If one sees himself slaughtering a lamb in a dream, it means that either his son or the son of one of his relatives may shortly die from an illness or an accident.
If one is offered a lamb as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a noble and a blessed son.
If one sees himself eating lamb in a dream, it means that he will earn his money through such a son.
If one sees himself herding sheep in a dream, it means that he will profit from a blessed money and acquire honor and fame thereafter.
If a person sees Allah giving him something pertaining to the world, it means he will soon be afflicted with sickness. It may also mean that some hardship will befall him. As recompense, he shall received great rewards from Allah which will earn him Jannah.... material gift from allah : dream meaning
If someone sees Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) giving him any of his garments to wear or his ring or sword or any other item it means that whatever he acquires (such as land, knowledge, fight, the ability to other constant devotion to Allah) he will acquire it to its maximum.... rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) presenting a gift dream meaning
if a person sees himself as receiving an unsheathed (naked) sword and he lifts it above his head but does not strike with it, it means he will wield such power as will make him popular; or he will father a very beautiful girl.
Regarding the above dream only Imaam Kirmani (RA) says that a son or brother will be born in the home of the dreamer.... receiving an unsheathed sword dream meaning