(Also see Star)
(Also see Star)
(Also see Clock)... alarm clock dream meaning
An arched bridge or a viaduct in a dream also could represents one’s wife, or it could mean dispelling of one’s worries or trouble. Driving over an arched bridge or through a viaduct in a dream means riding a vehicle’.
An arched bridge or a stone bridge in a dream also signifies richness, luxury, longevity, a sickness, renouncing one’s allegiance, or it could mean breaking a promise.
An arched bridge in a dream also could represent a middle man, a wise man, or a ruler, except if the bridge leads to a loathsome place, or to a dead end. Crossing an arched bridge that leads to the palace of a ruler in a dream means receiving money, or it could mean getting married to a noble person.
An unknown bridge in a dream represents the world and particularly ifit connects the city with the cemetery. It also could represent a ship, or the Bridge of the Day of Judgement, for it is the last hurdle before reaching paradise.
If one crosses an arched bridge in his dream, then it means that he will cross the abode of this world into the abode of the hereafter and particularly if one meets departed souls from the world or enters unknown places or sees uncommon structures, or if a bird carries him by air, or if a beast swallows him, or ifhe falls into a ditch or flies into the heavens in his dream, all of which also means recovering from an illness or undertaking a long journey, or it could mean returning home from a long journey.
If on the other side of the bridge one ends in a fertile farm, luscious fields, or meets with an old woman in his dream, it means money. benefits and prosperity.
If the other side of the bridge leads to a mosque in the dream, it means that one will achieve his goal, fulfill his intention or perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca.
If one becomes a bridge in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive powers or becomes an inspiration to others, or that people will come to need his authority and help. Crossing a wooden bridge in a dream means meeting with a group of hypocrites.
(Also see Bridge)... arched bridge dream meaning
If one becomes an architect in a dream, it means longevity because of the architect’s aspirations and he will fulfill his intentions, reach a ranking station and a commanding position in his life.
If one becomes an architect in a dream, it also means that he may become ajudge, or a marriage officiant, or it could represent a poet. Seeing an architect in a dream also signifies richness after poverty and health after sickness.
(Also see Artist; Carpet weaver; Graphic artist; Orthopedist)... architect dream meaning
(Also see Advice; Elephant)... arrogance dream meaning
(Also see Back)... backside dream meaning
If one builds a bathhouse in his dream, it means committing a sin or searching for a woman to partake in it, then suffering its consequence. Ifthe bathhouse is heated and the water is lukewarm in the dream, it represents his family’s compassion toward him, trying to help him out of his breach. Ifthe bathhouse is cold and ifits water is cold in the dream, it means that his family has ostracized or banished him.
If one witness the hot water pipes breaking, whereby he could not control the flow of water in the dream, it means that someone will betray him with his wife, though he will keep trying to control the situation, but to no avail.
A water leak from the boiler that flows through the floors of the bathing quarters in a dream means incurring the anger of one’s wife. Entering a bathhouse in a dream means suffering from a fever. Drinking hot water directly from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression and a scare from evil spirits. Ifone sees himself drinking cold refreshing water from the regular water tab in a dream, it means comfort and joy. Taking a bath with cold water in a dream means recovering from an illness.
A bathhouse in a dream also represents hell-fire, and the attendant represents its keepers.
A bathhouse in a dream also represents the judge’s court, and its attendant represents the judge himself. Abathhouse in a dream also represents a prison and its guard, the ocean and the ship pilot, the evil bawdy houses and their dwellers, a woman and a pimp, or a cadet posing as her husband.
If one goes to a public bath, then after completing his wash wears a white garment, and takes a carriage back home in his dream, it means that he will shortly die and the elements of his dream represent his washing, shrouding, coffin and funeral.
The element of a bathhouse in a dream also represent a library, knowledge, guard’s post, house of worship, a mosque, a church, idol worship, a prison, or a marketplace. It also represents repentance, guidance, richness, healing, an ocean or marriage.
If one sees himself taking a bath with his clothe on in a dream, it means that he will fall prey to an attractive prostitute who will deceive him and lead him to commit his religious life to waste.
(Also see Bath; Bathroom; Hell-fire; Turkish bath)... bathhouse dream meaning
(Also see Chandler)... candlelight dream meaning
If he is given what he is begging for in a dream. it means that he will succeed in his pursuit of knowledge. His humbleness and his submission when asking means victory. Beggars in a dream also imply sorrow, worries, distress, or contemplation.
If one sees a beggar receiving or taking something from him in a dream, it means being in dire need for something, or he could represent the death of the person intended in the dream.
If one sees beggars entering his house or his town in a group in a dream, it means dispersal of his family or household and if they take something from his house, it means a catastrophe.
A beggar in a dream also represents a student, and the giver represents the teacher or shaikh.
If one sees himselfbegging, but to no avail in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated.
(Also see Hobo; Poverty)... beggar dream meaning
A chain in one’s hand or around one’s neck in a dream may mean threats, menaces, sin or disobedience. Seeing a chain around one’s neck in a dream also means marriage to a woman of bad character.
A chain in a dream also denotes complications. Seeing oneself chained means sorrow and distress.
(Also see Bond’)... chain dream meaning
(Also see Chess; Chessmen)... chessboard dream meaning
An alarm clock in a dream means exposing ills, richness of a poor person and fulfilling a promise.... clock dream meaning
A construction worker in a dream also represents someone who stirs-up people against one another for a price.
