Profane Dream Meanings

Profane Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

6 dream interpretation about profane related.


(Cloak; Garment; Faith; Overcoat; Religion; Spirituality) Wearing a coat in a dream means honor and respect if new.

If it is a shabby or a light coat in the dream, then it means failure in one’s proper attendance to his religious duties.

A winter coat in a dream represents a poor but vainglorious and boastful person.

A coat in a dream is also interpreted as a mean and a profane woman.

If a man sees himself wearing a coat, and if it is interpreted to mean a woman in the dream, then it means that one may have committed a sizeable capital to support something that will bring limited benefits.

If one loses his coat in a dream, it means that he will be shielded from poverty and boasts about his status in public.

A coat in a dream also represents man’s trust, because it is placed over his shoulders and around his neck. Ifa woman sees a coat in her dream, it means suffering from unkindness on the part of her husband.

(Also see Cap; Overcoat)... coat dream meaning


(Astray; Heedlessness; Ingratitude; Irreligious; Profane) In a dream, disbelief represents a rich person or becoming one. Disbelief in God Almighty in a dream also means illness, injustice or causing harm to others. Acting silly or impudent or stupidly, or being censured or discredited in a dream also indicates profanity and disbelief in God Almighty. Going astray in a dream means committing a sin or making a mistake. Making a mistake in a dream also signifies heedlessness in wakefulness. Ifone’s profanity becomes public knowledge in a dream, it means that he will commit a forgery or make false testimony in court. Disbelief in a dream also means ingratitude or it could denote the state of a sick person when he lies in his deathbed and awaits for his soul to be taken back to its Lord. Disbeliefin a dream also maysignifycommittingthe unforgivable act of suicide.

(Also see Irreligious)... disbelief dream meaning


(Love) In a dream, honey represents lawful money, love, prosperity, or wealth which is accumulated from a business partnership, or from a successful business. As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships. Ifone sees the skies raining honey in a dream, it means confirmation of the social order, fostering proper moral standards, easiness, religious assiduity, blessings and plenitude. Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship. However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper,jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering from a nervous breakdown, or giving birth to a child after completing a full pregnancy, or it could mean marrying a woman after she had observed her Iddah of either the passing of her husband or divorce (See Iddah), or it could represent clean money, or earnings which are purified through paying the due alms and charities, or it could mean knowledge that is free from innovation, doubt or suspicion, or a final guidance after which there is no heedlessness. Purified honey in a dream also means hard earned money, a medicine, or the embrace and kisses of lovers. Licking honey in a dream means getting married. Eating bread and butter with honey in a dream means living a rich life.

(Also see Lick; Love)... honey dream meaning


(Cover; Hide; Farmer; Infidel; Ingratitude; Profane; Unbeliever; Ungodly) In a dream, seeing an irreligious person means meeting an enemy. Seeing an elderly person who is irreligious in a dream means meeting an old enemywhosehatred is clearlyshownon hisface. Seeingan irreligious housekeeper, or an old employee in a dream means suffering from the hidden evils of an avowed enemy. Becoming irreligious in a dream means embracing innovation, or whatever practices one considers and uses as his religion. Seeing an irreligious person sitting on a table with a plate of honey before him and refusing to eat from it in the dream means that he is ungrateful to his Lord, and that he does not confess to the innumerable favors which God Almighty has given him during this life.

A gathering of irreligious people in a dream represents one’s children in their infancy.

An irreligious person in a dream also represents a farmer who plants a seed, then when it becomes a seedling, he covers it with earth again.

(Also see Disbelief)... irreligious dream meaning


(Blind in one eye.) If one loses one of his eyes in a dream, it means that he may lose halfof his wealth, or divorce his wife, or fail to attend to his religious obligations, or commit a major sin, or it could mean that he has wasted halfofhis life in vain.

To be blind in one eye in a dream also could mean expecting something and hoping for its arrival, or it could mean loss of a brother or a son. Ifa humble and a hard-working person sees that, it testifies to the trueness of his faith. Ifan impious person, or a corrupt person, or an impostor sees that dream, it means distress, a sickness that could bring him near his death, or to lose one hand in an accident, or to lose one’s wife, or sister, or partner, or loss of blessings, or becoming sacrilegious and profane.

(Also see Antichrist)... one-eyed dream meaning


(Hymn; Remembrance of God; Songs of God’s love; Supplications) Ifone sees himself in a dream participating in a circle of people remembering God Almighty, or calling upon His most beautiful name, or invoking His divine attributes, or reading the Qur’an, or reciting devotional songs, it means that such location will be built as a holy place to celebrate God’s praises.

The goodness of that place depends on the quality of reading, or the degree of devotion seen in the dream. When it is an ascetic song in the dream, it means that one’s deputyship is established correctly, but if one sees himself singing a sensual love song, then it means temptations.

If one sees himself repeatedly calling God’s name in a dream, it means that he will win victory over his enemy. Calling people to God and reminding them of His attributes in a dream represents the work of a preacher who admonishes people, helps them to the shore of safety, and distances them from their sins and their consequences.

If a merchant sees himselfcallingupon God’s beautiful names in a dream, it means that his business will be saved from bankruptcy.

If a disbeliever, a profane or a secular person sees himself in a state of remembering God Almighty and calling upon His most holy attributes in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or face great adversities, while in his heart, he will remain pleading with God Almighty for mercy and relief, though he may remain silent in public regarding his inner faith, and in fear of being ridiculed by his own circles.

If during his dream one speaks words of truth and wisdom, it means that he will recover from his adversity and be cured from his illness. Furthermore, he will move into a more comfortable life and begin a life of sharing and doing good deeds in this world, or he may receive guidance and light, and faith will permeate his heart. Ifone says his prayers with a twang in a dream, it means that he will linger in difficulties, and that people will mock him too.

(Also see Supplications)... zikr dream meaning