To pay charity on one’s property of silver in a dream means begetting a son, or it could mean getting married. Ifit is a poor person, then paying alms tax in a dream represents God’s acceptance of one’s deeds.
If he is a sinner, it means that he will repent of sin and earn lawful money, and if he is a disbeliever. it means that he will become a believer.
(Also see Charity; Endowment; Tithe collector)... alms tax dream meaning
If the archangel Gabriel in one’s dream speaks to him, advises him, or admonishes him in the dream, it means receiving a great honor, strength, victory in one’s life and glad tidings.
If the person is oppressed, it means that he will triumph at the end. Ifhe is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. Ifhe is in a state of depression or fear, it means that he will overcome it and he shall sail into success. Ifhe had not yet performed his pilgrimage to Mecca, it means that he will fulfill it. Seeing the archangel Gabriel in a dream also means glad tidings of martyrdom, even if the person lives a long life.
If one receives some food or fruits from him in the dream, it means that he is one of the dwellers of paradise. However, if a disbeliever sees him in a dream, it means that he will face tribulations and punishments in his life. Ifhe considers the archangel Gabriel and the archangel Michael as equals in a dream, it means that he agrees with the people of Jewish faith.
To his own detriment, such a person might steer into an activity that is opposite to God’s instructions and consequently earns himself God’s wrath.
If the archangel Gabriel (uwbp) greets someone in his dream, it means that such a person will become a great man of knowledge and he will be recognized and distinguished in his own field.
The archangel Gabriel in a dream also represents the messenger of the king, the confidant, the carrier of glad tidings or the person who announces the birth of a son. Seeing him in a dream also indicates increase in one’s devotion, learning and acquiring in-depth knowledge of mystical realities. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also signifies the smooth rising of the soul after death for someone who is dying.
The archangel Gabriel in a dream also represents a movement, struggle, triumph and understanding the meanings of religious knowledge or learning the secrets of astrology.
If one sees the archangel Gabriel distressed in a dream, it means that a calamity will befall the person seeing the dream.
If one becomes Gabriel in a dream, it means that he will become generous, magnanimous and blessed in his actions and performances.... archangel gabriel dream meaning
To make a foolish oath in a dream means repentance of a sinner and guidance for a disbeliever.
(Also see Grammarian; Fool; Linguist; Lying)... blunder dream meaning
If one jumps over a wall in a dream, it means that he will change from a believer into a disbeliever or follow the advice of a disbeliever.
(Also see Jump)... jumping dream meaning
(Also see Fur coat; Fur)... sable dream meaning
If the person in the dream is one who hopes for a station of honor, he will attain it, because God Almighty has raised the prophet Enoch (Idrls) upon whom be peace, to a high station during that month. Ifa traveller sees a dream during that month, it means that he will safely return home from a longjourney, because it is the month in which the prophet Noah upon whom be peace, was saved with his people, and it is the month in which the arc settle on top of Mount Judiyyi.
If the seer desires a son, then he will beget a righteous son, because it is the month in which God’s prophets Abraham and Jesus, upon both of them be peace, were born. Ifthe person seeing the dream is suffering from tight financial circumstances and ifhe desired a way out, it means that he will see the light or escape from the danger of his enemy, because this is the month in which God’s prophet Abraham was saved from the fire ofNimrod, or perhaps, ifhe had followed a path of innovation and falsehood, he will turn back to God Almighty and repent of his sin, because it is also the month in which God Almighty forgave the prophet David, upon whom be peace. Ifthe person in the dream is impeached from his leadership position or stripped from his status, he will return to his office and regain honor, because it is also the month in which God Almighty returned the prophet Solomon to his kingdom. Ifone is bedridden, it means that he will recover from his illness, because it is the month in which the prophet Job (uwbp) recovered from his illness, or perhaps it could mean that one will be sent as an emissary with a mission, or as an ambassador, because it is during this month that God Almighty spoke to His prophet Moses upon whom be peace. As for the second lunar month, known in Arabic as Safar, having a dream during it could be interpreted as follows : If one is pessimistic about what he saw, then it could mean the opposite. Ifhe is sick, it means recovering from his illness. Ifone is needy, it means that his needs will be satisfied.
If one is suffering from stress and worries, it means that they can cause him no harm.
If one sees his dream during the third lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabt-rul Awwal, and ifhe is a merchant, it means that his business will grow, prosper and that his moneywill be blessed or perhaps he may conceive a child during that month.
If he is under stress and worries, they will be dispelled.
