To swear solemnly by the stars, the celestial signs or by any physical sign in a dream means arrogance, deception, humiliation, hypocrisy or heedlessness.
If one is truthful in his oath in a dream it means that he will win his argument, speak the truth or perform an act that pleases God Almighty.
To swear by God in a dream when failure to perform requires atonement means following the truth and emulating the leading example of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.... adjuring dream meaning
If a scholar sees him in a dream, it means that he will earn increased knowledge, asceticism, reverence and strength. Seeing him in a dream also means capture by one’s enemy, migrating from one country to another and mostly to die as a martyr. Seeing ‘Ali in a dream also means having a blessed progeny, vanquishing one’s enemy, presiding over the believers, hardships duringtravels, booty, manifestation of blessings and miracles, acquiring extraordinary knowledge, following the leading practices of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, or fulfillment of one’s commands. Ifone sees him as an old man in a dream, it means establishing a connection with the leadership of the land and profiting from it. Seeing him with wounds over his body in a dream means that one will become subject to people’s slander and defamation.... ali dream meaning
If the amulet or the talisman carries a personal spell or wish, then it is nothing but lies, falsehood, affectation and hypocrisy.
If the person who recites the incantation in the dream is a craftsperson, it means that he defrauds the people and fakes his product. Ifhe is a man of knowledge, it means that he lies or hides his true knowledge, abstains from giving true advice, or perhaps he offers a poor quality of worship.
If the one reciting the incantation in the dream is a judge, it means that he will give a wrongjudgement.
If one is given to drink some water over which specific prayers were recited in a dream, it means longevity.
If one sees himself reciting an incantation, or if he hears incantations recited on his behalf in a dream, it will all be false except for a prayer that recites ‘In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate’ or contains a Quranic revelation.... amulet dream meaning
A fruitbearing apricot tree in a dream represents a rich man. However, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream also represents someone who suffers from a serious illness, and is oflittle or no use to others. On the other hand, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream represents someone with a cheerful face, who is courageous in defends himself, but who is stingy with his own family. When the apricot is still green and unripened in the dream, it represents little money. When it ripens and becomes yellow in a dream, it denotes greater profits. Eating a ripened apricot in a dream means being generous and charitable, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Breaking a branch from an apricot tree in a dream means a dispute with one’s family or with a friend. In general, breaking a branch from a tree in a dream means claiming someone’s money or denying him his money, or it could mean failing to perform one’s prayers, neglecting one’s obligatory fast or misusing and damaging someone else’s property. Attending an apricot farm in a dream means trustworthiness and dutifulness.
It is also said that an apricot tree in a dream represents a hypocrite, because yellow in a dream means illness, and hypocrisy is an illness.
An apricot tree in a dream also represents a wealthy woman. Plucking apricots from a tree in a dream also could mean marrying such a woman. Harvesting any fruitbearing tree in season in a dream means pleasures and work, except for the mulberry tree, for here it means toiling, hardship or waste of time. Plucking apricots from an apple tree in a dream means impressing unjust rules upon others. In general, a yellow colored fruit in a dream signifies illness.
A sower tasting fruit in a dream signifies distress and sorrow. Apricot in a dream also signifies fear, bringing things under control, things returning to normal or it could even mean pleasant gains.
(Also see Fruit)... apricot dream meaning
If one sees himself repugnantly spending his money in a dream, it means his death. Avariciousness in a dream also means falling into sin.... avarice dream meaning
The string or spike of a carder represents her groaning husband. Holding a carder in a dream means befriending someone filled with hypocrisy and repugnance.
(Also see Cotton)... carder dream meaning
(Also see Citrus medica)... citron dream meaning
A silver band in a dream means a lasting marriage. Ifit is a brass band in the dream, then it means decisiveness but with trickery and regarding something loathsome. Ifthe bond is made from lead in the dream, then it means having determination about something weak or unworthy of such attention.
A bond made with a rope in the dream signifies piety and religiousness.
If it is mad of wood in the dream, then it means persistence in hypocrisy.
If it is a bond made of a piece of cloth, or a thread in the dream, then it means attachment to something that will not last. In a dream, a bond also means delays when one is intending to travel, and for a merchant it means salability of his merchandise, and as for someone suffering from depression, it means perseverance of his sorrows.
To see oneselftied-up in God’s cause in a dream means caring for one’s family. Seeing oneself tied-up or fettered in a city or a village in a dream means living there. Being bound inside a house in a dream means living with a difficult wife. Adding extra shackles to an already bound and bed stricken person in a dream means his death and for a prisoner, it means extension of his sentence. Wearing a green garment and seeing one’s hands tied-up in a dream means spiritual growth.
If one sees himself wearing a white garment, then it means knowledge, understanding, beauty and honor. Ifone sees himself wearing a red garment, it means that he is a musician, or that he is fascinated by music and a night life of distractions. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means sickness. Ifone sees himself tiedup with a golden bond in a dream, it means that he is awaiting to recover money that he lost in an investment.
If one sees himself in a dream tied-up inside a palace which is built from glass, it means that he will befriend a noble woman, though their friendship will not last. Seeing oneself being tied-up with another person in the dream means committing a sin and being afraid of its consequences. In general, a bond in a dream signifies distress and poverty.
(Also see Band; Chain; Fetter; Yoke)... bondi dream meaning
When bread is made from bleached flour in a dream, it means blessed earnings and a comfortable life. When it is made with unbleached flour in a dream, it means disturbances in one’s life.
It is said that each loafof bread represents forty years of one’s life. Each loafofbread also may represent money in denominations of tens, hundreds or thousands, all relative to the financial standing of the person in the dream, or the type of work he performs. Whole wheat bread, barley bread or sweet bread made with honey or sugar in a dream means rising prices. Eating bread with its crusts in a dream is like eating honey with its beeswax. Oven fresh bread when eaten in one’s dream is best. Bread in a dream represents woman’s chastity. Bread made with bleached flour means living a clean life, having pure knowledge, or a beautiful wife.
If a student sees himself distributing bread among poor people in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals and succeed in his studies.
If he is a preacher, it means that people are accepting his admonitions and advice. Otherwise, ifhe sees people crowding over him to get their bread in the dream, it means that people will seek what he has to offer. In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one.
If one sees a deceased person offering him a piece of bread in a dream, it means that he will receive unexpected money from an unsolicited source. Ifone sees bread hanging in the skies, over the roofs or hanging down from trees in a dream, it means rising prices and the same interpretation applies for all commodities.
