Lure Dream Meanings

Lure Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

8 dream interpretation about lure related.


(Incite; Induce; Lure; Research; Urge)... entice dream meaning


(Entice; Induce; Lure; Urge) Inciting someone to work for his livelihood, or to impel one’s animal to drive faster in a dream means heeding admonition.

(Also see Prompting)... incite dream meaning


(Incite; Induce; Lure; Urge) To urge someone to feed the hungry or to do good deeds in a dream means repentance of a sinner, or attracting one’s good luck, or following the exemplary conduct of God’s Prophet upon whom be peace.... prompting dream meaning


(Catch; Hunt; Lure) In a dream, a snare means deception, duplicity and fraud.

If one is captured or held with a snare in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. Ifone places a snare to catch an animal or a bird with a dream, it means that he earns his money through deception and fraud.

(Also see Trap)... snare dream meaning


(Entice; Incite; Induce; Lure.

See Prompting)... urge dream meaning


(Rape) Committing the abominable and forbidden act of adultery in a dream means betrayal.

If one sees himself doing so in a dream, it means that he will betray his wife.

An unknown woman is better here than a known woman. Adultery in a dream also means theft.

If one sees an adulteress soliciting him for fornication in a dream it means that he might be lured to earn unlawful money. Ifone commits adultery with ayoung and a beautiful woman in a dream, it means that he will place his earnings in a well-guarded place or a coffer.

If a strong person commits adultery in his dream and if he had to face the divine ordinance and chastisement for his sin in the dream, it means that his authority will expand.

If the person in the dream qualifies for leadership, then he will be endowed with one.

If one sees himself committing adultery with the wife of a close friend in a dream it means that he will take some money from him. Ifone reads the ruling of the divine ordinance concerning the punishment of adulterers in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer. Ifone deals with an adulteress or with a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, then such a woman represents the world and its seekers.

If a student on the path of God Almighty, who is known to have piety, good conduct and who has the look of a believer sees himself dealing with an adulteress or a woman who has committed adultery in a dream, it means that he will join the company of a gnostic and learn wisdom at his hand. Ifone sees a man and a woman sitting alone in an intimate setting in his dream, and if he recognizes them, it means that he desires some worldly interests from such a man.

If a man sees himself raping a young woman in a dream, it means that he hides his savings in an unknown place.

If he is caught after that, and if the divine ordinance is exacted in the dream, his dream means that he will follow the path of knowledge and understanding of religious jurisprudence. Ifone commits adultery with an adulteress in a dream, it means that he will face severe trials.

If one enters a brothel in his dream and finds it impossible to leave that place, it means that he may die shortly.

If one sees himself sleeping with someone else’s wife, while the husband is not minding in a dream, it means that the husband will entrust him with his home to manage.

If one marries an adulteress in a dream, it means that he is an adulterer.

(Also see Sexual intercourse)... adultery dream meaning


(Wrap) Ashroud in a dream means coveringone’s private parts, or it could mean having a secret affair, concealing one’s action while displaying a deceptive appearance, or it could mean marriage with an incompatible spouse. Wearing a shroud in a dream also may mean earning money from adultery.

If one sees a shroud and does not wear it in his dream, it means that he will be lured to engage in adultery, though he will abstain. Being wrapped in a shroud like a dead person in a dream means one’s death.

If one’s head and feet are still uncovered in the dream, it represents his religious failure and corruption.

The smaller is the wrap shrouding the deceased in a dream, the closer he is to repentance and the larger is the wrap and more complete is his preparation for burial in the dream, the further he is from repentance.

(Also see Shrouding; Undertaker)... shroud dream meaning


A tavern in a dream means getting high after feeling low and depressed. It also means dispelling one’s strains and distress, or it could represents a prostitute, an abused woman, or adversities because of the damages and liabilities a tavern may bring.

If one promises to do something, then if he sees a tavern in his dream, the tavern then represents the terms of his agreement, or that he is engaged in a shabby or a covert action against his boss.

If a sick person sees himselfin a tavern in a dream, it means that his time is up. Ifa pious person sees himselfentering a tavern in a dream, it means that he may be lured into temptation.... tavern dream meaning