If some dust falls over him during his work in the dream, it means that he will benefit accordingly, and if no dust falls over him duringhis work in the dream, it means that he will get nothing from inciting people against one another. Ifone sees a construction worker demolishing a wall or a house in a dream, it means that some enmity will grow between friends that could bring about the death of one of them.
(Also see Carpenter; Digging; Labor; Pickax)... construction worker dream meaning
If one who qualifies for a leadership position sees himself crucified in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals. Ifhe dies of his crucifixion in the dream, it means that he will lose faith or fail to apply the divine laws in his life. Ifhe is crucified in the dream and does not die from it, it means that he will rule with justice.
If an average person sees himselfcrucified in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated and suppressed.
If one sees himself raised to be crucified after he had died in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly status, though remains morally defiled and religiously corrupt.
If one sees himself crucified and did not know when was he put on the cross in a dream, it means that he will recover lost property or money, or fulfill his goals.
If one is crucified after being killed in the dream, it means that someone will lie to him, despite his high rank.
If one eats the flesh of a crucified person in a dream, it means that he will backbite him. Ifblood comes out ofthe flesh of a crucified person in a dream, it means that he is recruited to cause harm. Ifone eats the flesh of a crucified person in a dream, it means that he will travel in the mail wagon or on a cargo ship.
If one sees himself riding in the mail wagon in a dream, it means that he will shortly die. Ifone is crucified on the walls of a city and people are watching him in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and rank and that he will command strong men.
If he bleeds in the dream, it means that his subjects draw benefits from him. Crucifixion of a poor person in a dream means richness, while for a rich person, it means revelations about his business dealings, exposure of his true character, defamation, or it could mean poverty. As for an unwed person, crucifixion in a dream means getting married.... crucifixion dream meaning
(Also see Skin)... fat person dream meaning
A whitewasher in a dream implies covering people’s faults or giving someone a new dress or he could represent a tailor.
A fuller or a whitewasher in a dream both signify dignity, honor, richness, praises and correcting the course of one’s life or managing one’s life in a useful way.
A tinner in a dream represents a righteous man who endeavors to do good privately as well as in public.... fuller dream meaning
A fat goat in a dream represents entertaining girls, or it could mean orphans.
If one brings a goat into his house in a dream, it means that he is inviting poverty into his life.
(Also see Billy goat; Bullfight)... goat dream meaning
If one sees himself dancing for someone else in a dream, it means that he will share his problems with him. Dancing alone in one’s house in a dream signifies joy and satisfaction.
If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it denotes his anxiety. Ifone is pulled to a dancing circle in a dream, it means that he will be saved from tribulation or be declared innocent from false allegations.
If a child is seen dancing in a dream, then it means that he may lose his speech or become dumb, because when a child dances, he mostly moves his hands to express himself.
If a prisoner sees himself dancing in a dream, it means that he will be set free. Dancing on top of a table, a raised stage or on top of a hill in a dream means a scare. Dancing inside one’s house, surrounded with one’s family members with no outsiders in a dream means joy and celebration.
If a sick person sees himself dancing in a dream, it means longevity. Seeing a woman dancing alone in a dream means a scandal.
If a traveller sees himself dancing on the road in a dream, it means adversities.
If a poor person sees himself dancing in a dream, it means richness.
(Also see Dancer)... dancing dream meaning
If food is served on a forbidden golden or silver platter in the dream, it represents unlawful money, extensive debts, eating and chewing one’s food with desire and gluttony. Swallowing what one is chewingmeans debts or collectors demanding their money. Eating with the right hand in a dream means success. Eating with the left hand in a dream means falling in the trap of one’s enemy and displeasing one’s friends. Eating from someone else’s hand in a dream means good abstinence and trusting in God Almighty as one’s sole sustainer, Eating from someone else’s hand in a dream also can be interpreted as a sickness or inability to eat with one’s own hand. Eating sweets in a dream means solving a problem through kindness. Ifthe food is greasy in the dream, it means that one’s problem is a lasting one. Sour food in a dream means steadfastness. Sour food in one’s mouth in a dream also means pain and sufferings. Yellow food in a dream means sickness, except for fowl’s meat. Drinking food the way one drinks liquids in a dream means increase in one’s earnings. Eating at a wedding in a dream means glad tidings. Eating at a reception after a funeral in a dream means distress and sorrow. Any food that has a long shelf life in a dream means profits and continuous benefits. Meat, eggplant, squash or the like food in a dream represent temporary benefit or seasonal earnings. Eating at the tables of royalties or rich people in a dream means rising in rank, or renewing the mandate of one’s office. Eating squash in a dream also means guidance, following the true religious precepts, or it could mean vigilance. Eating food from the table of people of knowledge in a dream means acquiring knowledge, guidance, wisdom and blessings. Eating food from the plate of a policeman or a soldier in a dream means committing adultery or receivingmoney from an unlawful source. Eating the food of poor people or pious ones in a dream means repentance from sin or receiving guidance. Eating the food of nomads or bedouins in a dream means travels, rising in station or changes in one’s conditions. Eating a meal that is cooked with meat in a dream means richness for a poor person. Eating a meal that is cooked without meat in a dream also may mean poverty, or it could mean devotion.
If one’s meal turns into something better in the dream, it means advancement in one’s spiritual life.