If he sees bread scattered on the ground and people walking over it in a dream, it means prosperity in that land which leads to vanity.
A good looking loaf of bread represents one’s good religious stand, otherwise it means the opposite. Bakingbread in a dream means working for one’s livelihood. Seeing squandered loaves of bread and not eating from them in the dream means meeting with brothers one has not seen for a long time. Having a loaf of bread baked with coarsely grounded grains in the dream means living a comfortable life, though with insignificant religious attendance.
If it is a loaf of barley bread in the dream, it means a strenuous life, though well managed. Corn bread, chick peas bread or millet bread means tight financial conditions and rising prices.
If one is given a piece of dried bread in a dream, it indicates the near end of his life.
A loaf of bread in a dream means marriage for an unwed person, and for a craftsman, it means progress in his trade. As for a ruler or ajudge, a well baked loafof bread in a dream represents hisjustice. Small loaves of bread in a dream represent a short life, while large loaves mean longevity. Eating a hot loaf of bread means hypocrisy, because the effect of the oven’s heat is still in it. Eating bread without a meal means a sickness or dying alone. Eating from a loaf of bread which is halfbaked in a dream means that one may suffer from high fever.
If a poor person eats sweet bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of what he maybe expecting to receive. Eating the thin variety of rock baked bread in a dream means increase in one’s earnings.
A thin loaf of bread in a dream also could mean a short life. Holding two loaves of bread in a dream means marrying two sisters, one after the other. Eating simultaneously from two loaves of bread, one in each hand in a dream also means a marriage to two sisters. Eating pretzels in a dream means adopting a good health diet. Stale bread in a dream means inexpensive or shoddy prices. Dough in a dream means debts or loans.
A flying loaf of bread with two wings means high prices. Eating a flat loaf of bread, or a loaf of pita bread in a dream means easy living or prosperity. Eating a bun in a dream denotes a decent financial stability. In a dream, a loaf of bread also represents little money or little earnings, or a small wage.
(Also see Dough)... bread dream meaning
(Also see Fog; Uncertainty)... doubt dream meaning
If one finds himself unwillingly giving family support or alimony to his wife in a dream, it means hypocrisy, or that he is nearing his death.... family support dream meaning
If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord. Ifhe recognizes the castrated person in his dream, it means that he has met with an acquaintance of his. Seeing oneselfcastrated in a dream also means increase in one’s devotion and guarding of his chastity. Castration in a dream also means negation of favors, loss of one’s family or children, or it may imply absence of mannerism, choosing to satisfy one’s personal comfort over the interests of others, and it represents evil intent or hypocrisy.
(Also see Impotence)... castration dream meaning
An iron cast chair in a dream represents power and superiority.
If it is a wooden chair, then it means less than that beside added hypocrisy. Sitting on a chair in a dream means becoming a guardian, deputy, attorney or proxy.
If one qualifies for governing or for managing a business, then sitting on a chair in a dream means receiving such an appointment.
If a traveller sees himself sitting on a chair in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland to be reunited with his family and to attain his goals.
For people in authority, a chair in their dream represents an appointment, a promotion, fame, marriage, children or buying an expensive property, a new vehicle or a new garment.
If one finds a chair and sits on it in a dream, it means that he will gain power or be married to a woman whose prestige and sophistication correspond to those of the chair. Ifone’s wife is pregnant, then seeing oneself sitting on a chair in a dream means that she will beget a son.
If one sees himself sitting on a chair and wearing a stately garment in a dream, it means that he will occupy the seat of knowledge, honor, reverence and that he will receive immediate benefits.
If one’s chair breaks in a dream, it may mean his death or that of his wife, or it could mean their separation, or losing one’s authority at home or at work. Achair in a dream also signifies happiness and promotion for the one who sits on it, or it could mean spiritual success or winning God’s forgiveness in the hereafter and entering the heavenly paradise.
If a pregnant woman sees herself sitting on a chair in a dream, the chair then represents her labor and her delivery day.
If she is wearing a crown in the dream, then it means that she will beget a son. Seeing the Divine Throne (Kurs’i) of God Almighty in its most perfect condition which is situated in the highest heaven and as it is without attribution of human imagination or depictions of images in a dream means acquiring knowledge, wisdom and rising in station. Achair in a dream also signifies delivering a babe, travels, a vehicle, buying a house or initiating a good practice that people will emulate and follow. As for a sick person, a chair in his dream means being on his deathbed.
(Also see Saddle; Seat; Throne)... chair dream meaning
If a deceased person embraces the person seeing the dream and does not let go of him in a dream, it means his death. Embracing a known person in a dream means associating with him. Embracing one’s enemy in a dream means making peace with him.
It is also said that an embrace in a dream signifies exchanging praises.
An embrace in a dream also signifies kindness, liking for one another, travels, arriving from a journey and dispelling distress or anxiety.
An embrace in a dream is also interpreted to mean having sexual intercourse. Embracing a woman in a dream means love for the world, and despair from receiving any reward in the hereafter. Embracing a man in a dream signifies lending him support and helping him. Embracing the trunk of a tree in a dream means indulging in hypocrisy. Embracing someone and laying one’s head in his lap in a dream means entrusting him with one’s capital, or working for him.
(Also see Envelope; Hug)... embrace dream meaning
A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance.
A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong.
An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person.
If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy.
The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter. Ifthe engraver sells the merchandise but does not accept money for them in the dream, it means that he prefers his spiritual life over his temporary material pleasure and that he is grateful to God Almighty.
If he asks for a price for his services, then it means the opposite.
If the engraver barters what he sells for wheat or flour in the dream, it means that he whlbecome detached from worldly interests, and that he is grateful for his Lord’s blessings.
An engraver in a dream also represents a person who teaches arts and science.... engraver dream meaning
If one leads the prayers in his dream, it means that he will guarantee something to someone, or it could means that he will borrow money for a term. Ifone prays behind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others.
The midday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dream means attaining one’s goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himself completing his prayers in the dream. Completing one’s prayers means achieving one’s goal.
If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his Z,uhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper.
If one sees himself performing his Z,uhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. Ifone performs his midday Zuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as ‘Agr, performingit in a dream means taking a vow or making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one’s liability.
If one sees himself performing the ‘A§.r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities.
If one does not complete his ‘A§r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place.
If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Maghrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term.
If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as ‘Isha.
If one sees himself performing his ‘Isha prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean the end ofhis life, following which, one usu ally attends to his resting time, which is similar to death.
