(Auctioneer; Middle man; Stockbroker) A broker in a dream represents someone who brokers for either good or evil, or he could be someone broadcasting his own esteem. Such a person will be well recognized in wakefulness.
A broker in a dream also represents a marriage broker, or a pimp.
If an unknown broker visits a sick person in a dream, he then represents the angel of death.
The visit of the undertaker in a dream means the same.
(Also see Auctioneer; Termite)... broker dream meaning
Seeing a drum in a dream means false news. Dancing on the drumbeat in a dream means that a calamity will befall that house. Ifone sees himself turned into a drum in a dream, it means that he is experiencing confused dreams.
A one sided tambourine represents a woman with many faults. Women’s drums in a dream mean a wild business, an esoteric commerce, selling gadgets, hideousness, or a stingy woman with many enemies. Hearing the sound of drums in a parade in a dream means false news. Hearing the drumbeat of an auctioneer’s drum, a herald, or a harbinger in dream means death.
It is also said that hearing the drumbeat of a procession represents someone who is grateful to his Lord under all circumstances.
The sound of pilgrims’ drums in a dream represents a wise man and a spiritual guide.
(Also see Drummer; Tambourine)... drum dream meaning