If he is persecuted or treated unjustly, he will end in a triumph, or it could mean that he will hear good news, or he may be appointed as a governor, or he may admonish people to do good and discard evil, for it is the month in which God’s Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, was born to this world. Ifone’s dream takes place during the fourth lunar month, known in Arabic as Rabi’u Thiini, and if it suggests glad tidings, then one may have to wait and exercise patience, but ifit suggests evil, then such happening will come fast. During this month, seeing a dream also means victory over one’s enemy, or it could mean conceiving a blessed son who will grow to become a gnostic, or a hero, for it is during this month that the Imam ‘Ali, may God bless his countenance and be forever pleased with him was born. As for the fifth lunar month, known in Arabic as JamiidulAwwal, seeing a dream during this month means that one should slow down or scrutinize his buying and selling, or it could mean that he may lose his daughter or wife, for it is in this month that the daughter of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, Fatima died. May God. be forever pleased with her.
If the dream happens during the sixth lunar month, known in Arabic as Jamadu Thaw, and if the dream carries a good meaning, it will come, but slow and one should not contradict it.
If one sees this dream during the seventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Rajab, it means that he will gain honor and status, for it is the month of the prophet’s Ascension (Mi’raj) and his night journey to the seventh heaven.
A dream during the eighth lunar month, known in Arabic as Sha’ban, represents honor and ranks, for during this month, every good deed will be honored. As for the ninth lunar month, known in Arabic as Ramadan, in it, all difficulties will be suspended, evil will be shun and stinginess will be dispelled. During this month all what is good will manifest and bad dream will dissipate to become null and void. During this month, the dreams of a believer may be differently interpreted than the dream of a disbeliever.
If one sees the month of Ramadan in his dream, his dream means blessings, profits, commanding good and forbidding evil. Ifthe person is seeking knowledge, then knowledge will be given to him, for it is during this great month that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.
If the person is inflicted with epilepsy, he will recover from it, for the devils and all evil spirits are shackled and are rendered powerless during this month. As for the tenth lunar month, known in Arabic as Shawwal, if one’s dream suggests a war or a conflict, it means that he will come first in it, and that he will triumph.
If one sees the month of Shawwal in his dream, it means that he will come out of difficulties and finds happiness and devotion, for it is the month during which that God’s House, known as the Ka’aba was built. As for the eleventh lunar month, known in Arabic as Zul-Qi’dah, if one’s dream suggests a trip, then the person should refrain from taking that trip or perhaps he should delay it for the better. He also should guard himselfwhere he lives. Ifthe dream denote stress or worries, then he should avoid whatever may cause them. However, if one’s dream takes place duringthe twelfth lunarmonth, known inArabic as Zul-Hijjahindicates ajourney then one may take it, or if it denotes a good business, one should seek it, for it is a most blessed month and it is the month of festivities and sacrifices.
If one sees this month in his dream or sees himselfoffering sacrifices in it, or ifhe sees himself praying the festival of Sacrifice prayers in it, his dream means paying one’s debts or fulfilling one’s vows, repentance from sin, guidance or perhaps his dream may indicate the death of great people of knowledge, the impeachment of governors, the changing of governments, or it could mean a sudden war.... arabic months dream meaning
If one sees himself in a dream reading from the pages the holy Qur’an, it signifies honor, command, happiness and victory. Reciting the Qur’an by heart and without reading the pages of the holy Book in a dream means proving to be true, or having a true claim, being pious, commandingwhat is good and forbidding what is evil. Ifone is told a verse from the holy Qur’an in a dream, he should understand it, memorize it and comply with the same.
If the verse reads about mercy or glad tidings or other admonitions in the dream, the interpretation of one’s dream should be the same. Ifthe Qur’anic verses recited in the dream connote an advice, one should act upon it in order for him to reap its benefits.
If one hears a Qur’anic verse containing a warning, promising punishment for the disbelievers, or announcing a swift retribution for their sins, then one should immediately repent for his sins, even if the verses relate to previous nations or times.
If one sees himself reciting the Qur’an and understandingwhat it says in a dream, it denotes his vigilance, intelligence, faith and spiritual awareness.
If a Qur’anic verse is recited to someone, and ifhe does not agree with the divine judgement in the dream, it means that he will suffer harm from someone in authority, or that a punishment from God Almighty will soon befall him.
If an unlettered person sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, it could also mean his death, or his reading of his own records. Ifone sees himself reading the holy Qur’an without true interest in it in a dream, it means that he follows his own mind, personal interpretations and innovations.
