(Also see Tithe collector)
(Also see Tithe collector)
To swear solemnly by the stars, the celestial signs or by any physical sign in a dream means arrogance, deception, humiliation, hypocrisy or heedlessness.
If one is truthful in his oath in a dream it means that he will win his argument, speak the truth or perform an act that pleases God Almighty.
To swear by God in a dream when failure to perform requires atonement means following the truth and emulating the leading example of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace.... adjuring dream meaning
(Also see Bunch of dates)... bunch dream meaning
If one qualifies for promotion, it means that he will receive it. Seeingoneselfperforming a pilgrimage in a dream also means circumambulating God’s house in Mecca, developing a good character, living a straight and a worthy life, safety from fear, repayment of one’s debts, delivering entrusted merchandise to their rightful owners or money to its people on demand, being trustworthy, living an ascetic life, fulfilling a promise, atonement for one’s sins, distributing expiatory gifts or interceding on behalfof a trustworthy and a noble Imam. Seeing oneself circumambulating God’s house while riding on a mare in a dream means that one will commit the abominable sin of adultery with a member of his own family or with a consanguineous blood relative with whom it is not permissible to have sexual relationship.
(Also see Ka’aba; Rituals ofthe pilgrimage; Sa’i)... circumambulation dream meaning
If one’s thoughts are good, then it will show, and if they are evil, they will also manifest.
If one wears a slipper over his head and a turban in his foot in a dream, it means that he is carrying trouble. Depending on its type and name, a garment in a dream could represent a man or a woman. Wearing a new garment in a dream is better than seeing an old one.
If a man sees himself wearing a woman’s apparel in a dream, it means that he is a bachelor. Ifa woman sees herself wearing a man’s garment in a dream, it means that she is unmarried. Wearing a tightly buttoned shirt in a dream means experiencing tight circumstances or reuniting with a traveller returning home, or it could mean marriage for an unwed person. Wearing a stately apparel in a dream means honor and dignity. Wearing a soldier’s uniform in a dream means war. Wearing a scholar’s robe or a teacher’s vest in a dream means studying to become a learned person. Wearing an ascetic’s woolen wrap in a dream means becoming a renunciate. Wearing a salesman’s suit in a dream means hard work or looking for work if the suit looks expensive in the dream, for people mostly wear expensive looking suits when they are still searching for work. Wearing a white garment in a dream means pride, honor and dignity. Wearing silk in a dream means strength and occupying a high rank in a business or government.
If one sees a deceased person wearing a silken garment in a dream, it means that he is dwelling in the heavenly paradise. Wearing a garment that is adorned with gold in a dream means victory over one’s enemy.
A black garment means honor, reign and having mastery over people. Wearing a green garment in a dream means martyrdom. Wearing a cotton garment in a dream means following the Prophet’s tradition (uwbp). Wearing a woolen garment in a dream means clarity, unless if it is coarse or unfitting and in that case, it means poverty and humiliation. Wearing a linen garment in a dream means enjoying a blessing or a favor. Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means receiving an important and a revered message, rising in station, enjoying wealth or it could represent the blessing of having a child. Wearing a robe that is trailing behind one’s feet in a dream means rebellion and disobedience, while wearing a moderately short coat in a dream means purity, virtues and chastity. Wearing any type of garment in a dream means emulating the character of such people or becoming a prisoner of war. Wearing a kufi or a headdress for prayers in a dream means atonement for one’s sins. Wearing a jubbah or a long cloak in a dream means longevity. Wearing an open sports jacket in a dream means ease in one’s life or financial success. Wearing a special costume for a festival or a celebration in a dream means prosperity and a wealth that is saved for one’s children, or it could mean buying new merchandise for one’s shop. Wearing a military uniform in a dream means distress, trouble or a scientific dispute. Wearing one’s traditional costumes in a dream, or that of another community means to befriend them and to celebrate their festivities with joy.
(Also see Filth; Linen; Used clothing)... clothing dream meaning
To experience distress in a dream also signifies regret for something wrong one has committed.
If one’s distress dissipates, and if he is relieved from its burden in his dream, it means repentance from his wrongdoing. In a dream, distress and sorrow mean being in love or suffering from one’s devotion to his beloved.
(Also see Uptight; Worries)... distress dream meaning
(Also see Atonement)... requital dream meaning
The number one in a dream signifies uniqueness, superiority, having the leading edge in knowledge, money, prosperity, marriage, child, or it could mean languor, solitude or liking to be alone or cessation of activities.
The number one in a dream also represents the truth or God Almighty Who has no partner, associate or equal.
