Mounting an elephant Dream Meanings

Mounting An Elephant Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

If a person sees himself as mounting or owning an elephant or encircling it or utilizing it for any purpose other than ploughing, it is a glad tiding that he will either be endowed with power and superiority or he will be appointed to an important office by the government of a foreign country.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Eating Elephant Meat

The One who eats the meat will receive assets from some authority.

The extent of such assets will depend on how much meat he eats.

The same interpretation is given if a person sees himself taking possession of the skin, bone or any other portion of the elephant.... eating elephant meat dream meaning


(Arrogance) In a dream, an elephant represents a respected and feared enemy who is dull-witted, who carries heavy burdens or responsibilities and who is expert in war tactics.

An elephant in a dream also signifies arrogance. Riding an elephant or controlling it in a dream means establishing ties with a leader or a politician and profiteeringfrom one’s connection. It also means living a long and a prosperous life. Riding an elephant during the nighttime in a dream means rising in rank, and should one be suited for leadership, he will receive it then engage in a war which he will lose. Riding an elephant during the daylight hours in a dream means divorce, perfidy, betrayal or deceit. Milking an elephant or taking something out of its trunk in a dream means either extortion or receiving lawful money from a powerful person.

It is also said that an elephant in a dream represents a mighty king who is gracious and generous, patient and tender hearted.

If an elephant hits someone with his trunk in a dream, it means receiving benefits from such a person or inheriting something from him, receiving a political appointment, or becoming wealthy through high connections.

An elephant in a dream also represents righteous people, scholars and noble ones.

An elephant in a dream also denotes hardships, toiling, then relief from adversities. Seeing an elephant in a dream and failing to ride on it means lack of integrity or loss of business. Seeing a dead elephant in a dream means that the ruler or a great person from that land will die, or that a noble person will be killed. Seeing an elephant in a land other than its native land in a dream means adversities.

If one faces a threatening elephant in a dream, it means an illness. Ifone falls under the feet of an elephant in a dream, it means his death. Speaking to an elephant in a dream means receiving a precious gift from someone in authority. Running away in fear of an elephant in a dream means being persecuted by someone in authority. Riding an elephant during a war in a dream means defeat and subsequent destruction. Eating elephant’s meat in a dream means money. As for worldly people, seeing an elephant in a dream means benefits, but as for pious and religious people, it denotes adversities. Riding an elephant in a dream also may denote lies or oppression.

An elephant entering a land other than its natural habitat signifies an official visit of a king or a president to another country, or it could mean invading it.... elephant dream meaning

Elephant Man

A chronic disease which is characterized by the enlargement of certain parts of the body, especially the legs and gentiles. In a dream, an elephant man represents love for the world from the wrong angle.... elephant man dream meaning

Elephant Trainer

An elephant trainer in a dream represents the master teacher of children of noble families, a horse trainer, a sports trainer or a translator.

(Also see Elephant)... elephant trainer dream meaning



See Elephant man)... elephantiasis dream meaning

Mounting A Horse

If a person sees himself as mounting a horse which has not defects at all while such a horse trots slowly and gracefully, it means he will acquire honour, dignity and respectability.

The same is the interpretation if he sees himself owning, acquiring or securing the horse.

For Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) has said : “The horse. Surely, its back is a means of honour for you and its stomach a means of fortune”.... mounting a horse dream meaning

Mounting A Mule

If a person who has an enemy with great physical strength, sees himself a s mounting a mule then he (the observer of the dream) will overpower and gain victory over him.

If a woman happens to see the same dream she will marry a man with great physical strength and of a temperamental disposition.

At times a mule is interpreted as a journey to be undertaken.... mounting a mule dream meaning

Mounting A Pack-horse

If he sees himself as mounting a pack-horse while he is in the habit of mounting an Arab horse it means his status will decrease and his happiness will come to an end. But it his habit is to mount such a horse his status will increase and he will become happy.... mounting a pack-horse dream meaning

Mounting A She-mule

Mounting a she-mule which is well saddled and well-bridled symbolises a barren woman.

The same is the interpretation if ownership is taken of such a mule.... mounting a she-mule dream meaning

Mounting A Sheep

In the above case if he sees himself as riding the animal, leading it to wherever he desires it means he will derive tremendous benefit from such a person.... mounting a sheep dream meaning

Mounting A Zebra

If a person sees himself as mounting a zebra or an antelope or a wild camel while he has no desire to hunt any of these, it means he will allow an evil person to enter his home, allowing him to do what he desires.

The same interpretation is given if, instead of mounting, he becomes the owner of any of the above animals or he subjugates them.... mounting a zebra dream meaning

Mounting An Ass

If a person sees himself as mounting as ass which is obedient, he will acquire abundant irzq and become prosperous.... mounting an ass dream meaning

Mounting An Ox Or Bull

Mounting an ox or becoming the owner of one means the person will be granted such a position by the king that other deputies of the king will be subservient to him. Moreover, by virtue of his status he will acquire good fortunes.... mounting an ox or bull dream meaning

Riding An Elephant In Battle

He will gain victory over his enemy in battle.... riding an elephant in battle dream meaning

Seeing Elephants And Beasts Of Prey In The Dream

An elephant symbolises a foreigner who is despotic, powerful and vehement. He has no compassion_striking fear into the hearts of people.... seeing elephants and beasts of prey in the dream dream meaning

Sheep Mounting A Man

If a person sees a sheep mounting him and riding on him it means some powerful and strong man will subjugate him, rendering him powerless.... sheep mounting a man dream meaning

Woman Mounting An Ox

If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good nature.... woman mounting an ox dream meaning


interpreted upon 7 sides: non-arab sovereign, homosexual man, a place & a man possessing strength & appearance & begrudging / envious man, drinking of blood, war & dispute.... elephant dream meaning

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