If one’s thoughts are good, then it will show, and if they are evil, they will also manifest.
If one wears a slipper over his head and a turban in his foot in a dream, it means that he is carrying trouble. Depending on its type and name, a garment in a dream could represent a man or a woman. Wearing a new garment in a dream is better than seeing an old one.
If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s apparel in a dream, it means that he is a bachelor. Ifa woman sees herself wearing a man’s garment in a dream, it means that she is unmarried. Wearing a tightly buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. Wearing a stately apparel in a dream means honor and dignity. Wearing a soldier’s uniform in a dream means war. Wearing a scholar’s robe or a teacher’s vest in a dream means studying to become a learned person. Wearing an ascetic’s woolen wrap in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Wearing a salesman’s suit in a dream means hard work or looking for work if the suit looks expensive in the dream, for people mostly wear expensive looking suits when they are still searching for work. Wearing a white garment in a dream means pride, honor and dignity. Wearing silk in a dream means strength and occupying a high rank in a business or government.
If one sees a deceased person wearing a silken garment in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in the heavenly paradise. Wearing a garment that is adorned with gold in a dream means victory over one’s enemy.
A black garment means honor, reign and having mastery over people. Wearing a green garment in a dream means martyrdom. Wearing a cotton garment in a dream means following the Prophet’s tradition (uwbp). Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means clarity, unless if it is coarse or unfitting and in that case, it means poverty and humiliation. Wearing a linen garment in a dream means enjoying a blessing or a favor. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means receiving an important and a revered message, rising in station, enjoying wealth or it could represent the blessing of having a child. Wearing a robe that is trailing behind one’s feet in a dream means rebellion and disobedience, while wearing a moderately short coat in a dream means purity, virtues and chastity. Wearing any type of garment in a dream means emulating the character of such people or becoming a prisoner of war. Wearing a kufi or a headdress for prayers in a dream means atonement for one’s sins. Wearing a jubbah or a long cloak in a dream means longevity. Wearing an open sports jacket in a dream means ease in one’s life or financial success. Wearing a special costume for a festival or a celebration in a dream means prosperity and a wealth that is saved for one’s children, or it could mean buying new merchandise for one’s shop. Wearing a military uniform in a dream means distress, trouble or a scientific dispute. Wearing one’s traditional costumes in a dream, or that of another community means to befriend them and to celebrate their festivities with joy.
(Also see Filth; Linen; Used clothing)... clothing dream meaning
To see oneselfwearing one means becoming a leader. Ifa merchant sees himselfwearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means that his business keeps growing, being completely sheltered and protected from losses.
If the coat of mail is understood to mean a friend in the dream, then it will represent a gracious friend and a good helper when one needs him.
A coat of mail also represents one’s son who is strong and capable, who suffices himself and helps his father. Wearing a coat of mail in a dream is a blessing and a favor one receives from a third party who will support him and defend him under all circumstances. Wearing one in a dream means protection for one’s wife, properties and interests.
If a woman sees herself wearing a coat of mail in a dream, it means a husband and protection. It also could mean a supporting brother, a compassionate son, money, clothing or strong supporters. Wearing a suit of mail in a dream also means having a strong son, or it could mean travels.... coat of mail dream meaning
If one is hit with a post, or ifhe uses it to beat someone in a dream, it means hearing or exchanging harsh words that describe the quality of the one who is struck.
If one sees himself leaning against a pillar that he bought or which is given to him in his dream, it means that he will rely upon an old woman for his livelihood, or that he will marry an old woman. Acolumn in a dream also represents a friend one can depend on.
A leaning column in a dream represents a worker who cheats his employer, disobeys him and who is a hypocrite.
If a worker sees a leaning post in his dream, it means that his employer will lean toward kindness and appreciation of his workers. Columns in a dream also represent important and strong men who are capable of managing their responsibilities. Owning a column or becoming a column in a dream, and if one qualifies, it means that he will become a leader of his community, a pillar in his own field, or a beacon of knowledge and a pillar of wisdom who is sought by knowledge seeking people. Ifone becomes a pillar in a dream, it also could mean his death, or it could mean crying.
A pillar in a dream also represents a father, a son, money, capital, a partner, a vehicle, one’s wife or a leader.
A marble column in a dream represents a great wealth, a great man, or a great woman.
A column made from granite in a dream represents someone who despises himself.
If it is from stone, it means fast changing conditions.
If it is a wooden column in the dream, then it represents a hypocrite.
The pillars of a mosque represent the Imam, the muezzin, the servants and the people who pray in it.
(Also see Base)... column dream meaning
A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money.... manna dream meaning
The smell of feces in a dream represents a fine, or overdoing one’s duty, or a miscarriage for a pregnant woman.
To sally one’s clothing with someone’s feces in a dream means borrowing money from him or carrying his favor for a longtime to come. Feces in a dream also denote earnings from an unjust and a loathsome person. Excreting in. a dream also means dispelling one’s worries or getting rid of one’s burdens.
If one excretes in the 156 ablution room in his dream, it means that his spendings or deeds are recognized to be a fulfillment of his desires, ostentatiousness and love for fame.
If one excretes in an unknown place in a dream, it means that his deeds will not be acknowledged, nor will he receive any reward for them. Going to the bathroom in a dream means dispelling one’s worries, paying one’s debts or paying an unavoidable alimony for his children. Putting a shirt in the wilderness and defecating inside it rather than in the field in a dream means committing a sin and carrying its consequences for sometime to come. Excreting in the wilderness, then covering one’s feces with dirt in a dream means hiding money.
To defecate in a marketplace in public in a dream means incurring God’s displeasure and the curse of His angels. Throwing feces at someone in a dream means starting a fight or opposing him in opinion, being unjust to him, or causing him great losses.
The consequences also may backfire at the assailant.
If one sees himself standing inside the sewers and searching through the filth with a stick in his dream, it means that he might become ajudge and be accused of bribery or misuse of people’s money. Seeing human excrements in a dream means abstraction of movement, stalling of businesses, or facing complex and harmful adversities.
To soil oneselfwith people’s feces in a dream means sickness or fear, or it could mean good benefits for a person whose acts are filthy and abominable.
(Also see Impurity)... feces dream meaning
If gray hair grows in one’s beard and head in the dream, it means poverty. Seeing half gray hair mixed with one’s beard in a dream means strength, dignity and honor.