If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon before he hears either good or bad news. On another level, if one sees himself praying the evening ‘I.§ha prayers in a dream, it means that he is committed to attend to his family’s needs as commanded by God Almighty, such as providing for their food, clothing, shelter and teachings. Ifone sees himself praying in the middle of the night (arb. Witter) in a dream, it means that he does attend to his family’s needs and perhaps they feel comfort in his presence. Ifone sees himself performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream, it means that he will start with the inevitable, such as working to provide for his family.
If one sees himself performing the midday Zuhur prayers at the time of the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream, it means that he will repay his debts. Ifone’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘A§.rprayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes.
If one sees himself performing the midafternoon prayers in a dream, it means that hisjob will shortly be completed and only little work is left for him to finish. Praying the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means finishing one’s duties and it is time for him to take a rest.
The night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means veiling things or entering the privacy of one’s home. On a third level, the midday Zuhur prayers mean repentance, dismissal or abrogation of laws.
The midday Zuhur prayers also could mean struggling against Satan and one’s enemies, which struggle takes place usually at the time of one’s midday nap.
The mid-afternoon ‘A§.r prayers in a dream also represents victory in one’s life, or it could mean guidance, blessings and observing God’s laws.
The sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means losing a parent, the passing away of one’s guardian, the death of a close friend or the impeachment ofthe person the dream indicate. Seeing oneselfpraying the night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means preparing for a journey, or it could mean marriage, moving from one place into another, or it could mean suffering from cataract, weakness of one’s vision, or it could denote the vastness of what is to come, for ‘Isha prayers are distant from the dawn Fajr prayers. Performing the dawn Fajr prayers in a dream indicates a vow one pledges. Praying the midafternoon ‘A§r prayers in a dream means attaining ease after suffering from hardships. Performing the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means having crossed somethingthat will come back later, andperformingthe night ‘Ishaprayers in a dream means deception and a tricks.
If one sees himself performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream, it means that he will attain what he is hoping for.
If one sees himself praying inside a garden in a dream, it means that he is beseeching God Almighty for His forgiveness.
If one sees himself praying in a farmland in a dream, it means repayment of his debts. Ifhe prays inside a slaughter house in a dream, it means that he will commit the loathsome act of sodomy. Ifone sees himselfpraying seated without an excuse in a dream, it means that he will perform a deed which is not acceptable by his Lord.
If he prays lying on his side in bed in a dream, it means that he will be bed stricken.
If one performs his prayers in a mosque, then leaves it to attend to other duties in a dream, it means that whatever he attends to will be blessed, and he will profit from it.
If one sees himselfpraying while riding in a dream, it means that he is struck with fear, or that he may face a fight. Ifone sees himself performing the obligatory (arb. FarQh) prayers shortened to two groupings of prostrations (arb. Rak’at) in a dream, it means travels.
If one sees himself praying while eating honey in a dream, it means that he may engage in sexual intercourse with his wife during the fasting hours.
If a woman sees herself performing the obligatory (arb. Far!lli) prayers shortened to two grouping of prostrations in a dream, it means that she will have her monthly menstrual period on that day.
If one discovers that he has missed the time of the prescribed prayer and could not find a place or time to perform it in his dream, it means that he will face difficulties finishing something or paying a debt or satisfy a worldly goal.
If one intentionally neglects to do an obligatory prayer, or ifhe plans to do them later 166 (arb. Qada’) in the dream, it means that he takes his religious commitment lightly and hopes to correct his attitude at a later time. Performing the Friday congregational prayers in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations, the pilgrimage season, abstaining from borrowing money for one’s accessories or luxuries. Performing the festival prayers (arb. Eid) at the end of the month of Ramadan in a dream means paying one’s debts, recovering from an illness, dispelling difficulties and dissipating one’s worries. Performing the prayers ofthe festival ofsacrifice (arb. Eid-ul Adjja.
See Immolation; Manumission) in a dream means controlling one’s business, respecting one’s promises or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing the mid-morning prayers (arb. Dhuhii) in a dream means amnesty, innocence, makinga true oath, happiness and beingfree from polytheism. Ifone performs the prayer of a sick person in a dream, it means lack of luck and doubt about one’s faith. Grouping two prayers at one time or shortening them in a dream, means travels or temptation. Performing one’s prayers directly on a filthy, wet and impure ground without a prayer mat means poverty, humiliation and needs.
If one sees himself praying without properly covering his or her modesty as required in a dream, it means committing wrong while fasting or giving charity from unlawful earnings, following innovation, falling victim to passions or professing that one is right however he does his prayers. Ifone performs the prayers of fearing something in a dream, it means creating a business partnership, business activities or suffering the pangs of death. Talking during prayers in a dream means asking to get back a gift one has offered, or failure to focus one’s intention, or talking about one’s charities in public. In a dream, when performing one’s prayers, if one reads loud when he should read inwardly, or ifhe reads inwardly when he is supposed to invoke outwardly, and if he is called upon to judge between people, it means that his judgment will be wrong or that he may follow his own mind, or it could mean affectation, falsehood, hypocrisy, hiding the truth or unjustly confiscating someone’s money.
If one changes the order of the ritual prayers in a dream, it means that he disobeys his parents or objects to someone he is supposed to hear and obey, or perhaps he will be afflicted with forgetfulness or staying-up sleepless nights, or it could mean that he lacks intelligence, or that he is unable to memorise or remember things. Performing the late night prayers, (arb. Tari’iwi’h) in a dream means toiling, exhaustion, repayment of one’s debts and receiving guidance. Performing a special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa) in a dream denotes fears, languid, rising prices, dullness of the market, trouble, unhappiness, attachment and stagnation of the construction business. Performing the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers in a dream means striving to deliver comfort or to appease someone or perhaps it could denote repentance of a sinner, returning to the path of God Almighty, fearing the authorities, difficulties, or manifestation of major signs of the fast approaching Hour of Reckoning. Performing a special prayer of fear (arb. Khawf) in a dream represents unity, concord, commonconsent, peace and tranquility. Performingthe funeral prayers (arb. -Ianaza) in a dream means interceding on behalf of the deceased.
If the deceased is unknown, then performing the funeral prayers means giving employment to a jobless person, profits from a partnership, or it could denote failure to adequately perform one’s regular obligatory prayers, or being forgetful or oft-distracted during prayers. Ifone sees himself leading the funeral prayers in a dream, and then after completinghis prayers intercedes exaggeratedly with special invocations on behalf of the deceased in a dream, it means that he will be appointed by a ruler who is a hypocrite to manage a sector of his business.
