Craftsman Dream Meanings

Craftsman Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

19 dream interpretation about craftsman related.


(Corridor; Hallway; Lane; Long narrow lane) Entering a lane in a dream means falling under suspicion and particularly ifit has curves.

A lane in a dream also means breaking one’s oath or mixing and confusing values, or it could mean a road, a method of operating a business, or the techniques used by a craftsman in his trade.

(Also see Lane; Road)... alley dream meaning


(Barkeeper; Barman; Beverages; Sherbet salesman; Syrup vendor) A bartender in a dream represents a syrup vendor or a sherbet salesman. All of them organize their bar with colorful bottles and different sizes of drinking glasses. Their drinks vary between the sweet and sour, cold and hot or dry.

A bartender in a dream also could represent a craftsman in his shop, a businessman in his office, a confidant, or someone who exposes others’ secrets and troubles for a price, or one who keeps a secret for a price.... bartender dream meaning


(Loaf; Knowledge; Life; Longevity; Money; Mother; Nanny; Needs; Prosperity; Religion; A strong person.)

When bread is made from bleached flour in a dream, it means blessed earnings and a comfortable life. When it is made with unbleached flour in a dream, it means disturbances in one’s life.

It is said that each loafof bread represents forty years of one’s life. Each loafofbread also may represent money in denominations of tens, hundreds or thousands, all relative to the financial standing of the person in the dream, or the type of work he performs. Whole wheat bread, barley bread or sweet bread made with honey or sugar in a dream means rising prices. Eating bread with its crusts in a dream is like eating honey with its beeswax. Oven fresh bread when eaten in one’s dream is best. Bread in a dream represents woman’s chastity. Bread made with bleached flour means living a clean life, having pure knowledge, or a beautiful wife.

If a student sees himself distributing bread among poor people in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals and succeed in his studies.

If he is a preacher, it means that people are accepting his admonitions and advice. Otherwise, ifhe sees people crowding over him to get their bread in the dream, it means that people will seek what he has to offer. In that case, his position is better than theirs, for the giving hand is better than the receiving one.

If one sees a deceased person offering him a piece of bread in a dream, it means that he will receive unexpected money from an unsolicited source. Ifone sees bread hanging in the skies, over the roofs or hanging down from trees in a dream, it means rising prices and the same interpretation applies for all commodities.

If he sees bread scattered on the ground and people walking over it in a dream, it means prosperity in that land which leads to vanity.

A good looking loaf of bread represents one’s good religious stand, otherwise it means the opposite. Bakingbread in a dream means working for one’s livelihood. Seeing squandered loaves of bread and not eating from them in the dream means meeting with brothers one has not seen for a long time. Having a loaf of bread baked with coarsely grounded grains in the dream means living a comfortable life, though with insignificant religious attendance.

If it is a loaf of barley bread in the dream, it means a strenuous life, though well managed. Corn bread, chick peas bread or millet bread means tight financial conditions and rising prices.

If one is given a piece of dried bread in a dream, it indicates the near end of his life.

A loaf of bread in a dream means marriage for an unwed person, and for a craftsman, it means progress in his trade. As for a ruler or ajudge, a well baked loafof bread in a dream represents hisjustice. Small loaves of bread in a dream represent a short life, while large loaves mean longevity. Eating a hot loaf of bread means hypocrisy, because the effect of the oven’s heat is still in it. Eating bread without a meal means a sickness or dying alone. Eating from a loaf of bread which is halfbaked in a dream means that one may suffer from high fever.

If a poor person eats sweet bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of what he maybe expecting to receive. Eating the thin variety of rock baked bread in a dream means increase in one’s earnings.

A thin loaf of bread in a dream also could mean a short life. Holding two loaves of bread in a dream means marrying two sisters, one after the other. Eating simultaneously from two loaves of bread, one in each hand in a dream also means a marriage to two sisters. Eating pretzels in a dream means adopting a good health diet. Stale bread in a dream means inexpensive or shoddy prices. Dough in a dream means debts or loans.

A flying loaf of bread with two wings means high prices. Eating a flat loaf of bread, or a loaf of pita bread in a dream means easy living or prosperity. Eating a bun in a dream denotes a decent financial stability. In a dream, a loaf of bread also represents little money or little earnings, or a small wage.