If one’s food turns bitter or sour in the dream, itmeans changing a spouse or ajob. Ifone cookes a tasty meal in a dream, it means attaining a high ranking job, or it could mean prospering after suffering from a painful poverty. Ifsomeone else cooks one’s meal in the dream, it means dealing with a treachrous person and in this case, it means that one should fear for his life or about doing business with him, or it could mean that he may receive a helping hand in doing his job.
If one eats an unbearably hot food in a dream, it means adversities. Ifone finds his mouth filled with food, and if there is still a cavity for more food in the dream, it means confusion, or it could represent the balance of his life in this world.
If one manages to grind and swallow the food in his mouth in a dream, it means that he will overcome his difficulties. Receiving a sour or a bitter tasting food from someone in a dream means hearing harsh words, and the same interpretation is given if one offers someone sour or bitter food in a dream.
If he eats it, then it means sorrow, sadness and distress.
If one finds himself eating it patiently and thanks God Almighty for it in the dream, it means that he will escape from such dangers.
(Also see Chewing food; Guest; Hospitality; Swallowing; Table)... food dream meaning
If one sees himself learning an evil act in a dream, it means that his is going astray, or that he is experiencing poverty after richness.
(Also see Knowledge; School; Uncertainty)... learning dream meaning
If one sees himself refraining from evil and sins in a dream, it means that he will be tried with an adversity, then repents to regain honor after humiliation.
If one repents for a sin he is not even aware of in a dream, it may be feared that he will fall into its trap, though the conclusion will turn positive.
If a musician or an adulterer repents from sin in a dream, it means that he may experience poverty after richness.
(Also see Prostration; Tithe collector)... repentance dream meaning
(Also see Wheat straw)... straw dream meaning
A whale in a dream represents the minister ofsea life, while the sea itselfrepresents the king or the country.
A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison.
A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality, or it could represent someone who tries to tempt his servant or his assistant to indulge in a loathsome act. Ifone sees himself fishing in murky waters in a dream, it conveys evil, sorrows, or distress however it may happen.
If one sees himself fishing in clear waters in a dream, it means money or hearing nice words or conceiving a son, while fishing in salty waters in a dream means difficulties. Ifone sees himselffishing with a fishhook in a dream, it means excitement, pleasure or losing benefits.
A soft skin fish in a dream means benefits for someone intending to trick or to swindle people’s money. Mostly fishing with a pole and a fishhook in a dream means difficulties or slow coming benefits, or a slow and loose business. Any large cyprinoid freshwater fish or a barbel fish (cyprinus bynni; barbus) in a dream denote positive benefits for someone intending marriage or to enter into a business partnership. Seeing a herring or any of its clupeid type fish in a dream represent evil work or toiling for something one will never get.
A fish in the pond in a dream is also a sign of benefits, though may be little benefits. Seeing dead fish floating in the water in a dream has an ominous connotation, or they could represent a hopeless case. Takingfish from the water and eatingthem alivemeansprofits, or an appointment to a high raking position in wakefulness. In a dream, if a sick man or a traveller finds fish in his bed it also connotes bad or a painful sickness or suffering from arthritis, or he may drown because he would be sleeping with them. Seeing sea fish covered with salt in a dream means lasting richness, because fish are preserved in salt, or it could mean burdens. Ifone’s wife is pregnant and he sees a fish coming out of his male organ in a dream, it means that his wife will beget a son.
If a fish comes out of his mouth, then it means speaking ill of a woman. Afried fish in a dream means that one’s prayers will be answered. Abroiled fish in a dream means travels or seeking knowledge.
A large fish in a dream means money, while a small fish means difficulties, burdens and stress, because it carries more spikes than meat, beside, small fish are more difficult to eat. Mixed sized of different kinds offish in a dream represent money, trouble, liking social events or mixing with all types of people, the good and the bad ones. Buying a fish in a dream may mean marriage. Eating a rotten fish in a dream means pursuing adultery and avoiding a lawful marriage. Ifone sees himself attempting painstakingly to catch a whale in a small pond in a dream, it means money that he will fight for, though he cannot get hold of it without having to cross major obstacles.
If one finds a pearl or two in the belly of a fish in a dream, it means that he will marry a rich woman and conceives one or two sons with her.
If he finds a ring in the belly ofthe fish in a dream, it means that he will gain authority and might. Finding fat in the belly of a fish in a dream means acquiring money from a woman. Seeing oneself fishing on a dry land means committing adultery, a sin, or it could mean hearing good news. Catching a fish with excessive bones and scales denotes the necessity to pay one’s dues or to distribute alms tax on one’s liquid assets, because one cannot enjoy his catch unless he first cleanse it. Seeing sea fish swimming toward sweet waters, or river fish swimming toward the sea in a dream means hypocrisy, falsehood or the rise of an innovator or an impostor.
If one sees fish swimming on the water surface in a dream, it means ease in attaining his goals, exposing secrets, unveiling hidden past, reviewing old books or redistributing an old inheritance.
If one sees fish that have the look ofhuman beings in a dream, it means business, trading or meeting with an interpreter, or a translator, or associating with people of good character.
If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good. Otherwise, if the fish look ugly in the dream, then it means that he has associated himself with evil companions.
If one sees an aquarium in his house filled with all types of catfish, or angelfish or similar fish that live in a home aquarium in a dream, it means being charitable or taking care of orphans or adopting children.
