Acquiring or owning a vulture Dream Meanings

Acquiring Or Owning A Vulture Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

If a person dreams that he has acquired or owned a vulture which is trained to obey his commands it means he will, acquire assets and estates; he will also wield power by way of his appointment to kingship.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Acquiring A Pearl

If a person sees himself a shaving acquired a pearl it means he will acquire a woman, slave-girl or servant.... acquiring a pearl dream meaning

Acquiring A Ring

If a person sees himself as being given a ring, he will receive land, property or wealth. At times a ring could be interpreted as a woman, child, animal and the like_ depending on the condition of the one who sees such a dream. Thus, if a king sees such a dream it would mean the extension of his empire.

If a businessman or trader sees it, it would mean expansion in business..... acquiring a ring dream meaning

Acquiring A Sheep

If a person sees himself acquiring or becoming the owner of a sheep it is a glad tiding that he will acquire superiority and wealth.

An influential and powerful person will become subservient to him.... acquiring a sheep dream meaning

Acquiring An Ewe

Acquiring or becoming the owner of an ewe means he will acquire a woman with the above qualities.... acquiring an ewe dream meaning

Acquiring And Emerald Or Ruby

If a person sees himself as having acquired an emerald or a ruby, if his wife is expecting, it means she will give birth to a girl.... acquiring and emerald or ruby dream meaning

Acquiring Any Portion Of A Swine

Acquiring the meat, blood, hair etc. of a swine means a person will or has acquired unlawful wealth.... acquiring any portion of a swine dream meaning

Acquiring But Not Eating The Fruits Of Jannah

Acquiring the fruits of Jannah but not eating them or not having the ability to eat them means he will acquire deen but he will not profit from it . Sometimes a dream of this nature could also mean that he will acquire the knowledge of Deen which not benefit him in any way.... acquiring but not eating the fruits of jannah dream meaning

Acquiring The Feathers Or Eggs Of A Ring-dove

If he acquires its feathers or eggs by trapping it, it means he will coin some deceptive methods of trapping a woman.... acquiring the feathers or eggs of a ring-dove dream meaning

Eating Or Owning A Ring-dove

If a person eats such a dove or owns it, it means he will have some business to do with a woman.... eating or owning a ring-dove dream meaning

Flying On The Back Of A Vulture

If he dreams that he is flying horizontally on the back of a vulture, he will enjoy honour, sublimity and power by being promoted to the office of kingship.

But if the vulture flies with him vertically towards the heavens, he will die while on a journey. For, such a vulture would then represent the angel of death.... flying on the back of a vulture dream meaning


(Candor; Eagle; Enemy; Evil; Imbecile; Thieves) A vulture in a dream represents a stupid, abominable and a lewd person. When seen during a daylight dream, it means a grievous illness. Ifone sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means sending help to assist someone in difficulty. Capturing a vulture in a dream means a fight or war.

A flock of vultures descending upon a town in a dream represent an occupying army with merciless soldiers who will plunder such town.

If a sick person sees a vulture inside his house in a dream, it means the approach of his death. As for a tanner and a potter, or the like craftsmen, seeing a vulture in a dream means profits or benefits. As for physicians or sick people, a vulture in their dream purports evil. In general, vultures in a dream represent highway robbers, a band of thieves who are not residents of that town, people who refuse to earn their livelihood through honest work, or it could represent an undertaker, a body snatcher, a grave digger, or a lewd and an insulting person.

(Also see Eagle) w... vulture dream meaning

Woman Acquiring A Spinning Wheel

If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindle or rod, it means she will get her daughter married.... woman acquiring a spinning wheel dream meaning

Eagle / Vulture

interpreted upon 8 sides: honor, matter passing through, leadership, good remembrance, rank, matter & forbiddance.... eagle / vulture dream meaning

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