Astray Dream Meanings

Astray Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

25 dream interpretation about astray related.


(Agent; Escort; Secret service) A bodyguard in a dream represents someone who deceives people and leads them astray. Ifone sees his house filled with agents wearing white uniforms, it signifies glad tidings of recovering from an illness, or that he will escape from adversities and dispel his fears.

If such agents in the dream are dressed in black uniforms, then they mean a sickness, distress or depression, and what they say during that dream also identifies their purpose.

(Also see Uniform)... bodyguard dream meaning


(Straw mat) Owning a carpet or a straw mat on which one sits in the wintertime in a dream means comfort, promotion, high ranking status and exaltation. Acarpet in a dream also represents the master ofthe house. All types of carpets or mats are included in this category.

If one sees himself sitting on a carpet in a dream, it means that he will purchase a property or a farm. In a time ofwar, sitting on a carpet in a dream means safety from danger.lfone sees himself gazing at a carpet in the dream, and ifhe sees in it the image reflection of a person he recognizes, it means that the figure drawn on the carpet is a person who has gone astray. It also means that such a person will present him with an amazing report that will be infested with falsehood.

A carpet in a dream also means worldly gains for its owner.

If it is folded in the dream, it means that his worldly interests are limited.

A folded carpet in a dream also means restricted income, difficulties in travels, tightness in one’s heart about some concerns or lack of success in establishing a good livelihood.

A new and well made carpet in a dream also represents a long life to its owner, prosperity and decisiveness. Seeing a carpet spread for one to sit on it and whose owner is unknown in an unknown place in a dream means that one will emigrate to a foreign land and succeed in establishing a good livelihood for himself. Ifin such a place the carpet is thin in the dream, it means worldly gains and longevity. Sitting on a carpet in a dream also means associating with leaders and judges. Ifone’s carpet is stolen, burned or thinned in a dream, it means nearing the term of his life in this world, afflictions, illness or emaciation.

An old torn carpet in a dream means distress, or a man who boosts about himself, who exalts his status and consequently emerges to be a liar and false.... carpet dream meaning


(Bosom; Heart) Ifone has a broad and a nice looking chest in a dream, it means repentance of a sinner or being eager and willing to follow the truth and to comply with it, or it could mean making it easy to accept things that were difficult to absorb.

If a woman sees her beloved inside her chest in a dream, it means that she is suffering because of him or complaining about him, or if she is ill, it means that she will recover from her illness.

To have a broad chest in a dream also means giving preference to others’ needs. One’s chest in a dream also represents what one may conceal in it ofknowledge, guidance, heedlessness or it could represent a coffer where one hides his money. One’s chest in a dream also represents a guest, one’s wife, a rank, a position, magnanimity or generosity.

The narrowness of one’s chest in a dream represents heedlessness, or it could mean going astray, loss of money, or one’s stinginess. Ifone sees his chest turned into a stone in a dream, it means that he is a hard hearted person. However, a broad chest in a dream also could signify being unjust.

The chest in a dream also represents the house of worries and anxieties. Having chest pain in a dream denotes a sin one is being punished for, or it could mean being a spendthrift or generous in other than God’s pleasure, and the pain in the dream represents his punishment for it. Ifa man sees himselfhaving a woman’s breasts in his dream, it means that he will get married, or fall in love with a woman, or have a secret affair that will turn into a scandal.

(Also see Body’)... chest dream meaning


(Admonition; Cave in; Earthquake; Harvest; Violation) In a dream, destruction means dispersion of people, or it could mean death. Destruction in a dream also means the leveling of a town or the death of its ruler or it could represent absence of justice. Experiencing destruction in a dream means sufferingfrom the persecution of people one cannot bear. Seeing a city destroyed by an earthquake in a dream represents the carrying of a death sentence for someone there, or it could mean violation of people’s rights or freedom in that town.

If one sees an entire town being destroyed with its urban area, factories and fields in a dream, it means that the people of that town have gone astray, or that its leaders are struck with calamities. On the other hand, if one sees it flourishing in a dream, then it reflects the spiritual awareness and religious devotion of its people.