If one sees himself eating the pages of the holy Qur’an in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from his knowledge of it. Ifone sees himself completing the reading of the entire Qur’an in a dream, it means that a splendid reward from his Lord is awaiting him, and that he will get whatever he asks for.
If a disbeliever sees himself reading the holy Qur’an in a dream, the verses of admonition will help him in his life, the verses of punishment will be his warning from God Almighty and the parables will denote his need to contemplate the meaning.
If one sees himself writing the verses of the holy Qur’an on slabs of a mother of pearl, or on a piece of cloth in a dream, it means that he interprets it according to his own liking.
If one sees himself inscribing a Qur’anic verse on the ground in a dream, it means that he is an atheist.
It is also said that reading the Qur’an in a dream means fulfillment of one’s needs, clearing of one’s heart and establishment of one’s success in his life.
If one discovers that he has memorized the Qur’an in a dream, though in wakefulness he has not memorized it, it means that he will own a large property. Hearing the verses of the holy Qur’an in adreammeansthe strengtheningofone’s power, reaching a praiseworthy end to his life, and that one will be protected from the envy and jealousy of evildoing people.
If a sick person sees himself reciting a verse from the holy Qur’an, but could not remember to what chapter it belongs in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. Licking the holy Qur’an in a dream means that one has committed a major sin. Reciting the holy Qur’an in a dream means increase in one’s good deeds and rising in his station.
(Also see Holy Book; Pearl necklace; Reading)... qur’an dream meaning
To feel saturated with sweets in a dream means self-conceit, lies, or it could mean extollment, or speaking nice words. Eating sweets in a dream also means suffering from cold symptoms. Though, eating fermented sweets or preserves in a dream may represent a cure.
If a sweet is made from the basic four ingredients (i.e., honey, sugar, flour and manna or dates, or other fillings) in a dream, it means happiness, longevity, or escaping from the consequences of a dangerous business one ventures in with greed. As for a believer, eating sweets in a dream means tasting the blessings of one’s faith, though for a disbeliever, it means indulging in the pleasures of this world.
(Also seePastry; Seasonal sweets; Sweets maker)... sweets dream meaning
If one sees himself and his wife being the only people who are brought for judgement of the grand Day of Gathering in a dream, it means that he is being unjust. Ifa warrior sees the Day of Resurrection in a dream, it means that by God’s decree, the aggressor shall be defeated.
The land of the grand gathering in a dream represents a chaste woman or a noble man.
The blowing of the Trumpet of Resurrection in a dream represents the salvation of the righteous ones. Seeing any of the great extraordinary events or signs that shall precede the Dayof resurrection in a dream means glad tidings for a believer who does good, and a warning for a disbeliever to correct himself and repent for his sins before its coming. Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also denotes that some of the major signs are actually taking place, such as blood shedding, spread of evil, belligerence of atheism, pride about wealth, ruling of the working class, building high rises, the end of the era of kings on earth, or it could remind the person of the prophesied signs, such as the rising of the sun from the West, the emergence of a beast that will speak with a human tongue, the rising of the Imposter (arb. Dajjiil, Antichrist), etcetera. Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also represents the spread of evil, the presence of an extended police force, and the ruling of large armies and dictatorships around the world. Thus, seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream is a reminder and a warning to the one who sees it. Ifone sees the graves splitting open, dead people resurrected back to life and are walking out of them accompanied with their angels in a dream, it means that justice will prevail in that land.
If one experiences the resurrection in a dream, then discovers that the world went back to continue its prior course, it means that justice will dominate that land for a while, then it will be followed by a tyranny that will be carried by people who are not even suspected to be of such character. Such a dream also could be interpreted to suit a person who is seeking the impossible, or one who is adamant at pursuing the path of wrongdoing, falsehood and lies. Recognizing the eminent final signs of the Day of Reckoning in a dream means that one is unaware of his heedlessness and such dream constitutes a warning. Ifone’s reckoning is easy in a dream, it denotes his wife’s piety, compassion and love for him.
If one’s reckoning is detailed and painful in a dream, then it represents major losses.
If one’s good deeds weigh heavier than his bad deeds in the dream, it means that his devotion is true and that his reward will be greater. Ifone sees himselfcarrying the scale to weigh his own deeds in a dream, it denotes his righteousness and correctness.
