Chicken Dream Meanings

Chicken Dream Meaning: From 2 Different Sources

(Bird; Fowl) A chicken in a dream represents the woman of the house, while the rooster in a dream represents the man of the house.

A chicken in a dream also represents a woman who takes care of orphans and raises charities for their sake, or it could represent a blond woman, or a servant. Owning a chicken in a dream means dispelling difficulties, or it could be a show of happiness. Hunting a chicken in a dream means receiving lawful and easy profits. Slaughtering a chicken in a dream means deflowering a virgin servant.

If one sees a chicken or a female peacock hooting inside his house or garden in a dream, it means a calamity which is met with a belligerent character. Seeing one’s house filled with a large number of chickens in a dream means wealth or presiding over people, or it could mean dispelling one’s fear and establishing one’s rank.

(Also see Peacock)

Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

7 dream interpretation about chicken related.


(Baby; Chicken; Fowl) A chick in a dream represents a stolen or a missing child.

The sound of chicks in a dream represents the voice of insolent people. Eating chick’s meat in a dream means receiving unlawful or stolen money. Chicks in a dream also signify something that will develop fast and produce its results without much effort on the part of the person caring for them.... chicks dream meaning


(Eggs in a basket or a place.) Eggs represent the element of prosperity, or the fear of depleting one’s riches. Eggs in a dream also represent marriage for an unmarried person and children for a married one.

If one’s chicken lay eggs for him in a dream, it means a new born in his family. Eating a boiled egg in a dream means comfort and income while eating a raw egg means unlawful earnings, adultery or distress.

If one sees his wife laying an egg in a dream, it means that she will bear a child who will lack faith in God.

If the egg breaks in the dream, it means that his newborn will die shortly after birth.

If one sees himself raising chicken for eggs, then if the eggs hatch in his dream, it means that some of his affairs that where unsolvable will rejuvenate with success, and it could mean that he will beget a child who will grow to have true faith in God Almighty. He also may beget a child for each egg that hatches in his dream. Eggs in a basket in a dream also represent a family reunion.

(Also see Boiled eggs; Omelet)... eggs dream meaning


(See Chicken)... fowl dream meaning


(Flesh; Knowledge; Money; Substance; Wealth) Cooked meat in a dream means money. Eating raw meat in a dream means illness and pain. Eating raw meat in a dream also may mean benefits. Seeing raw meat and not eating from it in a dream could have adverse meaning. Eating cooked meat in a dream means increase in one’s wealth. Eating a meat dish with an old man in a dream means becoming renowned, or entering the inner circle of a governor. Buying meat from the butcher in a dream means adversities. Tender meat in a dream mean death or backbiting. Eating the flesh of a human being in a dream means backbiting him. Eating one’s own flesh in a dream means earning money from one’s own sweat.

If a woman eats the flesh of another woman in a dream, it means that they are lesbians. Ifa woman eats her own flesh in a dream, it means that she will commit adultery.

The meat of a yellow cow in a dream means illness.

The cooked meat of a snake in a dream means receivingmoney from one’s enemy.

The uncooked flesh of a snake in a dream means slanderi-ig one’s enemy.

The meat of a lion in a dream means receiving money from a ruler and the same goes for the flesh of all predatory animals or birds. Hog or swine’s meat in a dream means unlawful money. Eating sausages or dried meat in a dream means speaking ill of deceased people. Camel’s meat in a dream means earning money from a rich and a powerful enemy unless if the one seeing it does not touch it in his dream. However, touching camel’s meat in a dream means suffering from such a strong person. Eating it cooked in a dream means defrauding someone, then falling sick and recovering from one’s illness.

It is also said that eating camel’s meat in a dream means earning money from a ruler. Beef in a dream means hardships, toiling and lack of work. Holding a mutton inside one’s house in a dream means meeting with a new person, accepting an invitation, or inviting a person one has never met or known to share a meal. Seeing a whole skinned but uncut mutton inside one’s house in a dream means a sudden adversity, loss, calamity, or death.

If the mutton is fat, it means that one may receive an inheritance from a will which is left by a deceased relative.

If it is skinny, it means that one will inherit nothing from him. Eating broiled beef in a dream means standing before a judge or a ruler. Eating a chicken in a dream means receiving benefits from a woman. Meat in a dream also means forbearance and patience for someone who is hot tempered, or who gets angry easily. Eating meat in a dream also could mean recovering from an illness, an end to one’s distress, trouble and adversities. Eating the meat of an unlawful animal in a dream means receiving unlawful money. Eating a suspicious meat in a dream means earning suspicious money, or having an illegitimate marriage. Eating fowls’ meat in a dream means profits for a traveller. Eating a fish in a dream means easy, lawful and enjoyable earnings. Cooked or broiled fowl meat in a dream means profits and money earned from a woman through deception and dishonesty.

If it is uncooked in the dream, then it means backbiting or slandering a woman. Eating the meat of an unlawful bird in a dream means deceiving, defrauding, or stealing money from unjust people. Eating swan’s meat in a dream means benefits drawn from pious and religious people. Eating fired or broiled chicks in a dream means hard earned money. Unknown meat in a dream represents the hidden treasures of past nations, or buried treasures.

(Also see Butcher; Flesh; Mutton; Pot)... meat dream meaning


In a dream, a peacock represents a vain and a strutting person.

