If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved.
If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one’s house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain.
If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment for people’s sins.
If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality.
If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest.
If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey.
A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearingdown structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place.
A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one’s enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. Rain in a dream also represents a caravan of camels, and a caravan of camels in a dream represents rain.
A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. Ifthe skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’[m, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life.
If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him.
If the rain falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability to get medicine for a sick person because of one’s poverty, or it could mean imprisonment. Ifone washes himself in the rain, or takes a ritual ablution to perform his prayers, or washes his face with it, or washes away filth in a dream, it means repentance from sin, receiving spiritual guidance, or abolishing religious innovations and polytheism from one’s heart.
If he is poor, it means that God Almighty will enrich him and satisfy his needs, or ifhe needed something from a ruler or a governor, it means that his request will be answered favorably. Drinking from rainwater and if it is clear and pure in the dream, it means receiving blessings and benefits. Ifthe water is dirty and polluted in the dream, it means a sickness.
(Also see Water)... rain dream meaning
The same applies to seeing clouds, But if rain or clouds are seen confined to a particular place, house or vicinity, it symbolizes famine and sickness or some worldly loss which the people of that place will suffer. In most cases it symbolizes difficulties and hardships which will afflict the people of that place.... rain dream meaning
A yellow one symbolizes sickness or disease.
A red one implies bloodshed.
It is said that sometimes, the mere dreaming of a rainbow implies that the observer of the dream will marry soon.... rainbow dream meaning
If the yellow color is more dominant in the dream, it means an illness.
If the green color is more dominant in the dream, then it means safety, peace and tranquility.
A rainbow in a dream also means marriage. Seeing a rainbow over one’s right side in a dream means blessings. Ifit appears on one’s left side in the dream, then it means prosperity and a good harvest. As for poor people, seeing a rainbow on one’s right side also means richness, while for a rich person it means short lived difficulties.
A rainbow in a dream also represents wonders, or a military coup. Ifthunder accompanies the rainbow in the dream, then it means war.... rainbow dream meaning
(See Overcoat)... raincoat dream meaning