Garments of jannah Dream Meanings

Garments Of Jannah Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Dreaming of oneself as having donned the garments of paradise means that the observer will prosper in both the worlds.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Acquiring But Not Eating The Fruits Of Jannah

Acquiring the fruits of Jannah but not eating them or not having the ability to eat them means he will acquire deen but he will not profit from it . Sometimes a dream of this nature could also mean that he will acquire the knowledge of Deen which not benefit him in any way.... acquiring but not eating the fruits of jannah dream meaning

Eating The Fruits Of Jannah

Seeing oneself eating the fruits of Jannah or giving it to someone else is an excellent dream for the fruits of Jannah symbolize utterance of virtue, excellence and benevolence.... eating the fruits of jannah dream meaning

Gardens, Rivers And Damsels Of Jannah

All these suggest that the observer will prosper in both the worlds, the extent of his prosperity depending on how much of the above he sees.... gardens, rivers and damsels of jannah dream meaning

Garments Of Silk, Raw Silk And Fin Silk

These symbolise superiority, Strength, influence and the acquiring of unlawful wealth.... garments of silk, raw silk and fin silk dream meaning

Garments, Burning

If a person sees his clothes or part of his body on fir it implies that he will encounter some crises relating to his clothes or body.

(This will be discussed in great detail in this book).

If such a fire constitutes tongues of falme rising upwards it means harm will come to him from the king or uler. And if no flames are seen it symbolizes pleurisy.... garments, burning dream meaning


If a person sees himself entering Jannah it is a glad tiding that he willsurely enter Jannah and that his good actions are assuredly accepted by Allah.... jannah dream meaning

Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) In Beautiful Garments

Seeing Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam)in beautiful garments implies that the Ummah will attain success materially as well as spiritually.... rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) in beautiful garments dream meaning

Streams Of Jannah

Drinking from the streams and springs of Jannah means that the observer will have all his legitimate desires fulfilled with dignity in both the wordls.... streams of jannah dream meaning

Torn Garments

(Goodwill; Secondhand. Also see Used clothing)... torn garments dream meaning

Wearing Torn Garments

If a person wears torn clothes while he is mending them it means his financial condition will improve. Also he is to acquire adequate sustenance.

In all conditions, garments bespeak a persons’ condition (as understood from above). Similarly, if he is a sinner, his condition will improve through repentance.... wearing torn garments dream meaning

Wife’s Garments

If a person sees himself as sewing or joining his wife’s garments or burqa or head-cloth, it means he will quarrel with her and she is turn will come to find out all that his relatives know... wife’s garments dream meaning