(Also see Dough)... bread dream meaning


(Henna; Makeup) If one sees his face embellish with red cosmetic makeup in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery and be exposed thereafter. Cosmetic makeup in a dream also represents a craftsman’s working tools. It also means adornment, money or children.... cosmetics dream meaning

Cotton Ginner

(A professional craftsman who works at separating seeds from cotton.) In a dream, a cotton ginner represents a man of knowledge or a judge who settles disputes. He may also represent the person who mints money or one who separates the good metal from the bad ones, or he may represent a man with many wives and children.

(Also see Carder; Cotton; Cotton ginnery)... cotton ginner dream meaning


In a dream, death signifies religious failure, corruption and rising in status in the world. This interpretation applies if one is carried on a bier or on a litter and his funeral is accompanied with crying and lamentation except if he is buried in the dream. Ifone witnesses his own burial in the dream, then it means that his case is hopeless and that he will be seized by the world. One’s followers or assisting entourage will be as many as those who walk in his funeral in the dream. However, he will conquer people and ride over their shoulders. Ifone dies in his dream but does not have the look of dead people and there is no crying over his death or a funeral in the dream, it means that one of his properties will be torn down, or that a room in his house will collapse, or that a wall will cave in, or it could mean that a pillar will breakdown. Such a dream also may signify weakness in one’s religious standing or blindness of his heart. Despite that, he will live a long life.

If one dies in a dream and finds himself looking like a dead person, and if his body is washed and wrapped in a shroud, it also means weakness in his religion. All the sorrow and crying one sees in this case, represents his rising in rank and promotion in the world. Death in a dream also signifies travels, or it could mean poverty. One’s death and burial in his dream also means that he will die short of repentance. Ifone comes out of his grave after his burial in the dream, it means that he will repent for his sins before dying. Death in a dream also signifies marriage, for a deceased person is washed and perfumed, and a bridegroom also takes a bath and anoints himself with perfumes on his wedding day.

If one dies and is carried over people’s shoulders, though they do not bury him in the dream, it means that he will conquer his enemy and should he qualify for leadership, he will attain it.

To come back to life after dying in a dream means that one will become rich and dispense with poverty, or it could mean that he will repent for his sins. This dream also means the safe home coming of a traveller.

The death of an unknown woman in a dream means absence of rain or dearth, and if she comes back to life in the dream, it means rain. In general, the death of a woman in a dream means the death of a child in wakefulness and vice-versa.

If a deceased person tells someone in a dream that he did not die, it means that he is blessed in the hereafter. Carrying a deceased person in a dream means carrying the provisions or .ood supplies of an irreligious and an ungodly person. Carrying a dead person in a different way than one carries a deceased person to bury him in a dream means acquiring unlawful money. Carrying a deceased person to bury him in a dream means working for the governor.lfone sees a deceased person sick in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about forsaking his religious attendance during his lifetime.

If one sees the dwellers of the graveyards coming out of their grave to eat people’s harvest or food supplies in a dream, it means rising of food prices. Ifhe sees them drinking from the wells in a dream, it means that a great plague will befall that town.

If one sees a deceased person die, then if he walks in his funeral in the dream, it means that someone among his children or in the family of that person will shortly die.

If no crying or sorrow follows his death, then it means that someone in his progeny will get married. What a deceased person says about himself in a dream is true, for he has reached the abode of truth and he can exercise no falsehood in that abode.

If a deceased person tells something in a dream, and ifit does not take place, then it means that one is experiencing confused dreams. Ifone sees a deceased person well dressed in a white or a green garment, smiling and happy in a dream, it means that he is in that state one witnessed in his dream. Otherwise, if one sees him disheveled, dirty, frowning or crying in a dream, this also denotes his condition in the hereafter. Ifone sees a deceased person sick in a dream, it means that his condition is contingent upon the satisfaction of his debts and that he is awaiting the Divine justice to take its course. Performing a funeral prayer for deceased people in a dream means asking for forgiveness on their behalf or visiting their graves, or it could mean admonishing someone with a dead heart, or it could mean bidding farewell to travelling people or taking care of needy people.

If one’s wife dies and returns back to life in a dream, it means making profits from a plantation or a farm. Discovering a body of a deceased in a dream means finding money. Walking behind a deceased person in a dream means following his footsteps or emulating his trade or traditions, whether they be material or spiritual. Ifthe Imamof the country dies in a dream, it means destruction of that city by war. On the other hand, if one sees a city in ruins in a dream, it means that the Imam has died.

