(Also see Hill)
(Also see Hill)
If one sees Him in His glory and majesty, without descriptive designation, without ascription of human characteristics to Him and without depiction or portrayal in the dream, it is an indication of glad tidings for both this world and the hereafter. These blessings also may continue to affect the lives of one’s progeny. Ifone sees Him otherwise in a dream, it means confusion, and particularly if the Almighty Lord does not address him.
If an ailing person sees Him in a dream, it means that he will soon die and come to meet Him. Ifa straying soul sees God Almighty in a dream, it will find guidance. Ifan oppressed person sees Him, it means that justice will prevail and he will triumph over his oppressors. HearingGod’s words without designation represents the imagination of the person in the dream. Perhaps hearing His words in a dream appeases one’s heart and increases the person’s drive for success. Hearing God’s words without seeing Him represents the rising of one’s station.
If one receives revelations from behind a veil in a dream, it means mental confusion and innovation. This is most true if a messenger comes in one’s dream and describes the one who spoke as God. In this case, the dream is a nightmare, because God Almighty cannot be depicted according to human descriptions.
If one sees a picture of God in his dream, it means that he is a liar who ascribes images to God Almighty that do not befit His Majesty and Glory.
If one hears God Almighty talking to him directly and if he can focus at Him in the dream, it means that he will be encompassed with God’s mercy and blessings. Ifone sees God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will look at His Divine countenance in the hereafter. Seeing God Almighty seated on the Divine Throne in a dream means elevation of one’s rank, knowledge and increase in his wealth.
If one sees himself running away to hide from God Almighty in a dream, it means that he will change the course of his devotion into heedlessness. Seeing a veil separating between the servant and his Lord in a dream means that one will commit major sins and abominable actions.
If one sees his Lord frowning at him, whereby he could not bear the effulgence of God’s light, or ifhe is seized by a shock and immediately commences to repent and pray for forgiveness in the dream, it means that such a person is indulging in abominable actions, and that he is a despicable sinner who follows his own mind and desires, and that he is an innovator of religious thoughts who misleads the people.
If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it represents an admonition and a warning to abstain from sin.
If one hears God Almighty talking to him in a dream, it also means that one is more assiduous in his recital of the Qur’iin. Ifone hears God Almighty talking to him with words he cannot understand, then if He anoints him and blesses him in the dream, it means that God Almighty will bringhim nigh unto Himselfand exalt his station.
If one sees God Almighty in a form resembling one’s father, a brother or a relative and showing His kindness or blessing him in a dream, it means that he will be afflicted with a calamity and a major illness.
If a righteous person sees himself standing before God Almighty in reverence and filled with awe in a dream, it means that mercy will encompass him and help him to further his growth.
The same interpretation applies if one sees himself prostrating before Him.
If God Almighty speaks to someone from behind a veil in a dream, it can also represent a good worshipper, but if the Divine address takes place without a veil in the dream, it means falling into sin.
If God Almighty names someone in his dream with his birth name, then adds another title to it, it means rising in station and rank.
If one sees God Almighty angry with him in a dream; it means that his parents are displeased with him. This description includes seeing oneself falling from the skies or from the top of a mountain.
If a devoted servant sees God Almighty kissing him in a dream, it applies to his growing devotion and reward. Fearing God Almighty in a dream reflects eminence, peacefulness, quiescence, wealth of being and disregard for material needs.
(Also see Carriers of the Divine Throne; Divine Throne; Educator; God’s will; King)... allah dream meaning
If one sees himself ascending a mountain it means depression, stress and travels. However, rising in a dream means elevation of status, and descending means a backslide.
If one sees himself walking up a steep road in a dream, it means rising in status, but involving toiling and hardships. Ifone sees himself climbing a mountain, then the mountain in a dream is interpreted as one’s goal. Thus, one’s dream may mean attaining one’s goal as far as he reaches in his climb. In dream interpretation, any ascent of a mountain, a trail, a hill, an elevation or even climbing a roof means attaining one’s goal or satisfying one’s needs.
To see oneself climbing flat on his back in a dream then means uncalled for, or unnecessary hardship.
(Also see Air; Ascent; Climbing a mountain; Flying)... ascending in the skies dream meaning
If one sees that the gravestones were changed from marble into unfinished stones in a dream, it means alteration of a will left by the deceased.
(Also see Building)... stonemasonry dream meaning
If the ladder breaks half-way through in the dream, it means losing to one’s adversary.... descending dream meaning
If one sees himself flying lying on his back, then it means comfort. Flying for other than a traveller meansjoblessness. Flying from one roof into another in a dream means changing from a man of dignity into a man who has no moral standards. In a dream, a roof also represents a woman or a wife. In this sense, flying between two roofs could mean having a mistress beside one’s wife.
If a woman sees herself flying from her house into the house of a man she knows in the dream, it means that she will marry him. Flying from a known abode into a distant and unknown abode in a dream means death.
If a prisoner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will be released fromjail. Flying with wings in a dream also means travels, and flying without wings means changes in one’s status or conditions.
If a foreigner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland, or it could mean that he travels excessively. Ifone who has pride and exaggerated hopes sees himself flying in a dream, then his dream represents mere hallucination. Ifone sees himselfin a dream flying in a race with someone else, and ifhe wins the race, it means that he will conquer his opponent and rise above him in station. Flying over a mountain in a dream means power and sovereignty.
If one who qualifies for leadership sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will attain a leadership position.
If he falls over something in the dream, it means that he will own or control whatever he falls into. Ifone does not qualify for leadership and sees himself flying in a dream, it represents pitfalls in his religious performances, or it could mean falling sick.
If one does attain his intended destination in the dream, then his dream connotes a successful journey.