If one’s wife is pregnant, and if he sees his hair turned gray in the dream, it means that she will beget a son. Ifone sees himself plucking out gray hair from his beard in a dream, it means that he respects the elderly people and honor religious scholars.
If a woman sees her hair turned gray in a dream, it means the arrival of guests, or it could mean that her husband is having a mistress. Ifa rich person sees his body covered with gray hair in a dream, it means major business losses, while for a poor person it means debts that he cannot repay.
The gray hair of an unknown woman represents a drying crop.
If a soldier sees his hair gray in a dream, it means his weakness or defeat in the battlefield. Ifa sick person sees his hair gray in a dream, it means his death and shrouding.
If a person is afraid of something then sees his hair gray in a dream, it means appeasement of his fears, or amnesty given by a ruler or ajudge deciding in his favor.
It is also said that woman’s gray hair in a dream means that she will be insulted by her in-laws, or it could mean divorce. Ifone’s gray hair increase, but still include some black hair in the dream, it means dignity and reverence.
If no black hair remains, then it means a rebuke or a reprimand one will hear from his superior.
If one’s black beard turns gray in a dream, it means that he may fail in his religious life, or lose his wealth.
If one discovers two or three gray hairs in his black beard in a dream, it means that he will beget a son or that someone he loves will return from a long journey.
If the hair of one’s chest turns gray in a dream, it means that his food will become spoiled. Seeing one’s beard brilliantly gray and beautiful in a dream means honor and fame throughout the lands.
To pluck a gray hair in a dream also means disrespect for the elderly. Gray hair in a dream also means poverty, debts, pain, distance from others, being harsh with others, or imprisonment.
(Also see Dye; Elderly person)... gray hair dream meaning
If one sees himself planting in other than a fertile ground in a dream, it means that he engages in sodomy.
(Also see Crop; Seeds)... planting dream meaning
(Also see Flour)... rice flour dream meaning
If a rich person asks a poor person for somethingor for a favor in a dream, it means that he could suffer in hell-fire unless he repents from his sins and bigotry.
(Also see Advice; Beggar)... soliciting advice dream meaning
A broom in a dream also represents an employee, a housekeeper, or a servant. Sweeping the floors of one’s house with a broom in a dream means becoming poor, or it could mean the death of a sick person in that house, or the distribution of one’s property and possessions after his death. Sweeping a floor and collecting the trash in a dustpan in a dream means profiting from a project. Abroom in a dream also may mean recovering from depression, overcoming difficulties, or satisfying one’s debts.... broom dream meaning
If one sees the people charging toward the battlefield, it means that they will receive an endowment of divine forgiveness, victory, might and unity between the believers.
To die as a martyr on God’s path in a dream means joy, happiness and prosperity. Joining a jihad battle in the sea in a dream means poverty, failure and walking toward destruction. Winning a sea battle in Jihad against a tyrant in a dream means restoring one’s religious commitment, and it could represent a protective jealousy for one’s wife, or winning a struggle in favor of one’s parents. Victory in the battlefield during Jihad means profits in one’s business. Returning from a holy war against an oppressor in a dream means that one may lose his religious commitment or disobey his parents, which is a major sin in Islam.
(Also see Inner struggle)... jihad dream meaning
If one is appointed to be a judge in a dream, it means that he will be just and righteous.
If one sees himself sitting on the bench, but finds himself unable to handle people’s cases with justice, it means that he is an unjust person.
If one presides over people in a dream, it means that he may be dismissed from his job.
If a traveller becomes a judge in a dream, it means that he will be held up by robbers, or it could mean that God’s blessings upon him will turn into a curse.
If one sees a known judge being unjust in a dream, it means that the people of that locality are inequitable and that they cheat in their weights and measures.
If one sees himself standing before a judge, and if the judge treats him fairly in the dream, it means that he will find justice concerning a personal case involving himself and an adversary, or it could mean relief from depression and stress.
If the judge is inequitable in the dream, it means that one will lose to his adversary.
If someone sees a judge holding the scale of justice and that the scale tilts to one’s favor in the dream, it represents glad tidings of a great reward from God Almighty for one’s deeds. However, if the scale of justice tilts to the opposite direction, then it represents a warning from God Almighty for one to repent of his sins, or abandon his involvement in a sinful ventures. Ifone sees the judge weighing pennies or bad monies in the scale of justice, it means that one will give a false testimony which will be accepted.
If one sees himself as a judge, a wise man, a scholar, or a righteous man in a dream, it means that he will attain fame, good reputation, ascetic detachment and spiritual knowledge ifhe qualifies for that. Ifone is not suitable for such blessings, then it means that he will be falsely accused of a crime, or thathe maybe robbed during a trip. Ifajudge looks cheerfulin a dream, itmeans glad tidings. Seeing the bench of a judge in a dream means a scare or a fight. Seeing the seat of rulers, judges, speakers, scholars, or teachers in a dream means disturbance, sorrow, money, business losses, sickness, depression, or the surfacing of hidden secrets. Ifa sick person sees himself standing before ajudge in a dream, it means his death. However, if the case is decided to his favor in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If one who is facing adversities sees himself sitting in the judges bench in a dream, it means that he will triumph.
An unknown judge in a dream represents God Almighty.
A known judge in a dream represents a physician.... judge dream meaning
To blow one’s nose in someone’s house in a dream means marrying someone from that family, or betraying the house master by having a secret affair with his wife.
If a mother blows her nose in a dream, it means that she will wean her child.
If the wife of such a friend wipes the nasal mucus of her husband’s guest in a dream, it means that she will betray her husband and carry the child of his friend.
If one blows his nose in a dream, it also means paying a debt, or it could mean rewarding someone for a favor. Blowing one’s nose and using someone’s bed sheet in a dream means betraying him with his wife. Blowing one’s nose in someone’s handkerchief in a dream means betraying him with his house servant. Clearing one’s nose from a nasal congestion in a dream means dispelling distress. Wiping and washing someone else’s nose in a dream means concealing his secret life in front of his wife. Eating one’s nasal mucus in a dream means cheating one’s son in his money.
A congested nose in a dream represents a pregnant wife.
If a beast or a bird comes out of one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee.
If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief.
If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s nose and using one’s own shirt in a dream means committing adultery with a sacrosanct member of his own family or a blood relation. Ifone sees his nose gloppy with mucus in a dream, it means that his fecundity and sexual appetite will bring him many children. Nasal mucus in a dream also means an illness, a cold, charity or a will.