If one sees that he is immortal in a dream, it means the nearing of his death. Death in a dream also signifies being recalled to account for a major sin or a crime.

To die in a dream with no apparent reason or illness and to exhibit no features of a dead person means longevity.

To suffer from death-pangs in a dream means being unjust to oneselfor to others.

To sees oneselfdead and naked in a dream means poverty.

To see oneself dead and lying on a straw-mat or a carpet in a dream means prosperity and success in the world. Ifone sees himself dead lying on a litter in a dream, it means rising in rank. Ifhe is lying on a bed in the dream, it means benefits from one’s family.

If one hears about the death of an unknown person in a dream, it means a warning about his success in the world at the expense of his religious compromises.

If one’s son dies in a dream, it means that he will escape from an enemy.

If one’s daughter dies in a dream, it means despair from relief.

If one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means his freedom. Otherwise, ifhe is entrusted with something, it means that he will be required to deliver it back to its rightful owner.

If one dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will get married.

If a sick person gets married in a dream, it means that he will shortly die.

If a married person dies and gets buried in a dream, it means that he will divorce his wife or break a business partnership or separates from his brothers, sisters and friends, or it could mean that he may emigrate to another country. Otherwise, ifhe has already migrated from his homeland, it means that he will return to it. Death in a dream has positive connotation for someone in fear of something or a sad person or a sick person.

The death of one’s brothers in a dream means the death of one’s enemies, or it could mean saving one’s capital. Walking amidst dead people in a dream means befriending some hypocrites. Walking in the company of a deceased person in a dream means undertaking a long journey, or it could mean profits from one’s travels. Eating the flesh of a dead person in a dream means enjoying a long life.

If one discovers that he died suddenly in a dream, it means that he will rejoice.

If a deceased person eats something in a dream, it means that such a commodity will become expensive.

If one sees himself laying on a washing table in a funeral home in a dream, it means that his sins will be washed away and that his debts will be paid.

If a deceased person asks someone to wash his cloth in a dream, it means that he needs the prayers and forgiveness of the person who saw him in his dream, or it could mean that one needs him to pay a debt he left behind or to ask people to forgive him his sins or to fulfill his will.

If one washes the deceased person’s clothes in the dream, it means that the deceased person will become free from his burdens in the hereafter. Transporting dead people to the cemetery in a dream means that one is doing something right.

If he transports them to the marketplace in a dream, it means that he needs something, or that his merchandise will be sold quickly.

If one sees that a deceased person has returned to life in a dream, it means that one will recuperate somethinghe considered it dead, or ifhe happens to be going through difficulties, it means that his adversities will dissipate.

If a deceased person comes back to life in a dream, it also means that his progeny will benefit from something he left.

If he looks beautiful, happy and well dressed in the dream, it means that such happiness will become the inheritance of his descendants.

If one sees a deceased person busy, worried and ill dressed in a dream, it means that he is engaged in a struggle that can only subside by the will of God Almighty.

If he is sick in the dream, it means that he is answerable to God Almighty for his religious negligence.

If the deceased person’s face looks dark or opaque in the dream, it means that he died as an unbeliever.

If one sees a deceased person sprightly, pleasant and casual in a dream, it means that one’s dream is mere hallucination, or that he is experiencing disturbed dreams, for dead people do notjoke and have their own duties to respond to. Ifone’s deceased father or mother come back to life in a dream, it means relieffrom distress and abolishing of his fears. This is particularly stronger when one’s deceased mother is seen in the dream. Resurrecting a deceased person in a dream means giving guidance to an unbeliever or admonishing an innovator. This also could mean admonishing heedless people who will repent for their sins.

If one sees a deceased person die again in a dream, it means that someone by the same name will shortly die.

If a deceased person complains about a migraine headache in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about his religious negligence or his injustices or his abominable attitude toward his father or mother.

If the deceased person complains about his eyes in the dream, it means that he is being questioned about what he owes to his wife or about her dower or about a will or a trust he wasted. Ifhe complains about his left arm, it means that he is being questioned about the rights of his brother, sister, son or business partner or a false oath he made.

If the deceased person complains about his side in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about cutting off his relations or clan or failing to fulfil his obligations toward his household.

If he complains about his legs in a dream, it means that he is being questioned about wasting his life in corruption and falsehood. Ifhe complains about his feet in the dream, it means that he is being questioned about a wealth he spends in falsehood and on the path of heedlessness he walked.