(Also see Collapsing walls; Cloud of destruction)... destruction dream meaning


(Sleep) To doze or fall forward on one’s face in a sleep in a dream means going astray.... doze dream meaning


In a dream, a fight means deception, betrayal, misleading or trickery.

A fight in a dream also means inflation and rising prices, plague, food lines, adversities or stress.

If a soldier sees himself engaged in a battle in a dream, it means that he will receive benefits and a rewarding success. Fighting unjust people in a dream means triumph over injustice, supporting the needs of one’s father or mother first, or being protective of one’s wife or husband. Fighting against the truth in a dream means aligning oneself with heedless people or going astray.

(Also see Disbelief; Killing; War; Wrestling)... fight dream meaning

Inability Of Determine The Qiblah

if a person sees himself as not being able to determine the Qiblah, it implies that he is confused and astray in matters of religion.... inability of determine the qiblah dream meaning


Learning the Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, or a craft in a dream means richness after poverty, guidance after heedlessness, or marriage after celibacy. It also means begetting a son, or walking in the company of a spiritual guide.

If one sees himself learning an evil act in a dream, it means that his is going astray, or that he is experiencing poverty after richness.

(Also see Knowledge; School; Uncertainty)... learning dream meaning

Mouse Hole

(Den; Lair; Hole; Burrow) In a dream, any hole or den of such mammals means pursuing innovations in one’s religious practices, or being attached to following leaders of such ideas and who will lead people astray.

A den in a dream also represents the element of charcoal.

If one sees an animal coming out of a hole or a den in a dream, it means that he will utter words that befit the character of such an animal.... mouse hole dream meaning


(Astray; Heedlessness; Ingratitude; Irreligious; Profane) In a dream, disbelief represents a rich person or becoming one. Disbelief in God Almighty in a dream also means illness, injustice or causing harm to others. Acting silly or impudent or stupidly, or being censured or discredited in a dream also indicates profanity and disbelief in God Almighty. Going astray in a dream means committing a sin or making a mistake. Making a mistake in a dream also signifies heedlessness in wakefulness. Ifone’s profanity becomes public knowledge in a dream, it means that he will commit a forgery or make false testimony in court. Disbelief in a dream also means ingratitude or it could denote the state of a sick person when he lies in his deathbed and awaits for his soul to be taken back to its Lord. Disbeliefin a dream also maysignifycommittingthe unforgivable act of suicide.

(Also see Irreligious)... disbelief dream meaning


Drowning in a dream means falling into sin and incurring the displeasure of God Almighty. Drowning in a dream also means entering hell-fire. Ifone dies of drowning in his dream, one should fear going astray or following innovations. Drowning in the sea, then floating in the process of trying to save oneselffrom death in a dream means indulging in the business of the world and .lvU lHN SEERIN’S forgetting about one’s spiritual commitment. It also means attaining success in one’s endeavors and gaining a strong foothold in one’s business. Ifone does come out of the water alive in his dream, it means amending his life for the better and pursuing the correct course of serving one’s religious life.

If one sees himself after coming out of the water wearing a green garment in a dream, it means that he will pursue the path of knowledge and succeed in acquiring it.

If one drowns and plunges to the bottom of the sea in a dream, it means that he will incur the wrath of someone in authority who will persecute him and cause him to perish. Drowning in a dream also means dying from an illness. Drowning in seawater in a dream means revival of one’s faith in God Almighty. Drowning in freshwater in a dream means becoming extremely wealthy.... drowning dream meaning


(Awareness; Deafness; Hearing; Stability) One’s ear in a dream represents his hearing, the point of his awareness, his rank, child, property or his status.

The ear in a dream also represents knowledge, reason, religion, extent of one’s wealth, or pride about one’s lineage.

If one’s hearing becomes clearer or increases in sensibility, or ifhe sees light beaming from his ears or driving into them in a dream, this dream will represent his guidance, obedience to his Lord and consent to His command.

