If one sees himself guarded in a dream, it means complications in his life, business, security or health. Ifone is experiencing difficulties at that time, then his dream means relief and reversal of his condition for the better. Being guarded in a dream also may mean status, rank or peace for the guarded and difficulties for his guard.
(Dwellings; Niche) In a dream, a guarding post represents a spiritual retreat, a votive seclusion, prayers, hunger, fast, depression, humbling oneself, controlling one’s passions and desires.... guarding post dream meaning
Standing as a night guard in a dream means obeying God’s commands and following the avenues of righteousness.
If a sick person sees himself returning from his night guard shift in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.... night guard dream meaning
A personal guard in a dream represents night vigil, prayers, constant remembrance of God Almighty and invoking His attributes. On the other hand, seeing one’s personal guard in a dream may mean evil or blatancy.
(Also see Keeper of the gate)... personal guard dream meaning