Conscious Dream Meanings

Conscious Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

10 dream interpretation about conscious related.


Barley corns in their fields in a dream represent spiritual awakening and a conscious endeavor to do good. Seeing barley in a dream also denotes easy and sweet income.

If one barters wheat for barley in a dream, it means that he will forget the Qur’an and pursue poetry. Buying or carrying a measure of barley in a dream means that one may conceive a son who will grow to be pious and a man of knowledge, though his life will be short.

It is also said that barley in a dream represents money spent toward one’s health and fitness. Buying barley from its distributor in a dream means receiving a great wealth or an inheritance, though one must pay its due alms tax and charities. Ifone sees himself planting barley in a dream, it means that he will engage in doing a good deed that will please God Almighty. Walking through barley fields in his dream means that one will be blessed with the opportunity to participate in a holy war. Farming barley fields in a dream represents people’s deeds.

If one plants barley in a dream, it means that he will prosper from his business or from governing, or that he will receive an endowment from someone in authority. Seeing barley in a dream also implies feelings or perceiving something good that is going to take place.

(Also see Crop)... barley dream meaning


(Concern; Conscious; Watchful) Being too careful about something that does not call for extraordinary concern in a dream means hypocrisy, straying from the truth or forgetting the divine admonition ofthe Holy Qur’iin or any part of it.... carefulness dream meaning


(See Carefulness; Conscious; Watchful)... concern dream meaning


Planting in a dream means that one’s wife will become pregnant. Ifone sees himselfplowing someone else’s land in a dream, it means a dispute between the two.

A crop that is consumed by fire in a dream means famine and drought.

If one sees himself walking through green fields in a dream, it means striving to do good, charitable deeds and leading a devout life not knowing whether his deeds will be accepted by God Almighty or not. As for a married person, planting the fields in a dream means that he will conceive a son, and for an unwed person it means that he will get married, while for a businessman in a dream, it means increase in his profits. Seeing a green crop in a dream means longevity, while a dried crop signifies the near end of one’s life. Plantingwheat in a dream means charity, and it will multiply one’s reward. Spike of grain or ears of grain mean a misfortune or miseries. Seeing barley corns in their fields in a dream means spiritual awakening and a conscious endeavor to do good. Ifone recognizes his crop in a dream, then they represent his worldly and spiritual deeds.

(Also see Farm; Harvest; Planting)... crop dream meaning


If one sees himself in a dream invoking false oath, or making false claims to market his merchandise, it means that he will turn into that state to live in falsehood and oppose his own conscious. This includes prejudice, belittling the value of things, underweighting the selling measures, or accumulating interest from usury.

A wheat salesman in a dream denotes someone who loves the world and does not think about his life in the hereafter.

If one sees himself receiving money for his merchandise, or if he discards his profits from the sale in his dream, such an act maybe rewarding. Selling yarn in a dream means travel. Selling salt in a dream means earning extra money. Selling expensive fashion clothing and declining from taking money in a dream represents a trustworthy person who will attain a high ranking position.

A fruit salesman in a dream represents a hard-working man who gives priority to his religious life over that of the world.

An aromatic herbs salesperson in a dream represents a soft hearted man who cries easily, or a Quran reader who recites its verses in an emotional way that affects his listeners. Birds salesman in a dream represents a pimp, while a lead salesman in a dream represents someone with meagre goals.... salesman dream meaning


(See Conscious; Carefulness; Concern)... watchful dream meaning

Water In A Dish Or Bowl

If a person dreams of himself as holding or possessing water contained in a dish or bowl and he is conscious of himself as being in a state of tuhr (ie. Ceremonial purity) or on a journey in an unknown and strange place, then such a bowl of water symbolizes his life span.

If he dreams of drinking all the water it means his life span is completed; he should now prepare for the hereafter.

If he drinks the water partially it means he still has a number of years to live.

The same interpretation is given if, instead of water, the contents of the bowl or dish is thareed*.

(*Thareed: Pieces of bread steeped in broth)... water in a dish or bowl dream meaning


Entering hell-fire in a dream means committing major sins such as murder or adultery.

If one comes out of it unharmed in the dream, then it represents worldly adversities.

If one sees the fire of hell coming near him in a dream, it means difficulties, debts, losses, fines and adversities from which one will not be able to escape.

If one sees himself entering hell-fire and holding his sword unsheathed in a dream, it means that he speaks evil of others and commits abominable actions against his own soul.

The same interpretation applies if one enters it smiling in his dream. Finding oneselfprisoner in hell not knowing when was he incarcerated in the dream means constraint, poverty, deprivation, failure to pray, fast or to remember his Lord. Walking across burning coal in a dream means exceeding one’s bound regarding people’s rights. Eating food from hell means becoming a tyrant and a blood thirsty person. Ifone sees himself inside hell-fire, where his eyes turn dark-blue and his face charcoal black in the dream, it means that he befriends God’s enemy and consents to their deception and chicanery. Consequently, he will surely be humiliated and despised by people, and in the hereafter, he will suffer the consequences of his sins. Seeing hell in a dream means that one should avoid incurring the wrath of a ruler. Entering hell in a dream also means notoriety, or becoming known as an evil person. It also means heedlessness and pursuing one’s indulgence in abominable actions. Whatever knowledge such a person acquires will bear evil consequences. Hell in a dream also represents loss of one’s prestige, status and it means poverty after wealth, despair after comfort, unlawful earnings, insolence, and ifit leads to an illness, it willend in a shockingdeath as a punishment.

If it leads to employment, it will be ajob serving a tyrant.lfit leads to acquiring knowledge, it means inventing vain religious practices.

