Leading a group of people in one’s dream suggests that the observer will assume leadership in the community provided he faces towards the proper direction of Qiblah,. Such a person will treat his followers with fairness, justness and rectitude. But if he does not face the Qiblah it means he will exploit his subject during his term of office.... imaamat dream meaning
(Abstention; Decency; Fairness; Honesty; Impartiality; Resignation) Witnessing injustice practiced by the authority in a dream represents the opposite. In fact, seeing an unjust ruler in a dream could signify comfort, peace, tranquility, protection of the society, or it could mean urban developments. Beingjust in a dream may imply the necessity to do justice regarding members of one’s family. Ifa heedless person, or a sinner, or a tyrant, or an oppressor sees himselfbeingjust in a dream, it means that he will repent to God Almighty from his sins.
(Also see Injustice; Judge; Unjust ruler)... justice dream meaning
interpreted upon 7 sides: usefulness from the father, or from the brother, child, glory, high standing, long lifetime, fairness, faith.... belt dream meaning
interpreted upon 7 sides: faith, wealth, glory, high standing & a usefulness, righteous work, justice, fairness, this is [so] if there was not something in them [clothing] that he denies.... clothing dream meaning