(Also see Phlegm)... nasal mucus dream meaning
An educator in a dream also means a coach or an animal trainer. Seeing oneself as an educator in a dream means advancing in one’s field. Amath teacher in a dream represents intellect and wisdom. Adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing in a dream represents common benefits and losses one incurs during the course of his life.
A Qur’[m teacher in a dream represents singing, honor or favors.
An unknown teacher in a dream represents the Almighty God Himself.
(Also see Teacher)... educator dream meaning
The same interpretation is given for a broken leg.... orthopedist dream meaning
If the pot looks in a good condition and of value in one’s dream, then it represents his nobility and honor. Apottery cookware salesman in a dream represents comfort and one does not need to travel to earn his livelihood, while a copper cookware or other types of cookware salesman in a dream represent a livelihood based on travelling from door to door.
A cooking pot in a dream also represents a scholar or a man of knowledge who is sitting in the teacher’s chair, while the meat, vegetables and spices inside the pot represent his knowledge, wisdom and their benefits for the seeker. Apot on fire with water boiling inside it in a dream represents a divorced woman.
A pot in a dream also represents a handsome looking man who cares about his neighbors’ opinions.
A pot in a dream also could represent a housekeeper. Whatever happens to it in a dream could affect the housekeeper. Ifthere is a sick person in a family, and if one sees a cooking pot he does not know what’s inside it in a dream, the stove here represents his bed, the fire represents his depression and the boiling water represents his worries. Ifthe boiling stops, and if the contents start to cool down, and if the fire is put offin one’s dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Putting a pot with meat and vegetables on the stove in a dream means imposing oneself on someone to receive a favor.
If the meat is cooked in his dream, it means that one will greatly benefit from such a person, and his earnings will be lawful. Ifthe meat does not cook, it means that whatever he earns through the other person will be unlawful. Stirring a pot in a dream means backbiting someone. Ifone eats directly from the pot in a dream, it represents money one could save otherwise beside other benefits.
If the pot one is stirring in his dream does not contain any meat or food, it means that he will ask a poor person to do something beyond his means, and consequently he will not benefit from his doing.
A cooking pot in a dream also represents one’s relentlessness toward his enemy.
A pot in a dream also denotes one’s contentment and his acceptance of his destiny and of the divine providence.
A pot in a dream also represents a woman or money.
The sauce represents lawful earnings that are accompanied with some hassles.
(Also see Earthenware pot; Jar)... pot dream meaning
If one sees himself trying to lift a heavy rock, testing his strength in a dream, it means that he will face a strong opponent.
If he succeeds at lifting it in the dream, it means that he will win his battle. Otherwise, it could mean that he will lose it. Ifone sees stones hitting him, or falling over his head in a dream, it means that his superior will delegate heavy responsibilities to him, compel him to do a personal favor, depend on him or impose a service on him. In this case, it means that one’s advice will have effect and his opinion will be respected. Throwing stones in every direction from a high 366 altitude in a dream means being unjust toward others, or it could mean being in a position of strength.
If one sees women throwing stones at him using a slingshot in a dream, it means sorcery and a bad spell.
If a poor person sees himself hitting a rock with a staff to split it, and suddenly water gushes forth from it in the dream, it means that he will become rich.
A rock in a dream also represents hard working women who are patient and bearing their sufferings with determination.
A rock in a dream also means longevity, construction, forgetfulness, cattle, impudence, shamelessness, fornication, a dissolute life, immorality, or heartlessness. Seeing a town scattered with rocks in a dream also could mean lower prices.
If a rock is interpreted as a rank, then it means a lasting one. Ifit denotes one’s wife, then it means that she is patient and content.
A rock in a dream also represents a threshold, a house, or a statue. Seeing a mountain of rocks in a dream represents heartless, brutal and cruel men, or it could denote their dwellings.
If one sees himself drilling a hole into a rock in a dream, it means that he is searching for something hard to get, though he will be able to reach as far as he reaches through drilling in his dream. Descending upon a rock in a dream is interpreted the same as descending upon a mountain in a dream. Rocks in a dream are also interpreted to mean dead people, heedlessness, ignorance, or immorality.
(Also see Stone)... rocks dream meaning
A head kerchief in a dream also represents a prayer mat, leadership, or a servant. Tying a knot on a handkerchief in a dream means that one may marry a prostitute, or it could mean helping her out of sin.
A 202 handkerchief in a dream also denotes either stinginess or generosity. Carrying a handkerchief in a dream also means getting married to a beautiful woman.... handkerchief dream meaning
To slap someone in a dream also means recognition of his seniority or superiority. Threatening someone in a dream also maybe a recognition of his superiority.
(Also see Digging up the past; Slapping; Threat)... slapping on the cheek dream meaning
The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. Ifshe is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. Ifshe adorns herselfand plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public.
If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and preserve her chastity. Ifan old woman sees herselfturned young again in the dream, it means regaining her strength, sexual desire and fertility.
If she engages in lawful sexual intercourse in marriage, it denotes strong religious adherence.
If she engages in sexual intercourse with someone without marriage in the dream, then her dream represents her love for the world and attachment to its glitters. Ifone sees anold woman turned young in a dream, then the above explanation becomes stronger. However, if one is poor, it means that her basic needs will be secured.
If one has lost her chances in this world, it means that she will have a new opportunity, or if she is sick, it means that she will recover from her illness. Seeing a young girl frowning in a dream means that one may hear disturbing news.
If she looks emaciated, then one’s dream denotes poverty.
If she is naked in the dream, it means business losses and defamation. Marrying a virgin teenage girl in a dream means wealth.
(Also see Little girl)... young woman dream meaning
If one sees himselfsmearing his hair with excess grease, and if grease starts to run over his face in a dream, it means adversities, burdens and a painful depression. Ifit is a normal quantity, then it means beautifying oneself.
If the grease smells bad in the dream, it means sarcastic praises equivalent to the degree of its stench, or it could represent a prostitute, or an insolent man. 194 Rubbing oneselfwith mercury or a fragrant cream mixed with musk in a dream means hearing favorable praises and earning a good reputation. Lubricating someone else’s head in a dream means evil and the subject should take precautions toward the one greasing his head. Having ajar of grease or cream to rub one’s body with it or to apply it to others in a dream means fawning, adulation, flattery, hypocrisy, falsehood or backbiting, etcetera. Ifone sees his own face rubbed with grease in a dream, it means a lifetime of abstinence and religious fasting. Rubbing oneself with a cream as a treatment or as a medicine to lessen one’s pain in a dream means that one will correct himself, or save money as a bridal dower or as a down payment toward a purchase.