If he sees his ears looking smaller or producing an offensive odor in a dream, it means that he may go astray and indulge in actions that will incur God’s displeasure.

If one discovers that he has an extra ear in a dream, it means a permission is given to him to fulfill what he intends.

The number of ears one sees in a dream also represent the different arts and sciences, but they could also mean that the person in question has no stability. In a dream, one’s ear may represent the jewelry a woman attaches to herself as ornaments.

To clog one’s ears with one’s own fingers in a dream means death in a repugnant state of innovation. Plugging one’s own ears in a dream also means ignoring a repulsive thought. Plugging one’s ears in a dream also could mean becoming an advisor to someone or a caller to prayers in a mosque, i.e., a muezzin.

If one’s ears are transformed into an animal’s ears in a dream, it means losing respect or developing inertness or apathy. As one’s awareness, one’s ear in a dream represents a pouch, a wallet, a coffer or a safe. Ears in a dream are also interpreted to mean separation from one’s wife or daughter.

If only half of one’s ear is there in the dream, it means the death of his wife. Ifone finds himselfdeafin his dream, it means that he may lose his faith. Having large ears in a dream means shunning or avoiding what is true. Ifone sees as though his ears have eyes in the dream, it means that he may lose his sight. Ifone sees himself eating the accumulated wax of his ears in the dream, it means that he is a child molester.

If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in the dream, it means prosperity.

(Also see Body’; Earwax)... ear dream meaning


(Mourning; Wailing; Yowling) Lamenting and desiring something in a dream connotes evil. Lamentation in a dream also represents a preacher or it could represent a putrid odor that comes from opening the door of a filthy lavatory. Lamentation in a dream also represents dogs’ yowling, drum beating, the ringing sound of cymbals, or it could mean a wedding. Sitting in a place where people are lamenting and mourning their dead in a dream means that an ominous evilmaytake place in that locality, or perhaps it could mean separation between families and friends.

If one sees himself mourning a deceased person in a dream, it means that harm will come to him from the descendents or family of the departed person. Lamenting with great pain and sorrow and mourning over a deceased person in a dream also means waking up to a great joy and happiness. Lamenting in a dream also means adversities which are driven by the person who is lamenting. It also means going astray, or it could denote a flute, as the flute denotes lamenting in a dream. Lamenting in a dream also represents the work of ignorance.... lamenting dream meaning


Pretending to be in love in a dream means going astray.

If a knowledgeable person pretends to be enamored in his dream, it means that he deceives people with his ornate presentations, and that his actions contradict their common standards. Ifa little person displays such pretension in his dream, it means that he will rise in station, strengthen his religious adherence, and have a better understanding of his spiritual goals and real purpose in life.... pretending dream meaning

Ruins And Desolate Land

Ruins and land that is laid waste means going astray and misleading others.... ruins and desolate land dream meaning


(Unlawful earnings; Impermissible; Illegal) Earning illegal money in a dream means falling into sin, or that a religious person will go astray.

The opposite represents the lawful.... unlawful dream meaning


(Astray; Error; Lost) Walking on a straight highway and still losing one’s way in a dream means deviating from the path of truth.

If the road in the dream is twisted or curved, then it means allurement, trespassing, misguidance, or erring from God’s path, or it could mean seeking a way out of error.

If one is lost in the dream, it means that he will become heedless, and ifhe finds his way thereafter, it means that he will receive someone’s guidance and accept it.... wandering dream meaning

Kabah (ka’aba)

(God’s house in Mecca.) In a dream, the holy Ka’aba represents the calif of all Muslims, his chief minister, a leader of a country, or it may represent a wedding. Seeing the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may enter it, or it could mean receiving glad tidings and dispelling evil. Praying inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means enjoying the guardianship and protection of someone in authority, and safety from one’s enemy. Entering inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means entering before a ruler. Taking something from inside the holy Ka’aba in a dream means receiving something from the ruler. Ifone of the walls ofthe holy Ka’aba crumbles in a dream, it means the death of the Calif or the local governor. Entering the holy Ka’aba and failing to perform any of the prescribed rites in a dream means standing before God Almighty on the Day of Judgment having performed one’s obligations, or it could mean repenting from one’s sins.