If one sees himself reaching with his hand to the bottom of the seabed to catch fish in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive knowledge in his profession and prosper from his trade. Otherwise, it could mean that one will become a spy.
If the sea opens and unveils its treasures, and ifone catches a goldfish from its belly in the dream, it means that God Almighty will reveal new spiritual knowledge to him in order to help him understand his religion and to receive guidance.
If the goldfish leaves his hand and returns to the sea in the dream, it means that he will join the company of righteous people and saints from whom he will learn about the inner spiritual knowledge, or that he will find a good companion for ajourney he intends. Ifone eats a fish without cleaning or cooking it in a dream, it means that he will speak ill of his own friends, slander his associates, commit adultery, acquire money from trickery and falsehood, or become inflicted with a dangerous disease or suffer from a stroke. Ifone sees fish on the shore rather than in the water in a dream, it means that he may change his profession.
The different types of fish in a dream representhuman beings and their professions. Afish in a dream also couldmean that death will take place where it is found, because of the departure of its soul, its stench, weight and one’s responsibility to bury the deceased. Eating a fish in a dream also means receiving easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings.
(Also see Meat)... fish dream meaning
A trash collector in a dream also represents a short lived richness, a short lived poverty, or a stingy person who keeps hoarding money.
(Also see Garbage; Sanitation; Sweeping the floor; Trash)... trash collector dream meaning
If someone sees a hand mill in a house that is not accustomed to grinding its own grain or spices in a dream, it means adversities, defeat, or arguments. Ifone then grinds bread, or meat or honey with in the dream, it denotes a despicable character of the people of that house, their falsehood, affectation, lesbian or pervert nature.
If one sees a hand mill grinding stones in a dream, it means that he will be seized by terror. Ifone grinds barley or grains for food in a dream, it means solving the family’s problems, prosperity, recovering from illness, or refurbishing one’s business. Ifone sees a huge hand mill in the center of a town in a dream, it means war and destruction and especially if he sees it grinding rocks or emitting fire or sparks. Otherwise, it means a plague if the hand mill is grinding spoiled and moldy grains, mud, or spoiled meat.
If one sees the millstone tilted in a dream, it means rising prices.
If the hand mill is turning with nothing to grind in the dream, it means toiling aimlessly.
If the hand mill turns using a wheel in the dream, it means prosperity.
If one sees the hand mill turning and not grinding in a dream, it means travels.
If it turns for no useful purpose in a dream, it denotes the nearing of one’s death.
A pair of small hand grinders in a dream represent two loathsome partners that no one can correct or guide.
If one sees himself operating a millstone by hand in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood following the required religious conduct, and earns his money from his own sweat.
A millstone in a dream also may denote loathsome actions.
If a prisoner sees a broken millstone in a dream, it means that he will be soon released, and if he is under a death sentence, it means that the judgment will be rescinded, or that he may die before the judgment is carried out. As far as the question of livelihood, the better looking and effective is the hand mill, the better are one’s earnings and vice-versa.
If one buys a hand mill in a dream, it means that he will get married, or that he will marry off his daughter, or that he will travel on business.
If the millstone is interpreted to mean a husband or a wife, then it represents respectful people.
A hand mill in a dream also means comfort, relief, evil, fight, dispute, wife, servant,livelihood, travels, gourmandism, or a woman who gives herself priority in everything.
(Also see Water mill; Windmill)... hand mill dream meaning
An incense burner or holder in a dream represents a certitude that is praiseworthy. Perfume in a dream basically means good, though to a bedridden person it means death. This category includes amber, henna plant (Lawsonia inermis, bot.), or fumigating oneself with sweet incense, though there is a danger that could arise from the smoke in the dream. Perfuming oneself with amber in a dream means increase in earnings that will come through the labor of a rich person who is associated with the one seeing the dream.
The seeds of any dark colored perfume such as carnation, clove, or their powder, etcetera, means receiving praises.
The elements encompassed herein include richness after poverty, knowledge after ignorance, peace with one’s adversaries, bribery, divulging one’s secrets, ingratiating oneself to a superior for personal gains, or adulation. Incense in a dream also represents the heat of one’s love or passion. In a dream, perfuming oneself with incense also means using an amulet or a charm to repel jealousy, or to break through the stratagem of sorcery. Incense in a dream also means using charm to bring peace, tranquillity and profits if one intends so in his dream.
(Also see Aloe perfume; Civet; Frankincense; Ud)... incense dream meaning
If one has a son who ran away in disobedience to his father, and if he sees God’s prophet Ishaq in a dream, it means that he will return to his home and be obedient again. This dream also indicates a surge of glad tidings, peace and tranquility. Seeing Ishaq (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from persecution by the senators of one’s town, or from some of his relatives, and finally God Almighty will come to his help, and grant him back his integrity and honor.
If one sees him in his best form and radiant beauty, it becomes a sign of glad tidings, whereby one’s progeny will engender leaders, governors and righteous people. Seeing him in a dream also may mean coming out of tight circumstances into a more relaxed ones, changingfrom heedlessness into guidance, poverty into richness, and from disobedience to one’s parents to obeyingthem again. Ifone sees himselftransformed into Ishaq(uwbp) or to wear his robe in a dream means that he may near his death then be saved from it.... ishaq dream meaning
If one sees light beaming from his body in a dream, it means that he will be gifted with a son who will grow to be a man ofgreat knowledge, spiritual rank, and whose prayers are accepted. Thus, whatever he ask, God Almighty will grant. Light in a dream also represents a messenger, knowledge, or it could mean accomplishing one’s needs in the light. Light in a dream also represents the sun, the moon, the daylight, sunshine, moonlight, the crescent moon, or the Arabic proper name Shams.