If one sees himself then invoking blessings upon the deceased in the dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sins. Ifone sees himself sitting in a gathering of people praying for departed souls in a dream, it means that he will pray in a funeral. Seeing oneself in a dream performing a funeral prayer, means that one will intercede on behalf of a sinner.
If one sees himself performingthe Friday congregational prayers (arb. Jumu’a) in a dream, itmeans that relief is coming his way, or it could mean a reunion with a beloved, or satisfying a need one is asking for it to be fulfilled.
If one sees himself praying the Friday prayers alone in the dream, it means that such help is exclusive to him.
If one loses something and sees himself in a dream celebrating one of the two Islamic festivals, itmeans that he will find his lost object. Ifone sees himself performing the festival prayers (arb. ‘Eid) of the end of the month of Ramadan in the dream, it means perosperity, and if it is the festival of sacrifice in the dream, it means repayment of his debts, dispelling stress, advancement in one’s life or job or release from prison. Performing either the solar or the lunar eclipse prayers (arb. Kusiif or Kl!ustif) in a dream means that a calamity will befall the leaders of the country or its renowned people, or it could mean the death of a great person of knowledge, whereby everyone will attend his funeral. As for the special prayer for rain (arb. Istisqa), performing it in a dream may represent an accident, or it could mean political unrest.
If the people offer this prayer from its inception to its completion in the dream, it means that their adversity will be lifted. Praying any supererogatory prayers (arb. Nafl) in a dream represents piety and devotion to the leading example (arb. Sunnah) practiced by God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.
If a woman sees herselfleading men in prayers in the dream, it means that she will shortly die. Performing supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) following the leading example of God’s messenger, upon whom be peace, in a dream means serving one’s community wit sincerity, purity and good qualities. Ifone sees himselfperforming extra supererogatory prayers in a dream, it means that he cares about the success of his life in the hereafter, and that he shall enjoy the fruit of his devotion both in this world and in the hereafter. Performing one’s obligatory prayers (arb. FarQh) in a dream means providingthe necessary care for one’s family, while performing the supplementary prayers (arb. Sunnah) means working to provide extra comforts for one’s family.
The same interpretation is provided for performing the congregational night prayers of the month of Ramadan known in Arabic as Tarawlh. Seeing that in a dream means taking care of the family needs and bringing comfort to their hearts. During a congregational prayer, if the rows are straight in the dream, it means that such people are in a constant state of celebrating God’s praises. Supererogatory prayers in a dream also mean striving for unity with one’s community, love for one’s brethren and constantly trying to serve and please them with deeds, money, moral and financial support.
If the person seeing the dream is unmarried, it means that he will get married.lfhe is married, it means that he will beget two children.
If a poor person sees himself performing voluntary prayers in a dream, it means that he will earn enough to satisfy his needs.
If one performs the middle of the night prayers known in Arabic as Tahajjud in a dream, it means that he will rise in station. Performing special prayers for the fulfillment of certain wishes in a dream means attending official ceremonies, or being punctual at one’s appointments.
To perform one’s prayers after the due time (arb. Qada’) in a dream means paying one’s debts, repentance from sins or fulfilling one’s vows. Performing one’s prayers sitting in a dream means an illness, failures, contentment, or a warning about an affliction that will befall one’s father, teacher, or a beloved. Performing a special prayer for forgiveness (arb. Istighfar) in a dream means forgiveness for one’s sins and acceptance ofhis repentance. Ifthis prayer is performed in congregation in one’s dream, it means rain, prosperity, begetting children for a barren person, a good harvest, or the purchase of a new property. Performing the special prayers of celebrating God’s praises, known in Arabic as Tasablh in a dream means a receiving a gift, an endowment of divine grace, blessings and prosperity. Performing a special prayer of soliciting guidance for a specific need or cir168 cumstance in a dream (arb. Istikh.arah) means dispelling doubt or confusion, receiving guidance for one’s problem, or it could denote the success of a project.
If the one performing such a special prayer is known to follow the guidance of a spiritual teacher or shaikh, then his dream means lowering of his spiritual status, for a true seeker has no questions. Performing a special prayer for the safe return of a traveller in a dream (arb. Qha’ib) means asking for suitable weather conditions for one’s own needs or for people’s needs. Performing a special prayer over the grave of a deceased in a dream means offering special gifts that warrant no reward, or it could mean distributing charity to needy people. Performing a special prayer of greeting the mosque in a dream means spending one’s money to help his relatives and the needy people among his friends. Performing a sudden and an unexpected prayer in a dream means givingcharities in secret, or askingfor employment from unjust people. Performing any supererogatory prayer, whether during the day or the night in a dream means performing a good deed that brings someone closer to his Lord, or reconciling adversaries, or fostering love between people.
If one sees himself laughing during his prayers in a dream, it means that he oft-forgets his prayers and that he is delinquent about performing them properly and on time.
If one sees himself praying while drunk in a dream, it means that he will give a false testimony in court. Ifone sees himself praying without the required ablution in a dream, it means that his religious performance is worthless and that his adherence is despicable.
If one sees himself standing in prayers toward the wrong direction in a dream, it means that he does the opposite of what he is required to do, or that he acts the opposite of what God Almighty has ordained.
If one sees himself turning his back toward God’s House in a dream, it means that he is an apostate who rejects God’s religion or that he does not care about it.
If one sees the people in the mosque facing another direction in his dream, it means that their leader or judge will be dismissed from his office, or that he neglects to follow the prescribed rules of his religion, or that he follows his own mind and desire in making religious interpretations. However, performingone’s prayers and turning with helplessness toward any direction and crying for help in a dream means seeking God’s nearness, or asking to be accepted by other believers for an unacceptable indulgence or a non-permissible opinion, or it could mean travelling in the direction he faced in his dream. Ifone sees himself praying eastward or westward and beyond the point of God’s House in Mecca in a dream, it means that he is a despicable person who is full of arrogance, who backbites and slanders others and who is daring to indulge in sin and disobedience to his Lord. Ifone could not find the direction ofthe Ka’aba in his dream, it means that he has doubt about his faith. However, if one sees himself facing the holy Ka’aba in the dream, it means that he is walking on the straight path. Hone sees himselfwearing a white garb and reading the Qur’an in the dream, it means that he will join the caravan of pilgrims to Mecca. God knows best.
