Flying horse Dream Meanings

Flying Horse Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

If a person sees himself as mounted on a horse which flies with him in the skies he will attain honour and dignity in both the worlds. Similar interpretation is given if he sees a horse with wings. It may also mean that its owner will undertake a journey soon.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

31 dream interpretation about flying and horse related.

Ass Becoming A Horse

This means he will received his livelihood from a king or some dignified person.... ass becoming a horse dream meaning

Black Horse

The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness.... black horse dream meaning

Brown Horse

A brown to tawny-coloured horse means the owner will travel to some land where he will face harships.... brown horse dream meaning

Fighting Horse

If a person sees the horse fighting with him it means he will commit a serious crime landing himself in some misfortune whose seriousness depends on the strength of such a horse.... fighting horse dream meaning


Flying in a dream means travels.

If one sees himself flying lying on his back, then it means comfort. Flying for other than a traveller meansjoblessness. Flying from one roof into another in a dream means changing from a man of dignity into a man who has no moral standards. In a dream, a roof also represents a woman or a wife. In this sense, flying between two roofs could mean having a mistress beside one’s wife.

If a woman sees herself flying from her house into the house of a man she knows in the dream, it means that she will marry him. Flying from a known abode into a distant and unknown abode in a dream means death.

If a prisoner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will be released fromjail. Flying with wings in a dream also means travels, and flying without wings means changes in one’s status or conditions.

If a foreigner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland, or it could mean that he travels excessively. Ifone who has pride and exaggerated hopes sees himself flying in a dream, then his dream represents mere hallucination. Ifone sees himselfin a dream flying in a race with someone else, and ifhe wins the race, it means that he will conquer his opponent and rise above him in station. Flying over a mountain in a dream means power and sovereignty.

If one who qualifies for leadership sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will attain a leadership position.

If he falls over something in the dream, it means that he will own or control whatever he falls into. Ifone does not qualify for leadership and sees himself flying in a dream, it represents pitfalls in his religious performances, or it could mean falling sick.

If one does attain his intended destination in the dream, then his dream connotes a successful journey.

If one flies in his dream and disappears beyond sight, it means his death.

If one flies from his own house into an unknown house in the dream, the latter house represents his grave. Flying in a dream also represent a sickness that could lead a person near his death before he could recover from it.

If one flies from a low elevation into a higher one and without wings in his dream, it means fulfillment of his aspirations. Ifone soars in the air like a pigeon in a dream and sees people below him, whereby he can benefit or harm whomever he wants, it means that he will preside over people and reach a rank of honor and dignity.

If one becomes tired during his flight between tow cities or places and finds himself incapable of benefiting or harming anyone, and ifhe seeks nothing from his flight but is still happy about flying in the dream, it means that he is trying to find money for his personal needs or business. Ifone sees himselfflying from one land into another in a dream, it means that he will attain honor, power, comfort and satisfaction.

If one sees himself flying horizontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part. Ifone sees himselfflying vertically with his head up and his feet pointing to the ground in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits.

The more he rises, the greater are his benefits.

If rich people or craftsmen see that dream, it represents a leadership position they could occupy.

If a foreigner sees that in a dream, it means that he will return to his mother land, or it could mean that he will never return to his homeland again. Flying with wings in a dream means benefits in general. Soaring high in the air and without wings in a dream means fears and hardships. Flying over people’s homes and over the streets in a dream means difficulties and disturbances. Flying near a flock of birds in a dream means associating, living or working with unknown people.

If an evil person sees that, it means a bad omen, and for a fisherman it means sufferings or death. Flying in the air at a low altitude in a dream means taking a short trip.