A woman and a man in such dreams are the same. Like that, each limb provides for a specific stand one took during his lifetime in this world.

(See Body’).

If a living person gives a deceased person something to eat or drink in a dream, it means loss of money.

If he gives a deceased person a garment in the dream, it means adversity or an illness.

If a deceased person gives the person seeing the dream his own shroud to wear in a dream, it means his death.

If a deceased person gives the person seeing the dream a cloak or an adorned shirt in a dream, it means gaining what the deceased person acquired of knowledge, wealth, blessings or status during his lifetime.

The shirt means livelihood and the cloak means dignity and honor.

If the deceased person gives him some food to eat in the dream, it means receiving lawful earnings from an unexpected source.

If the deceased person gives him honey in the dream, it means acquiring a booty. Anything one receives from a deceased person in a dream means good news and a blessed gift in general.

If a deceased person takes one by the hand and walks with him in a dream, it means receiving money from an unexpected source. Talking with deceased 114 people in a dream means longevity. Kissing a renowned person who had passed away in a dream means acquiring something from his knowledge, wisdom or inheritance, or it could mean receiving benefits from his descendants. Talking to dead people in a dream means having ingratitude toward one’s family or friends.

If a sick person sees himself kissing a deceased person in a dream, it means that he will shortly die.

If a healthy person sees that same dream, it means that what he says is false. Having sexual intercourse with a deceased person in his grave in a dream means committing adultery or mixing with an evil person or losing money to a deceitful and a hypocritical person.

If one sees that a deceased woman has come back to life, and if he engages in sexual intercourse with her, then finds his body spattered with her ova and semen in a dream, it means that he has committed something which he regrets. Consequently he will suffer losses because of it.

To have a wedding with a deceased person and to move to his or her house in the dream means one’s own death. Walking behind a deceased person and entering an unknown house from which one does not come out again in the dream means death.

If one follows the deceased person and does not enter such a house in the dream, it means that he will near his death, then recuperate from his illness.

If a deceased person beats the person seeing the dream, it means that one has displeased his Lord and has committed an abominable act from which he should repent, for in the abode of truth, a deceased person accepts only what pleases God Almighty and dislikes what He dislikes. Ifone sees a living person beating a deceased person who is willingly submitting to his fate in a dream, it represents the spiritual and religious strength and the rank of the living person, his charities, prayers, devotion, piety, or it could mean that he is fulfilling the deceased person’s will.

If one sees a deceased person asleep in a dream, it means that the hereafter is the abode of rest and comfort for the believers. Sleeping in one bed with a deceased person in a dream means longevity.

If dead people come out of their graves to sell merchandise in a dream, it means stagnation of the markets.

A dead mouse in one’s food in a dream means tampering with that product. Ifone sees a deceased person doing something good in a dream, it means that he is orderinghim to do the same. Ifit is a bad thing he is doing in the dream, it means that he is ordering him not to do it.

If a deceased person comes in one’s dream and tells him about the time of his death, then the day may be one month and the month may be one year and the year ten years. Ifone sees his mother dying in a dream, it means that he will lose his worldly attainments, comfort and that he may become heedless. Ifhe is a seeker on the path, then it means that he will lose the benefits of his work or fail to perform his obligatory prayers.

If a sick person sees his brother die in a dream, it means his own death. Otherwise, it could mean someone in his family. Ifone is poor in the dream, it means that may lose one of his eyes.

If one’s wife dies in a dream, it means bankruptcy and loss of one’s source of livelihood. Performing the funeral prayer in a dream means interceding on his behalf and praying for his salvation.

If one answers the call of a deceased person in a dream, it means that he will shortly follow him. Ifone sees a deceased person drowning in a dream, it means that one is plunged in abominable sins.

If one sees dead people coming out of their graves and going to their homes in a dream, it means a mass release of prisoners during a general amnesty. This dream also may mean that God Almighty will give life to a barren land. Death for a believer in a dream means honor, dignity, aloofness and ascetic detachment.

The death of a prophet in a dream means weakness in people’s religious life, while their coming back to life in a dream means a flourishing spiritual life in that place.

The death of a ruler in a dream means the weakness of his army or government.

The death of a religious scholar in a dream means the birth of innovation or invalidation of one’s proof.