(Also see Lubrication; Stuffed turkey)... greasel dream meaning
(Also see Adulation)... flattery dream meaning
If he denies what is false in the dream, it means that he will defend what is true and attack what is false.
To deny others’ favors in a dream is an indication of injustice, and to deny the Godliness of our Creator, Sustainer and Cherisher in a dream means ingratitude and atheism.
(Also see Disbelief; Irreligious; Uncertainty)... ingratitude dream meaning
(Also see Limping)... lameness dream meaning
If one sees himself being treated with mercy in a dream, it means that he will receive forgiveness. Ifone is granted divine mercy in a dream, it means that he is endowed with favors and blessings. Ifone sees himselfbeing merciful and happy in a dream, it means that he will memorize the holy Qur’an by heart.... mercy dream meaning
(Also see Anger; Suppressing one’s feelings)... suppressing one’s anger dream meaning
If one glass of water does not quench one’s thirst in the dream, it means discord between husband and wife. Ifone immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that he will play with money and confuse himself. Fresh potable water or a well in a dream also could be the immediate cause of a trial, fight or calamity. Giving someone a glass of water in a dream is glad tidings of a child. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. Drinking hot water in a dream means distress and adversities.
If one is pushed into a pond or a river of clear water in a dream, it means receiving a pleasant surprise. Seeing oneself submerged in a body of water in a dream means facing a trial, distress, bewilderment and adversities. Carrying ajar of clear water in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Asking people for water to drink in a dream means lying to them by claiming to be needy. Stagnant water in a dream means imprisonment, distress, or depression.
It is said that stagnant water in a dream has weaker meaning than running water. Bad smelling or putrid water in a dream represents a wretched life. Bitter water in a dream means a bitter life. Boiling water in a dream means suffering from heat.
If boiling water is used during the daylight in a dream, it means suffering from chastisement, afflictions and punishment for one’s sins.
If used during the nighttime in a dream, then it means fear of evil spirits. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. Murky waters in a dream represent unlawful earnings. Black colored water in a dream means destruction or family problems. Drinking black colored water in a dream also may mean blindness. Yellow water in a dream means an illness. Boiling water, blazing water, or oozing water in a dream means change of one’s status, or being deprived of God’s favors for lack of gratitude and for being a hindrance against those who do good. Drinking polluted seawater in a dream means turbulences, distress and sufferings that will be brought about by someone in authority.
If seawater runs inside one’s dwelling place or business, and if one drinks from it in a dream, it means an illness.
If everyone drinks from it in the dream, then it means a plague. Murky water in a dream denotes a tyrant.
If a sick person bathes in murky water then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.lfhe is facing adversities, it means that he will be able to overcome them.
If he is incarcerated, it means that he will be released. Pure potable water in a dream means salvation. Saltwater in a dream means distress.
If one sees murky water gushing froth from a water well in a dream, it means a bad marriage. Walking on water in a dream represents the strength of one’s faith, certitude and trust in God Almighty. This is particularly true if while walking one also speaks words of wisdom and piety. Otherwise, walking on water in a dream could mean ascertaining something that is not too clear. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous trip and trusting in God Almighty for protection and guidance. Walking on water in a dream also means undertaking a dangerous venture. Ifone walks back from the water to dry land in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his needs or desire. Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean. Ifone falls into a river and ifhe is overcome by water in a dream, it means that he will fall sick.
If he drowns in a river in a dream, it means his death. Falling into water in a dream also could mean happiness, joy, or blessings. Observing the reflection of one’s face in the waters looking beautiful in a dream shows kindness toward one’s household and neighbors. Reaching a pond ofclear water in a dream means speaking good words. Pouring water inside a bag in a dream means spending money to please a woman. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. Floods in a dream means distress, suffering and corruption, depending on their strength.
If the water level of a dam or a river rises and inundates people’s homes and businesses and becomes a threat to people’s lives in a dream, it means discord and trials after which evil people will be eliminated from that place. Ifone sees water flowing over his own roof in a dream, it means a quick distress, or a permanent stress that will be brought by someone in authority. Sweet potable water in a dream represents lawful earnings, a good heart, knowledge, revival, recovering from a dangerous illness, a wife, a husband, or marriage.
If one drinks a sweet and a refreshing glass of water from a permissible cup in a dream, it means that his marriage is proper. Otherwise, if the container from which one drinks in his dream is unlawful, it means that his marriage is illegal from a religious point of view. Water in a dream also denotes the drink of poor people, or what gallant people exchange and share among themselves.
If a thirsty person quenches his thirstwith water in a dream, it means comfort, appeasement of one’s bewilderments, prosperity verses poverty, or reuniting one’s family. Bathing in fresh spring water in a dream means payment of one’s debts. Ifsweet and potable water becomes salty in a dream, it means apostasy, or strayingfrom the path of God Almighty and meeting with insurmountable difficulties. Carrying water in a container in a dream means conceiving a child and increase in one’s income. Abundance of water at a time when it is supposed to be low, or drought at a time when it is supposed to be raining in a dream means injustice, abuse, high prices, divided opinions, weaknesses, or payment of financial damages. Clear water in a dream also means recovering from trachoma.
The explosion of a water tank or a pipe in a dream means distress, trouble and adversities. Green colored water in a dream means a long illness or a wretched life. Drinking black colored water in a dream means becoming blind. Sucking water in a dream means tight circumstances.
If unexpectedly one is showered with hot water in a dream, it means a fever, an illness or a scare from evil spirits, the intensity of which is relevant to how hot is the water. Ifone’s garment gets wet in a dream, it means changes in one’s travel plans, or it could mean delaying a project, or failure of one’s plans.
If a poor person sees himself carrying a container of water in a dream, it means money.
If a rich person sees that dream, it means marriage, or conceiving a child. Carrying water in a purse, socks, a cloth, or in any porous material in a dream means pride about one’s wealth, status, attainments, fame and living conditions. Pouring water into a container in a dream means getting married. Bathing in cold water in a dream means repenting from sin, recovering from an illness, release from prison, payment of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s fears. Drawing water from a well in a dream means earning money through deception and fraud. Channeling irrigations to water a garden or a farm in a dream means earning money from a woman.