To look at the holy Ka’aba in a dream means safety and protection against fear.

If one is given a job in Mecca in a dream, it means that he may become an Imam. Stealing anything from the holy Ka’aba in a dream means committing a sin. Walking toward the holy Ka’aba, or seeking it in a dream means correcting one’s religious standing. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls who are inquiring from him about the world in a dream means to die testifying to the Oneness of God Almighty and to the prophethood of His Messenger, upon whom be peace. Seeing the Ka’aba inside one’s own house in a dream means that one is still in power and living with grace. Ifthe holy Ka’aba does not look right in one’s eyes in the dream, then it means adversities.

If one sees the holy Ka’aba as his own house in a dream, the holy Ka’aba then represents the Imam of all Muslims who is the representative and vice-regent of God’s Messenger (uwbp), and it means that one truly follows the Imam. Praying on top of the holy Ka’aba in a dream means becoming an apostate. Entering the holy Mosque in Mecca and praying on the roof of the holy Ka’aba in a dream represents peace, tranquility, presiding over others, it also means that one will become victorious wherever one goes, though with a questionable conduct, he also may follow innovation and depart from the traditions and teachings of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace. Walkingbythe holy Ka’aba, or leaving it behind in a dream means going against the traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, following the path of innovation, or interpreting things according to one’s own mind and liking.

If one sees angels descending from the heavens to lift away the pillar of God’s House from Mecca and place it in a different town in the dream, it means that people have gone astray and the time of destruction has come. It also means that the pillar of the faith, the righteous guide of the believers and God’s vice-regent on earth AI-Mahdi will soon emerge to dwell in that town.

If one sees the holy Ka’aba burning in a dream, it means that one has neglected or abandoned his prescribed prayers. Any changes, decrease or increase in the shape of the holy Ka’aba, moving of it away from its place, or changing its look in a dream will reflect upon the Imam, or the guide of all Muslims. Circumambulating the holy Ka’aba or performing any of the prescribed rites in a dream means walking the path of righteousness, or correcting one’s religious life as much as one does in his dream. Failure to perform some of the prescribed rites that are associated with being at the holy Ka’aba in a dream indicates one’s deviation from God’s path, and such innovation is equal to changing the direction (arb. Qiblah) of one’s prayers.

The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents one’s prayers, for it is the focal point of all praying Muslims.

The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents God’s House, a mosque, a community center of all Muslims, and it represents a teacher, a guide, Islam, the holy Qur’an, the prophetic traditions, one’s son, a religious scholar, a shaikh, a master, a husband, one’s mother, and the heavenly paradise.

The holy Ka’aba is God’s House, and thereat people will be gathered and led into paradise.

The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque.

If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some ofthe required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples.

(Also see Circumambulation; Entering Paradise; Gutter of Mercy)... kabah (ka’aba) dream meaning


(The archangel Malik; The guardian of hell-fire) Seeing the archangel Malik in a dream means standing before a policeman or a police commissioner for questioning.

If he smiles in the dream, it means that one will be saved from imprisonment.

If a sick person sees such a dream, it means that he may die shortly.

If one becomes the archangel Malik, or eats something sweet from his hand in a dream, it denotes that one is a true follower on the path of God Almighty and His Prophet, upon whom be peace. It also means that one loves his brethren on the path. It also means that one will be honored, gain power, abstain from sin or from any act of disobeying God’s commands, and he will become free from hypocrisy and heedlessness. It also could mean that one is guided and that he loves God’s religion. Eating something that is given by Malik in a dream also means abstinence and repentance from sin, or it could mean submitting to guidance after having gone astray. Ifone sees the archangel Malik walking toward him in a dream, it means peace and safety from hell-fire. It also means salvation and restoration of one’s faith. However, if he sees the archangel Malik walking away from him and showing displeasure in the dream, it means that one will commit an act that will deliver him into the blaze of hell-fire.