The death of a pious worshiper in a dream means failure to attend one’s religious obligations.

The death of a craftsman mean the end of his craft.

The death of one’s parents in a dream means tightening of his financial means.

The death of one’s wife in a dream means the end of a prosperous life.

The death of one’s son in a dream means the obscurity of one’s name after his death. Ifone sees a deceased person performing the funeral prayer over another deceased person in a dream, it means that one’s actions are false, for performing a funeral prayer is a deed and dead people have no more deeds to offer. Ifa married woman marries a deceased person in a dream, it means her divorce from her husband, while if an unmarried woman marries a deceased person in a dream means that she will get married. In a dream, death also means being inflamed with love or separation from one’s beloved, whereby life after death would represent reunion with one’s beloved or sufferingfrom separation in a hell-fire.

(Also seeAgony ofdeath; Funeralprayers; Giving up the ghost; Izriiil; Relaxation; Robbery)... death dream meaning


(Casting metals; Glass; Gold; Mixing ores) In a dream, a founder represents a spendthrift, someone who cannot keep a secret, one who does not keep a promise, a minter, one who separates good from evil, a just judge who distinguishes between good and evil, an assiduous craftsman or a dream interpreter who distinguishes between true dreams and confused ones, a seer, a launderer or a garment bleacher.

A founder in a dream also represents a person about whom people speak negatively, or a person who is appointed to lead a high ranking function.... founder dream meaning


(Cosmetics; Henna; Kohl; Medicine) Cosmetic makeup in a dream represents a craftsman’s working tools. Makeup in a dream also means adornment, money, or children.

(Also see Blushing; Kohl)... makeup dream meaning


In a dream, a map means money.

A map in a dream also represents a trainer, a craftsman, one’s helpers, or a friend one takes pride in associating with them.... map dream meaning


(Detergent; Discards; Filth; Loan; Tithe) Charity in a dream means repelling calamities, recovering from illness, profits or truthfulness. This is also true when it comes to earning one’s money lawfully, but if one gives a dead animal or alcohol or a stolen or mismanaged money in charity, then his charity is not acceptable and it means that he will pursue evil and indulge in sin.

If a farmer who is having a bad harvest sees himself giving some of what he plants in charity in a dream, it means that his crop will increase and his produce will be blessed. Ifone donates his charities to a rich person in a dream, it means that he may suffer from tight financial circumstances, or that he may come to be in need of such a person.

If one gives a charitable donation to a prostitute in a dream, it means that she will repent of her sin.

If he gives a charity to a thief in a dream, it means that the thiefwill cease his profession. Charity in a dream also could mean suppressing the envy or spite of one’s rivals or subdue the jealousy of one’s enemy, averting his dislikes, or suppressing evil in general.

If an angry person sees himself secretly distributing charity in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven him his sin of anger. Giving charity in secret in one’s dream also could mean seeking the friendship ofpeople in authority, or tojoin the circles of people of knowledge.

If a man of knowledge is asked to give money in charity, and ifhe complies in his dream, it means that he will expound his knowledge to others. Ifhe is a merchant, it means that he will benefit others with his business or teache them his trade.

If he is a craftsman, he will teach people his craft.

If one who is under pressures, or if one is scared of something sees himself feeding a beggar who is undergoing his own trials in a dream, it means that one’s fears and stress will be dispelled. Charity in a dream also denotes celebrating God’s praises, devotion, visiting the graveyards and doing good.

To spend money on God’s path in a dream means that one will surely receive money in wakefulness.

(Also see Alms tax; Endowment; Good deeds; Loan)... charity dream meaning


(Cage; Clothing; House; Luck; Robe) In a dream, dwellings are man’s abode or his world. One’s dwellings in a dream are a reflection of his deeds in wakefulness. Ifone finds himself in anewly built house which is freshly painted and has all the needed amenities and comforts in a dream, it means prosperity.

If he is a poor person, then it means that he will meet his financial obligations with ease.

If he is under stress, it means that he will become free from such burdens.

If he is a craftsman, it means that he will master his craft or acquire authority equal in dominance to the beauty and perfection, size and details of such a dwelling he saw in the dream.lfhe is in sin, it means that he will repent.

The spaciousness or tightness of one’s dwellings in a dream represents his finances, knowledge, sharing, hospitality and generosity.lfone’s own dwellings looked renovated in a dream, it means regaining or developing one’s business for the better. Its fresh paint means fulfilling one’s religious commitments. Its tiles or marble floors represent his pleasures or wife. Dwellings of solid iron cast means longevity and authority.

