Fighting a camel Dream Meanings

Fighting A Camel Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Bactrian Camel

(See Milk)... bactrian camel dream meaning


(Arabian camel; Bactrian camel; Ride) Riding a camel who is obedient to his master in a dream means solving one’s problem at the hand of a foreigner. Ifan Arab helps resolving one’s problem in the dream, it means that the person in the dream will perform a pilgrimage to God’s House in Mecca. Ifhe dismounts his camel during his journey in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with a disease that will obstruct his journey. Ifone sees himselfleaping over a camel in a dream, it means distress, a sickness or a growing enmity toward an insolent person.

If one finds himself unable to control his camel in a dream, it means being overcome by a strong opponent. Ifone sees himself holding the reins of a camel and driving it on a paved road in a dream, it means that he will guide a heedless person and lead him on the straight path.

If one takes the camel through a side road in a dream, it means that he will lead such a person into wrongdoing.

If a she-camel leaves one’s house in a dream, it means separation from one’s wife through either a divorce or death.

A camel in a dream also represents prosperity, trials, a tree or women’s holdings.

A tamed camel in a dream represents a learned person. Collecting camel’s fur in a dream means money.

(Also see Counting camels; Milk)... camel dream meaning


A camel sometimes symbolises a journey, sometimes grief and at other times a huge and healthy person_depending on circumstances.

The same is the case when a strong, red camel is seen.... camel dream meaning

Camel Calf That Is Weaned

It symbolises a person’s child.... camel calf that is weaned dream meaning

Camel Driver

In a dream, a camel driver represents a manager, a guide, a sailor, the captain of the ship, travels, or death of a sick person.... camel driver dream meaning

Camel Litter

(See Palanquin)... camel litter dream meaning

Camel Meat

It represents the belongings of the one who sees the dream.... camel meat dream meaning

Camel That Escapes

An escaped, lost or stolen camel means that a person’s wife will separate from him.... camel that escapes dream meaning

Cat Fighting Someone

the person with whom the cat is fighting will become ill in the very near future.

If the cat is overpowered, he will recover quickly. But if the cat bites him he will remain ill for a lengthy period. According to Imaam Muhammad bin Sireen his illness will span for one whole year. And a wild cat bespeaks of more serious illness and for a greater period.... cat fighting someone dream meaning

Cock Fighting

(Gamecock) Cock fight in a dream means prodding and instigating a dispute between close friends or colleagues, or it could mean provoking enmity between scholars or a dispute between two muezzins who call to prayers in a mosque.... cock fighting dream meaning

Counting Camels

(See Counting)... counting camels dream meaning

Cow Milk, Camel Milk And Buffalo Milk

All three symbolise prosperity and goodness, sheep milk also symbolises prosperity and goodness but to a lesser degree than the former.... cow milk, camel milk and buffalo milk dream meaning

Drinking Camel Milk

Drinking camel milk without milking it means the person will acquire lawful wealth from someone who is physically strong, wields power and commands respect.... drinking camel milk dream meaning

Driving A Herd Of Camels

Driving a herd of camels or becoming the owner of such a herd means he will become the leader of a people.... driving a herd of camels dream meaning

Eating Camel Meat

it means illness for the one who eats it.... eating camel meat dream meaning

Fighting Horse

If a person sees the horse fighting with him it means he will commit a serious crime landing himself in some misfortune whose seriousness depends on the strength of such a horse.... fighting horse dream meaning

Gurgle Of A Camel

(See Sound ofAnimals)... gurgle of a camel dream meaning

Milk Of Wild Camel

It symbolises progress in one’ Deen.... milk of wild camel dream meaning

Milking A Camel

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a camel dream meaning

Milking A She-camel

(See Milk; Milking)... milking a she-camel dream meaning

Milking A She-camel

The one who does this will acquire lawful wealth from a woman. But if, instead of milk, he takes out blood, pus or anything else from the udder the wealth thus acquired with be unlawful.... milking a she-camel dream meaning

Riding A Camel

Riding a camel means that a journey is to be undertaken.... riding a camel dream meaning


It represents a woman if the viewer of the dream is unmarried. Otherwise it means a journey, land, property or house.... she-camel dream meaning

Unfamiliar Camel

If an unknown, ugly camel is seen appearing in an area of city or village it means either an enemy will make his appearance in that place or that place will be devastated by floods, plague or disease. But if the camel is seen as beautiful and healthy then the end result of the above calamities will be favourable and a means of blessings.... unfamiliar camel dream meaning