(Also see Earth; Lantern)... light dream meaning
A money exchanger in a dream also represents a religious doctor or a scholar who takes religious questions and interprets their definitions. He also could be a dream interpreter who measures everything he takes in and gives an appropriate answer. He takes a pearl necklace for a price and gives words in return, or he takes scattered words and gives a beautiful pearl necklace in exchange.
If one who is experiencing difficulties in wakefulness changes some money in a dream, it means that his difficulties will diminish.
If one buys gold coins and gives silver money in exchange in a dream, it means reparation, financial obligations or liability. Seeing a money exchanger in a dream also represents wealth, or quick richness from suspicious sources, or he could represent an accountant, a bookkeeper, or a ledger keeper.... money exchanger dream meaning
A neckband in a dream also could represent woman’s kindness, gentleness, softness, protection and respect for her husband. Thus, for a woman, a neckband in her dream represents her husband.
If her neckband is made of silver, and if it is wide, comfortable and well strapped to her neck in a dream, it denotes her husband’s generosity, richness and forbearance.
If the neckband is thin, then it implies difficulties.
If it is made of iron in the dream, it represents a strong person.
If it is made from wood in the dream, it represents a hypocrite.
If a man wears a neckband over a white or a green collar in a dream, it represents victory in his life and comfort he will receive from an unexpected source.
If he is a merchant, it means profits, fame, honor and dignity. Ifhe is a common person, then the neckband means earning respect and fame.
If a tight neckband is strapped around one’s neck in a dream, it represents a stingy person no one can benefit from.
If he is a learned person, it means that no one benefits from his knowledge.
If he commands authority, it means that he disdains from giving truejudgment.
To hire a servant who wears a silver neckband in a dream means establishing a profitable business.
A neckband in a dream also means impiety, or it could be a sign of trustworthiness. Ifa man sees himselfwearing a neckband that is made of gold, silver, iron, copper or lead in a dream, it means that he has abandoned his religious trust, forsaken his covenant and has become a profligate.
(Also see Necklace)... neckband dream meaning
If someone sees himself asking for something, and ifhe is given what he is asking for in a dream, it means that he will receive money without trouble, or that he will earn easy money, for earning one’s livelihood with mere asking in a dream means a business without capital investment, or receiving without having to give anything in return.
It is also said that if one sees himself as a poor person in a dream, it means that he will earn benefits in wakefulness.
(Also see Beggar; Hobo)... poverty dream meaning
If one sees himself in a dream reading from the pages the holy Qur’an, it signifies honor, command, happiness and victory. Reciting the Qur’an by heart and without reading the pages of the holy Book in a dream means proving to be true, or having a true claim, being pious, commandingwhat is good and forbidding what is evil. Ifone is told a verse from the holy Qur’an in a dream, he should understand it, memorize it and comply with the same.
If the verse reads about mercy or glad tidings or other admonitions in the dream, the interpretation of one’s dream should be the same. Ifthe Qur’anic verses recited in the dream connote an advice, one should act upon it in order for him to reap its benefits.
If one hears a Qur’anic verse containing a warning, promising punishment for the disbelievers, or announcing a swift retribution for their sins, then one should immediately repent for his sins, even if the verses relate to previous nations or times.
If one sees himself reciting the Qur’an and understandingwhat it says in a dream, it denotes his vigilance, intelligence, faith and spiritual awareness.
If a Qur’anic verse is recited to someone, and ifhe does not agree with the divine judgement in the dream, it means that he will suffer harm from someone in authority, or that a punishment from God Almighty will soon befall him.
If an unlettered person sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, it could also mean his death, or his reading of his own records. Ifone sees himself reading the holy Qur’an without true interest in it in a dream, it means that he follows his own mind, personal interpretations and innovations.
If one sees himself eating the pages of the holy Qur’an in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from his knowledge of it. Ifone sees himself completing the reading of the entire Qur’an in a dream, it means that a splendid reward from his Lord is awaiting him, and that he will get whatever he asks for.
If a disbeliever sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, the verses of admonition will help him in his life, the verses of punishment will be his warning from God Almighty and the parables will denote his need to contemplate the meaning.
If one sees himself writing the verses of the holy Qur’an on slabs of a mother of pearl, or on a piece of cloth in a dream, it means that he interprets it according to his own liking.
If one sees himself inscribing a Qur’anic verse on the ground in a dream, it means that he is an atheist.
It is also said that reading the Qur’an in a dream means fulfillment of one’s needs, clearing of one’s heart and establishment of one’s success in his life.
If one discovers that he has memorized the Qur’an in a dream, though in wakefulness he has not memorized it, it means that he will own a large property. Hearing the verses of the holy Qur’an in adreammeansthe strengtheningofone’s power, reaching a praiseworthy end to his life, and that one will be protected from the envy and jealousy of evildoing people.
If a sick person sees himself reciting a verse from the holy Qur’an, but could not remember to what chapter it belongs in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Licking the holy Qur’an in a dream means that one has committed a major sin. Reciting the holy Qur’an in a dream means increase in one’s good deeds and rising in his station.
