A brick which is baked or dried in the sun so that it is not longer clay, usually symbolizes one’s wealth which one had accumulated. Acquiring a portion of a brick suggest that the observer of the dream will acquire accumulated wealth.
A brick falling from a wall means a male or female member of his family will either get lost or run away or pass away.... brick falling from a wall dream meaning
If one sees himself as a brick vendor, or ifhe meets a brick vendor in a dream, it means profits to be made from a business trip.... brick vendor dream meaning
(Adobe; Argillites; Plaster) In a dream, bricks mean lawful money. Ifthey are interpreted to means a child, then they represent a miscarried fetus, or a child who may die in his infancy.
If one sees baked bricks in his dream, they represent a son who will grow to be infamous, a backbiter and who will enjoy a long life.
Climbing any of these suggest that he will attain high status in the world provided their is something in the dream to suggest this.... stairs of baked bricks, timber or mortar dream meaning
Climbing stairs constructed of unbaked bricks suggest that he will enjoy honour in the world by giving charity.... stairs of unbaked bricks dream meaning