Being Hit With The Horns Of An Ox Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources
He will be dismissed from his position and will suffer loss. And if the horns happen to break in the process he will face hardships in his work and his dismissal is imminent.
Seeing a herd of oxen entering a locality or house while such oxen have no owners means that the people of that locality or house will be afflicted with some disease or plague. This is more true if the oxen are of variable colours or specifically red or yellow.... herd of oxen dream meaning
It symbolises a big and powerful deputy of the king who wields great power and exercises great control. Such a person enjoys the liberty of granting benefits to others.... ox or bull with horns dream meaning
It symbolises a mean, contemptible and short person who will be deprived of his wealth and natural talent or gift.... ox or bull without horns dream meaning