A peacock in a dream also could represent a beautiful and a wealthy woman, or cheerful looking people.

If one sees himself owning apeacock and a pigeon in a dream, it means that he is a pimp.

A female peacock in a dream represents a bride, children, or wealth. Owning a peacock in a dream also means wandering, heedlessness, pride, ostentatiousness, backbiting, deceit, lies, confiding into one’s enemy, loss of blessings, experiencing poverty after being rich and tightness after plenitude. Seeing a peacock in a dream also means jewelry, clothing, presidency, a beautiful wife, marriage and good children. Eating the flesh of a peacock in a dream means the death of one’s wife and inheriting her wealth.

To hold the radiant rain-bow colored plumules of a peacock in a dream means profits earned earned through a woman.

To catch the chick of a peacock in a dream means profits through a son from that woman, or it could mean that one may beget a son.

(Also see Chicken)... peacock dream meaning


(Fighter) In a dream, a rooster represents the man of the house and a chicken represents the lady of the house.

If one is offered a rooster in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will spend his life serving others. Arooster in a dream also represents a man of bad character who also mixes serious talk with joking, and whose words carry no weight.

A rooster in a dream also represents a servant who has compassion toward his master. Receiving a rooster as a gift in a dream means making peace with a friend.

If one sees himself slaughtering a rooster in a dream, it means that he does not heed the call to prayers.

A rooster hence represents the caller to prayers. Seeing a rooster in a dream also denotes increase in one’s wisdom and knowledge, or frequenting the circles of knowledge. Ifone becomes a rooster in a dream, it means that he may die shortly, or it could mean that he will hecome knowledgeable about setting a timetable for the daily prayers.

A rooster in a dream also represents a preacher, a reader of sermons, a singer, a mati who commands good but does not practice it, a sexually obsessed person, a broker, a guard, a generous man, a man with good will and determination, or a man with a large family who gives preference to helping others, and contents himself with little.... rooster dream meaning


In a dream, the human voice represents one’s reputation or fame, and its strength or weakness reflects one’s state of mind or the condition of his health. Raising one’s voice in a dream means unjustly presiding over a crowd of people. Hearing a human voice in a dream means chairing an important responsibility.

If the human voice emanates from an animal in the dream, it denotes great benefits and particularly if the animal speaks pleasing and soothing words or words of truth.

If one raises his voice above the voice of a man of knowledge, a shaikh or a teacher in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin.

A weak voice in a dream represents a man. Intentionally lowering one’s voice in a dream means being indebted to someone, or it could mean humility.

If a man of authority or a policeman lower his voice in a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from hisjob, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct.

The sound produced by the ringing of coins in a dream represents temptation, allurement, or a fight between stockbrokers or money exchangers.

The clank of money in a dream also means either good or bad news, or it could mean hearing good words, a wise speech, or words one likes to hear more about, if they are given as a sign of friendship or as a dower.

If the clanking of money is made in jest in the dream, then it represents a fight one does not wish to end.

The sound of a hornet represents a person who defames or discredits others, or whose evil cannot be removed without acquiring the help of a like person.

The bleating of a ewe in a dream means kindness shown by one’s mistress, his wife, or by a gracious man.

The bleating of a billy goat or a ram in a dream means happiness and prosperity.

The neighing of horses in a dream means receiving guidance from a noble person, or it could represent a courageous soldier.

The braying of a donkey in a dream means hideousness, or the ugly character of a despicable enemy.

The braying of a mule in a dream means a hardship which is combined with a difficult person, or itcould mean vain talk, or indulging in suspicious acts.

The mooing of a calf, a cow, or a steer in a dream means a riot.

The gurgling of a camel in a dream represents a blessed journey, a pilgrimage, a successful business trip, or toiling and hardships.

The roaring of a lion in a dream represents alarm, esteem, fear, or being threatened by someone in authority. In general, the sound of animals in a dream connotes adversities or fear.

The neighing of horses in a dream means an invasion or might.

The barking of dogs in a dream means vain talk, interference in others’ business, regret, intending to harm others, hostility toward others, or dissonance.

The blaring of a leopard in a dream means coquetry, vanity and wantonness.

The blaring of a lynx in a dream means a false promise from an unsteady, oft-hesitant, or a greedy person and taking advantage of him.

The cooingofpigeons in a dream means lamenting, or having marital intercourse.

The chirp of swifts in a dream means good words or an admonition from a wise person.

The croakingoffrogs in a dream represents the ringing of bells, feeling overjoyed, employment for a teacher, rising to leadership, or it could mean hearing harsh words.

The hissing of a snake in a dream means a warning or a fight with someone who hides his enmity.

The braying of a donkey in a dream means cursing one’s adversaries.

The roaring of a lion in a dream means threats or boasts.

The yowling of a tomcat in a dream means uproar, backbiting, defamation and insinuations.

The squeak of a mouse in a dream means profits, reunion, love and peace, or it could mean harm one could suffer because of an interfering person or a robber.

The crying of a female gazelle in a dream means longing for one’s homeland.

The yapping of foxes in a dream means a warning to escape, to move from one field into another, or it could mean suffering from jealousy, perfidy or lies.

The howling of a wolf in a dream means a robbery, or fear of a brutal thief.

The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who abandoned all hope.

The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money.

The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy.

(Also see Invisible caller)... voice dream meaning