(Also see Death; Imam; Pharaoh)... five times prayers dream meaning
If one’s hand is tied around his neck in a dream, it also could mean that he will desist from wrongdoing.
If both hands are tied-up in the dream, it denotes his stinginess.
If one is captured and handcuffed by the authorities in a dream, it means that he will be thrown into jailor fall into difficulties. Seeing oneself handcuffed in a dream also means marriage, wrongdoing, or hypocrisy.
(Also see Bondi; Rancor)... handcuff dream meaning
If it appears cheerful and handsome looking in the dream, it represents glad tidings, happiness and a good life, though if it looks opaque in the dream, it means the opposite. In general, a yellow face in a dream means humiliation, loneliness, hypocrisy or illness.
If a believer sees his face yellow in a dream, it denotes his devotion and fear of wrongdoing. Yellowness of the face in a dream also could mean being1n love.
If an African person sees his face white in a dream, it means hypocrisy, impudence and shamelessness.
If a Caucasian sees his face black in a dream, it means that his heart and intentions are better than what a stranger may think of him. Ifone’s face appears white and his body black in a dream, it means that he shows decency and disguises inappropriateness. Ifa whiskerless person sees hair growing over the sides of his upper lip in a dream, it means that he carries burdening debts, or that he has lost dignity.
If one’s face looks different or missing some of its clarity or beauty in a dream, it denotes someone who jokes excessively, for immoderatejesting, hilarity or mirth decreases people’s respect.
If there is no skin to cover one’s cheeks in a dream, it means that he lives from asking others for his needs. Dust coveringone’s face in a dream means deficiency in one’s religious devotion. Ifone’s face or eyes turn bluish in a dream, it means that he is a criminal in God’s sight.
An opaque face in a dream represents a liar or an innovator.
If the color of one’s face is blush or reddish with white spots in the dream, it means joy, happiness and good living.
If a righteous person sees his face blush in a dream, it means that he feels ashamed of something he did.
If one’s face is soaking with sweat in a dream, it represents his modesty and reserve.
If one is frowning, and if the color of his face turns red in the dream, it means that he may suffer from distress or losses. Frowning in someone’s face in a dream also means suffering at his hand. Ifa woman sees her face blackened with soot in a dream, it means the death of her husband.
If she sees herself putting makeup and anointing herself with perfume in a dream, it means good news for her and for her husband.
A smiling and a cheerful face in a dream connotes happiness and righteousness whether the person is alive or dead.
The beauty of a woman’s face or that of a child in a dream means blessings. Having two faces in a dream mean a grievous and an woeful end, for God Almighty does not look at someone who has two faces.
If a scholar sees himself having several faces in a dream, it means that he is utilizing his knowledge in various applications, or giving a subject several possible interpretations.
A frowning face, a crying face, a scarred face, or the darkness of one’s face in a dream also mean loss of job, fear, or they could represent a liar.
If the skin of one’s face is cracking in a dream, it denotes lack of modesty or absence of shame. Adisgusting look on one’s face in a dream means loathsomeness, and loathsomeness in a dream represents a disgusting face.
(Also see Body’; Jesting)... face dream meaning
If the stove or the fireplace is made from yellow copper or brass in the dream, then such a woman may have come from a house of a worldly and rich people.
A wooden fireplace in a dream represents hypocrisy in such a family.
If the fireplace is made of plaster in the dream, it means that such a family has associated itself with Pharaonic traditions or worship. Ifthe fireplace is made ofargillite or form sundried bricks in the dream, it means that someone in that family is a godly and a pious person.
A fireplace in a dream also represents a state, a government, joblessness or fleeing from one’s enemy.
If the fireplace or the stove is lit with no food to cook or water to boil over it in the dream, it means that the head of the household, the butler or the house keeper will become angry and infuriated by someone’s slander or backbiting. Ifthe cooking pot in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the fireplace would represent her husband who faces the adversities and hardships of life. On the other hand, if the fireplace in the dream is interpreted to represent the wife, then the cooking pot would be her husband who is always sitting on fire.
If the fireplace or the stove is not lit in the dream, then it represents distress, worries and trouble, but if it is on, then it means fulfilling one’s needs and earning one’s livelihood through hard work.
A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s wife, his tools and instruments, his vehicle, or it could represent a place of gathering, one’s rank, a chair, light, a woman in childbed, a father, a mother, a pregnant woman, one’s shop or a helper.
A fireplace in a dream also could represent the month of January or the cold season.
If a bachelor sees a fireplace in a dream, it means that he will get married, and if he is married, it means that his wife will become pregnant.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins, for a fireplace is the abode of fire and fire in a dream represents fear, horror and guidance.
A fireplace in a dream also represents one’s stomach and the firewood in a dream represents alate heavy meal that will cause indigestion or confused dreams.
(Also see Brazier; Firewood)... fireplace dream meaning
A shell or a husk in a dream represents hypocrisy, affectation, ostentatiousness and a swelled head.
(Also see Skin)... shell dream meaning
The same implies to firewood, small or big, dry or green.... timber and firewood dream meaning
A whale in a dream represents the minister ofsea life, while the sea itselfrepresents the king or the country.
A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison.
A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality, or it could represent someone who tries to tempt his servant or his assistant to indulge in a loathsome act. Ifone sees himself fishing in murky waters in a dream, it conveys evil, sorrows, or distress however it may happen.
If one sees himself fishing in clear waters in a dream, it means money or hearing nice words or conceiving a son, while fishing in salty waters in a dream means difficulties. Ifone sees himselffishing with a fishhook in a dream, it means excitement, pleasure or losing benefits.
A soft skin fish in a dream means benefits for someone intending to trick or to swindle people’s money. Mostly fishing with a pole and a fishhook in a dream means difficulties or slow coming benefits, or a slow and loose business. Any large cyprinoid freshwater fish or a barbel fish (cyprinus bynni; barbus) in a dream denote positive benefits for someone intending marriage or to enter into a business partnership. Seeing a herring or any of its clupeid type fish in a dream represent evil work or toiling for something one will never get.
A fish in the pond in a dream is also a sign of benefits, though may be little benefits. Seeing dead fish floating in the water in a dream has an ominous connotation, or they could represent a hopeless case. Takingfish from the water and eatingthem alivemeansprofits, or an appointment to a high raking position in wakefulness. In a dream, if a sick man or a traveller finds fish in his bed it also connotes bad or a painful sickness or suffering from arthritis, or he may drown because he would be sleeping with them. Seeing sea fish covered with salt in a dream means lasting richness, because fish are preserved in salt, or it could mean burdens. Ifone’s wife is pregnant and he sees a fish coming out of his male organ in a dream, it means that his wife will beget a son.
