If one marries a known woman in his dream, it means that he will endeavor to satisfy the normal responsibilities of a husband. Ifone marries an unknown woman, and ifhe could not see her in his dream, it denotes the nearing of his death, or it could mean moving from an old house into a new one.
If a sick woman sees herself getting married to a man she does not recognize or know his name in a dream, it means that she may die from her illness.
If the man who sees himself getting married in the dream qualifies, it means that he will attain a high ranking job or a suitable position.
If one’s wedding ceremony is made with witnesses only in the dream, it means that he has made a covenant with God Almighty.
If he performs a traditional wedding ceremony with its celebrations and festivities in the dream, it means a new job, or it could mean acquiring fame, or becoming renowned for one’s good reputation or character. Marriage in a dream is also interpreted in association with a trade.
If one marries a woman who dies shortly after her wedding in the dream, it means that he will perform a job that earns him nothing but hard labor, toiling and stress.
If one marries an adulteress in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer.
If one marries a vicious, aggressive or a dominating wife in a dream, it means that his movements will be hampered with various restrictions.
If one marries a deceased woman in a dream, it means that he will revive a profitable project he had earlier abandoned.
If a man offers his mother in marriage to one of his friends in a dream, it means that he will sell his house.
If a pregnant woman sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl.
If she sees herself in her wedding night in a dream, it means that she will beget a son.
If a mother who has a son sees herself getting married in a dream, it means that she will marry off her son. In general, the marriage of a married woman, or of an unwed woman in a dream means benefits.
If a woman marries a deceased man in a dream, it means that she will become lost and impoverished.
If a married man sees himself getting married to a second woman in a dream, it means profits.
To marry the daughter of a known man of knowledge in a dream means prosperity. Ifa sick woman marries a man of knowledge in her dream, it means recovering from her illness.
If a man sees himself marrying a living relative who is in a degree of consanguinity that precludes such a marriage in a dream, it means that he will sever his ties with such a relative, or with her family. Otherwise, if that relative is already dead, it means that he will contact her immediate relatives and establish a friendly relationship with them.
(Also see Cage; Duel; Sanctuary; Wife; Yoke)