If one sees himself flying at will and ceasing to fly at will in a dream, it means easing of his burdens and expectation of great benefits to come his way. Seeing oneself in a dream flying upside-down means evil happening. Ifa sick person sees himselfflying in the air in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. Ifone sees himself laying over his bed and flying with it in a dream, it means a severe illness or an ailment that will strike at his legs. Enjoying flying between the sky and the earth in a dream means having exaggerated hopes. Flying in a dream also means seeking a destructive knowledge, or pursuing an evil idea, or associating with villainous and notorious people, or it could mean being in a hurry, or that one takes lightly a serious project, then fails to accomplish it because of his angry character. Flying in a dream also denotes extreme happiness, or it could mean superstition. Ifone flies from a bad place into a good place such as a farm or a mosque in his dream, it means benefits and growth.

(Also see Air; Wadi)... flying dream meaning

Flying Ants

(See Ants)... flying ants dream meaning

Flying On The Back Of A Vulture

If he dreams that he is flying horizontally on the back of a vulture, he will enjoy honour, sublimity and power by being promoted to the office of kingship.

But if the vulture flies with him vertically towards the heavens, he will die while on a journey. For, such a vulture would then represent the angel of death.... flying on the back of a vulture dream meaning


a horse in the dream symbolises person’s status, rank, honur, dignity, power and glory.

If he sees any increase in its quality and excellence it means similar increases in the quality and excellence of the above.... horse dream meaning

Horse Fright

Shying, as in a horse fright, in a dream means hastening to undertake ajourney, moving quickly from one place to another, or substituting one school of thought for another, adopting a new ideology, or changing one’s religion.

(Also see Horse)... horse fright dream meaning

Horse Having A Long Or Short Tail

A hose with a long tail means a person will have many followers while a horse with a short or cut tail means he will have less followers.... horse having a long or short tail dream meaning


(Castle; Chivalry; Generosity; Goodness; Merchant; Nobility; Partner; Son; Travels; Wife) Owning horses in a dream means prosperity, or victory over one’s enemy. Riding a horse in a dream means dignity, honor and wealth. Perhaps it could mean that one will befriend a noble person, or meet a good companion on the road. Owning a mare in a dream means begetting a beautiful son.

If it is a nagor a workhorse in the dream, it means that he will live satisfied, or that he may marry a rich and a noble woman who will bear his children. Seeing a horse in a dream also may connote owning a good house.

If it is a blond horse in the dream, it means knowledge, devotion, piety and fear ofwrongdoing.

A nag in a dream represents a wife or a husband.

A saddled horse in a dream means a woman in her menstrual period, during which time it is not permissible for the husband to engage in marital intercourse with her.

A gathering of horses in a dream represents a gathering of women for a funeral or a wedding. Owning a herd of horses, or taking care of their feed in a dream means presiding over people, or it could mean managing a business.

If a horse dies in one’s presence in a dream, it means loss of his house or business.

The fit of a horse in the dream represent man’s own state. Descendingfrom a horse in a dream means committing a sin that will force one to resign from his position, or be dismissed from his work.

A hairy horse in a dream represents a large family.

If the tail of one’s horse is cut off at its end in a dream, it means that one may come to see the death of his children and clan before his own eyes. Ifthe tail of one’s horse is simply clipped in the dream, it connotes his own death and that his name will be quickly forgotten. Ifone is attacked by a horse in a dream, it means that a noble person, or a youngboy will stand to him and require ajust retribution from him.

A flying horse with two wings in a dream means that one may be tried with affections toward a perverted boy or a woman who will tempt him then follow him.

If a descendent of the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, sees himself flying on a winged horse in a dream, it means that he will rise in station and preside over people. Ifone sees horsemen coming through the skies in a dream, it means that a war may take place in that land. Riding a horse and holding a spear in one’s hand in a dream means forcing people to do something, or forcing them to pay what they owe. Ifone sees his horse drowning in a dream, it means that he may die from an illness. Buying a horse and tending the money to the seller in the dream means profits in one’s business, or earning money from teaching. Selling one’s horse in a dream means doing good and being grateful for it.

If one’s horse bites him in a dream, it means that he will lead an army in a war.

