(Prick; Punch; Strike) In a dream, to spur someone means to pursue a satanic act, then be struck with fear, or run away, although one will survive and ultimately triumph over his act.... spur dream meaning
Yellow roses: jealous’ and alienation in your love relationship. Wilted roses: your love for another person is dying. Getting pricked by a thorn: you will face obstacles on your path and feel hurt in your love relationship.
Smelling the fragrance of a yellow rose in a dream means kissing a sick woman.
Joy and gladness
Joy and friendship.
For example, purple roses are exotic emotions, red is for passionate love, and yellow is for friendship.
The red rose may symbolize desire and passion, but it is also the national flower of England, although both the white rose and the mixed white and red Tudor rose are sometimes used as well. In the United States, different roses have very different functions: yellow roses are given for friendship, white roses are the flowers of weddings, whilst red roses are appropriate at funerals.