(Personal guard; Prison guard) If a notable or a public figure sees his keepers of the gates, or his personal guards standing-up in a dream, it means that they are performing their duty correctly.
If they are sitting in the dream, it means that they are failing their duties.
The governor’s keeper of the gate in a dream represents glad tidings. Usually he represents a notable person, or a great person who is sought for advice, whereby both great and little people depend on him for access.
The keeper of the gate in a dream also represents abeyance, or blocking one’s access.
(Also see Doorman)... keeper of the gate dream meaning
(Accountant; Calculator; Drawing board; Gambler; Inscription tablet; Speculator)Acalculator in a dream represents a painter or a photographer. Ifone sees himself as a calculator, an accountant, or a record keeper in a dream, it means that he might become a secretary, a writer, a stockbroker, ajobber, a dealer, a speculator, an operator, a bookmaker, a bookie, or an operator of a gambling table.
(Angels; Spiritual) Representing the heedful angels in charge of guarding the writings of the Preserved Tablets, and the heavenly beings or scribes in charge of recording peoples’ deeds. In a dream, the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records represent the gnostics, the renowned people of knowledge, religious scholars and the trustworthy ones. Seeing the scribes of the records in one’s dream brings him glad tidings in this life and in the next.
If the person lives a pious life, it means that the heavenly paradise is his final abode, but if he is impious, it could represent a clear warning. Meeting the blessed angels in charge of keeping peoples’ records in a dream also means facing adversities, then becoming free from one’s trials.
(Also see Scribesi)... record keepers dream meaning