Haste Dream Meanings

Haste Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

9 dream interpretation about haste related.


(Celerity; Haste; Hastiness; Quick pace) Walking with dispatch, or with a quick pace in Mecca or in any town in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Celerity in a dream also represents haste, or the dispatch through which one leaves this world. Moving with a quick pace in a dream also means loss of one’s position, or it could mean attending the pilgrimage season in Mecca.

(Also see Hastiness)... hurry dream meaning


To jump from one place into another out of fear or with haste in a dream represents accusations, blasphemy, or disturbing news surrounding one’s name.

To jump down from a high altitude in a dream means separation, or changing of one’s conditions from convenience to discomfort.

An ascending rapidjump in a dream means rising in station and a plummeting jump in a dream means deterioration of one’s status.

(Also see Jumping)... jump dream meaning

True Incident

Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen (RA) was approached by a person who said that he saw a very shameful and disturbing dream and that he was ashamed to reveal it because of its nature.

The Imaam asked him to write down the dream on a sheet of paper. He wrote that he had been away from home for three months. During his absence he dreamed that he has returned home, finding this wife asleep on her bed while two sheep with horns were engaged in battle near her bed.

The one injured the other. Because of this dream he has avoided approaching his wife and yet, by Allah, he loved her a great deal.

When the Imaam read this letter, he said to him not to leave his wife as she was a chaste and honourable woman. He explained the dream thus: “When she heard that you were returning home shortly, in fact you were almost home, she urgently sought for something with which to remove her public hair. Finding nothing she chose to use a scissors rather. In her haste, she inured herself causing a deep wound on that part of her body.

To confirm this, go straight to her and see for yourself.”

The man went straight to his wife expressing his desire to fulfils his need. She said: “No! Not until you explain to me why you had avoided me for seven months!” He gave his explanation regarding his dream and the interpretation given by the learned Imaam. Upon this she exclaimed: “The Imaam has spoken the truth” Then she took his hand and passed it over the cotton wool covering the wound. When he ws satisfied he went back to the Imaam to report his findings.

The Imaam praised and glorified Allah for having guided him to the correct interpretation of the dream.... true incident dream meaning


(Regret) In a dream, hastiness represents regret and regret represents hastiness.

If a sick person sees himself running hastily in a dream it means the nearing of his death.

The only positive connotation of hastiness in a dream is to hasten to do good when the results in one’s dream are good. Otherwise, it means evil.

(Also see Hurry)... hastiness dream meaning

Soorah Waaqi’ah

Its reader will hasten towards performing good deeds and obeying Allah.... soorah waaqi’ah dream meaning

Horse Fright

Shying, as in a horse fright, in a dream means hastening to undertake ajourney, moving quickly from one place to another, or substituting one school of thought for another, adopting a new ideology, or changing one’s religion.

(Also see Horse)... horse fright dream meaning

Inner Struggle

(arb. Jihad; Inner struggle; Outer struggle; Struggle) In a dream, one’s inner struggle means hastening to serve the needs of his family, an act for which the person receives blessings, praises and gratitude. Inner struggle or Jihad in a dream means prosperity, paying one’s debts, challenging arrogant people or oppressors, and walking on the straight path.... inner struggle dream meaning

Seeing Allah In The Form Of A Picture:

One who sees Allah in the form of a picture or he thinks he has seen Allah or someone resembling Allah it means that the observer of such a dream is a compulsive liar_ leveling accusations against Allah and indulging in innovations (bid’aat).

It is imperative that such a person hastens towards seeking Allah’s forgiveness.

The same applies to a person who sees Allah in the form of an idol or any such form as is contrary to His excellence and sublimity. For, Allah Ta’ala is free from all blemishes and weaknesses.... seeing allah in the form of a picture: dream meaning


The element of a good building in a dream represents love, affection, unity, progeny, prosperity, a garment of honor, and girls in one’s family.

A strong edifice means strength and firmness. It also means support, help and a long life. Raising a new edifice in a dream represents either personal or collective material benefits in this world. Ifone sees himselfbuilding an edifice in a dream, it means having intercourse with his spouse. Ifone builds a church, it defines him as Christian.

If he builds a mosque, it defines him as Muslim.

If a man of knowledge sees himselfbuilding a mosque as an offering to please God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will compile a study from which others will benefit or that people will seek his advice in religious matters or interpretations.

If a king, or a ruler sees himselfbuilding a mosque as an offering for God’s pleasure in a dream, it means that he will rule his subjects with justice, command what is lawful and forbid what is unlawful.

If he builds a school, it shows him to be a man of knowledge.

If he builds a hospice in a dream, it means that he is an ascetic.

If a sick person sees himself building a house in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness and enjoy good health. Seeing buildings in a dream explains one’s determination, it also means one’s wants for himselfwhen he rejoices at finding something suitable for status. Ifone sees his house bigger than it is in reality in a dream, it means expansion in one’s material resources.

If it grows beyond the normal norms in a dream, it means anxiety, or a delegation that hastens to enter that house without permission, announcing a calamity, or it could mean that a wedding will take place in that house. Buildinga house in a dream also means extendingone’s connections, strengthening one’s relationship with his kin, friends, or if the person in question is a general in the army, or a leader, then it means building a strong army. Building a house in a dream also means regaining power, rejoicing or success in one’s business, all of which are relative to the thickness of its walls. On the other hand, demolishing one’s house in a dream means disagreement, disintegration or separation of one’s family, relatives, friends, associates or dissolution of one’s army.

If one sees himself working for some people to renovate an old building in a dream, it means correcting the norms of conduct in that community or reviving old traditions.

For example if one sees himselfreconstructing the house of Pharaoh in a dream, it means that he is reviving or reestablishing Pharaoh’s system of government, or adopting its principals. Erecting a foundation for a building, then completing its structure in a dream means seeking knowledge, wisdom or leadership. Building a house in a different county, town or locality in a dream means a marriage with a woman from that neighborhood. Building an edifice from ceramic in a dream means decorating oneself.

If the building is from clay in the dream, it means lawful earnings.

If one engraves pictures or forms thereon in the dream, it means acquiringknowledge, learning a new craft, a leading position in the government which involves partying, alcohol and mingling with what is unlawful. Building an edifice from plaster or backed bricks encrusted with pictures or forms in a dream means engaging in an unlawful or a deceitful act. Building a house in a dream and strengthening its walls, means to complete the father’s traditions, and to continue working in his trade.

(Also see Builder)... building dream meaning

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