If a fish comes out of his mouth, then it means speaking ill of a woman. Afried fish in a dream means that one’s prayers will be answered. Abroiled fish in a dream means travels or seeking knowledge.
A large fish in a dream means money, while a small fish means difficulties, burdens and stress, because it carries more spikes than meat, beside, small fish are more difficult to eat. Mixed sized of different kinds offish in a dream represent money, trouble, liking social events or mixing with all types of people, the good and the bad ones. Buying a fish in a dream may mean marriage. Eating a rotten fish in a dream means pursuing adultery and avoiding a lawful marriage. Ifone sees himself attempting painstakingly to catch a whale in a small pond in a dream, it means money that he will fight for, though he cannot get hold of it without having to cross major obstacles.
If one finds a pearl or two in the belly of a fish in a dream, it means that he will marry a rich woman and conceives one or two sons with her.
If he finds a ring in the belly ofthe fish in a dream, it means that he will gain authority and might. Finding fat in the belly of a fish in a dream means acquiring money from a woman. Seeing oneself fishing on a dry land means committing adultery, a sin, or it could mean hearing good news. Catching a fish with excessive bones and scales denotes the necessity to pay one’s dues or to distribute alms tax on one’s liquid assets, because one cannot enjoy his catch unless he first cleanse it. Seeing sea fish swimming toward sweet waters, or river fish swimming toward the sea in a dream means hypocrisy, falsehood or the rise of an innovator or an impostor.
If one sees fish swimming on the water surface in a dream, it means ease in attaining his goals, exposing secrets, unveiling hidden past, reviewing old books or redistributing an old inheritance.
If one sees fish that have the look ofhuman beings in a dream, it means business, trading or meeting with an interpreter, or a translator, or associating with people of good character.
If such fish with a human face look beautiful, then one’s companions are good. Otherwise, if the fish look ugly in the dream, then it means that he has associated himself with evil companions.
If one sees an aquarium in his house filled with all types of catfish, or angelfish or similar fish that live in a home aquarium in a dream, it means being charitable or taking care of orphans or adopting children.
If one sees himself reaching with his hand to the bottom of the seabed to catch fish in a dream, it means that he will acquire extensive knowledge in his profession and prosper from his trade. Otherwise, it could mean that one will become a spy.
If the sea opens and unveils its treasures, and ifone catches a goldfish from its belly in the dream, it means that God Almighty will reveal new spiritual knowledge to him in order to help him understand his religion and to receive guidance.
If the goldfish leaves his hand and returns to the sea in the dream, it means that he will join the company of righteous people and saints from whom he will learn about the inner spiritual knowledge, or that he will find a good companion for ajourney he intends. Ifone eats a fish without cleaning or cooking it in a dream, it means that he will speak ill of his own friends, slander his associates, commit adultery, acquire money from trickery and falsehood, or become inflicted with a dangerous disease or suffer from a stroke. Ifone sees fish on the shore rather than in the water in a dream, it means that he may change his profession.
The different types of fish in a dream representhuman beings and their professions. Afish in a dream also couldmean that death will take place where it is found, because of the departure of its soul, its stench, weight and one’s responsibility to bury the deceased. Eating a fish in a dream also means receiving easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings.
(Also see Meat)... fish dream meaning
If one sees his town flooded with blood in a dream, then it represents God’s wrath and punishment for people’s sins. Inundations in a dream also could represent a rainfall, one’s tongue or a sharp spoken woman.
If one’s house is flooded in a dream, it represent past deeds that will bring later benefits. Flood in a dream also represents liquid nourishment such as honey, milk, or oil.
If one sees himself collecting the waters of a flood in jars and people seem happy about it in the dream, it means the availability offood products in abundance and falling or stabilization of prices.
A flood in a dream also means blocking the roads to extremism or isolating a danger. When one sees a flood in his dream but outside of its season, it means that he is following some psychic influences or pursuing religious innovations. It also means wrath, destruction, impeachment, penalties or a plague, unless if it is falling from the skies, then it means rains and blessings. Ifone sees himselfcoming out of his home to swim into an inundated town in the dream, it means that he will escape from a ruthless tyrant. Should one fail to cross, and if he is rather forced to return to his house in the dream, it means that he shouldbe careful about staying in that town or about disobeying his boss. Stopping the flood from reaching or entering one’s home in a dream also means reconciliation with one’s enemy.... flood dream meaning
A drinking glass cup in a dream represents a woman. Receiving a glass of water in a dream means that one’s wife is pregnant.
An unknown kind of glass cup or a roughly cut drinking glass of water in a dream means that there is a fetus in the mother’s womb.
If the glass of water breaks and the water remains in the dream, it means that the mother may die after giving birth and the infant will survive. Ifthe water spills and the glass remains intact in the dream, it means that the fetus may die and the mother will survive.
The breaking of a glass in a dream also denotes the death of the one who is serving it.
If a sick person is given a glass of wine, or water, or a bitter apple drink, or a laxative in a dream such a drink represents his last cup.
(Also see Glass blower; Glass bottle)... glass dream meaning
If one sees himselfsmearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression. Ifit is a normal quantity, then it means beautifying oneself.
If the grease smells bad in the dream, it means sarcastic praises equivalent to the degree of its stench, or it could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. 194 Rubbing oneselfwith mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream means fawning, adulation, flattery, hypocrisy, falsehood or backbiting, etcetera. Ifone sees his own face rubbed with grease in a dream, it means a lifetime of abstinence and religious fasting. Rubbing oneself with a cream as a treatment or as a medicine to lessen one’s pain in a dream means that one will correct himself, or save money as a bridal dower or as a down payment toward a purchase.
(Also see Lubrication; Stuffed turkey)... greasel dream meaning
A key in a dream also may mean victory over one’s enemy. Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character ofone who refuses to help others, or ifhe holds their money in trust, it means that he does not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy. Holdingto a key that has no teeth in a dream means cheating an orphan of his inheritance, or becoming a guardian of an estate and deceiving its rightful heirs. Holding to the key of Paradise in a dream means acquiring knowledge, lawful wealth, or receiving an inheritance. Keys in a dream also represent the coffers they open. Seeing a key in a dream also means performing a pilgrimage to Mecca.
