A city in a dream also represents a learned person, a wise man and a scholar.
If one enters a city and finds it in ruins in his dream, it means that the learned people of that city no longer live there.
It is said that seeing a city in a dream means the death of its ruler or an unjust governor from that place. Seeing a city being built in a dream signifies the growing number of its learned people and represents children who will continue the path of their fathers. Seeing a city with no governor in a dream means rising prices.
An unknown city in a dream represents the hereafter, while a known city represents the world. Seeing oneself in an unknown city in a dream is also a sign of righteousness.
The best of cities in a dream are the large ones. One’s home town in a dream represents his father, while one’s homeland in a dream represents his mother. Seeing oneself in a northern city in a dream mean increase of one’s cash flow. Seeing oneself in a southern city means increase in one’s trickery and deception. Seeing oneself in a low plateau in a dream means difficulties and trouble, while seeing oneself in a high plateau means trustworthiness and truthfulness. Seeing oneself in Egypt in a dream means longevity and a comfortable living. Seeing oneself in a farmland in a dream means pursuing innovation. Seeing oneself in a bower in a dream signifies the coming of a prosperous year. Seeing oneself in Jerusalem or at the feet of Mount Sinai in a dream also means prosperity. Seeing oneself in Bethlehem in a dream means increased religious devotion. Seeing oneself in Damascus in a dream means blessings, prosperity and wealth, or it could mean corruption.
A cold city in a dream represents adversities. Seeing oneself in a shore city in a dream means winning people’s acceptance. Standing on a sulfuric soil or a salinized soil in a dream means an illness. Seeing oneself in a large and populated city in a dream means prosperity and wealth. Entering a city in a dream also means making peace between people. Driving through an unknown section of a city in a dream means losses. Entering an old city that is rebuilt and restored in a dream means that a great and a pious person will be born in that city and he will grow to guide its people on the path of righteousness.
A city in a dream also signifies an oath, meeting with one’s beloveds, peace, tranquility and safety. Meeting with Godfearing people in a dream means attaining one’s goals and receiving glad tidings. Seeing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in a dream means adversities, earthquake, fear and corruption. Seeing a city in a dream also could mean repentance from sin. Aprovince in a dream represents its governor or renowned scholars. Governing a city in a dream means rising to a suitable position, getting married, recovering from an illness, repenting from sin, or receiving guidance at the hand of a learned shaikh. Seeing a deceased person walking alive in a city in a dream perhaps means that he is in paradise enjoying its blessings. Seeing a deceased person in a village in a dream means that he might be in hell laboring with its people.
A city in a dream also represents the entertainment it provides for its dwellers.
The name of a city one sees in a dream should reflect some of the meanings of one’s dream.
(See Introduction).
The industry of a city also has a share in the dream interpretation. Known cities in the world in a dream represent their rulers. Entering a city one already knows in a dream means that one will not die until he enters it again, or it could mean that he will receive news from that city.
The walls of a city represent a strong ruler.
A demolished wall of a city in a dream signifies the death of its ruler or his removal from office.
If one sees a flourishing city with its urban construction, factories and farms, his dream will reflect the spiritual awareness and religious devotion of its people.
(Also see Village)... city dream meaning
If it is a Saturday, it means drought, hardships during a difficult year, plagues and illness.
If it is a Sunday, it means a cold winter and a blessed crop for that year.
If it is a Monday, it means floods, winter illness and perhaps a partial loss of the crop.
If it is a Tuesday, it means shortage of rain and a cold winter.
If it is a Wednesday, it means scarcity and deficiency of water, and a cold weather by the end of summer and beginning of autumn.
