Mounting A Mule Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources
If a person who has an enemy with great physical strength, sees himself a s mounting a mule then he
(the observer of the dream) will overpower and gain victory over him.
If a woman happens to see the same dream she will marry a man with great physical strength and of a temperamental disposition.
At times a mule is interpreted as a journey to be undertaken.
If a person sees his ass changing into a mule means the fruits of his efforts will be enjoyed by an-other. This will happen when he will be on a journey.... ass becoming a mule dream meaning
If he sees himself as mounting a pack-horse while he is in the habit of mounting an Arab horse it means his status will decrease and his happiness will come to an end. But it his habit is to mount such a horse his status will increase and he will become happy.... mounting a pack-horse dream meaning
In the above case if he sees himself as riding the animal, leading it to wherever he desires it means he will derive tremendous benefit from such a person.... mounting a sheep dream meaning
If a person sees himself as mounting as ass which is obedient, he will acquire abundant irzq and become prosperous.... mounting an ass dream meaning
If a person sees himself as mounting or owning an elephant or encircling it or utilizing it for any purpose other than ploughing, it is a glad tiding that he will either be endowed with power and superiority or he will be appointed to an important office by the government of a foreign country.... mounting an elephant dream meaning
Mounting an ox or becoming the owner of one means the person will be granted such a position by the king that other deputies of the king will be subservient to him. Moreover, by virtue of his status he will acquire good fortunes.... mounting an ox or bull dream meaning
A mule symbolises a person who has no ancestral nobility yet possesses great physical strength and is of a temperamental disposition. Such a person may be a slave, shepherd or a person born out of wedlock.... mule dream meaning
If drunk, it symbolises terror and hardship.... mule milk dream meaning
Their interpretations are exactly as the interpretations of horses of various colours.... mules of various colours dream meaning
(See Mule driver)... muleteer dream meaning
the mre seeing of a female mule in one’s dream represents a person’s honour, status, respectability and high standing in the community.... seeing a female mule dream meaning
If a person sees a sheep mounting him and riding on him it means some powerful and strong man will subjugate him, rendering him powerless.... sheep mounting a man dream meaning
The milk of a female mule does not augur well for the one who drinks it. Though he will receive some good he will experience much hardships depending on how much milk he had drunk.... the milk of a female mule dream meaning
They represent a person’s wealth whose quantity equals the quantity of the skin and flesh seen in the dream.... the skin and flesh of a mule dream meaning
If a woman sees herself as mounting an ox it means she will marry a man if she is unmarried. But if she is married her husband will obey her and she will take advantage of his good nature.... woman mounting an ox dream meaning
interpreted upon 7 sides: travel, barren woman, long lifetime & arrival / adulthood, victory, beauty, knowledge, foolish man. And whoever rides the (male or female) Mule, the vision is potentially indicative [of such] if he was a Jurist [responsible] toward the appointment of the judicial authorities.... mule driver / mules dream meaning