A key made of iron in a dream represent a strong and a dangerous man. It also means openness in one’s life. Turning a key to open a door or a padlock in a dream means attaining victory over one’s enemies. Opening a door or a lock without a key in a dream means attaining the same through prayers. Finding a key in a dream means finding a treasure, or profits from a farmland.
If a wealthy person finds a key in his dream, it means that he owes alms tax and he should immediately distribute what he owes, pay charities and repent for his sins. Holdingto the key ofthe holy Ka’aba in a dream means working for a ruler or an Imam.
If a woman receives keys in a dream, it meansher betrothal. Having difficulty to open a door, even with a key in a dream means hindrances in one’s business, or failure to attain one’s goal.
A key in a dream also represents new knowledge for a scholar or a learned person. Putting a key inside a door in a dream means placing a deceased person inside his coffin or grave, or it could mean having sexual intercourse with one’s wife.... key dream meaning
If one’s ladder turns into concrete stairs in a dream, it means assiduity and veiling or protecting of one’s privacy.
A ladder laid on the floor in a dream means authority, while a raised ladder means recovering from an illness.
A ladder also represents travels, comfort to a person who is struck by sorrows, or it could represent a great person. Climbing a new ladder in a dream means reaching new spiritual attainments, or it could represent his business success. Even climbing an old ladder in a dream means success in one’s bushiness, exaltation and profits. Falling from a ladder in a dream means adversities, spiritual fall and temptation. Climbingdown a ladder in a dream means business losses.
If the ladder breaks in the middle of one’s assent or descent in the dream, it means losing to one’s competition. Ifone fixes a ladder to descend upon something he knows in a dream, it means safety from danger, arrogance, fears, or escape from an accident that might cost him his life. Climbing a ladder in a dream also means seeking the help of people who are filled with hypocrisy.
If one climbs a ladder to hear something in a dream, it means that he will achieve success and attain power.
A ladder in a dream also means authority, eavesdropping, or spying for evil people.... ladder dream meaning
If one who is suffering from depression sees himself unlocking a padlock in a dream, it means that his sorrows or sadness will be dispelled.
A lock in a dream also represents a proof, a strong point or a tool. Unlocking a padlock in a dream also means divorce. Locking a door in a dream means seeking a cosigner for a loan or a guarantor. Ifone who is seeking to get married sees a lock in his dream, it means that he will meet with a trustworthy and a caring woman.
A padlock for a traveller in a dream means safety.
A metal lock in a dream means dignity, safety, piety, deciphering a language, symbols, or acquiring knowledge. Wooden locks in a dream represent a husband, children, knowledge, wisdom, ease in one’s life, or guarding one’s promise. Locks in a dream also mean heedlessness.
A wooden lock means hypocrisy, or hesitation in one’s words and actions, or it could mean accepting a bribe.
(Also see Close; Padlock)... lock dream meaning
If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment.
If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly.
If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating something that is given by Malik in a dream also means abstinence and repentance from sin, or it could mean submitting to guidance after having gone astray. Ifone sees the archangel Malik walking toward him in a dream, it means peace and safety from hell-fire. It also means salvation and restoration of one’s faith. However, if he sees the archangel Malik walking away from him and showing displeasure in the dream, it means that one will commit an act that will deliver him into the blaze of hell-fire.
(Also see Hell-fire)... malik dream meaning
A marketplace in a dream also represents a mosque, or winning a war. In fact, the merchants and the customers bargain with one another, some win and some lose.
If a knowledge seeking student sees himself in a marketplace that he does not recognize, then if he walks away from it in the dream, it means that he will cease schooling or interrupt his studies and fail to acquire his degree, or it could mean that he has missed his Friday congregational prayers. It also could mean that the knowledge he is seeking is not intended to please God Almighty. Ifone sees himself shoplifting in a dream, it means that he steals, or holds contempt and conceit in his heart, or if he is a man of knowledge, it means that he will foster falsehood or become affected. Ifone sees a common marketplace on fire, or filled with people, or with a stream of fresh water running in the middle of it, or if it is fragrant with perfumes in the dream, then it represents good business for everyone and increase in their profits, though hypocrisy will later on spread among the people. Otherwise, if one finds the shops closed, the merchants drowsing and spiders webs spreading in every corner and covering the merchandise in the dream, it means stagnation of business or suffering major losses. Seeing the marketplace in a dream is also interpreted to represent the world. Whatever affects it will show in people’s lives, in their mosques, churches, or temples including their profits, losses, clothing, recovering from illness, lies, stress, sorrows or adversities.
If the market is quiet in the dream, then it represents the laziness of its salespeople.
(Also see Entering a house)... marketplace dream meaning
If a minaret is demolished in a dream, it represents the death of such a spiritual guide, fading of his name, dispersal of his community, and perhaps it could lead to the reversal of their conditions.
The minaret of the city’s central mosque in a dream represents a letter carrier, or a guide calling people to God’s path. Falling down from the top of a minaret into a well in a dream means marrying a strong minded woman who uses vicious expressions, when one already has a pious wife with whom he enjoys peace and tranquility. It also means losing one’s authority or control. Climbing a wooden minaret and calling people to prayers in a dream means attaining authority and rising in station through hypocrisy. Sitting alone on the top of a minaret, praising God’s glory and glorifying His oneness in a dream means becoming famous, while the loud glorifications mean that one’s distress and sorrow will be lifted by God’s leave.
The minaret of a mosque in a dream also represents the chief minister of the ruler, or it could represent the muezzin.
(Also see Lantern; Mailman; Masjid; Mosque; Muezzin; Watchtower)... minaret dream meaning
If one desires something, then sees a mirage in his dream, it means that his desire is impossible to attain, or that he will be deprived from attaining it.
A mirage in a dream also represents hypocrisy and ingratitude, disbelief in God’s oneness and love to amass the world and to indulge in its pleasures.
A mirage in a dream also may denote false hopes, or unattainable goals.
If one is summoned by the court to testify in a case, and if he sees a mirage in his dream, it also means that he will give a false statement.
A mirage in a dream also represents a story that has no basis, or deception and lies that are reported as if they were true.
(Also see Ghost)... mirage dream meaning
If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business.
If one then sees the daylight in his dream, it means that such an adversity will pass.
If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted.
If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal.
If they are suffering from tyranny, it too will pass.
The night in a dream also means marital relations, while the day means separation between them. In a dream, the darkness of night also represents heedlessness and particularly if one witnesses thunder and lightning in his dream. Seeing a complete darkness inside one’s house in a dream means taking a long journey.
The night and the day in a dream represent two adverse rulers, or two competitors or adversaries.