The number two means help against one’s enemy.
The number three signifies fulfillment of a promise.
The number four means a pilgrimage to Mecca.
The number five means doubt and weakness of one’s faith. Perhaps the number six also means victory against one’s enemy or establishing a proof of guilt against one’s adversaries. Counting up to number seven or eight in a dream has negative connotations. Counting up to number ten in a dream could mean atonement for one’s sins. Ifone sees himself in a dream counting money coins that has the name of God inscribed on it in a dream, it means that he celebrates God’s praises and glorifies His Name. Ifone sees himself in a dream counting large denomination of money that has the Name of God Almighty written on it, it means acquiring knowledge. Ifthe money coins or the banknotes are designed with images or portray the picture of known people in the dream, then theymean engaging in innovation, religious innovation, falsehood or polytheism. Counting pearls in a dream means reading the Qur’an. Counting gems in a dream means learning wisdom or acquiring knowledge at the hand of a gnostic. Counting beads in a dream means getting involved in people’s business, using obscene language, or fornication. Counting sheep in a dream means counting money or counting one’s children. Counting cows in a dream means longevity or going through a long and difficult times.
If a farmer sees himself counting camels in a dream, it means rain and a good harvest. Counting buffaloes in a dream means hardships and toiling in one’s life.
(Also see Money)... counting dream meaning
If one sees someone he knows suffering from fever in a dream, it means that he will get involved in a business that will require him to lose his religious commitment. Fever in a dream also means wearing the garment of a revered person. Fever is the messenger of the angel of death and his warner. It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him.
A feverish shiver in a dream means negligence and disdain regarding one’s religious duties.
If one sees that he died and was washed and shrouded in preparation for burial in a dream, it means that he is persistent in indulging in sins and that he is careless about the consequences. Such a warning is only seen in a dream by an insolent sinner, if he is lucky. Fever in a dream also may connote entering a bathhouse or a sauna and suffering therein from heat, exhaustion and thirst.
(Also see Bathhouse)... fever dream meaning
If one earns his livelihood from dealing with sea life, or ifhe sells spring water for living, then seeing frogs in his dream means profits.
If one sees frogs leaving a town in a dream, it means that a calamity is lifted through prayers and atonement. Hunting frogs in a dream means winning over one’s rivals or competitors. Frogs in a dream also represent lobbyists, readers, dervishes, ascetics or they could represent noisy people or someone who is on a constant move from one place to another. Frogs entering a town in a dream represent a calamity that will befall the dwellers of that town. In a dream, frogs also represent a chaste, pure and a religious woman who never cause harm to anyone.... frog dream meaning
(Also see Atonement)... tithe collector dream meaning
If one interrupts his obligatory fast through forgetfulness in a dream, it means that he will receive a pleasing gift or money. Fasting in a dream also means honor, rising in station, or it could mean repentance from sin, repayment of a debt, penitence for a sinner or begetting a son. Observing the obligatory fast of the month of Ramadan in a dream means understanding something about which one has doubt or recognizing the truth without falsification or distortion.
If one finds that he is the only person observing the obligatory fast in the dream, and if he is unlettered, it means that he will memorize the Holy Quran, attain a spiritual maturity and receive glad tidings. This dream also indicates that he is a pious and a religious person.
If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness.
If he is lost in heedlessness, it means that Allah Almighty will grant him guidance.
If he is indebted, it means that he will be able to repay his debts.
If in his dream, one intentionally breaks his fast during the prescribed fast of the holy month of Ramadan, it means that he could kill someone. Similarly, if one sees himself killing someone in a dream, it means that he has intentionally broke his obligatory fast. Observing the two months of atonement for the sin of breaking the fast during the holy month of Ramadan or for any such fast for the expiation of sins in a dream means that one may fall sick and repent to Allah Almighty from his sins. Intentionally breaking the obligatory fast of Ramadan in a dream also means neglecting one of the pillars of Islam.
If one acknowledges that, then vows to offer the required duties in a dream, it means that he could receive an unexpected gift which will arrive shortly.
If one recognizes in his dream the importance of the month of Ramadan, it means that he is on the right path.
If he is not fasting, it means that he may go on a journey. Voluntary fasting in a dream means protection against one’s enemies.
If a sick person sees himself fasting in a dream, it could mean his death, silence, celebrations or recovering from an illness. It could also represent one’s faith in Allah Almighty and sincerity in his words and actions.
If one sees masses of people fasting in a dream, it could mean a famine.