If the trees of one’s garden or farm do blossom in the dream, it means conceiving a child from such a woman. Watering a garden or a farm in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with one’s wife. Ifpure water gushes forth from one’s mouth in a dream, it means that he is a gnostic and people will benefit from his knowledge, wisdom and admonition.
If one is a young merchant, it means that he is a truthful person. Sweet water in a dream also represents the element of faith in God Almighty, while saltwater represents the element of atheism. In a dream, water also means wealth. Seeping water from a crack in a wall means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law.
(Also see Distilled water; Earth; Ophthalmologist; River; Walking on water)... water dream meaning
If the rain falls exclusively on a particular location in a dream, it means sorrow and distress for its dwellers, or it could mean the loss of a beloved.
If one sees rain falling exclusively over his house in a dream, it means personal blessings. Otherwise, it he sees it falling over the whole town in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain falling exclusively over one’s house in a dream also means that someone will fall sick in that house, or suffer from a debilitating and excruciating pain.
If the skies rain stones or blood in a dream, it means calamities and punishment for people’s sins.
If it rains dust or sand in a dream, it represents an unjust ruler in that locality.
If the skies rain dirt without dust, it also means prosperity and a good harvest.
If a traveller sees rain in a dream, it means hindrances along his journey.
A destructive rainstorm in a dream denotes dishonesty, cheating with measures, or the spread of sodomy in the community. Seeing a destructive rainstorm tearingdown structures, destroying homes and pulling down tress in a dream represents a punishment for the corruption and sins of the dwellers of that place.
A good rain in a dream could mean reconciliation with one’s enemy, or it could mean helping a needy person. Rain in a dream also represents a caravan of camels, and a caravan of camels in a dream represents rain.
A good rain in a dream also means prosperity, happiness, refilling wells with rainwater, the gushing forth of springs with sweet, fresh and pure waters. Rain in a dream also means reviving an old and a stagnant matter, or it could mean benefits, profits, blessings, relief from distress, payment of debts, or feeling relief. In a dream, a good rain means blessings, a good harvest and profits for a farmer. Ifthe skies rain honey, butter, oil, or food people like in the dream, it means blessings for everyone. Rain in a dream also represent mercy from God Almighty, a helping hand, knowledge, wisdom, the Qur’[m, rejuvenation, revival, resurrection and life.
If one sees himself standing under a cover, a roof, or behind a wall to take shelter from a rainfall in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of someone slandering him.
If the rain falls in season in one’s dream, it means roadblock barring travels, business losses, inability to get medicine for a sick person because of one’s poverty, or it could mean imprisonment. Ifone washes himself in the rain, or takes a ritual ablution to perform his prayers, or washes his face with it, or washes away filth in a dream, it means repentance from sin, receiving spiritual guidance, or abolishing religious innovations and polytheism from one’s heart.
If he is poor, it means that God Almighty will enrich him and satisfy his needs, or ifhe needed something from a ruler or a governor, it means that his request will be answered favorably. Drinking from rainwater and if it is clear and pure in the dream, it means receiving blessings and benefits. Ifthe water is dirty and polluted in the dream, it means a sickness.
(Also see Water)... rain dream meaning
If a religious person sees timber in his dream, it means that he will commits a major sin such as theft, murder, or adultery, he will then be caught and put tojustice.
If anyone kindles a fire in a dream, it means that he will report someone to the authorities. Carrying firewood in a dream means exchanging harsh words, slander, rebuke or calumniation. Seeing timber in one’s house also means profits, fulfilling needs, inheritance or endowments. Ifthe timber needs cutting in the dream, it means earnings that involve great efforts, or earnings that bring about evil.
If the timber is already cut for the fireplace in the dream, it represents a person who is favored by someone in authority, or it could mean business success. Firewood in a dream also means adversities or stinginess. Wrapped firewood in a bundle means mixed profits.
If an unemployed person sees himselfcarrying a bundle of firewood in a dream, it means that he will work for a generous person. Gathering firewood in a dream means bringing medicine for a sick person. Attributing the firewood to its mother tree or distinguishing its fruit in the dream means money of a doubtful source. Offering timber to burn in a religious ceremony in a dream means nearness to one’s Lord, or it could mean offering a gift to one’s teacher, bringing a culpable before a judge, or bringing a sick person to the doctor. In this case, if the timber burns before putting it in the fire, it means that the gift was accepted, or that a guilty person will receive a just verdict. Eating timber in a dream means earning unlawful money.
A tree stump or a log in a dream means a chronic illness or paralysis.
A prepared log for the fire in a dream means profits for those who use it to earn their livelihood.
(Also see Fire; Log) 162... firewood dream meaning
If he is a merchant, it means that his merchandise will arrive to its port of destination.
If one sees himself riding over a cloud in a dream, it means exaltation or marriage to a pious woman, or that one will attend a pilgrimage should it be his wish. Otherwise, should he wish for it, he will become renowned for his knowledge and wisdom. Should he qualify, it means that he will lead an army, or that he will rise in rank, or that he will be sent as an emissary of his government or as an ambassador. Ifpeople are expecting clouds to water their farms, and should one see masses of clear clouds carrying rains and coming in that direction in the dream, it means a calamity.
If the clouds carry poisonous rains or acid rains or polluted rains, or if they are driven by heavy winds, or if they carry fires or dust or ashes or rocks from a volcano, they mean that a calamity will strike that locality, or that they will receive news about travellers the majority of whom will perish during a trip. Clouds alsomean innovations and manmadereligions thatmayspread throughout the land.
If one sees himself merging with the clouds in a dream, it means that he associates himself with a person in authority or a wise man or a man of knowledge. Ifone sees himself eating clouds in his dream, it means that he will gain lawfully earned money from such a person, or that perhaps he may gain wisdom.
If one sees himself amassing clouds in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom at the hand of a close associate.
If one sees himself mixing with the clouds but does not carry anything out of them in a dream, it means that he will mix with people of knowledge and learn nothing from what they say, or practice nothing of what they teach.
If one sees himself riding over the clouds in a dream, it means that he may become famous for his wisdom and knowledge.
If one sees his own son turned into a cloud in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from teachingwisdom or religious knowledge to others. Black clouds in a dream mean wisdom, forbearance, honesty andjoy. Ifthe black clouds also carry a threat or cause fear in the dream, it means that one will be reprimanded by such a wise person.
If one sees himself building a house over a cloud in a dream, it means that he lives an honest life, earns lawful money and lives his life with wisdom and integrity.