If it is a Thursday, it means a prosperous year, except for the livestock. This interpretation was given by Ptolemy, theAlexandrian astronomer 367 -283 B.C.duringhis residence in Egypt.... new year’s day dream meaning
The Interpretation of this dream was given that a son will be born to her whose knowledge of Deen will be very vast and the people of every town and city of Egypt will benefit from his knowledge and follow his math-hab.... the third story dream meaning
A manna tree is also found in the Egyptian Sinai. Eating manna in a dream means receiving lawful money without any labor or hardships, or it could mean a favor and a bestowal by the grace of God Almighty. Seeing manna in a dream also means spending money on God’s path, or escaping from a fatal accident or danger. Exchanging manna for green sprouts and garlic in a dream means humiliation and poverty. Eating manna in a dream means earnings lawful money.... manna dream meaning
To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also connotes a display of blessings and favors, or it could mean dictating one’s conditions to his enemy, if the person is in such position. However, if not, it means difficulties, aggravation, distress, debts or dropping off one’s ties with those who love him. Interpreting woman’s dyeing of her hair in a dream is the same as that of a man.
To dye one’s gray hair in a dream means strength, dignity and valor. Applying henna dye to one’s head and not to one’s beard in a dream means emulating the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.
To dye both the head and the beard in a dream means concealing one’s poverty, though one will keep asking people to pay him respect or to recognize him in their circles. Ifone’s hair accepts the dye in the dream, it means regaining one’s status, though with less emphasis on his pride, or it could mean that he will make contentment his new ornament or trim. Ifone uses a dye other than what is commonly used, and if it works in the dream, it means that he will be saved from an adverse condition through miraculous events. Ifthe new dye does not work in the dream, it means that his true nature will be exposed and he will have no solutions to protect himself from defamation or public abuse. Ifhe tries to dyes his hair with dry henna clay, and ifhis hair still accepts it in the dream, it means that he is an ignorant person, though he will ultimately repent for his sins, amend his actions and improve himself.
If a woman sees her hands dyed with gold in a dream, it means that she will give all her wealth to her husband and that she will be satisfied to see him happy, though in reality she too will gain power and status in her family.
If a man sees his feet dyed and tattooed in a dream, it means that he will be struck with family problems.
A dyed hand in a dream means hardship in making ends meet. Ifone dips his hand into a laying corpse in a dream, it means that he will witness a conspiracy.
If one sees his hands dyed in a dream, it also means that he has reached the end of the rope with his money or business. Ifone sees his dyed hands wrapped or bandaged in a dream, it means that he will lose a trial or a fight with his rivals, or that he will fail to meet such a challenge again. Dyeing only the finger with henna in a dream represents branches of dates or clusters of grapes. In general, dyeing one’s hands with henna or one’s hair with regular dye as a makeup in a dream represents joy for the husband and wife as long as they do not exceed the norms. Dyeingone’s hands and feet in a dream means redecorating one’s house. Ifa poor person sees himself dyeing his hands or hair in a dream, it means that he will cover up the loss of his ablution during prayers or during his reading of the Holy Qur’an or during other ritual occasions where he is required to have ablution before proceeding. It could also mean that he cares little about attending his prayers. As for women, dyeing means happiness, new clothing, receiving gold, or a wedding celebration.
If the dye exceeds the required surface of the hands or the feet in the dream, it means being struck with fear and worries caused by one’s business or friends.
If a man sees himself in a dream dyeing his hair or beard with other than henna, it means that he will suffer from what he fears most. Dyeing or suppressing one’s feelings for a sick person means recovering from his ailment. Dyeing one’s hair black in a dream means hiding one’s bad conditions, spoiling the benefits of one’s deeds, or hiding one’s evil intentions. This is taken from the practice of Egypt’s Pharaoh who sometimes dyed his hair black, thus trying to hide his appearance and ignorance.... dye dream meaning
It is said that one who sees the prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream will become a scholar, an assiduous worshipper and an obedient servant who exercises patience and forbearance. He will also triumph over his enemies and receive a magnificent endowment from his Lord. His companions will disobey him and by God’s leave, he will win over them too. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means rain and floods. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means suffering from many enemies, and from the jealousy and envy of one’s neighbors. At the end, they will all suffer from God’s punishment, and he will be saved from their evil. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also signifies the destruction of the unbelievers and the victory of the believers.