If one eats during the hours of observing the fast in a dream, it means that he will commit a sin, or it could mean indebtedness or falling sick. Fasting the month of Ramadan in a dream also means safety, protection from evil or repentance from sins. Fasting the extra six days following the festival day which concludes the holy month of Ramadan in a dream means patching one’s prayers or paying charity or regretting one’s faults. Fasting Monday and Thursday of every week in a dream means strengthening family ties. Fasting the three white days of every month (i.e., the 13th, 14th, and the 15th days of the lunar month) in a dream means repayment of one’s debts in instalments or teaching someone how to properly read the Quran or spreading knowledge. Fasting during the tenth day of the lunar month of Muharram in a dream represents asceticism, piety, renouncing the world or attending the pilgrimage to Mecca. Fasting the day when the pilgrims are standing at mount Arafat in a dream means acceptance of one’s charities. Fasting the last ten days of the month of Zul-Hijjah in a dream means attaining a good conclusion to one’s life in this world to become a pious person, or it could also mean fulfilling a promise. Fasting the day of Ashura in a dream means doing good deeds, but it could also mean witnessing adversities and escaping from its dangers, or it could mean living to witness the next religious festival, or if one’s wife is pregnant, it could mean that she will beget a blessed son who will grow to be a righteous man. Fasting during the lunar month of Rajab in a dream means working for people in authority, or it could mean that one may be commissioned to work overseas, or it could mean going on a short trip. Fasting an extra day in doubt about one’s proper religious performance in a dream means committing a sin or lack of vigilance and certitude about one’s devotion. Fasting days of the month of Ramadan one has missed for a permissible reason in a dream means release of a prisoner or repentance of a sinner. Fasting a votive fast or a vowed fast for the purpose of an attainment in a dream means attaining one’s goal, joy and happiness. Observing a votive perpetual or an ongoing fast in a dream means undertaking a heavy responsibility or following innovation, or it could mean becoming a loner or abstaining from talking to others, or that one would only talk if the subject is beneficial to others, for fasting in a dream also means silence. Observing a votive perpetual fast in a dream also represents a pious and a religious person.
If the person is a sinner, such votive fast in a dream also may mean that he will get nothing out of what he wants. Paying the due charity (Sadaqat-ul Fitr) after completing one’s fast in a dream means recovering from an illness.
If one observes a fast for show in his dream, it means that he will receive what he desires.
(Also see Ashura; Feast of Breaking the Fast)... fasting dream meaning
If he is used to have short hair and sees himselfshaving his head in a dream, it means that he will pay a fine as an atonement.
If he sees his head shaved in the summertime, and if he is used to doing so, it means benefits, comfort, or recovering from a migraine headache.
If one sees his hair shaved during the winter in a dream, it means difficulties, adversities, penalties, or a sickness. Shaving one’s head in a dream also means paying one’s dues, appeasement of one’s fears, and success in one’s life. Shorteningone’s hair in a dream also means appeasing his fears.
If one is suffering from depression and he sees his head shaved in a dream, it means an end to his trouble, or payment of his debts. It also means abasement, disgrace, deception, or death.
If a soldier sees his head shaved in a dream, it means that he will lose his strength and esteem. Ifone sees himself chipping his hair in bits in a dream, it means that he will lose people’s respect. Shaving one’s head in a dream for someone who does not usually shave it also may mean an affliction or an illness.
If a woman sees her head shaved in a dream, it means divorce, or the death of her husband.
If she sees her hair sheared in a dream, it means confinement to her house.
If she sees her husband giving her a beautiful haircut and talking to her affectionately in a dream, it means spiritual growth, delivering a trust, or paying one’s debts. Trimming women’s hair in a dream means inability to conceive children. Cutting one’s hair in a dream means losing one’s strength. Shaving half of one’s beard in a dream means losing one’s source of income and dignity. Plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream is worst than shaving it, and particularly when hair louses up one’s face or attractiveness. Nevertheless, plucking out one’s facial hair in a dream also could depict amelioration of one’s condition or look. Shaving one’s backside or abdomen in a dream means paying one’s debts. Shaving, clipping, or adjusting one’s moustache in a dream means lighteningone’s burdens, though it also could represent a mishap. Ifa rich person sees himselfshaving his pubic hair or using a depilatory agent for that purpose in a dream, it means the loss of his wealth, or it could mean that he has overpaid for a property he has just purchased.
If a poor person sees that, it means that he will become financially solvent. Ifone sees himself shaving it with a razor blade, it represents benefits from one’s spouse.
(Also see Beard)... shaving dream meaning