, or advanced knowledge. When associated with a deceased person, musk in a dream may mean that he is in paradise.

If musk is burned as incense in a dream, it means innovation, loss of money and respect, putting things in the wrong place, or serving a strong person for a fee. In a dream, musk also represents one’s beloved, his servant, his son or a beautiful woman.

If a thief sees himself carrying musk in a dream, it means that he will cease robbing people, for a sweet fragrance points to its carrier and exposes what he hides. Musk in a dream also means money, gold, comfort, glad tidings, good news, or innocence.

The same interpretation is given to carnation, clove, nutmeg and other dark seeds, all of which mean triumph and happiness. Grinding them in a dream means receiving praises. Offering them whole in a dream means doing good to an ungrateful person.

(Also see Amber; Anoint; Galia moschata)... musk dream meaning


Seeing musk in the dream is an indication of joy and happiness.... musk dream meaning

Muslims’ Festivals

(See Feast of Breaking the Fast; Feast of Immolation)... muslims’ festivals dream meaning

Mustard Seeds

(Mustard; Money; Poison) In a dream, mustard means poison.

If one eats mustard in his dream, it means that someone may poison him, or that he may fall into a vicious circle, or acquire an evil reputation. It also means that he may receive clean money, though through awesome hardships. Mustard seeds in a dream only denote good if seen by a physician. Otherwise, for the majority of people, seeing mustard or sesame seeds in a dream means a sickness, a fever, or poison.... mustard seeds dream meaning


(Dumbness)... mute dream meaning


(Meat; Sheep) To see a slaughtered and skinned sheep hanging in one’s house in a dream means death in such a house. Herding sheep in a dream means presiding over people. Owning a herd of sheep or managing them in a dream means wealth and profits. Eating mutton meat in a dream means prosperity.

(Also see Meat)... mutton dream meaning


(arb. Mish’ar AI-Hanim; Rituals of the Pilgrimage) Seeing oneself at Muzdalifa in a dream means receiving a commendation because of one’s endeavor to fulfill his prescribed duties, or it could mean payment of debts, or fulfillment of a promise.

To see the sacred station at Muzdalifa (arb. Mish’ar Al298 Haram) in a dream means observing God’s commandments and fulfilling the divine injunctions.

If one finds himself standing before the sacred station of Muzdalifa, seeking refuge in its sanctuary in a dream, it means that he will receive guidance and dispel his fears.

(Also see ‘Arafat; Circumambulation; Cradle of Ismiiil; Ka’aba; Mina; Pelting stones; Pilgrimage; Responding; Sa’E; Station ofAbraham; ‘Umrah)... muzdalifa dream meaning



A shinny evergreen shrub.) When seen in a dream, a myrtle means health, money, covering one’s face with long hair, bashfulness, or it could mean a new garment. Cutting or gathering myrtle leaves in a dream means consolidating one’s interests and attaining one’s goals.

It is also interpreted as a reliable and ajust person. Seeingoneselfcrowned with a branch ofmyrtle leaves in a dream represent a life lasting marriage. Seeing it in one’s house means lasting blessings.... myrtle dream meaning

Mythical Monster

(See Griffin) N... mythical monster dream meaning

New Moon

(See Crescent)... new moon dream meaning


The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one’s personal wardrobe, or it could mean marriage. Ifwater or milk comes out of it in a dream, it means finding a compatible husband. Otherwise, it may mean loss of a child or a sister.... nipple dream meaning

Nudity In The Masjid

If a person sees himself as nude in the masjid or market place or in any other place, provided non had seen his aurah nor had anyone taunted him it suggest cheerfulness after sorrow, good health after sickness, atonement from sins and freedom from debts.... nudity in the masjid dream meaning

Oil Mill

(See Oil press)... oil mill dream meaning

Omayyad Mosque

(See Masjid)... omayyad mosque dream meaning

One Who Makes Ta’weez

He represents a person who is master at the art of convincing people by the sweetness of his tongue.... one who makes ta’weez dream meaning

Muslims’ Testimony Of Faith

‘There is no God except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ Seeing a garlic tree, or an onion plant, or a perennial vine of the gourd family, or the colocynth tree tCitrullus colocynthis; bot.) in a dream means hearing harsh words or evil talk. Plucking fruits other than what the mother tree bears in a dream means carrying someone else’s money or property.

