Cradle of ismail Dream Meanings

Cradle Of Ismail Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

(A section ofthe Sacred House in Mecca.) Seeing oneselfpraying or standing at the Cradle of Ismail in a dream means bearing a son who will become the principal provider for the family. Ifone is rich, then seeing the cradle of Ismail in a dream means that he will be debarred from his assets and that his rights to use them will be suspended.

(Also see Circumambulation; Cradle; Ka’aba;Muzdalifa; Pelting stones; Pilgrimage; Responding; Station ofAbraham)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin


Buying a cradle or sitting in a cradle in a dream means blessings, grace, profits and comfort.

A cradle in a dream also represents a stepson or the stepchild of a young woman.

For men, a cradle in a dream signifies sorrow, distress, imprisonment or a small and restrictive dwellings. As for an unmarried man, seeing a cradle in a dream means that he will get married. As for a woman, seeing a cradle in a dream means that she will bear a child, and it could mean distress, trouble, adversities, uptightness, lamentation and crying. In a dream, a cradle also represents singing, an amusement club, an argument or a dispute.

A cradle in a dream also represents a coffin.

(Also see Cage; Cradle of Lsmiiil)... cradle dream meaning


(The prophet Ismail, son of the prophet Abraham, upon both of them be peace.) If one sees him in a dream, it means that he will gain clarity of speech and preside over his colleagues. He also may build a mosque, or participate in such a project. It also means that someone will make a promise and be truthful about fulfilling it. Ifone sees Ismail in a dream, it means that he may suffer at the hands of his father, then God Almighty will relief him from such sufferings or pain.... ismail dream meaning