If one sees him in a ship in a dream, it means that such a ship will escape from destruction, or that all its people will be saved from drowning. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also means facing a strong army of unbelievers, their blatant attitudes, their verbal and physical abuse of the believers, and their unrestrained persecution of the physically weak among them. It also denotes the weakness of people’s faith and their lack of trust in God Almighty. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means spending a lifetime in devotion and servitude to one’s Lord, commanding good and forbidding evil.
If a ruler sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream, it means that his subject will disobey him. Seeinghim (uwbp) in a dream also means crying and lamentation, disputes with one’s family, rising prices, relief from distress, adversities and having recalcitrant children. Seeing him in a dream also represents a flourishing business, farming, a ship building industry, travelling with several types of food, or mixing different species of animals. God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may represent a genealogist, a zoologist, a botanist, a phytologist, a horticulturalist, an ecologist, or a mammalogist. Seeing God’s prophet Noah (uwbp) in a dream also may mean regretting something, distress, penitence for an attitude toward one’s own family, or perhaps that one’s son will stray away from God’s path, or it could mean the death of a son because of his disobedience to his father.
If a woman sees God’s prophet Noah (uwbp), or God’s prophet Lot (uwbp) in a dream, it means that she is disobedient to her husband, and rather she obeys her own family and clan. On the other hand, if a woman sees Egypt’s Pharaoh in a dream, it means that she is a true worshiper and an obedient believer in God Almighty.... noah dream meaning
It is said that whoever sees Jesus in a dream will be protected against calamities for that year.
If he asks or wishes for something, he will receive it, and if he learns a trade, he will become successful at it. One who sees Jesus upon whom be peace, in a dream will become an ascetic, travels throughout the land, escape from his enemy and may become a renowned physician.
If one sees Jesus son ofMary in a town looking into people’s conditions, it means that calamities will be lifted away from that place, and people will live in peace and tranquility for a while.
If one sees him together with his mother, upon both of them be peace, it means that a great miracle, or a sign of divine magnitude will manifest in that location.
If one sees himself in a dream as Jesus (uwbp), or if he wears one of his garments, or performs a duty suitable for God’s prophet, it means that he will rise in rank.
If he is a scholar, it means that his knowledge will be widely spread and his virtues and servitude will benefit others, or ifone is a physician, it means that he will become renowned and most successful. Ifone who sees him is struck by fear and reverence in his dream, it means honor, power and blessing wherever he may go.
If a sick person sees him in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If one sees Jesus sick, it means one’s own death. In general, to see Jesus in a dream means miraculous events, social justice and economic growth.
If a pregnant woman sees Jesus upon whom be peace, in her dream, it means that she will beget a child who will grow to become a physician. SeeingJesus upon whom be peace in a dream also could denote doubt about one’s religion, philosophical disputes or a discord. Seeing him in a dream also signify the rise ofsome of his followers. Ifone sees Jesus in a dream, he could be accused of something of which he is innocent, or that someone may lie to him or slander his mother. Seeing Jesus and his mother, upon both of them be peace in a dream also could mean distress, sorrow, defamation, moving from one country into another, or it could mean miracles. SeeingJesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means glad tidings, for he was the last of God’s prophets who gave the glad tidings and spoke of God’s Messenger Muhammad, upon whom be peace, as the praiseworthy comforter.
(Poclete; Praclytos.
See John 14-15/18, 25/26, 29/30) Seeing Jesus upon whom be peace in a dream also means answering one’s prayers, or wrath against people from the upper social class, or against those who challenged him to bring down a table of food from the heavens then had doubt about God’s power again. Seeing him in a dream also represents bounty, good luck, or having good friends.