If one sees an angel handing him his records and telling him to read his own book in the dream, it also means that he is on the right path. Walking on the bridge of the Day of Judgment, carrying one’s own records and crying in a dream means that one is praying for God’s forgiveness and to ease his reckoning.
If one sees the Doomsday in a dream, it means that he will escape from dangerous enemies, or that perhaps a major trial will befall the dwellers of that place.
If one crosses the Bridge of Judgement in a dream, it means that he will escape a major trial, or perhaps it could represent a major hurdle one may have to cross in this life.
If one sees himself carrying his book of records in his right hand in a dream, it means that he will win righteousness, wealth and honor. Ifone sees himselfcarrying his book of records in his left hand in a dream, it means that he will fall into sin and the consequent poverty and need of others, for wealth and adultery do not mix. Ifone witnesses the emergence of the Imposter (Antichrist) in a dream, it signifies new trends, innovations and masses straying from the straight path.
(Also see Intercession; Reckoning; Rising of the dead; Trumpet of Resurrection)... resurrection dream meaning
A wall in a dream also represents a strong, wealthy, powerful and religious person.
If the wall needed urgent repairs, and if a group of people come to rescue it in the dream, it represents a man of knowledge, or the Imam ofa mosque who has lost his control or respect, then some friends will come to his rescue and to help him restore his rank.
If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure.
If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed many sins and unless his repents, his punishment will be swift.
The caving-in of a wall toward the inside of a house in a dream means an illness, but if it falls toward the outside in the dream, it means death. Seeing a crack in the wall in a dream means that someone in the family will brace against him. Grabbing to a wall in a dream means the nearing of one’s death, pending how firmly one is grabbing to it in the dream. Grabbing to a wall in a dream is also interpreted as holding firmly to one’s interest in a strong person. Ifone builds a wall then tears it down in a dream, it means that he will attempt at destroying someone’s livelihood, or perhaps kill him. Ifone sees and recognizes a wall in his dream, it represents a close friend who may die from depression.
A wall in a dream is also interpreted as a mighty person who cannot be managed except through kindness. Jumping over a wall in a dream means reverting from being a believer to a disbeliever, or accepting and following the advice of a disbeliever. Seeing one’s picture reflected in a wall in a dream means one’s death, and that his name will be itched on his gravestone.
If a traveller sees himselfreturning to his house, whereby its walls are renewed, it means that he will get married. Seeping water from a crack in a wall in one’s dream means adversities and stress.
(Also see Walls of the city)... wall dream meaning
The goodness of that place depends on the quality of reading, or the degree of devotion seen in the dream. When it is an ascetic song in the dream, it means that one’s deputyship is established correctly, but if one sees himself singing a sensual love song, then it means temptations.
If one sees himself repeatedly calling God’s name in a dream, it means that he will win victory over his enemy. Calling people to God and reminding them of His attributes in a dream represents the work of a preacher who admonishes people, helps them to the shore of safety, and distances them from their sins and their consequences.
If a merchant sees himselfcallingupon God’s beautiful names in a dream, it means that his business will be saved from bankruptcy.
If a disbeliever, a profane or a secular person sees himself in a state of remembering God Almighty and calling upon His most holy attributes in a dream, it means that he may fall sick, or face great adversities, while in his heart, he will remain pleading with God Almighty for mercy and relief, though he may remain silent in public regarding his inner faith, and in fear of being ridiculed by his own circles.
If during his dream one speaks words of truth and wisdom, it means that he will recover from his adversity and be cured from his illness. Furthermore, he will move into a more comfortable life and begin a life of sharing and doing good deeds in this world, or he may receive guidance and light, and faith will permeate his heart. Ifone says his prayers with a twang in a dream, it means that he will linger in difficulties, and that people will mock him too.
(Also see Supplications)... zikr dream meaning
If bees sit over one’s head in a dream, it means winning the presidency over people.
If bees sit in someone’s hands in a dream, they mean a good crop for a farmer, while for someone else, they means a fight. Bees in a dream also represent an army. Killing bees in a dream means obliterating one’s enemy. Bees in a dream also represent scholars, knowledge compilers, striving hard or collecting taxes. Bees in a dream also represent a bread winner who is a hard working person, stern and sometime dangerous, though he does bring some benefits to his companions.
A bee sting in a dream means harm driven by a group ofadversaries. Bees in a dream also mean taking a beating or falling sick. Bees in a dream also represent the army of believers, while locusts represent the army of disbelievers.
A bee in a dream also represents a seer.
(Also see Beehive)... bees dream meaning