If it leads to bearing a son, he will be the child of adultery. In general hell in a dream means excessive sexual desires, a slaughter house, a public bath, an oven, inventing a new religion, innovation, absence oftruth, indulgence in what is forbidden, stinginess, denying the Day of Judgment, a blazing fire for the devils, joining with a group of evildoers in committing atrocities, denying the sovereignty of God Almighty and ascribing human characteristics to Him. Seeing Malik, the guardian angel of hell-fire in a dream means receiving guidance after heedlessness.

If one sees Malik coming toward him in the dream, it means his salvation and the restoration of his faith. However, if one sees Malik turning his back to him or going away from him in the dream, it means that he will commit an act that will deliver him to the blazing fire of hell.

The angels in charge of punishing the sinners in hell in a dream represent the authority, soldiers, or tax collectors.

If one enters hell-fire then comes out of it in his dream, it means that, God willing, his life will culminate in paradise. Ifhe sees his limbs reprimanding him in the dream, it means that one’s own body is telling him something, or admonishing and trying to awaken his conscious to the realities of the hereafter and the Day of Reckoninh.

(Also see Bathhouse; Fire; Malik; Mental hospital)... hell·fire dream meaning

Bleeding Nose

A bleeding nose in a dream means unlawful money, or it could mean a miscarriage.

If one’s nose bleeds and ifhe thinks in the dream that such bleeding will benefit him, then it means that he will receive benefits from his superior at work. Otherwise, if in his dream one thinks that such bleeding will hurt him, then harm will unfailingly come to him from his superior.

If he is the boss, then he will benefit or lose accordingly.

A bleeding nose in a dream may represent good health. It also could mean correcting one’s religious and spiritual attitudes. In fact, it all depends on one’s own consciousness in his dream and how he perceives the bleeding of his nose. Thus, feeling bad about it or weak from it means poverty.

If the blood stains his clothing in the dream, it means that he will receive unlawful money or commit a sin.

If the blood does not stain his clothing, then he might walk free from an ill he had indulged in. Ifthe blood from one’s nose drips on the road in the dream, it means that he regularly pays his due alms which he distributes to poor people in the streets.

It is also said that seeing one’s nose bleeding in a dream means finding a lost treasure. Otherwise, it means distress and depression.

(Also see Bleeding; Cut; Injury; Wound)... bleeding nose dream meaning


Wearing a good quality garment in a dream means prosperity in this world and in the hereafter. Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means renouncing the world and calling on people to do the same and to desire the benefits of the hereafter. Wearing a green robe in a dream brings benefits and no harm.

If a living person sees himself or someone else wearing green in a dream, it denotes his religious devotion. As for a deceased person, it means a good state and acceptance before God Almighty.

It is also said that wearing a green garment in a dream means receiving an inheritance. Wearing a white garment also means glad tidings.

If a fabric merchant or a tailor sees himself wearing a white garment in a dream, it means lack of work. Wearing a black garment in a dream means a bad omen, but if one is used to wearing black clothing, then it means honor, wealth and receiving a high ranking position. Wearing a red garment in a dream means excess earnings that are not yet free from due alms. Such a person then must immediately pay the proper share of his earnings.

A red garment in a dream means death, sickness and to a poor person, it means increase in his difficulties. Wearing a red garment in a dream can mean good only if the person wearing it is an unmarried woman. Otherwise, wearing red during festivals or social gatherings in a dream has no meaning. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream or any of its derivative colors in general means ulcer or other internal festering illness. Wearing a silken garment in a dream means loss and negligence of one’s religious life. Wearing a blue garment in a dream means distress and difficulties. Wearing a patterned garment of mixed colors in a dream means being reprimanded by one’s superior. It also could represent a flower merchant. Wearing a double sided coat means duplicity and affectation. Awashed garment in a dream means poverty and indebtedness. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Otherwise, if the person qualifies, it means controlling interests in a farmland, or it may represent a good harvest for that year. Wearing a garment which is brilliant in colors for a man in a dream represents his pride and arrogance.

If one sees himself wearing a silken raiment and portraying a religious jurist in a dream, it means that he is a seeker of worldly titles who may invent something new. Announcing lost and found garments in a dream means attending a pilgrimage to Mecca or a journey to an Arab country.

A woman wearing a thin garment in a dream represents her integrity, while if she is wearing a thick garment, it represents her labor and hardships.

If one sees himself putting on a new garment after taking a ritual bath in a dream, it means prosperity or repayment of his debts.

If one’s new garment is torn and cannot be repaired in the dream, it means inability to bear children.

If the garment can be repaired in the dream, it means that there is an evil spell over the person wearing it. Wearing two torn garments in a dream means death.

A torn garment in a dream also means a shattered religious or spiritual life, or it could mean that one is pursued by an evil person, or it could mean poverty or striving to satisfy one’s basic material needs.

If one is stripped of his clothing in a dream, it means loss of his status. Destroying or wasting garments in a dream brings glad tidings, unless if the person seeing the dream is incarcerated, or if he is a poor person, or if he is in debt.

If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s outfit in the dream, and if in his consciousness he intended to act effeminately, it means that he will face a calamity and carry a great burden.

If he thinks in his dream that he is a woman, then his humiliation will be greater. Receiving used garments but in a good condition as a gift in a dream means money, though if they are in bad condition, they mean trouble.

A dog wearing a woolen cloak in a dream represents ajust ruler.

If one sees a lion wearing a cotton or a linen cloak in a dream, it represents a ruler who confiscates people’s properties and money. Wearing linen cloak in a dream also means living a dignified life. Eating a clean garment in a dream means receiving lawful earnings, and eating a dirty garment in a dream means living from unlawful money. Burning one’s garment in a dream means the end of his difficulties. Ironing off the creases of one’s garment before wearing it in a dream means interest in beauty, glitters and ornaments.

(Also see Closet; Colors; Filth; Trader)... garment dream meaning