If one builds a palace over a cloud in a dream, it means that through his wisdom, he avoids committing sins. It also means that he prospers from such a wisdom or builds a palace in paradise with his deeds. Ifone sees a cloud in his hand and rain falling from it in a dream, it denotes the wisdom he speaks.
If one turns into a rainy cloud in a dream, it means that he lives wealthy and benefits people from his money.
If one turns into a cloud that rains gold in a dream, it means that he will learn wisdom from a great man. Clouds in a dream also represent the people in authority who do others favors and ask for no reward.
If one hears a human sound calling him from behind a cloud in a dream, it means that God willing he will attend a pilgrimage.
(See Invisible caller).
A black cloud in a dream also represents a just judge, while a white cloud represents a blessed and a noble justice. Clouds in season in a dream represent benefits, profits and prosperity.
A mass of black clouds carrying no rain in a dream mean benefits, extreme cold, sadness or sorrow. Red clouds in a dream mean distress, adversities or a sickness.
A cloud covering a town in a dream means blessings.
If the person who sees such black clouds in his dream is intending to take a trip, it will take place, though his safety cannot be insured. On the other hand, if he is unhappy about something, then if he sees such a dream, it means that his sorrow will be dispelled. White clouds in a dream are a sign of work, ajob or business. Rising fog in a dream means taking ajourney, or returning from one. Red clouds in a dream means lack of work. Agloomy cloud in a dream means stress. Ifone sees clouds welcoming him in a dream, it means glad tidings. Ifhe is an evil person, it means a calamity and a chastisement for his sins.
If one sees clouds covering the sun in a dream, it means that the ruler of that land is ill.
If one sees himself wearing a shirt of clouds in a dream, it means blessings that God Almighty has favored him with. Clouds in a dream also represent virtues, miracles, favors, rains, love and blessings, because they also appear when a prophet or a saint pray for rain or to shelter a blessed person from the heat of the sun. Clouds in a dream also mean travel by sea or air.... clouds dream meaning
If a governor sees that dream, it means his dismissal from his office or his death. Seeing that dream after a wedding or after having marital relations with one’s wife means mistrust and loss. It also means involvement in an uncouth action, lacking knowledge of the Holy Book and prophetic traditions, because what one has built lacks a foundation. Flying in the air in a dream may mean travels. Flying with wings in a dream has stronger connotations and is safer.
The wings here will represent money or power. Swimming in the air means benefits or business travels. Ifthe air looks opaque in one’s eyes, so he cannot see the skies in his dream, it means problems with one’s superior. Ifone does not have a boss, then it means that he may lose his sight.
If all the people witnessed the air opaque or red in the dream, then it means a major calamity and a trying adversity.
(Also see Ascending in the Skies; Flying)... air dream meaning
If the bracelet is made ofgold in the dream, then it represents chastisement.
If it fits tight in the dream, it means difficulties.
If each wrist carries a silver bracelet or a bangle in a dream, it means disappointment or losses caused by one’s friends.
If a man sees himself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means tight financial circumstances. Wearing a gold bracelet in a dream could represent a righteous person who strives with all his heart to do good. Should one have enemies, then God Almighty will support and strengthen him against them. Wearing a golden bracelet in a dream could mean either that he will be exploited or restrained, or it could mean that he will be handcuffed.
If a ruler or someone in authority sees himself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he will hold that job for sometime to come, that he will bejust toward his subjects, and they will live happily and enjoy good earnings during his regency.
If one sees his arms fitted with armlets in a dream, it means expansion or spreading of his authority along with fame. Abracelet also represents a son, a servant, or a close employee.
If a woman sees herself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means blessings, favors and joy.
A silver bracelet in a dream means increase in one’s profits. In general men wearing bracelets in a dream means distress, and for women it means ornaments.
If one sees a deceased person wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Wearing a golden bracelet is also interpreted as receiving an inheritance, a marriage, or bearing a child. Silver bracelets in a dream also could be interpreted as piety and observing one’s religious duties. Bracelets in a dream also represent the noble people of a town, money, or beauty.
If the bracelets are made from bones, ivory or cast iron, then they represent the despicable people of that town. Bracelets in a dream also can be interpreted as sorrows, imitations, the coming events of a town, or events it exports.
(Also see Armlet; Bond’)... bracelet dream meaning
If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord. Ifhe recognizes the castrated person in his dream, it means that he has met with an acquaintance of his. Seeing oneselfcastrated in a dream also means increase in one’s devotion and guarding of his chastity. Castration in a dream also means negation of favors, loss of one’s family or children, or it may imply absence of mannerism, choosing to satisfy one’s personal comfort over the interests of others, and it represents evil intent or hypocrisy.
(Also see Impotence)... castration dream meaning
If one is unwillingly drinking a bitter medicinal syrup in a dream, it means that he might suffer a light illness.
If he drinks apple juice or honey or myrtle drink or any other delicious drink in a dream, it means happiness for a rich person and bad news for a poor person. Drinkinga glass of apple juice in a dream means benefits drawn from a servant or an employee, a service offered by a powerful person, or it could mean a stressful life.
If one drinks something to cure an illness in a dream, it means recovering from that illness if it exists. Otherwise, it means that he might suffer from such an illness and take such a drink as a cure. Any constipating drink in a dream means stinginess, while taking a laxative in a dream means generosity.
A headache reliever or a pain killer means kindness or diplomacy and the same goes for any drink that cleanses the kidney. Beside that, drinks denote architecture, religious studies, addressing matters promptly or hiding secrets. Colorful drinks in a dream represent happiness, joy, festivities, celebrations and correcting one’s behavior. Fruit drinks in a dream may denote the fruit itself. Drinking rose water in a dream means lack of trust in someone’s promises. Drinking an unknown but fragrant drink in a dream means strengthening one’s certitude, loyalty or fulfilling one’s vow. Drinking a smelly or a spoiled drink and particularly in a golden cup or a silver cup in a dream means denying the true source of favors or becoming an apostate.
If one sees a deceased person handing him a sweet and a fragrant drink in a dream, it means guidance or admonition and it could mean that the deceased person dwells in paradise. Drinking with a regular cup in a dream represents the last drink. Drinking an unknown drink in a dream also represents the drink of the righteous and elect among God’s creation.