A tree bearing a fruit other than its own in a dream represents an adulterous wife who bears a child from someone other than her husband. Cutting a tree in a dream means killing someone, or it could mean an illness. Climbing a tree in a dream means meeting a strong man. Coming down from a tree in a dream means parting with someone. Falling down from a tree in a dream means death resulting from fight.

If one’s right hand breaks from such fall in the dream, it means the death of his brother or his sister in a fight.

If the leg breaks in the dream, it means losing one’s money.

If one sees blessed trees such as an olive tree with thorns in a dream, it means that such thorns will prevent him from wrongdoing or from falling into sin.

A walnut tree in a dream represents hard earned money. Trees in a dream also represent shops, businesses, tables, festivities, servants, cattle, restaurants, money, hidden treasures, storage houses, religions or sects. Ifa storm damages a tree, burns it, or causes it to falls in a dream, it means the death or murder of a man or a woman.

A date or a palm tree in a dream also represents a famous person, a man of knowledge, the wife of a king, or the mother of a president.

If it is an olive tree, then it represents a man of knowledge, a preacher, a passenger, ajudge or a physician. Like that, trees are interpreted according to their substance, value, or the harm or benefit they bring, their roots, origin or age. Seeing a vineyard bearing grapes in the winter in a dream means that one will be deceived by a woman or a man during a business transaction, thinking that they are rich.

A quince tree in a dream represents an intelligent person who does not use his intelligence to benefit himself or others.

An almond tree in a dream represents a foreigner or a passenger. Cane or reed plants in a dream represent opposition, punishment or help.

A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious and a religious person, and its thorns represent the obstacles that could prevent him from falling into sin.

A lotus tree in a dream represents a noble and a gracious person. Acolocynth tree in a dream represents a good but cowardly and easily scared man who has no real devotion and fails to practice his religious duties.

An oak tree in a dream represents a king, a gnostic, a poet or a fortuneteller.

An indigo plant in a dream represents a knowledgeable Arab.

A dried out palm tree in a dream represents a hypocrite. Ifa storm uproots a tree in a dream, it means a calamity or a plague.

A banana tree in a dream represents a rich person who correctly manages his religious and his material life. Ajujube tree in a dream represents ajoyful and a happy person, or it could represent power and leadership.

A fig tree in a dream represents someone who benefits his family, and who treats his enemy with justice.

A berry tree in a dream represents a generous person.

A pistachio tree in a dream represents a wealthy person who also possess a good humor, and who is generous with his family and friends.

A peach tree in a dream represents a correct person, though few can benefit from him, or it could represent a hypocrite or a handsome looking person, or perhaps a rich woman.

If one pluck its fruits in a dream, it means that he will marry her.

An apple tree in a dream represents a person with steadfastness and determination.

A plum tree in a dream represents a rich and a courageous man.

A pear tree in a dream represents a Persian who practices herbal medicine.

A tamarisk tree in a dream represents a hypocrite, or it could mean a thiefwho benefits poor people and harms the rich. Abullace, a wild small plum tree, or a damson tree in a dream represent someone who benefits everyone.

A sycamore tree in a dream represents a good person who is steadfast in his servitude to others, though who is also firm, equitable, powerful and rich.

A carob tree in a dream represents a man of little benefit to others.

A lemon tree in a dream represents a beneficial person, or a rich woman who is known for her charities.

(Also see Sycamore tree; Evergreen; Oak tree; Palm tree; etcetera)... muslims’ testimony of faith dream meaning

Nasal Mucus

(Blowing one’s nose; Snot) In a dream, nasal mucus means a son or a daughter.

To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife.

If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child.

If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend.

If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife. Blowing one’s nose in someone’s handkerchief in a dream means betraying him with his house servant. Clearing one’s nose from a nasal congestion in a dream means dispelling distress. Wiping and washing someone else’s nose in a dream means concealing his secret life in front of his wife. Eating one’s nasal mucus in a dream means cheating one’s son in his money.

A congested nose in a dream represents a pregnant wife.

If a beast or a bird comes out of one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee.

If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief.