If one kills a horse in his dream, it means that he will be awarded status, rank and money. Slaughtering a horse for other than food in a dream means spoiling one’s livelihood.

If one sees a horse whose owner is not known entering a town in a dream, it means that a noble person will enter that town and people of his trade will fear his competition or his becoming a danger to their business.

If such a horse reverts his course and leaves that town in the dream, it means that a great, though unknown person from that locality will die shortly. Horses running across the streets in a dream represent a destructive rain or devastating floods.

A feeble horse in a dream represents the weakness of his owner.

(Also see Dung; Horse fright; Nag)... horse dream meaning

Horse Litter

(See Palanquin)... horse litter dream meaning

Horse Milk

The drinker will acquire a good reputation.... horse milk dream meaning

Horse Race

(See Racing)... horse race dream meaning

Horse With White Feet

A horse with all its feet white is regarded as the most excellent amongst all horse.... horse with white feet dream meaning


To see a horseman leading a procession, a caravan, or a group of travellers in a dream means going on a distant journey, recovering from an illness, or it could mean business activity.

(Also see Ride)... horseman dream meaning

Horses Running Through Cities

If horse are seen running through cities or between houses it means floods, rains and disasters are imminent. But if such horses are seen with saddles it means the person seeing the dream will meet lots of people who will have gathered together for some happy or unhappy occasion.... horses running through cities dream meaning

Limbs Of The Horse

Every limb of the horse represents a person’s power and influence according to the importance of that limb.... limbs of the horse dream meaning

Milking A Horse

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a horse dream meaning

Mounting A Horse

If a person sees himself as mounting a horse which has not defects at all while such a horse trots slowly and gracefully, it means he will acquire honour, dignity and respectability.

The same is the interpretation if he sees himself owning, acquiring or securing the horse.

For Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) has said : “The horse. Surely, its back is a means of honour for you and its stomach a means of fortune”.... mounting a horse dream meaning

Mounting A Pack-horse

If he sees himself as mounting a pack-horse while he is in the habit of mounting an Arab horse it means his status will decrease and his happiness will come to an end. But it his habit is to mount such a horse his status will increase and he will become happy.... mounting a pack-horse dream meaning

Obedient Pack-horse

If such a horse is seen as well-trained and obedient it means good fate awaits him and if it is not seen as obedient then ill fate awaits him.... obedient pack-horse dream meaning


A horse meant for carrying burden symbolises a person’s fortune and luck.... pack-horse dream meaning

Red Horse

It is the best of all horses insofar as interpretation is concerned.... red horse dream meaning

Reddish-blackish Horse

It denotes power and progress in Deen.... reddish-blackish horse dream meaning

Saddling A Horse

He will meet up with some woman.... saddling a horse dream meaning

Sand Or Dust Flying In The Atmosphere Or Skies

Sand or dust flying in the atmosphere or skies symbolizes the beholder’s affairs becoming chaotic.

The same interpretation is given if mist or fog is seen.... sand or dust flying in the atmosphere or skies dream meaning

Spotted Horse

A spotted (white and black) horse means the owner will continue with the work he is doing for a long time or the matter with which he is linked will continue to persist.... spotted horse dream meaning

Uncontrollable Horse

If a horse is seen as going out of control in a confined area such as the top of a wall or roof or within the four walls of a masjid it means his honour and dignity will be tarnished. Perhaps he will commit a sin or crime of a serious nature.... uncontrollable horse dream meaning

Unknown Horse

Seeing an unfamiliar horse which he does not own nor mounts means that he is a man of good repute and high honour.

If he sees such a horse entering his neighbourhood or house it means a powerful and honourable person will make his appearance in that neighbourhood or house.

If he sees such a horse leaving such a neghbourhood or house it means a man with same qualities mentioned above will leave the neighbourhood or house either by way of going away for good or death.... unknown horse dream meaning

White Horse

Conditions experienced by the owner will persists.... white horse dream meaning