(Also see Cold water)... drink dream meaning
If one sees himself calling people to God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will be saved from hell-fire. Doing good deeds in a dream such as charity, prayers, invoking God’s blessings, helping others, protecting the rights of others, commanding what is lawful and shunning what is forbidden incurs the divine pleasure and bounty, and brings profits to one’s business, pays his debts, dispels his fears and leads him to receive a leading position in his community. Thanking God Almighty for His favors in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Doing a good deed in a dream also signifies receiving encouragement or having encouraging ambitions.
To spend money on God’s path in a dream means receiving money in wakefulness.... good deed dream meaning
A gathering of irreligious people in a dream represents one’s children in their infancy.
An irreligious person in a dream also represents a farmer who plants a seed, then when it becomes a seedling, he covers it with earth again.
(Also see Disbelief)... irreligious dream meaning
If an osprey scratches someone with his claws in a dream, it means depression and financial losses. Eating the flesh of an osprey in a dream represents a demanding person.
An osprey in a dream also represents a ruler about whom people speak very scarcely, but who is the direct cause of the falling of many neighboring rulers. Seeing an osprey in a tree means profits, favors and blessings.
A flying osprey in a dream means victory in one’s life.
An osprey standing on top of a mountain or a rock, or on a cliff in a dream means success for the one who is starting a new job or a new business. However, it also could mean bad news if one is afraid of something, or ifhe is travelling. As for rich and noble people, riding an osprey in a dream means death, while for poor people it means profits and success that will benefit their families and neighbors.
An osprey in a dream also means returning from ajourney.
It is also glad tidings of success and profits if an osprey comes near someone in a dream and talks to him.
If a pregnant woman begets an osprey in her dream, it means that she will give birth to a son who will grow to be a courageous soldier or a leader in his community.
A dead osprey in a dream means death.
If thieves or robbers see an osprey in a dream, it means that they will suffer the consequences of their evildoing.
If an osprey caries someone in the air in a dream, it means rising in station and honor. Fighting an osprey in a dream means fighting people in authority. Carrying the emblem of an osprey in a dream means winning victory over one’s enemy.
A female osprey in a dream represents homeless women who are driven into prostitution, while osprey chicks in a dream represent children born from adultery.... osprey dream meaning
To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also connotes a display of blessings and favors, or it could mean dictating one’s conditions to his enemy, if the person is in such position. However, if not, it means difficulties, aggravation, distress, debts or dropping off one’s ties with those who love him. Interpreting woman’s dyeing of her hair in a dream is the same as that of a man.
To dye one’s gray hair in a dream means strength, dignity and valor. Applying henna dye to one’s head and not to one’s beard in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.
To dye both the head and the beard in a dream means concealing one’s poverty, though one will keep asking people to pay him respect or to recognize him in their circles. Ifone’s hair accepts the dye in the dream, it means regaining one’s status, though with less emphasis on his pride, or it could mean that he will make contentment his new ornament or trim. Ifone uses a dye other than what is commonly used, and if it works in the dream, it means that he will be saved from an adverse condition through miraculous events. Ifthe new dye does not work in the dream, it means that his true nature will be exposed and he will have no solutions to protect himself from defamation or public abuse. Ifhe tries to dyes his hair with dry henna clay, and ifhis hair still accepts it in the dream, it means that he is an ignorant person, though he will ultimately repent for his sins, amend his actions and improve himself.
If a woman sees her hands dyed with gold in a dream, it means that she will give all her wealth to her husband and that she will be satisfied to see him happy, though in reality she too will gain power and status in her family.
If a man sees his feet dyed and tattooed in a dream, it means that he will be struck with family problems.
A dyed hand in a dream means hardship in making ends meet. Ifone dips his hand into a laying corpse in a dream, it means that he will witness a conspiracy.
If one sees his hands dyed in a dream, it also means that he has reached the end of the rope with his money or business. Ifone sees his dyed hands wrapped or bandaged in a dream, it means that he will lose a trial or a fight with his rivals, or that he will fail to meet such a challenge again. Dyeing only the finger with henna in a dream represents branches of dates or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands with henna or one’s hair with regular dye as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the norms. Dyeingone’s hands and feet in a dream means redecorating one’s house. Ifa poor person sees himself dyeing his hands or hair in a dream, it means that he will cover up the loss of his ablution during prayers or during his reading of the Holy Qur’an or during other ritual occasions where he is required to have ablution before proceeding. It could also mean that he cares little about attending his prayers. As for women, dyeing means happiness, new clothing, receiving gold, or a wedding celebration.
If the dye exceeds the required surface of the hands or the feet in the dream, it means being struck with fear and worries caused by one’s business or friends.
If a man sees himself in a dream dyeing his hair or beard with other than henna, it means that he will suffer from what he fears most. Dyeing or suppressing one’s feelings for a sick person means recovering from his ailment. Dyeing one’s hair black in a dream means hiding one’s bad conditions, spoiling the benefits of one’s deeds, or hiding one’s evil intentions. This is taken from the practice of Egypt’s Pharaoh who sometimes dyed his hair black, thus trying to hide his appearance and ignorance.... dye dream meaning
If someone sees himself asking for something, and ifhe is given what he is asking for in a dream, it means that he will receive money without trouble, or that he will earn easy money, for earning one’s livelihood with mere asking in a dream means a business without capital investment, or receiving without having to give anything in return.
It is also said that if one sees himself as a poor person in a dream, it means that he will earn benefits in wakefulness.
(Also see Beggar; Hobo)... poverty dream meaning
If a king, a ruler, or a judge sees that the Holy Book does no longer exist, or if he sees it burning, or if its contents are washed away in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees a ruler or a governor handwriting a copy of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he is ajust person who uses the divine laws in makinghis decision. Ifajudge sees himselfhandwriting a copy of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he does not share his knowledge, and that he is audacious about his rank and status.
If a religious scholar or a theologian sees himself writing a copy of Holy Book in a dream, it means that he will profit from a business deal.
If one sees a king, or a ruler swallowing the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he may die soon.
If a judge swallows the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he accepts bribes.
If a ruler sees himself erasing what is written in the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he will be exiled.
If ajudge erases what is written in the Holy Book in a dream, it also means his death.
If he erases it by licking it with his own tongue in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin.
If a witness erases it in a dream, it means that he will deny his own testimony. Carrying the Holy Book, or buying a copy of the Qur’an in a dream means living by its criterion. Reading from the Holy Book before God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, in a dream means that one will commit himself to memorizing it. Eating the pages of the Holy Book in a dream means accepting bribes.