(Also see Holy Book; Pearl necklace; Reading)... qur’an dream meaning
If the yellow color is more dominant in the dream, it means an illness.
If the green color is more dominant in the dream, then it means safety, peace and tranquility.
A rainbow in a dream also means marriage. Seeing a rainbow over one’s right side in a dream means blessings. Ifit appears on one’s left side in the dream, then it means prosperity and a good harvest. As for poor people, seeing a rainbow on one’s right side also means richness, while for a rich person it means short lived difficulties.
A rainbow in a dream also represents wonders, or a military coup. Ifthunder accompanies the rainbow in the dream, then it means war.... rainbow dream meaning
A ritual ablution is also given to a deceased person before his funeral and burial, or otherwise is taken by the undertaker himself after washing the dead.
To take a ritual ablution in a dream before the Friday congregational prayers means purifying oneself, washing oneself from sin, repenting from sin, serving one’s parents, or being true to one’s friends. Taking a ritual ablution for any of the above reason during the wintertime and using cold water in the dream means distress, trouble or a sickness. Ifhot water is used, then it means profits, benefits and recovering from sickness. Taking a ritual ablution in a dream before attending a festival means getting married. Taking a ritual ablution after seeing either a solar or a lunar eclipses in a dream means an adversity, and the same applies if one takes a ritual ablution in a dream before the prayers of asking for rain.
To take a ritual ablution after washing a deceased person in a dream means abandoning one’s association with heedless people.
If the person who performs such an ablution is mentally deranged, it means that he will wake-up cured from his condition. Taking a ritual ablution prior to joining the sacred pilgrimage in a dream means happiness, success, victory over one’s enemy, paying one’s debts, or reuniting with one’s beloveds. Taking a ritual ablution before circumambulating the sacred House in Mecca in a dream means working for one’s livelihood, serving rich people, or caring for one’s wife and parents.
If a sick person sees himself taking a ritual ablution then putting on a new garment in a dream, it means that he will soon recover from his illness. Taking a ritual ablution in a dream also could mean the release of a prisoner, payment of one’s debts, dispelling one’s distress, or it could mean richness, prosperity, attending the sacred pilgrimage in Mecca, or having a successful business.
If one does not put a new garment after taking his ritual ablution in the dream, it means that he will be able to lighten his burdens, or recover his good health. Walking into a pond, or descending a well, or stepping into a bathtub to take a bath in a dream means marriage. Washingoneselfwith soap during such an ablution means dispensing of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s stress. Washing one’s garment after taking a Gllusul in a dream means correcting one’s conduct, pursuing the correct religious life, paying one’s debts, or washing away one’s filth.
If one sees a deceased person washing himself before his burial in a dream, it means relief for one’s dependents and increase of their wealth after him. Giving a ritual ablution to a deceased person in a dream also means that someone will repent for his sins at the hand of the undertaker.
If a deceased person asks someone to wash his clothes for him in a dream, it means that he needs someone to pray for him, or to intercede on his behalf before his Lord, or to pay charity for the benefit of his soul, or to pay his debts, or to fulfill his will, or to do him justice.
If one does fulfills the deceased person’s wish and washes his clothes for him in the dream, it means the redemption of such a person.
(Also see Ablution)... ritual bath dream meaning
If one carries a heavy load of sand in a dream, it means that he will suffer for his sins. Swallowing sand or gathering it in a dream denotes savings. Walking on sand in a dream means pursuing either a spiritual or a mundane interest, or it could represent a sad event, a fight, or committing injustice toward one’s own soul or against others. Depending on the quantity seen in one’s dream, gathering sand may mean shackles, a siege, life or death, poverty or richness, and honor or humiliation. Sand in a dream also means toiling or difficulties.
If a woman sees herself walking on sand in a dream, it means the death of her husband. Ifa man sees such a dream, it means the death of his wife. Red sand in a dream represents a high ranking position. White sand in a dream means profits for fortunetellers. Yellow sand in a dream means repentance, recovering from an illness, or tightening of one’s livelihood.
A pile of sand collected at the feet of a tree in a dream represents a construction project, or urban expansion.
(Also see Hourglass)... sand dream meaning
The words of a deceased person in a dream are always true.
The same goes for birds speaking in a dream and their speech denotes glad tidings, prosperity, knowledge and understanding.
If an animal talks with someone in his dream or tells him “I saw a dream... “ then if the animal refrains from relating such a dream, it means a fight, a battle, losses, or an argument.
If a dog, a panther, or a falcon speaks to someone and tells him a dream in a dream, it means glad tidings, great earnings, benefits and joy. In general, birds talking to humans in a dream mean benefits and rising in rank.
If a snake speaks gently with someone in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits from an enemy.
If a beast talks to someone in a dream, it means his death. Ifone’s head or nose talk to him in a dream, it means that whoever these two members represent in one’s life (See Body’) will suffer from an adversity.
If a tree speaks to someone in his dream, it means benefiting from that line of thinking.
A talking tree in a dream means a fight, or the end of one’s exile.
The speech of a tree in a dream also could mean exaltation. Whatever a baby says in a dream is true. It also could mean falling into sin.
If a godly and a spiritual person sees a baby talking to him in a dream, it means that he will witness wonders or a miracle, or become a witness to an unbelievable agreement.