If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s nose and using one’s own shirt in a dream means committing adultery with a sacrosanct member of his own family or a blood relation. Ifone sees his nose gloppy with mucus in a dream, it means that his fecundity and sexual appetite will bring him many children. Nasal mucus in a dream also means an illness, a cold, charity or a will.

(Also see Phlegm)... nasal mucus dream meaning

One Who Mends Patches

A man who loves to quarrel.... one who mends patches dream meaning

Pearls Emanating From The Mouth

If a person sees pearls coming out from his mouth it means he will utter words of wisdom and plety. He will also disseminate the knowledge of the Holy Qur’aan and chant the praises of Allah Ta’ala.... pearls emanating from the mouth dream meaning


(Homosexuality; Lover of boys; Sodomize; Sodomy) Molesting a child, or forcing a boy to sodomy in a dream means committing an evil act, loss of one’s capital to one’s enemy, engaging in loathsome actions, losing dignity, or confronting an enemy.

(Also see Anus; Inkwell; Satan; Scorpion; Sexual intercourse; Sodomy)... pederasty dream meaning


(Underpants; Underwear) If one discovers some wetness in his underpants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant.

If one defecates in his underpants in a dream, it means a fight with his wife after which he will pay her something he owes her, or it could mean a fight that will end in divorce.

If one wears his underpants inside-out in his dream, it means that he indulges in the loathsome and forbidden act of anal intercourse with his wife.

If one sees himself wearing his underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream, it means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels, or financial growth. Wearing new underpants in a dream means protecting one’s chastity. Giving away one’s old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties.

(Also see Underwear; Pants)... panties dream meaning

Persson Who Weighs And Measures

He symbolises a qaadhi, judge or magistrate if he is unknown.

If a person sees such a person clapping hands it means the qaadhi is biased and unfair in his judgement. And if he is seen dancing he is fair and impartial.

If a person sees himself taking up the trade of weighing or measuring it means he will be appointed as a judge.... persson who weighs and measures dream meaning

Plural Marriage

(See Polygamy)... plural marriage dream meaning

Possessing The Moon

Acquiring, possessing or reaching the moon means that the observer of this dream will become advisor to the king or his minister or he will be appointed head of state.... possessing the moon dream meaning


These symbolise one’s maternal uncles and aunts.... pre-molars dream meaning

Preventive Medicine

(See Grammarian)... preventive medicine dream meaning

Prophet’s Mosque (uwbp)

(See Masjid)... prophet’s mosque (uwbp) dream meaning

Rain Of Milk And Honey

Rain of butter-oil (Ghee), milk, honey or olive oil means the bounties of Allah will abound in that place. Similarly, any rain, wherein there is a hint of goodness means the bestowing of Allah’s bounties.... rain of milk and honey dream meaning

Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) Looking Into The Mirror

If Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) is seen looking into the mirror it implies that he is urging his Ummah to fully repay whatever amaanah (trust) is given to it.... rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) looking into the mirror dream meaning

Returning A Merchandise

(Business) Returning a merchandise to the merchant in a dream represents a highway robber, a thief, obstructing the trade, delaying a traveller, failing to observe the laws, or being careless about violating the law.... returning a merchandise dream meaning

Ring Made Of Iron

Wealth that a person will receive from the king.... ring made of iron dream meaning

Roasted Meat

(Grilled meat; Restaurant) To buy roasted or grilled meat from a restaurant in a dream means enrolling one’s children in a school and entrusting them to a good teacher to educate them and properly train them.

The owner of such a restaurant represents an educator, a trainer or a shaikh. Buying from him in a dream also means hiring a worker who is trained at the hands of an experienced master.

If one sees himself roasting or grilling meat in a dream, it means that he may become a tax collector, a physician, a jailer, a torturer, a thief, or a murderer. Seeing someone roasting meat on fire in a dream may denote a wedding, a picnic, or celebrating the birth of a new child.

If the meat is well-cooked in a dream, it means good news. Otherwise, if the meat is still uncooked in the dream, it means a headache and stress caused by one’s son. Roasting a whole sheep in a dream means money. Eating the meat of a roasted sheep in a dream means money earned through one’s son. Roasting a calf in a dream means appeasement of one’s fears, or news about one’s wife giving birth to a son, or it could mean standing in court before ajudge. Eating anything that is touched by fire in a dream means profits.

