(Hajj) Performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, fulfilling its obligatory pillars and celebrating its ceremonies in a dream represents one’s spiritual and religious growth. It will bring him a great reward in this life and in the next, appease his fears, and imply that he is a trustworthy person.
If this dream occurs during the pilgrimage season, it means profits for a merchant, recovery for the sick, finding guidance after heedlessness, or it could mean that one will perform his pilgrimage ifhe had not yet fulfilled this obligatory religious duty. Ifone’s dream takes place outside the pilgrimage season, then it could mean the opposite.
If one sees himself as a pilgrim in a dream, and if he disdains from actually perform his pilgrimage, though he possesses the means to do so, it means that he is a reprobate and an ungrateful person. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream also indicates the necessity to serve one’s parents and to be true to them, or the duty to serve one’s teacher and be truthful with him. Performing one’s pilgrimage in a dream also means visiting a gnostic, a saint, a shaikh, a scholar, or it it could mean getting married, acquiring knowledge, satisfying one’s needs, recuperating from an illness, repenting from sin, or joining the company of pious people.
If one travels to perform his pilgrimage using a vehicle in a dream, it means that he will receive help from God Almighty.
If he travels on foot leading a camel in the dream, it means that he will do so with the help of a woman.
If he rides an elephant in the dream, it means that he will perform his pilgrimage as a member of a governmental delegation. Ifone travels on foot in the dream, it means that he has made a vow which he must fulfil. Seeing oneself returning from a pilgrimage in a dream means profits and relief from stress.
If one carries his provisions with him in the dream, it means that he stands before his Lord with piety and reverence. Carrying the pilgrims’s provisions in a dream also means paying poor people their dues, or it could mean payingone’s debts. Ifone sees himselfgoing to perform his pilgrimage alone, and the people standing up to pay their farewell to him in a dream, it means that he will die shortly.
(Also see ‘Arafat; Circumambulation; Cradle of Ismail; Ka’aba; Mina; Muzdalifa; Pelting stones; Responding; Sa’i; Station ofAbraham; ‘Umrah)... pilgrimage dream meaning