If a child sees Jesus in a dream, it could mean that he will grow up as an orphan, or be reared by his mother and live as a scholar and a righteous person, or he may travel frequently between Syria and Egypt. Ifone who is impotent, or sterile sees him in a dream, it means that he will regain his fertility and fruition. Ifone sees Jesus upon whom be peace descending upon a town, it means that justice and righteousness will prevail and permeate that place, as it will be when he shall, by God’s leave, descends upon the earth to kill the impostor (Antichrist) and destroy his followers, obliterate infidelity, and he shall fill the earth with justice, blessings and lend victory to the believers.... jesus dream meaning
If the river runs through the streets and markets, and if one sees people bathing in it or taking their ritual ablution in it in one way or another it in a dream, such a river then represents the justice of a ruler.
If the river floods the streets, or runs through people’s homes and damages their properties and personal belongings in the dream, then the river represents an unjust ruler, or it could represent an invading army.
If a river flows from one’s house and causes no harm to anyone in a dream, it represents one’s good intentions or deeds.
If one becomes a river in a dream, it means his death. Murky waters in a dream signify worries and fearing a great man. Crossing from one side of a river into another in a dream means dispelling one’s fears or worries. It also could mean severing one’s association with such a man only to meet with another one. Jumping from the middle of a river to the riverbank in a dream means escaping from the wrath of a ruler. Losing something in a river means suffering harm and damages from a ruler.
A river flowing inside one’s house in a dream means prosperity. Ifone sees people drinking from it in the dream, it denotes his generosity and sharing of his wealth with needy people, or it could mean imparting knowledge to others.
If a poor person sees a river flowing inside his house in a dream, it means that he will drive a member of his household out of his house because of an abominable and a sinful act, or adultery.
A river in a dream also means a good deed or a regular income.
A river with murky and putrid waters in a dream represents hell-fire. Seeing one of the heavenly rivers of paradise in a dream means prosperity.
The heavenly river of milk in a dream represents God’s gift of the innate knowledge and criterion which is given to His creation, and it represents submission to His sovereignty and obedience to His commands. Seeing the heavenly river of non-intoxicating wine in a dream meanselation and intoxication from one’s love for God Almighty. Seeing the heavenly river of honey in a dream means knowledge or the Holy Qur’an. Drinking from Egypt’s Nile in a dream means receiving a great wealth, gold and power.
(Also see Euphrates; Kawthar; Walking on water; Water)... river dream meaning
The sound of thunder in a dream represents a murder, a fight, a dispute, an argument, lack of religious attendance, loss of money, or the release of a prisoner. Athunderstorm with rain when needed in a dream represents a good harvest for that year. Hearing a thunderous sky without seeing the lightening in a dream means an assassination, deception, falsehood or slander. Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also means being reprimanded by a higher authority. There are no benefits in hearing the sound of thunder in the darkness without seeing lightening in the dream, this would be interpreted as apostasy or disloyalty. This can be particularly true when it is accompanied with an earthquake.
If one hears thunder in its season in a dream, it means good news and blessings. Otherwise, out of its usual season, thunder in a dream represents an army on the move, or a foreign occupation of a country. Hearing the sound of thunder in a dream also represents hymns, praising God Almighty, glorifying Him, or it could mean a sickness, fear, deafness, or the sound of drums in a wedding.
If the one seeing the dream is an atheist, it means that he will be guided and have faith in God Almighty.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent for his sins. Hearing the roaring of thunder in a dream on the first day of October means death. Ifit is heard during the first six days of that month, it means benefits, or lower prices, but if it is heard near the end of the month, then it means a plague or a disaster. Hearing the sound of thunder at any other time during the month of October in a dream means evil.