If one flies in his dream and disappears beyond sight, it means his death.
If one flies from his own house into an unknown house in the dream, the latter house represents his grave. Flying in a dream also represent a sickness that could lead a person near his death before he could recover from it.
If one flies from a low elevation into a higher one and without wings in his dream, it means fulfillment of his aspirations. Ifone soars in the air like a pigeon in a dream and sees people below him, whereby he can benefit or harm whomever he wants, it means that he will preside over people and reach a rank of honor and dignity.
If one becomes tired during his flight between tow cities or places and finds himself incapable of benefiting or harming anyone, and ifhe seeks nothing from his flight but is still happy about flying in the dream, it means that he is trying to find money for his personal needs or business. Ifone sees himselfflying from one land into another in a dream, it means that he will attain honor, power, comfort and satisfaction.
If one sees himself flying horizontally in the dream, it means that his wife will straighten her act and without much effort on his part. Ifone sees himselfflying vertically with his head up and his feet pointing to the ground in the dream, it means that he will receive benefits.
The more he rises, the greater are his benefits.
If rich people or craftsmen see that dream, it represents a leadership position they could occupy.
If a foreigner sees that in a dream, it means that he will return to his mother land, or it could mean that he will never return to his homeland again. Flying with wings in a dream means benefits in general. Soaring high in the air and without wings in a dream means fears and hardships. Flying over people’s homes and over the streets in a dream means difficulties and disturbances. Flying near a flock of birds in a dream means associating, living or working with unknown people.
If an evil person sees that, it means a bad omen, and for a fisherman it means sufferings or death. Flying in the air at a low altitude in a dream means taking a short trip.
If one sees himself flying at will and ceasing to fly at will in a dream, it means easing of his burdens and expectation of great benefits to come his way. Seeing oneself in a dream flying upside-down means evil happening. Ifa sick person sees himselfflying in the air in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. Ifone sees himself laying over his bed and flying with it in a dream, it means a severe illness or an ailment that will strike at his legs. Enjoying flying between the sky and the earth in a dream means having exaggerated hopes. Flying in a dream also means seeking a destructive knowledge, or pursuing an evil idea, or associating with villainous and notorious people, or it could mean being in a hurry, or that one takes lightly a serious project, then fails to accomplish it because of his angry character. Flying in a dream also denotes extreme happiness, or it could mean superstition. Ifone flies from a bad place into a good place such as a farm or a mosque in his dream, it means benefits and growth.
(Also see Air; Wadi)... flying dream meaning
A valley of green pasture surrounding a hill in the dream represents his strength, justice in method of dealing with others, or it could mean religious devotion. Following that line of thoughts, it also means rising in rank at the hand of a powerful person. Crossing hills in a dream means escaping from danger. Standing on top of a hill in a dream means presiding over a religious person. Descending a hill or an elevation in a dream represents losses, migraine headache, or humiliation. Imprisonment on the top of a hill in a dream means a high rankingjob. Ifthe elevation is made of trash in a dream, it means worldly and material status.
An elevation in a dream also represents one’s wife.... hill dream meaning
If at the time of seeing a dream with God’s prophet Moses (uwbp) there exist a tyrant or an ungodly leader, it means that God Almighty will destroy him, and one will be saved from his evil.
If someone in authority becomes Moses (uwbp) in a dream, or if he wears one of his cloaks, it means that he will vanquish his enemy and fulfill what his heart desires.
If one sees him (uwbp) in a prison or persecuted, or if one fears a major event that could put and end to his life, or an accident that could kill him, or a dangerous sea trip that could drown him, it means that God willing, he will escape and survive such adversity. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means the end of tyranny, or victory in a war.
If one is oppressed, worried and distressed by his own family, and ifhe sees Moses (uwbp) in a similar situation in a dream, it means that God Almighty will guide him to a way to overcome them, or if a traveller sees such a dream, it means that he will return safely to his home. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also indicates trials duringone’s childhood, separation from one’s family, witnessinguncommon miracles, or that one may suffer from his own family because of an admonition, or it could represent a will he will leave to them, or it could mean commanding good and eschewing evil. Seeing Moses (uwbp) in a dream also means love for travel, praiseworthy intercession, sea travels, a safe return, profits, suffering from slander and false accusations, or perhaps it could mean that one may have weakness in his speech, or tottering, or that he may suffer from a head ill or injury.
If someone who has renounced worldly pleasures, an ascetic, or a pious person sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, it means increase in his wisdom, light in his heart and elevation of his station.lfa woman sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, she must fear loss of her child, or her dream could represent an adversity that should have a happy ending.
If a child sees Moses (uwbp) in a dream, the same interpretation applies. Ifone sees himself carrying the staff of Moses (uwbp) in a dream, it means that he will reach a high rank and win victory over his enemy. Ifhe is suffering from an evil spell or a sorcery, it means that it will be nullified.
(Also see Orphan)... moses dream meaning
A shadow in a dream also means guidance, repentance, true monotheism and contemplating the Maker and His creation.
If one moves but does not see his shadow moving in a dream, it means abrogating the laws, discarding what is permissible, adopting what is unlawful, death, becoming motionless, or losing one’s senses.
The same interpretation applies if one’s shadow disappears under the sunlight, or under the moonlight, or in the night lights, or if his reflection disappears from the water surface, or from any shiny surface.
If one sees his shadow dancing in a dream, it means falsehood, lies, stealing people’s money, shifting one’s faith according to one’s personal interests, or that he criticize the conduct of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. Dancing one’s shadow over a carpet in a dream means invoking evil spirits, speaking their words after being possessed by them, and it means trials, temptations and evil.
(Also see Shade)... shadow dream meaning