If one sees a roasted leg of sheep talking to him in a dream, it means that he will escape from an accident, a danger, or gain a strong foothold, or become well established in this world.

A broiled rib in a dream represents a woman, for Eve was created from Adam’s rib.

The chest represents plants and servants.

The belly represents the children.

A roasted leg in a dream represents woman’s earnings that her husband regularly swindles from her. Ifit is uncooked, then it means slander or backbiting. Eating roasted or boiled meat in a dream also could mean hard earned money, fears, sorrows, pain and sufferings, an illness, or persecution. Broiling a female sheep, or a ewe in a dream represents an illness that may befall one’s mother, wife or a relative. Broiling meat in a dream also means strength, marriage, health, wealth, the arrival of a traveller, love, unity, spying, telling on others, losing all benefits, squandering money, severing one’s relationship with his family, cutting one’s blood ties, or it cold denote a fever.

(Also see Stakes)... roasted meat dream meaning

Roasting Meat

If a person sees himself roasting meat on fire, it implies that he will safeguard himself against backbiting.... roasting meat dream meaning

Sabim (sa’bi’m)

(See Arabic months)... sabim (sa’bi’m) dream meaning

Sacred Mosque

(See Masjid)... sacred mosque dream meaning

Saddle Mount

In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. Ifone sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife.

A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency.

If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly.

(Also see Saddle)... saddle mount dream meaning

Sail Maker

A sail maker in a dream represents travels, preparing oneself to start a business, to equip a major project, or to get married.... sail maker dream meaning

Scattering Pearls On The Road Or In The Market Place

If a person sees himself scattering pearls on the road, in a garbage or in the market place it means he will acquire knowledge and wisdom and will teach it to unworthy people.... scattering pearls on the road or in the market place dream meaning

Seeing A Female Mule

the mre seeing of a female mule in one’s dream represents a person’s honour, status, respectability and high standing in the community.... seeing a female mule dream meaning

Seeing Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) In A Pleasant Mood

If someone sees the Holy Prophet (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) in a happy and pleasant mood then such a dream is in reality a harbinger of goodness and happiness. And seeing him in an unpleasant mood will mean misery and hardship in the world for that persons.... seeing rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) in a pleasant mood dream meaning

Seeing The Ka’bah In Any Place Other Than In Makkah

At times, the Ka’bah also stands for peace and harmony. Therefore, if the Ka’bah is seen in a place other than Makkah, it suggests that the people of that town or village will enjoy peace and harmony.... seeing the ka’bah in any place other than in makkah dream meaning

Sheep Mounting A Man

If a person sees a sheep mounting him and riding on him it means some powerful and strong man will subjugate him, rendering him powerless.... sheep mounting a man dream meaning

Shield Maker

A person who transports people from one place to another.... shield maker dream meaning

Silk Merchant

Seeing him in a dream means celebrations and joy because of the beautiful colors he displays in his shop. Seeing him in a dream also may represent a social worker, a spiritual guide, or a psychologist who is expert at solving problems and promoting peace.

(Also see Brocade; Silk)... silk merchant dream meaning

Silver From Its Mine

He will acquire a woman from an unimaginable place.... silver from its mine dream meaning

Slaughtering A Lamb Not For Its Meat

A child or member of his family will die.... slaughtering a lamb not for its meat dream meaning

Slaughtering An Ewe For Its Meat

If a person sees himself as slaughtering an ewe for its meat, it is a glad tiding that he will receive some benefit from a woman.... slaughtering an ewe for its meat dream meaning

Slaughtering An Ewe Not For Its Meat

It means he will marry a woman.... slaughtering an ewe not for its meat dream meaning

Slaughtering An Ox And Distributing Its Meat

If a person sees himself slaughtering a working-ox (meant for ploughing), and distributing its meat it means he will dies soon. But if it is not a working-ox he will die in the same place and his estates will be distributed.... slaughtering an ox and distributing its meat dream meaning

Soorah Ha Meem As-sajdah

Its reader will become a means of hidaayat and guidance for the people.... soorah ha meem as-sajdah dream meaning

Soorah Lahab Or Masad

Whoever recites it in his dream his ambitions will be fulfilled, people will mention his name with reverence, he will become firm in his beliefs, his family will be small and his life will pass with ease and comfort.... soorah lahab or masad dream meaning