If one enters an unknown house and finds departed souls dwelling therein in a dream, it means that he has entered the realms of the hereafter.

If such dwellings are built of mud or plaster, this will be a reflection on his adverse conditions.

If one enters such dwellings, then walks out of it in a dream, it means that he will become sick and nearly die of his illness before he recovers from it.

If one walks out of it angry in a dream, it means that he will be imprisoned.

If he sees someone entering his house in a dream, it means that someone will know his intimate life, or that an insolent person will become a close family friend, then betray his trust and have a secret affairs with one’s wife.

If one sees his dwellings crumbling or caving in on him in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from the belongings of a deceased relative. Building a dwelling for oneself or for others in a dream means the death of a relative or of one’s child, or it could mean divorcing one’s wife. Dwellings in a dream also represent a transient station. Ifthe dwelling is built from an unsuitable construction material in the dream, it means that one’s source of income is unlawful. One’s dwellings in a dream also represent his physical form, carnal self and substance. Demolishing a new home in a dream means evil and adversities.

(Also see Cage; Glass house; House)... dwellings dream meaning


(Crafty; Cunning; Embroidering) A craftsman who applies a monogram or embroiders a garment in a dream represents a cunning and a craftyman of knowledge.

(Also see Embroiderer)... monogram dream meaning


(Tender touch) In a dream, caressing a bird, a dog, a cat, a horse or a cow, etcetera, means having a soft heart, speaking gentle words, ability to draw people to oneself. Caressing someone during the daylight in a dream means slandering and backbiting him. Caressing a woman in a dream means that one will become a translator, or it could represent a frivolous person or someone who appeals to ludicrous people, or it could mean self-adulation or deficiency in one’s craftsmanship.... caressing dream meaning


(Goldsmith; Leather craftsman; or any craft using a hammer and a chisel.) An engraver in a dream represents knowledge and pursuit of the prophetic traditions. In a dream, an engraver also means deception, trickery and imposing credulity upon others through dishonesty.

A stone carver in a dream represents someone who deals with people of ignorance.

A copper engraver represents disputes and illness. Gold and silver engraver in a dream represents clear wisdom and putting things where they belong.

An engraver in a dream also represents a worldly person.

If he also deals with fabrics in the dream, it means that he is a peacemaker. Seeing him also means spending one’s money to serve evil people or investing money in their projects, lies, falsehood and hypocrisy.

The customers in the dream represent people who prefer worldly and temporary benefits over the eternal reward and benefits of the hereafter. Ifthe engraver sells the merchandise but does not accept money for them in the dream, it means that he prefers his spiritual life over his temporary material pleasure and that he is grateful to God Almighty.

If he asks for a price for his services, then it means the opposite.

If the engraver barters what he sells for wheat or flour in the dream, it means that he whlbecome detached from worldly interests, and that he is grateful for his Lord’s blessings.

An engraver in a dream also represents a person who teaches arts and science.... engraver dream meaning

Male Organ

(Penis) To look at one’s sexual organs in a dream means profits, children, fame, carnal desires, want, family, strength, virility, conduct, or longevity.

If a man sees himself without a male organ in a dream, it means that he will lose a son who will either die or travel away from his father, and who will leave no tracks of his whereabouts. It also could mean that he will have no more children.

If a sick person sees himself without a male organ in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness. Ifhe is a king or a governor, it means that he will be deposed. Having two male organs in a dream means that one will beget two sons. Castration in a dream means that one will bear no more daughters.

If a pregnant woman sees herself having a male organ in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. Ifshe never had children before, it means that she is barren.

If one is circumcised in a dream, it means that he will fulfil his religious covenant, or pay a debt.

A pubic area which is excessively hairy in a dream represents an insolent person. Feeding one’s sexual organ in a dream means dying an ugly death.

If one’s male organ turns into a female organ in a dream, it means that he has lost his virility, or that he will become submissive. Ifone sees himselftouching his wife’s sexual organ which then turns into a male organ in a dream, it means that she may undergo an operation in relation to abnormal sexual trend.

