Black Cow Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources
It symbolises a good and prosperous year.
23 dream interpretation about black and cow related.
The color black in a dream means prosperity and happiness. In a dream, everything black represents money, dominion and power and particularly for those who are used to wearing black. Otherwise, as for those who are not used to wearing black garments, wearing it in a dream means sorrow.... black dream meaning
It means prosperity and becoming a leader in his community.... black ass dream meaning
Black coins that are counterfeit symbolise deception, lies and quarrelling.... black coin dream meaning
If a person sees himself as receiving black coins contained in a bag or pocket, it means a secret will be told to him which he will guard as a trust to his utmost ability.... black coins contained in a bag dream meaning
Black colour in all things is regarded as good and pleasant except in grapes. There is no good to be expected in them.... black colour dream meaning
The owner will acquire abundant wealth and tremendous happiness.... black horse dream meaning
he will marry a wealthy woman.... black mare dream meaning
(See Sludge)... black mud dream meaning
They signify blessings, prosperity, livelihood and wealth.... black or red raisins dream meaning
(See Pepper)... black pepper dream meaning
(See Counting)... counting cows dream meaning
(Lacking courage) Cowardliness in a dream means training one’s horses for a racing business, or it could mean modesty, or defending what is right and opposing what is wrong.... cowardice dream meaning
In a dream, a cowboy represents flow of profits from one’s business, or it may mean dancing or whirling.... cowboy dream meaning
(See Carriage house)... cowshed dream meaning
If it is a person who is in the habit of wearing black clothes, it means he will acquire steadfastness, power, wealth and soundness in all his affairs.... donning black clothes dream meaning
A secret will be divulged to him.... giving someone black coins dream meaning
It symbolises many prosperous years depending on how fat they are.... herd of black cows dream meaning
They symbolise drought and many lean years.... lean cows dream meaning
He will marry an exceptionally beautiful woman.... white mare with black spots dream meaning
interpreted upon 6 sides: guardianship, leadership, honor & glory, quantity, rank.... cap / cowl / hood dream meaning