Soorah Maryam

Whoever reads this Soorah in his dream he will find himself in straitened circumstances but Allah will remove his difficulties and ease matters for him.... soorah maryam dream meaning

Soorah Mu’minoon

Reading it is an indication that he loves offering long prayers and displaying his submission to Allah during the nights. But there is fear that he will be afflicted with some serious illness.... soorah mu’minoon dream meaning

Soorah Muddath-thir

The one who reads it will be in straitened circumstances but Allah will remove his difficulties.... soorah muddath-thir dream meaning

Soorah Muhammad Or Qitaal

He will be visited by an angel in its best and most pleasant form.... soorah muhammad or qitaal dream meaning

Soorah Mujaadalah

Its reader will fight against those who profess falsehood nand he will be stern with them.... soorah mujaadalah dream meaning

Soorah Mulk

Allah will grant him the bounties of both the worlds. He will own a great deal of properties and give much charity.... soorah mulk dream meaning

Soorah Mumtahinah

Its reader will find himself in some difficulty while he will be rewarded for it.... soorah mumtahinah dream meaning

Soorah Munafiqoon

Its reader will be exonerated from nifaaq and hypocrisy.... soorah munafiqoon dream meaning

Soorah Mursalaat

Allah will increase his rizq for him and guide him to be grateful to Allah for His bounties.... soorah mursalaat dream meaning

Soorah Muzzammil

Its reciter will be a man of good conduct and he will exercise patience and sabr and always be grateful to Allah.... soorah muzzammil dream meaning

Soorah Takaathur Or Maqaabir

Its reader will stop amassing wealth and lead and ascetic life.... soorah takaathur or maqaabir dream meaning

Sow’s Milk

The one who drinks it, his mentality and thing will change for the worse.... sow’s milk dream meaning

Squandering Money

(See Shearer)... squandering money dream meaning

Squeak Of A Mouse

(See Sound ofanimals)... squeak of a mouse dream meaning

Stairs Of Baked Bricks, Timber Or Mortar

Climbing any of these suggest that he will attain high status in the world provided their is something in the dream to suggest this.... stairs of baked bricks, timber or mortar dream meaning

Standing On Top Of A Mountain

If someone sees himself standing on top of a mountain, it means he will overpower an-other person with a similar rank or position such as his.... standing on top of a mountain dream meaning

Strawberry Mark

(See Birthmark)... strawberry mark dream meaning

Sugar Mill

(Mill) A sugar mill in a dream represents success in the world, sufferings, burial, money, usury, the release of prisoners, a bathhouse, a lavatory, discarding what is shameful, waters, spinning, breathing, a college, or a fellowship house. In general, all types of mills represent good news and guidance.

(Also see Oil Press)... sugar mill dream meaning

Suit Of Mail

(See Leather shield)... suit of mail dream meaning

Swan’s Meat

Eating swan’s meat in a dream means benefits drawn from pious and religious people.

(Also see Dusk; Meat)... swan’s meat dream meaning

Sweet Marjoram

(See Marjoram)... sweet marjoram dream meaning

Sweets Maker

(Baker; Pastry chef) A pastry chef in a dream represents a man of knowledge, catering a wedding, vesting ranks of authority, or children.

A sweets maker in a dream also represents a good and a gentle person, a compiler of literary works, a scientist, a slanderer, or an agitator.

(Also see Sweets)... sweets maker dream meaning

Taking The Middle Course

(See Middle course)... taking the middle course dream meaning

Tendons And Muscles

They represent all that links a man with his affairs, honour and dignity.... tendons and muscles dream meaning

The Male Generative Organ

If cut it means either he or his son will die.

If he sees more than one it means the same number of children will be born to him.... the male generative organ dream meaning

The Meat, Skin And Limbs Of A Tiger

These are riches a person will acquire from some powerful enemy.... the meat, skin and limbs of a tiger dream meaning

The Milk Of A Bitch

Drinking such milk means he will be afflicted with fright and terror.... the milk of a bitch dream meaning

The Milk Of A Female Mule

The milk of a female mule does not augur well for the one who drinks it. Though he will receive some good he will experience much hardships depending on how much milk he had drunk.... the milk of a female mule dream meaning

The Moon

Generally the moon symbolizes the kings minister or advisor. Sometimes it also symbolizes a woman or a handsome lad.... the moon dream meaning

The Moon In The House Or Bed

Seeing the moon in one’s house or bed is a glad tiding that he will be married to a beautiful woman.