The night in a dream also represents an atheist, while the day in a dream represents a believer.
The night in a dream also signifies comfort and rest, while the day means toiling and hardships. In a dream, the night also means sexual pleasures, while the day means divorce or separation.
The night in a dream signifies economic stagnation, while the day means business, travels and hypocrisy.
If the night in a dream is interpreted to represent the ocean, then the day means land.
The night in a dream also means death, while the day represents life and resurrection.
The night and the day together may represent the two guardian angels who record each person’s deeds and who are God’s witnesses.
If a sick person sees the dawn in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness, or die from it. Ifhe is imprisoned, it means that he will be released.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins.
If he is a merchant and his business is not moving, it means that his merchandise will be finally sold.
The nightfall at the end of the day in a dream also could mean the opposite. Seeing the night in a dream also denotes constant changes in one’s life, poverty, hunger, starvation, or death.
The night and the day in a dream also represent wisdom and protocols, or indulging in something one will regret.
The nightfall in a dream also may denote changing times, or changing trends.
The night in a dream also could represent an African woman, while the day may represent a Caucasian woman, or a pregnant woman.
The night in a dream also represents the evening gown, while the day represents work.
The night in a dream also means veiling one’s difficulties and taking refuge in a safe place, except if the one seeing the dream is a traveller, then the night in his dream means injustice and ignorance.
The night in a dream also denotes devotion, holding a night vigil, attaining one’s goal, or meeting with one’s beloveds.
(Also see Darkness; Evening; Moon; Night ofpower)... night dream meaning
A padlock made from wood in a dream represents deceit and hypocrisy. Lockingone’s door securely in a dream means managingand controlling one’s business in accordance with the divine laws.
If one’s door does not have a lock in a dream, it means that one has no control over which way his life goes, and that he cares little about its consequences. Attempting to lock one’s door, but to no avail in a dream means one’s failure to complete an important project. Breaking a lock and entering a house in a dream represents a conqueror or benefits that will come through such a person.
A padlock in a dream also represents a bolt, a door latch, one’s son, a handicapped wife, taking shelter away from one’s enemy, a hidden treasure, or a burial ground.
A padlock in a dream also may denotes sorcery, concealing secrets, or hindrances obstructing one’s travel plans. Putting a padlock on one’s door in a dream means prosperity after suffering from poverty, or receiving honors after being humiliated.
A padlock in a dream also could represent a bastard son, or a foundling.
(Also see Close; Lock)... padlock dream meaning
If one sees his face white and his body yellow in a dream, it means that what he shows outwardly is better than what he hides. On the other hand, if one’s face is yellow and pale and his body is white in the dream, then it means that his heart is better than what others can perceive from his outer look. Ifboth his face and body look pale and emaciated in a dream, it means an illness. Paleness of the face alone in a dream also means sadness or sorrow. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means an illness, unless if it is made from silk.
If one sees himself in a dream wearing a yellowish silk-brocaded cloak, it means religious fakery, or committing improprieties under the name of one’s religion.
(Also see Yellow)... paleness dream meaning
If a young man hits someone over his back with a wooden stick in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to be a hypocrite and an enemy to his father. Unplugging a peg or the pole of a tent in a dream means death. Driving a peg into the wall in a dream means liking to associate oneself with a great person. Driving a peg into a house in a dream means being in love with a woman from that family. Driving a wooden peg or a pin into wood in a dream means liking to befriend a teenager who is also a hypocrite.
A metal peg in a dream represents money, strength, pain, distress, sorrow, or rising to a high ranking position to become firmly established therein. It also means being drafted to accept a governmental position, or it could mean impeachment from office or travels.
If a peg is interpreted to represent a son or a wife in a dream, then it denotes longevity. Standing on top of a pole in a dream means acquiring knowledge from a great scholar.
A peg in a dream also implies money, love, marriage, distress, sorrow, or hypocrisy.... peg dream meaning
A physician in a dream also represents a scholar, and a scholar in a dream represents a physician. Ifone sees a physician examining him in a dream, it means an improvement in his health condition. Ifone sees a religious scholar advising him in a dream, it means that hypocrisy and doubt will be dispelled from his heart.
A physician in a dream also represents one’s mother, or he could be an opponent, or an adversary.
The death of one’s physician in a dream means the death of one’s mother.
If a sick person sees a physician visiting him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If a physician visits a healthy person in a dream and write a prescription for him, it means that he will fall sick. Seeing or visiting a physician in a dream means exposing one’s secrets, for a physician works to extract the patient’s illness just like a snake charmer who brings a snake out of its hiding.
A physician in a dream also represents a garbage collector, a street cleaner, a spy, a backbiter, or a fighter who sometime wins and sometime loses.
To see oneself as a physician in a dream means attaining a high ranking position, or becoming a policeman, or a commander who controls people’s livelihood.
A physician in a dream also represents someone who provides spiritual as well as practical guidance, a social reformer, a judge, a preacher, a teacher, a tanner, or a copper.
If one sees ajust and a well known judge as a physician in a dream, it means that his compassion and welfare will encompass everyone in that locality. Ifone sees a known physician as a judge or a wise man in a dream, it means that one will become renowned, his status will rise and he will become a celebrated pioneer in his field. Ifhe is not known to be a righteous physician, then it means that one will be visited with adversities, or it could mean that someone will die from malpractice, or it could mean persevering with daring attempts do increase one’s business at the expense of people’s lives. Ifone sees a physician selling coffins or folded shrouds in a dream, one should be suspicious of him in wakefulness even if people are fascinated by his charm. Ifone sees a physician working as a tanner in a dream, it shows the physicians ingenuity, knowledge of his trade and the many people who recover from their illness at his hand.
The exception to that is when the tan is spoiled, or if it has a stench, or if it is ineffective in the dream, then it means that such a physician is a crafty swagger.... physician dream meaning
If the poem one is listening to in his dream contains wisdom or a divine revelation, then it does mean good. Composing a poem, or memorizing it in a dream also means losing one’s status, dismissal from one’s job, weakness in one’s religious adherence, suffering from depression, adversities, sufferingfrom slander by one’s enemy, or it could represent a crafty ploy.
If one composes a defamatory poem or a satirical poem in a dream, it means that he slanders others for fun or profit.
If it is lauding someone, then it means that he will become poor.
If he sings his poem with a melody in the dream, it represents a satirical attitude toward someone, doubt about someone, or failure to complete one’s work.
(Also see Poet)... poem dream meaning