(Mizaab) If one sees the Gutter of Mercy in a dream, which is located on the roof of the Holy Ka’aba in Mecca inside a mosque or a house in a dream, it carries the same interpretation as that of seeing the Well ofZamzam in a dream. Standing under the Gutter of Mercy at the Holy Ka’aba in a dream means that one’s wishes will come true, and particularly if pure fresh water pours through it. However, ifmurky water comes through it, then it means the opposite.
(Also see Gutter; Ka’aba; Zamzam)... gutter of mercy dream meaning
(Compassion) Seeing a merciful person showing compassion toward a weak person in a dream means clarity about one’s spiritual commitment, and that one’s religious devotion will grow stronger.
If one sees himself being treated with mercy in a dream, it means that he will receive forgiveness. Ifone is granted divine mercy in a dream, it means that he is endowed with favors and blessings. Ifone sees himselfbeing merciful and happy in a dream, it means that he will memorize the holy Qur’an by heart.... mercy dream meaning
In a dream, a saddle mount represents a boy, a dependable and a trustworthy servant, woman’s vagina, or the foundation of a house. Ifone sees himself putting his right foot in it in a dream, it means that he will have sexual intercourse with his wife.
A saddle mount in a dream also represents one’s vehicle, comfort, job, travels, a carpet, a farm, wife, son, honest money, or a presidency.
If one finds that his saddle mount has a cut, or if it disappears in the dream, it means that he will sell his saddle, or his vehicle, or that his dear servant may die shortly.