The speech of inanimate objects in a dream always means good, provides a lesson or gives advice. Animal talk in a dream also represents punishment and suffering.
The talk ofone’s limbs in a dream means trouble from one’s relatives, or it could mean committing a sin.
The speech of moving shadows in a dream means evokingjinn or evil spirits. Being possessed by such spirits and speaking on their behalf in a dream signifies temptation, trouble, corruption and evil. Any words that agree with God’s revelations in a dream must be hearkened to and complied with.
The opposite is also true. Ifa limb talks to someone in his dream, it denotes advice one will receive from a relative. Animal talk in a dream denotes leaning toward friendships and finding peace in the company of pious people, or it could mean working to earn one’s livelihood.
If a wall speaks to someone in a dream, it means a warning of separation, or it could mean renouncing the city and seeking to live in the wilderness, near uninhabited ruins, or near a graveyard. Hearing a voice commanding one to do something in a dream means glad tidings. Hearing God Almighty on the Day of Judgement in a dream means rising in station, performing good deeds and nearness to one’s Lord. Listening to the Holy Words of God Almighty in a dream also denotes the spread ofjustice and righteousness, and such a dream could represent a ruler who cares for his subjects.
If a godly and a pious person sees that in a dream, it means that he will renounce the world and seek the comfort and the blessings ofthe hereafter.
(Also see Exhaustion from speaking; Listening; Sounds of animals)... speaking dream meaning
A stream in a dream also could mean festering wounds, waterskin, watering irrigation, the resting area on the highway, one’s throat which is the watering access of his body, or it could represent life ifit is public property. Ifit is a private property, then it represents the life of the person who digs out such a stream.
A stream in a dream also represents a good life, or the comfort of its owner. Ifits water flows over its banks in the dream, then it represents sorrows, crying, or sadness. Ifone sees a stream flowing through people’s homes in a dream, then such a stream represents a happy life and particularly when its water is colorless and sweet tasting. Ifone sees himself as the owner of a stream, a spring, or a watercourse which he establishes as a charity in a dream, it means that he will become a leader, a president, or happily serve his community.
If one cleans a rivulet then finds it filthy again, or finds it filled with trash in his dream, it represents diarrhea.
If he sees water flowing under his feet in a dream, then it means dropsy. Ifone sees a stream of water running through a town where people are filling their jars, drinking its water and thanking God for His blessings in a dream, it means that a calamity is removed and is replaced with peace, safety and tranquility.
If the people are inflicted with adversities or a drought, then it means prosperity and rains, food, or money and their merchandise will not stagnate.
If the water in the stream is murky, or salty, or running outside its canal, then it represents a coming calamity that will cause mass sufferings, or a sickness such as cold in the winter and fever in the summer, or it could mean that they will hear bad news about some travellers, or it could represent a richness which is acquired from an unlawful source, or it could mean that he will receive tainted money.
If one sees a watercourse flowing only in the direction of his house, then such adversities will be his lot.
If one sees a stream flowing in the direction of his house, or garden in a dream, it means a marriage or conceiving a child.
A stream of flowing blood rather than water in a dream represents the deviation of one’s 416 wife.
If one sees a stream running off its course, or damaging people’s crops in a dream, it means bad news. Blocking the path of a stream in a dream means separation between a husband and a wife, or avoiding a sinful action between unmarried relatives.
If one sees himself standing behind a rivulet in a dream, it means that his wife will inherit him.
If one sees the water of a stream flowing toward his own home or garden, and if he finds that its water has turned into blood in the dream, it means that someone will marry his wife after him. Drinking fresh water from a rivulet, a stream, or a river in a dream represents thejoy of living or longevity.
A murky water ofa rivulet or a stream in a dream means a fright, difficulties, or a sickness. Streams in a dream also represent the veins and the blood that flows through the human body.
(Also see Fountainhead; Meadow; Spring)... stream dream meaning
If a withered tree is transformed into a blossoming one in a dream, it means political changes, changes in worldly conditions, or reversal of conditions from good to bad, or from bad to good. This element includes the transformation of inner substances or physical ones.
For example, if sees himself as an old person in a dream, when in real life he is young, it means progress in his spiritual life and gaining honor.lfhe is an old person and sees himself as a young boy in a dream, it means indulging in wrongdoing.
If one sees a known old person regaining his youth, it means that the material conditions of the person seeing the dream will turn around to one’s advantage or otherwise. i.e., richness into poverty and vice-versa, or ifhe is sick, he will recover from his illness.
If one is transformed into a beautiful shoot of green or a blossoming branch of a tree in a dream, it means that he may die within a short time. Becoming taller in a dream means longevity, prosperity, or begetting a son. Ifone finds himselfmissing partial mental keenness or physical abilities or a limb in a dream, it means that he may suffer losses relating to his worldly interests.
If a man sees himself transformed into a woman, and wears her apparels, ornaments and make-up in a dream, it means that he may suffer humiliation, adversities and abuse.
If a woman sees herself transformed into a man, or if she grows a beard in a dream, it means that she will reestablish her connection with a missing child. As a man in the dream, and if she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who may die in his early youth, but if she is not pregnant, it means that she is no longer fertile. Ifone sees himselfflying with wings in a dream, it means travels.
If one sees himself transformed into a wooden staff in a dream, it represents his insolence.