If it is heard during the month of November in a dream, it means blessings for the land, prosperity, the spreading of God’s words in a new land, the falling of a comet in a populated area, the death of a leader, a pollution that will devastate bird life, or a heavy rainstorm with limited damages. Ifthe sound of thunder is heard during the first ten days of December in a dream, it means the death of famous people within the Western hemisphere, inflation, rising prices, degradation of social behavior, decrease in harvest, inflation, or playing dirty politics. Hearing the sound of thunder during the last seven days of December in a dream means that the winter will be cold and dry, though the 4;Jo forthcoming springwill be cooland wet. Hearing the sound ofthunder in the first six days of the month ofJanuary in a dream means that a major event will take place, such as an earthquake, death, destruction, or a war in Iraq. Ifthis dream is witnessed during the last week of the month of January, then it represents a solar eclipse, or the death of a Western leader, a plague, or the birth of a planet that signifies the destruction of a great city on earth. Hearing the sound of thunder on the first day ofFebruary in a dream means a good harvest, lowering or stabilization of prices, discovering a new disease in the East, death in the seas, heavy rains in Mecca, fear, devastation and famines in Ethiopia, or that a Western leader will move his armies to the East and control the land for a short period of time. Hearing the sound of thunder during the first six days of March in a dream means good harvest, lowering of prices, stabilization of the market and prosperity. Hearing the sound of thunder at the end of March in a dream means famines, destruction, or that a swarm oflocusts may devastate the lands, or it could mean a drought that will kill African cattle. Also in this type of dreams, ifthe sound ofthunder is heard on the twenty first day ofApril, it means that Western armies will drive East and establish military bases there.
If the first of April happens to be a Sunday, then March will be a month of great fear and disturbances in the East, meanwhile, a conflict between the Western armies will end by the death of a Western leader and the defeat of his army. Ifthe dream is seen on the eleventh day of April, it may mean that earthquakes or cyclones will devastate many countries.
If the dream takes place on the thirteenth day of April, then it means that inflation will strike and price hiking will burden the common people. Ifthe dream is seen on the seventeenth day of April, it purports a major political dispute between the leaders of the world, and if it is seen on the twenty second day of April, it means that a disastrous evil will contaminate many societies.
If the dream takes place on the twenty third day of the month of April, it means abundance, falling prices, fertility in the lands, while if it is seen on the twenty fifth day of April, it will mean price hiking.
If it is seen on the twenty ninth day of April, it means that blessings, fertility, relief and joy will spread in the land.
If the sound of thunder is heard during the first nine days of the month of May in a dream, it means the death of noble and leading people in Turkey. During that period, rain will be in abundance, the land will be fertile and the farms most productive.
If the dream takes place between the tenth and the twentieth day of the month ofMay, it means plagues. Ifthe sound of thunder is heard in a dream during the first ten days of June, it means the death of renowned scholars, people of knowledge, religious leaders, or noble people in Egypt. Meanwhile, prices will fall, and abundance will ease the economy into a major economic turnaround.
If the dream is seen during the first six days of July, it means that good rain will fall during the following December and that the land will be fertile. During that year, several Western leaders will die, and a war may take place in Persia. Meanwhile, evil will spread throughout Egypt, and it will be brought about by its own leaders. Ifthe dream takes place during the last seven days of July, it means that peace will spread throughout the earth, prices will fall in Iraq and in East Africa, and a new disease will affect fruit trees, banana trees, date trees, though wheat will be available in abundance, even if the farmers were concerned about it in the early part of the year.
If the sound of thunder is heard during the month of August in a dream, it means blessings for the people in Syria and the people of Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. At that time, sea passages will be blockaded, the highways will be forsaken and a war may take place in China.
If the sound of thunder is heard at the end of the month of August in a dream, it means the end of a drought in Egypt, rising prices, death, earthquakes, or major political changes. Ifthe sound of thunder is heard during the first eight days of September in a dream, it . announces a drought during the early part of the year that will be followed by heavy rains and results in a good harvest. It also means that a long and destructive war will take place.
If the thunder takes place on the tenth day of September in one’s dream, then it means a drought in Morocco. God knows best what He has reserved for His creation and He is the best of judges.... thunder dream meaning