The magnitude of her beauty will depend on the magnitude of the moon’s beauty.

If a lady happens to see such a dream, she will marry a handsome man. Again, his Beauty will depend on the beauty of the moon.... the moon in the house or bed dream meaning

The Moon Of The First Night Of The Lunar Month

If a person sees the crescent of the first night of the lunar month, but in reality it is not the first day of the lunar month, one of the following interpretations could be given : (a) he will been entrusted with someduty pertaining to governing of the land or country, (9) a child will be born in his home,(c) a missing person will return, (d) some new event will occur.... the moon of the first night of the lunar month dream meaning

The Skin And Flesh Of A Mule

They represent a person’s wealth whose quantity equals the quantity of the skin and flesh seen in the dream.... the skin and flesh of a mule dream meaning

Theft Of A Mare

If a person dreams his mare as being stolen or dead, the same will happen to his wife.

If he sees any defect in her the same is to be expected with regards his wife.... theft of a mare dream meaning

Tile Maker

A tile maker in a dream represents distress, adversities, trouble, hoarding money for the benefit of others, or he could represent anyone who has no descendents or posterity. In a dream, a tile maker also represents wealth, a palace, the high society, beauty, unity and love. Laying tiles in a dream means preparingoneselffor something important, or building a corridor or a pathway.... tile maker dream meaning

Ursa Major

(See Constellations)... ursa major dream meaning

Ursa Minor

(See Constellations)... ursa minor dream meaning

Visiting God’s House In Mecca

(See Pilgrimage; ‘Umrali)... visiting god’s house in mecca dream meaning

Vixen Milk

Vixen or she-fox milk symbolises goodness, will being, happiness and prosperity.... vixen milk dream meaning

Walking On The Moon

(See Moon)... walking on the moon dream meaning

Wasting Money

(See Penny)... wasting money dream meaning

Water Mill

(Manager; Rich man; Treasurer) A water mill in a dream represents a person who handles large amounts of cash, or who is an extremely wealthy person. Ifone seeks him, his needs will be satisfied and he will not return empty handed. Ifone sees a water mill in operation in a dream, it means coming profits, or benefits for one’s life and his family through the person operating it.

A water mill in a dream also represents one’s helpers, clan, easing of one’s difficulties, 470 or it could mean rain.

(Also see Hand mill)... water mill dream meaning

Wearing A Mask

(See Mask)... wearing a mask dream meaning

White Mare With Black Spots

He will marry an exceptionally beautiful woman.... white mare with black spots dream meaning

Wife Wearing The Military Clothes Of Her Husband

The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her.

The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her husband or he will benefit from her good qualities.... wife wearing the military clothes of her husband dream meaning

Wine Merchant

He pursues whatever comes his way, good or bad.... wine merchant dream meaning

Woman Mounting An Ox

If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good nature.... woman mounting an ox dream meaning

Woman With Male Generative Organ

If a person sees a woman with a male generative organ it means she will give birth to a son if she is pregnant in real life. Moreover, the son will grow up with good character and leadership qualities. But if she is not expecting in reality, and she already has a child it means that whenever she does give birth she will do so to a son whose upbringing will be as mentioned above.... woman with male generative organ dream meaning

Wrestling Match

In a dream, a wrestling match means a dispute between two people, even ifit were between a man and a lion.

The winner’s stand in a dream is always better than that of the loser.

If the match is between two men, then the one who challenges in the dream will be the loser in wakefulness.