(Also see Hell-fire)... malik dream meaning


(Avenue; Direction; Path; Trail; Way) A road in a dream represents the divine law. Seeing many roads in a dream denotes deviation from God’s path, or it could mean religious innovation. Walking on a side road, or yielding at a fork in a dream means going astray.

If a highway robber attacks someone in a dream, it means that he will suffer from the loss of a friend.

If one sees a ruler strolling through a rugged road in a dream, it means that he will establish justice and pave the way to righteousness and prosperity.

A straight road in a dream represents God’s path, or it could represent one’s true faith in God’s revelations, or in following the practice of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, or following the guidance of one’s teacher or shaikh. Walkingon a straight path in a dream means repenting from one’s sins and finding guidance. Seeing many roads in a dream means hesitancy, fluctuations in one’s faith, doubt, heedlessness, or apostasy.

A road in a dream also represents a craft, eternity, the past, aging, continuity, the good example, or the bad example.

A boat following the correct sea lane in a dream means salvation.

A road in a dream also represents a woman, one’s livelihood, truth, or death.

If a merchant sees himself walking on a road in a dream, it means that he will find new avenues to earn more money. Ahidden road in a dream means pride, innovation and selfdeception.

(Also see Lane; Roadless terrain; Wending one’s way)... road dream meaning


Seeing loose silk in a dream means being enamored, or falling in love.

If a person in authority wears silk in a dream, it represents his arrogance. Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness.

If a warrior wears one of these two colors in his dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry.

If a man of knowledge is adorned with silk in a dream, it means that he is desirous of worldly status, or that he will lead people astray through innovation. As for the rest of people, wearing silken garments in a dream means that one’s deeds are worthy of paradise, though such a person may attain leading ranks and success in the world as well. Wearing a silken garment in a dream also means marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. Wearing a silken shawl without patterns in a dream is better than a cotton or a woolen shawl and particularly a patterned one.

(Also see Silk merchant)... silk dream meaning


(Astray; Injustice; Kill; Murder; Relief) In a dream, slaughter means displeasing one’s parents, or it could mean injustice.

If one sees himself in a dream slaughtered, he should pray hard and seek refuge in God Almighty to help him. Ifone sees corpses of slaughtered people scattered around him in a dream, it means profits and achievement of his goals. Seeing slaughtered people in a dream also may mean that they have gone astray. Ifone sees a man or a butcher slaughtering him in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his assailant.

If he is imprisoned, it means that he will be set free.

If he is seized by fear, it means that he will reach safety and regain his equanimity and peacefulness.

If he is a war captured prisoner, it means that he will be set free. Ifhe is a leader, it means that his sovereignty will widen. Slaughtering someone in a dream means being unjust toward him. Slaughtering a pigeon in a dream means getting married. Cutting a piece of flesh from one’s backside in a dream means that he engages in sodomy.

If one finds himself slaughtered but does not know who killed him in the dream, it means that he is an innovator, or it could mean that he will forge a testimony. Murdering one’s own father or mother in a dream means disobeying them or assaultingthem and becomingdamned.

To slaughter a woman in a dream means adultery, or eliciting sexual intercourse with her.

To slaughter a fowl or the female of any bird or animal in dream means deflowering a young girl.

To slaughter a son in a dream means that such a son is ruthless and unjust toward his parents.

If one kills himself in a dream, it means that he married a woman who is unlawful to him.

(Also see Slaughter house)... slaughter dream meaning


(Boat; Human being; Might; Mother; Prison; Star; Salvation; Stress) Seeing a ship in a dream means escape from danger, overcoming adversities, recovering from an illness, or it could represent rain after a severe drought.

If one who is experiencing adversities sees a ship or a boat anchored in a harbor in his dream, it means that his adversities will be lifted shortly.

If one sees himself pulling it, or driving it on dry land in a dream, it means that he is a hypocrite or a pimp.

If he rides a ship along with righteous people in a dream, it means that he is guided on the straight path and that his sins will be forgiven.