A male organ in a dream also represents a craftsman’s tools. Playing with one’s male organ in a dream means that one does not shy from God’s presence and that of His angels, or that he has forgotten about proper conduct or common moral standards, or ifhe is a learned person, it means that he will forget what he has learned.... male organ dream meaning


(Pencil; Tongue) In a dream, a pen represents knowledge, learning, a child, a tradesman, or commanding what is good and forbidding what is evil.

If a tradesman or a craftsman sees a pen in his dream, it means that he will be successful in his trade, or that he will preside over people of the same trade.

If a tradesman earns something with a pen, or writes an invoice with it in a dream, it means that he will be protected from poverty through his trade.

If a writer sees himself carrying a pen, or holding a paper, or an inkwell in a dream, it also means having a source of income, protection against poverty, earning one’s livelihood from writing, or from working under someone in authority.

A pen in a dream also represents one’s manager, his controller, a cosigner, a witness in an agreement, entering into a marriage agreement, or it could represent an intelligent son who will become a famous writer. Owning a pen or receiving a one as a gift in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Then, if one proceeds to write with it in his dream, it means receiving an appointment, or occupying a position of authority. Looking at a pen one is holding in his hand and seeing another pen laying beside him in a dream denotes having a half brother, or if one’s mother is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a new son.

A pen in a dream also means a guarantee.

If one’s wife is pregnant, then if he sees a pen laying beside an inkwell in his dream, it means that she will beget a son. Holding a pen in a dream also means making an oath. Ifone’s pen is broken or scratched in a dream, it will reflect on his business, trade and livelihood. Moistening a pen from an inkwell in a dream means committing a sin.

A pen in a dream also represents virtues by which one is known, or it could mean complying with a courtjudgement, or signing a court order, or it could represent a scholar, ajudge, one’s tongue, a sword, one’s penis, a railway, generosity, abundance, humankind, one’s confidant, or winning victory over one’s enemy.

If one’s pen looks in good condition in the dream, it means that one’s oath or covenant is true. Otherwise, a defective pen in a dream represents a false oath, or a biased agreement. Apen in a dream also meanslongevity and prosperity.

(Alsosee Tongue)... pen dream meaning


(Beads; Jewel; Money; Tears; Women) Drilling wholes in pearls to string them in a dream means fulfillment of one’s goals, easing one’s passage, or facilitating one’s marriage. In a dream, a pearl also means a son.

If one’s wife is pregnant, and if she hands him a pearl in his dream, it means that she will deliver a beautiful son.

If the pearl has no glitter, or if he takes it from his wife and locks it inside a box in a dream, then it represents a servant.

A pearl in a woman’s dream means good news.

If she is unwed, it means that she will get married.

If one sees himself bartering a pearl or a gem for fake jewelry, or for chips of glass in a dream, it means that he has sold the reward of the hereafter for the temporary pleasures of this world, or that he has exchanged something precious for something worthless, or it could mean that he may commit a sin, or become an apostate. Pearls in a dream also represent the Quran, manner of proper talking, bezels of wisdom, children, servants, integrity, beauty, or money.

If one sees himself piercing a pearl in a dream, it means that he will give valuable interpretations to Quranic verses. Swallowing pearls in a dream means forgetting what one has learned from the Quran. Swallowing pearls in a dream also could mean acquiring wisdom and knowledge. Selling pearls in a dream means acquiring knowledge and growing to be famous and respected. Throwing pearls at people in a dream and seeing people collecting them while one remains aloof, represents a judge who issues his verdict, or admonishes people who accept what he says and abide by it accordingly. Receiving a pearl in a dream means caring for the daughter of a relative. Finding a pearl in a dream also means finding a wife. Borrowing a pearl from someone in a dream means begetting a son and giving him for adoption, or that the boy will die shortly after his birth. Pearls in a dream also mean becoming wealthy from an inheritance. As for a scholar, a pearl in a dream represents knowledge, and for a governor, it means expansion of his power. As for a merchant, it means a growing business, and for a craftsman in a dream, it means advancement in his craft. Pearls in a dream also represent the final step in adorning something and the proper way to display beauty, or they could represent fantasies and attractions. Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation. Swallowing a pearl in a dream means hiding a testimony. Chewing on pearls in a dream means backbiting people. Vomiting pearls in a dream means scheming against people and deceiving them. Throwing a pearl into a river in a dream means helping people. Extracting a pearl from its shell, then throwing the pearl and keeping the shell in a dream means that one is involved in body snatching and in desecrating the graves. Opening a closet with a key and pulling out stored pearls from inside it in a dream means asking a question from a scholar. Counting pearls in a dream means going through hardships. Seeing pearls in a dream means becoming joyful and happy. Receiving a gift of pearls in a dream denotes a political appointment. Pearls in a dream also denote good words, money, or servants.