If a layman eats the pages of the Holy Book, or few lines from some pages in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from reciting the Holy Qur’[m or teaching it. Eating the pages of the Holy Book in a dream also means earning one’s livelihood from copying and selling it. Seeing the Holy Book in a dream also mans growing in wisdom. Handwriting copies of the Holy Book in a dream denotes one’s piety, or it could represent a religious scholar who lives by the book, act by its commands and shares his knowledge with others. Tearing off the pages of the Holy Book in a dream means ingratitude toward God’s revelations, or denying God’s favors, or questioning some of them.
If one does something to the Holy Book in his dream that he would abhor to do in wakefulness, it means that he has lost his religious devotion and faith. Carrying a copy of the HolyBook in a dream means attaining power and acquiring knowledge.
The Holy Book in a dream also represents a husband, a wife, a son, or wealth. Ifa sick person sees it in his dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Ifthe one who sees it in his dream is facing an enemy, it means that he will triumph over him.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of his sins and turn to his Lord, or it could mean that he may receive an inheritance.
If one sees himself following innovations and he recognizes that in his sleep, his dream denotes a warning from God Almighty. Seeing the Holy Book in a dream also could mean seeing wonders, witnessing a miracle, hearing news, receiving happy news, or it could mean longevity for one who browse through it from cover to cover in his dream.
The Holy Book in a dream also represents gardens, heavens, places of worship, or a person one is commanded to obey, such as a ruler, or a father, a mother, one’s teacher, or shaikh, or it could mean making a true oath, receiving glad tidings, admonition or a warning. Seeing the Holy Book or any of the early divine revelations in a dream means that one may preside over people.
If one sees himself carrying the Holy Book, or even any book of revelations, and if when he opens it finds the pages blank with no writing inside it in the dream, it means that he portrays himself to be what he is not, or that he impersonates a scholar, or pretends to be religious. Kissing the Holy Book in a dream means revering what it contains and adhering to what it commands.
If one looks into the pages of the Holy Book and finds its lines crooked in a dream, it means that he lives satisfied with what he has, and fulfills his required duties accordingly. Stealing a copy of the Holy Book and hiding it in a dream means that one cheats in performing his own prayers, or fails to do them properly.
If one sees himself looking in the Holy Book, then writing from what he is reading on his own garment in the dream, it means that he interprets the Qur’imic revelation according to his own liking.
If one sees a Holy Book sitting in his lap, then if a chick comes and picks all the words written therein in a dream, it means that one will beget a child who will memorize and read the Holy Qur’an as an inheritance, and benefit from the piety of his father, and as a trust, a lawful earning and a source of strength in his life. Buying a copy of the Holy Book in dream means benefits, prosperity and becoming a renowned and a distinguished religious scholar.
If the Holy Book is snatched away from someone’s hands in a dream, it means that he will lose his knowledge, or perhaps lose his employment.
If one sees himself spreading the pages of the Holy Book on a flat surface in a dream, it means that he is seeking wisdom which he will get, or that he may receive an inheritance.
If one sees himself putting the Holy Book over his shoulders in a dream, it means that he will receive an appointment, or be entrusted with a duty to guard, or that he will memorize the Holy Qur’an. Ifone finds himself trying to eat the pages of the Holy Book in a dream, it means that he is a regular reader of the Qur’an. Ifone sees himself trying to eat the pages of the holy Book but is unable to do so in a dream, it means that he tries to memorize the Holy Qur’an from time to time but keeps forgetting what he learns.
(Also see Qur’an)... holy book dream meaning
If the person who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream is a governor, it means that he will be dismissed from his functions, though his authority will be restored later on, or he could through cheating, marry a rich woman.
If the one who sees God’s prophet Solomon in a dream practices sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, or invoking jinn or evil spirits, it means that he will profit from his trade and become wealthy after having lost hope in attaining such benefits, or he could triumph over his enemy. Whoever sees God’s prophet Solomon (uwbp) in his dream will receive God’s favors, including clear visions, clarity of religious interpretations, the ability to learn many languages, or he could become a translator, or perhaps could master the Arabic language. Seeing Solomon in a dream also means that one will recover from an illness. Ifone gets hold of Solomon’s staff in a dream, it means that he will engage in slander or calumny, and if he is sick, it means his death. Seeing or finding Solomon’s ring in a dream means renewing one’s term of leadership, or a manifestation of a great and a confounding wonder that will bewilder people. Ifa woman sees God’s prophet Solomon (uwbp) in a dream, itmeans that she will deceive her husband. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also means that one may acquire knowledge about herbal medicine.
If one sees him laying dead on his bed in a dream, it means that the calif, an army commander, a leader, or a man of knowledge will die in that locality and whose death will remain undetected, or undisclosed for sometime. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means increase in one’s travels, supremacy over one’s enemy and subjugation of one’s friends and foes to his orders should he qualify. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also denotes riches, sovereignty, distant but fast travels and receiving blessings, peace and protection.
(Also see Solomon’s ring)... solomon dream meaning
If one’s supplications are done under dire need, or if they involve strong emotions, sobbing or grief in the dream, then they represent trying moments in one’s life, or they could mean temptations. Loud or solemn supplications in a dream may indicate a special prayer for rain.
If the supplications do not call for God’s favors, or if they are not directed toward Him in the dream, then they represent falsehood.
If the supplications are silent in the dream, they could mean that one will beget a blessed son.
If one sees a group of people gathering in a circle of prayers, or doing Zikr and invoking the divine attributes in a dream, then they represent a gathering of children, growth, blessings, or waiving away sufferings.
If one sees himself praying to God Almighty, or that prayers are invoked on his behalf in a dream, it means happiness and money. Supplications in God’s house or in a mosque in a dream are more beneficial than prayers which are offered anywhere else.
If one prays in the dark in a dream, it means that he will be saved from trials.
If one sees himself imploring another person in a dream, it means that he fears him.
(Also see Prayers; Zikr)... supplication dream meaning
An elementary school teacher in a dream represents a commander, a judge, a scholar, or a trainer.
A grammar teacher and a language teacher in a dream represents honor, dignity, exalted rank, helping others, having important connections with people in authority, scholars, or he could represent understanding, clarity of speech, easy life, profits, marriage, children, or parents.
A teacher in a dream also represents a bird hunter who presides over the affairs of ignorant people.
(Also see Educator; Engraver; Grammarian; Language; Writer)... teacher dream meaning