If one reaches the shore and leaves the boat in a dream, it means that he will live in safety and happiness, and he will escape from the danger of his enemies.

If one who is dismissed from his work sees himself on a boat in a dream, it means that he will be rehired to occupy the same office and regain his authority, or that he may take a dangerous trip during which he may either die or escape from death.

If one thinks that the ship does not befit his class or rank in the dream, it means that he will face danger.

If one’s ship is drowning, and if another ship comes to its rescue in the dream, it means that one will escape from a great danger to fall into the hands of a strong person, or that he will escape from a danger, though should he disobey its captain and abandon the second ship in his dream, it means that he may disobey his leader and go astray. Recovering one’s ship from the deep in a dream means regaining power.

If the ship in one’s dream is interpreted as power, it means that he will lose his power or authority.

If the ship is interpreted as burdens and difficulties, it means that he will overcome them through prayers or giving charity, or taking a medicine ifhe is ill. Ifone’s ship drown, and if he sees himself floating in the water holding to a panel or debris from the ship in the dream, it means that he will face the wrath of someone in authority. Ifhe is holding a leadership position, it means that he may lose it.

If he is a merchant, it means that he may go bankrupt.

If he still dies from his trial in the dream, it means that he may be killed, and his death will still be an escape from something he feared most.

An empty ship in a dream means business profits. Seeing a passenger ship transporting people in a dream means safety.

If the ship is floating still in the dream, it means imprisonment.

To hold to the rope of a ship in a dream represents a religious person who joins the company a pious teacher. Even if one sees himself dropping the ropes, or lowering the anchor in his dream, it means that he will remain in the company of such a person. Riding a ship along with one’s family, relatives and friends in a dream means honor, prosperity and escape from one’s enemies.

If one sees himself crossing the sea with a small boat in the dream, it represents a danger he will face. Seeing a ship floating nicely in a dream means happiness. Standing on the shore and watching a ship in the sea in a dream means receiving glad tidings. Ifone sees the ship ascending in the skies in a dream, it represents slow coming benefits, and if the ship is descending from the sky, it denotes fast coming benefits.

The beams of a ship represent religious men, faith, holding fast to one’s religion, or they could mean complications.

The sails of a ship in a dream represent its captain.

The crew represents servants.

The rowing oars, the rudders, or the propellers in a dream represent the movement of the ship, or the children of its owner.

The condition of a ship represents the state of the person seeing the dream or his living condition.

If one rescues a drowned ship in a dream, it means that he will discover a treasure, or it could mean marriage if one is unwed, or a financial gift for one who works for a governor.

If one sees himself as a ship ebbing and stretching as the tide fall in the sea, then if the sea calms in the dream, it means that he will receive a high ranking appointment, leadership, authority and honor.

If one sees a ship floating over a sea of blood in a dream, it means adultery.

If the ship sinks, and if some of its debris and boards remain afloat in the dream, it may mean the death of one’s mother, for one’s mother was once his ship. Buying a ship in a dream means getting married. Carrying oars in a dream means knowledge.

A flying ship in a dream means the death of its rider.

A flying ship in a dream also may represent another type of vehicle, or it could mean a coffin or a funeral.

If one dies inside a ship that has sunk in a dream, it means that he will be saved from suffering in the hereafter, and he will also escape from what he fears most in this world. Ifhe finds a hole in the ship in his dream, it means that he may escape from drowning.

A ship in a dream also represents a heavy built woman. In a dream, a ship also represents the Bridge of Judgement that will be stretched on the Day of Resurrection for the creation to cross into the land of the Grand Gathering.

A ship in a dream also represents salvation, avoiding ignorance, or overcoming temptation.

If a sick person sees himself riding in the morgue of a ship with dead people in a dream, it means that he will escape from the trials of this world.