If one sees himself transformed into an iron rod in a dream, it means longevity. Ifone sees himself transformed into a bridge in a dream, it means that he may become a ruler, a wise man, or a man of knowledge whom people will seek to benefit from his wisdom.
If a person sees his sick child turn into a bird in a dream, it means the death of the child.
If one sees himself turned into a beast in a dream, it means that he will be segregated from the believers to live alone because of his evil qualities.
If one sees himself turned into a deer, a gazelle or an antelope in a dream, it means that he will become obsessed with his sexual life, or that he will become mentally deranged to the degree of indulging in bisexual practices. Ifhe turns into a pig in a dream, it means prosperity surrounded with absence of human dignity.
If one sees a steer transformed into a wolf in a dream, it represents a government employee who will turn unjust. However, according to Islamic interpretations of the human transformation into a lower category of creatures phenomena, if such transformation takes place in real life, it connotes a curse and a punishment, and it does not last for more than three days, and it will culminate in death.
(Also see Changing form)... transformation dream meaning
A crack in a tree in a dream represents members of one’s family who will brace against him.
A palmyra tree in a dream represents a wise man, a poet, or an astronomer. Seeing one, or sitting under it in a dream means meeting such a person.
An oak tree in a dream means profits, prosperity, honor, associating with heedless people who live in the mountains, or perhaps it could’ mean visiting righteous people or a renunciate who lives in the wilderness or in uninhabited ruins.
A mimosa tree in a dream represents stinginess, evil, or pursuing the actions of the dwellers of hell-fire.
A buckthorn tree that grows datelike fruit in a dream represents a noble and a generous woman, or it could represent a noble and a generous man.
The greener is its color, the greater is the person. Seeing this tree in a dream means that one will rise in station, acquire knowledge, and grow in piety. Eating its fruit in a dream means an illness. Climbing this tree in a dream means stress and difficulties.
If one acknowledges the condition of a specific tree in wakefulness then sees the same in his dream, it means that such condition will last. In general, trees in a dream represent women or men of different tempers or personalities. Trees in a dream also represent fights. Unknown trees mean distress, worries, adversities and fears, particularly if one sees them in the dark in his dream. Sitting under the shade of a tree in a dream means profits and money, or it could mean dependence on people in authority, or befriending rich people for their money. As for one who is pursuing the path of innovation, it means that he will repent and follow the path of righteousness ifit is a fruit-bearing tree. Takingshelter under a tree that bears no fruit in the dream means pursuing something that will bear no comfort or benefits. Fragrant trees, flowering trees, a Moringa tree, or a henna plant in a dream represent people of knowledge, religious scholars, teachers or preachers who teach what they do not practice. As for citrus trees in a dream, they represent righteous people, wise men and people of inner and outer awareness who practice what they preach. Palm trees, walnut trees, or the like trees in a dream represent people of the upper social class from whom no one can get anything, or no one will even attempts to ask them for anything. As for the poplar trees, the evergreen cypress trees, or the saint trees in a dream, they represent stinginess and avariciousness. In a dream, any kind of maple or other trees that renew their leaves annually represent poverty, richness, memorizing things, forgetfulness, celebrations, or sadness. In a dream, any kind of large trees that do not shed their leaves in the winter represent longevity, richness, jealousy, or steadfastness in one’s religion. Climbing a tree in a dream means escaping from danger, or carefully avoiding something worrisome. Seeing an unknown tree inside one’s house in a dream means that fire may consume such a house, or that a fight may break the family apart. Common types of trees and city trees in a dream represent enemies, or men seeking lawful earnings. Planting a seedling in a dream means getting married to a girI from a renowned family and gaining rank.
A plane tree, a sycamore, or the like trees in a dream represent great, strong and famous men who have no wealth, nor do they benefit anyone.
A thorny tree in a dream represents a perplexed man. Ifone cuts a tree in a dream, it may mean the death of his wife, or that he will infringe upon a contract, or break a covenant.
If a tree dries out in a dream, it means that a traveller may die in an accident, or that a sick person may die from his illness.
If one sees a king or a man in authority carving some emblems on the trunk of a tree in a dream, it means that he is designing a plan to destroy someone.
If he cuts it down with a scythe or a sickle in the dream, it means that he is demanding something, the other party cannot deliver. Ifone takes money from a tree in his dream, it means that he will earn lawful and blessed money from people who deal with the same type of trees, or that he will live in their vicinity. Planting trees in one’s garden in a dream means bearing children.
A plane tree represents longevity. Peach or plum trees in a dream represent a short life. Seeing a group of trees surrounded with aromatic plants in a dream means that a group of men will gather to mourn someone, or to lament a loss. Tree leaves in a dream represent money.
A tree outside one’s house in a dream represents one’s clan or servants.
A female tree inside a house represents a woman, and a male tree represents a man.
It is a bad omen to see the forbidden tree in a dream. In a dream, to see the tree near which God Almighty spoke to Moses, upon whom be peace, means nearness to God Almighty.
A dead tree in a dream represents guidance and wealth, for it is a source offuel. Sittingunder the shade of a tree along with a group of people, praising and glorifying God’s attributes in a dream means receiving God’s blessings in this world and in the hereafter. Seeing the heavenly TUba tree in a dream means a good end, or living an ascetic life, or it could mean helping others. Seeing mountain trees in a dream means performing supererogatory devotion, work, or receiving unexpected profits.
A palm tree in a dream represents a good word and a true one. It also represents... tree dream meaning