A pearl necklace in a dream means marriage, or a bundle of money, or it could mean memorizing the Quran. Carrying loads of pearls in a dream means carrying burdens. Throwing pearls to a swine or over a trash pile in a dream means giving knowledge to people who are not worthy of it, or people who do not understand it and who will consequently mock him. Burning pearls to cook with them rather than wood in a dream means putting a heavy burden on someone who cannot carry it and consequently having him explode. Large pearls in a dream provide for better connotations than the small ones. Pierced pearls in a dream mean easy and fast coming money. Pearls in a dream also may represent tears.

(Also see Counting pearls; Mother of pearl; Tears)... pearl dream meaning


In a dream, a storyteller may represent the Imam of a mosque, or the Khatib who delivers the Friday sermon.

A storyteller in a dream also may represent one’s livelihood, or intestinal and bowel problems, or he could represent travels.

If the stories are new, then they mean disturbances in one’s life.

If they are stories of chivalry, then they represent a war.

A pleasant story one tells to a king, or to Ulan of authority in a dream represents wealth, or great profits which are distributed equitably. As for a merchant, hearing a pleasant story in a dream represents easy and quick profits from his business, and for a craftsman, it represents a sizeable contract, or an important new account.

(Also see Comedian; Humorist)... storyteller dream meaning


(Childbearing; Planting) In a dream, a pregnancy indicates woman’s success, diligence and assiduity in pursuing her goals. In a dream, pregnancy also means receiving recognition, respect and prosperity.

If a man sees himself pregnant in a dream, it means that he suffers from heaviness in his life, or it could represent one’s fear of exposing his problems in public. In general, pregnancy in a dream represents material gains.

If a woman sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means difficulties and adversities beside some troubling secrets she maybe hiding. However, for a learned man, pregnancy in a dream may represent increase in his knowledge, while for a craftsman, it means achieving unrivalled excellence in his trade. Pregnancy in a dream also means being madly in love, or having passionate attachment to someone, or planting seeds in the wrong place, or beingbisexual or a deviate, or sufferingfrom dropsy, or perhaps it could mean that a thief will enter his house to steal something, or to hide a stollen object, or that one may steal something and hide it from its true owner, or that he may get sick from eating spoiled food, or it could mean that he may bury a dear person, or that he is affected and a liar, or he may hide his real beliefs and show a better standing in public, or it may represent an accident or a fire. As for a woman, her pregnancy in a dream means losing her virginity before marriage, or that she will marry an unsuitable person. Ifa barren woman sees herselfpregnant in a dream, it means a bad harvest for that year, or it could mean a robbery in her neighborhood.

If an unmarried woman or a young virgin sees herself pregnant in a dream, it means that she will find a compatible husband. Pregnancy in a dream has many meanings. In a dream, woman’s pregnancymeans wealth, and man’s pregnancy means pain and sorrow. However, generally speaking, pregnancy in a dream also could mean prosperity and material success.

The extent of wealth is measured by the number of months of such pregnancy and the size of one’s growth in the dream. This is true whether it is a man or a woman in the dream.

If a young boy who is under the age of puberty sees himselfpregnant in a dream, it represents his father, and if ayoung girl who is under the age of menstruation sees herself pregnant, then it represents her mother.

If a man sees his wife pregnant in a dream, it reflects his desire for material success.

If one sees his pregnant wife delivering a baby boy in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a girl and the opposite maybe true, except if it is common for the person in the dream to experience in wakefulness what he sees in his dream.

If one sees himself delivering a baby from his mouth in a dream, it means his death, or it could mean that he will use poised and pleasant words in a conversation with someone he is careful not to offend.

If a man gives birth to a baby boy in a dream, it means that he will carry a heavy burden then escape from it, or it could mean that he will vanquish his enemy, or it could mean that he may escape from a treacherous woman.

If a pregnant woman sees herself delivering a child in a dream though having not had sexual intercourse with her husband, it means that she will discover a hidden treasure. Apregnant animal in a dream denotes benefits or profits.

(Also see Carrying someone; Delivering a baby; Transformation)... pregnancy dream meaning