If a healthy person who is seeking knowledge does so in a dream, it means that he may meet with a spiritual teacher to benefit from his knowledge and wisdom, and to escape from ignorance. Ifan indebted person does so in his dream, it means that he will repay his debts, while for a deprived person, he too will find plenitude and acquire wealth from unexpected sources. Ifone sees his ship sailing to the shore, then if it becomes amphibious, driving him on dry land in the dream, it means that he will waiver in his faith and deviate from the path of truth to follow innovations, hypocrisy and insolence. Ifhe is not seeking knowledge, it means that he will divorce his wife, then proceed to live with her in sin.

If he is a merchant, it means that his business will stagnate and he will seek unlawful methods to market his merchandise. In a dream, a ship also represents good deeds, righteous companions, associating with a wise man, a good fellowship, praiseworthy deeds, a handcraft, stagnation of one’s business, fear, hope, salvation, a mosque, a marketplace, one’s father, one’s mother, master, teacher, educator, wealth, a house, an adulteress, a vehicle, one’s wife, or his servant.

A ship in a dream also represents a tavern in the sense that one enters it sober and leaves it light headed.

A ship in a dream also represents the human form and its body represents his body. Its oars represent his hands. Its front represents his head. Its contents represent his brain. Its boards represent his ribs, and its ropes represent his veins, etcetera. Ifone sees a ship sitting on top of a mountain in a dream, it means safety, or escape from a danger, or protection from one’s enemy.

If it sinks in the sea in the dream, it also means that he is one of the dwellers of hell-fire.

If the ship turns into iron in the dream, it means longevity. Eating the wood of a ship in a dream means receiving a sizeable inheritance, or it could mean eating forbidden meat.

If one sees a ship talking to him and soothing his understanding in a dream, it means that he will listen to the admonition of a wise man. Seeing Noah’s arc in a dream means happiness, joy, festivities, salvation, relieffrom stress and worries, protection from drowning, marriage and a presiding position, or victory over one’s enemy.

(Also see Boat; Helm)... ship dream meaning

Worshipping Fire

(Fire worshipper; Magi; Magus; Mazdaism; Sorcerer) Seeing an old man worshipping fire in a dream means facing a person who cares little about obliterating his enemy. Seeing oneself worshiping fire in a dream means apostasy, committing adultery, theft, murder, making a false oath, polytheism, or being an unjust person. Turning away from worshipping fire to embrace Judaism or Christianity in a dream means experiencing major changes in one’s life. Worshipping fire in a dream means desiring worldly pleasures. Worshipping the fire in a dream also means desiring to work for the ruler or a king, or it could mean going astray. Ifthe fire one is worshipping is not lit in the dream, it means that he is seeking unlawful earnings.... worshipping fire dream meaning


(Jot down; Scribble; Writing) Writing in a dream signifies a trick, a gimmick or a conspiracy.

A writer in a dream represents a cunning and a fraudulent person.

If one’s handwriting looks illegible, or inelegant in the dream, it means that he will repent for dishonesty and from defrauding people. Writing on a scroll or on a legal pad in a dream means that one may receive an inheritance. Writing in a notebook in a dream means dodging, or repudiation. Writing a novel or a book in a dream means receiving unlawful money, or it could mean falling sick.

If one sees himself writing a book or a letter and finishes it in his dream, it means that he will complete a project and fulfill his goals.

If he fails to complete his book or his letter in the dream, it means that something will hamper, or stand in the way of completing his project. Writing with the left hand in a dream means indulging in loathsome actions, going astray, or perhaps having a son who is born from adultery, or it could mean that one may become a poet. Signing a deed, a check or a legal contract in a dream means failing to fulfill an agreement.

If one sees someone he knows drafting a contract between them in a dream, it means that the other person will defraud him, mislead him in a business deal and drive him astray.

If one finds himself illiterate and incapable of writing in a dream, it means that he is depressed, though God Almighty will show him a way out of his difficulties.

If an illiterate person sees himself trying to learn how to write and read in a dream, it means that he will benefit from something he feared for a long time, or it could mean that he will go through hard times.

If a learned person finds himself incapable of writing anything in a dream, it means depression, fear, toiling and obstruction of his business.

(Also see Book; Letter; Paper; Sign)... write dream meaning