(Also see Wrestling)... wrestling match dream meaning

Wudhu And Ghusl With Milk, Wine, Oil Etc

If a person sees himself performing wudhu or ghusl with milk, wine, oil or any such liquid or fluid with which wudhu and ghusl are not valid, it means his worldly and religious pursuits will not be fulfilled.... wudhu and ghusl with milk, wine, oil etc dream meaning

Yellow Ring Or A Ring Made Of Lead

He will be the receipient of things of little value.... yellow ring or a ring made of lead dream meaning

Yoke Of Matrimony

(See Marriage; Yoke)... yoke of matrimony dream meaning

Attack / Assault / Military Campaign

interpreted upon 6 sides: good & usefulness & revival of the traditions (Sunnah) of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhahf) & victory over enemies, good health from sickness, obedience to the just authority, acquiring of spoils.... attack / assault / military campaign dream meaning

Bite / Mouthful

[of food?] interpreted upon 5 sides: Qibla, good words, wealth, usefulness in the amount / size of that [bite].... bite / mouthful dream meaning

Books / Messages And Communications

whoever sees something from these mentioned / that mention, and [if] in it is good or what is indicative of good, and [of] good tidings, then it is interpreted by: the reaching of the goals, and attainment of hopes. And whoever sees different of that then its expression / meaning is contrary.... books / messages and communications dream meaning


Breast (s) interpreted upon 5 sides: small children, girls, [male] servants & companions, brothers.... breast dream meaning

Human Milk

interpreted upon 3 sides: hala sustenance, the children’s wealth & sorrow, sadness from living.... human milk dream meaning


(Hareesa) (dish made from mashed grains) whoever sees himself eating hareesa with sheep meat [in it], then that indicates the acquiring of blessing and meeting of needs.... mash dream meaning

Masked / Veiled

[female] interpreted upon 4 sides: wife for a man [dreamer], husband for a woman [dreamer], young girl & [male] servant, usefulness from the direction of women.... masked / veiled dream meaning


(niche in the mosque wall that is directed to Mecca) Imam of a mosque, authority & judge & aedile & instrument of good.... mihrab dream meaning

Mill / Grinder

interpreted upon 5 sides: authority, great leader, strength, courage, start of repentance.... mill / grinder dream meaning


(tower of a Mosque from which calls to prayer are made) : its interpretation is upon 4 sides: authority & man of great importance & imam who calls to prayer.... minaret dream meaning


whoever sees that the minister has bestowed honors upon him, 4 things are interpreted from it: acquiring of the office / ministry to whoever was from its people if he sees his eye turn into a moon. And likewise [such] if he sees the fraud of Baghdad, or he sees a king has tied his waist, or he gave him an inkstand, or he sees one of the four companions facing him.... minister dream meaning


interpreted upon 7 sides: woman, child, high standing, decision passing through, friend & partner, manifest matter.... mirror dream meaning


interpreted upon 10 sides: sovereign or minister or king’s drinking companion or leader, or an honourable person or young girl or boy or vain matter, or ruler or corruptive scholar, or glorified man or father, or his child, or wife or the husband of a wife or child or grandeur.... moon dream meaning


a vision of a mountain is interpreted by: the king / sovereign, the victory, the leadership, encounter of comfort.... mountain dream meaning


a vision of a mouth is interpreted upon 7 sides: rank, shelter / refuge, treasury of knowledge, opening of matters, market, doorkeeper.... mouth dream meaning

Movement Of The Finger / Toe

interpreted upon 5 sides: sickness, sorrow, dispute & importunity / obstinacy, a violation with his people, and his family.... movement of the finger / toe dream meaning

Mule Driver / Mules

interpreted upon 7 sides: travel, barren woman, long lifetime & arrival / adulthood, victory, beauty, knowledge, foolish man. And whoever rides the (male or female) Mule, the vision is potentially indicative [of such] if he was a Jurist [responsible] toward the appointment of the judicial authorities.... mule driver / mules dream meaning


[plant] righteous child having good character, pleasant living.

If a woman saw that she gave a bouquet of myrtle [flowers] to her husband then it signifies the stability of the marriage between them.... myrtle dream meaning


Rüyada kendi ağzının koktuğunu görmek... ağız dream meaning

Alçak Gönüllü

Rüyada alçak gönüllü olduğunu görmek çevresi tarafından itibar gören sevilen hürmet gösterilen kimseye... alçak gönüllü dream meaning


Rüyada omuza takılan apolet görmek makam ve mevkinizin yükseleceğine... apolet dream meaning


Rüyada aşık olmak dünyaya meyletmeye... aşk dream meaning

Aşk Mektubu

Rüyanizda bir sevgiliye ask mektubu yazmak... aşk mektubu dream meaning


Rüyada aşure ayında... aşure dream meaning