Acquiring but not eating the fruits of jannah Dream Meanings

Acquiring But Not Eating The Fruits Of Jannah Dream Meaning: From 1 Different Sources

Acquiring the fruits of Jannah but not eating them or not having the ability to eat them means he will acquire deen but he will not profit from it . Sometimes a dream of this nature could also mean that he will acquire the knowledge of Deen which not benefit him in any way.
Dream Source: Islamic Dream Interpretation
Author: Ibn Seerin

Acquiring A Pearl

If a person sees himself a shaving acquired a pearl it means he will acquire a woman, slave-girl or servant.... acquiring a pearl dream meaning

Acquiring A Ring

If a person sees himself as being given a ring, he will receive land, property or wealth. At times a ring could be interpreted as a woman, child, animal and the like_ depending on the condition of the one who sees such a dream. Thus, if a king sees such a dream it would mean the extension of his empire.

If a businessman or trader sees it, it would mean expansion in business..... acquiring a ring dream meaning

Acquiring A Sheep

If a person sees himself acquiring or becoming the owner of a sheep it is a glad tiding that he will acquire superiority and wealth.

An influential and powerful person will become subservient to him.... acquiring a sheep dream meaning

Acquiring An Ewe

Acquiring or becoming the owner of an ewe means he will acquire a woman with the above qualities.... acquiring an ewe dream meaning

Acquiring And Emerald Or Ruby

If a person sees himself as having acquired an emerald or a ruby, if his wife is expecting, it means she will give birth to a girl.... acquiring and emerald or ruby dream meaning

Acquiring Any Portion Of A Swine

Acquiring the meat, blood, hair etc. of a swine means a person will or has acquired unlawful wealth.... acquiring any portion of a swine dream meaning

Acquiring Or Owning A Vulture

If a person dreams that he has acquired or owned a vulture which is trained to obey his commands it means he will, acquire assets and estates; he will also wield power by way of his appointment to kingship.... acquiring or owning a vulture dream meaning

Acquiring The Feathers Or Eggs Of A Ring-dove

If he acquires its feathers or eggs by trapping it, it means he will coin some deceptive methods of trapping a woman.... acquiring the feathers or eggs of a ring-dove dream meaning

Bitter Fruits

(Colocynth; Bitter apples; Bitter cucumber) Its tree represents sadness and stress, a coward, or an uneasy, worried and a restless person.... bitter fruits dream meaning

Dried Fruits

Fresh fruits in a dream denote money that does not last, while dried fruits represent money that will last.

(Also see Fruits)... dried fruits dream meaning


(See Food)... eating dream meaning

Eating A Goat Or Its Limb

A Child of his will die in that place if it is eaten fresh, without cooking.... eating a goat or its limb dream meaning

Eating A Specific Number Of Grapes

If a person sees himself eating specific number of grapes (ie he counts them while eating them) it suggest that he will either be given the same number of lashes or the same number of pimples will appear on his body.... eating a specific number of grapes dream meaning

Eating A Sweet Pomegranate

Whether eaten entirely or partially, it means he will receive assets, leaving him richer and wealthier than before.... eating a sweet pomegranate dream meaning

Eating And Drinking In The Wild

This suggest that he will acquire affluence in the world and progress in matters of Deen.... eating and drinking in the wild dream meaning

Eating Camel Meat

it means illness for the one who eats it.... eating camel meat dream meaning

Eating Dog Meat

Eating dog meat means he will over power his enemy as well as acquire assets form him.... eating dog meat dream meaning

Eating Elephant Meat

The One who eats the meat will receive assets from some authority.

The extent of such assets will depend on how much meat he eats.

The same interpretation is given if a person sees himself taking possession of the skin, bone or any other portion of the elephant.... eating elephant meat dream meaning

Eating Fire

Eating fire which has no flames means he will usurp what is due to orphan. But if such a fire does have flames he will be questioned regarding what is due to orphans. Moreover, people will speak ill of him causing him much agony and mental disturbance.... eating fire dream meaning

Eating Fruits In The Garden

It means the observer will receive wealth from a wealthy woman.... eating fruits in the garden dream meaning

Eating Half-cooked Meat Of A Goat

He will become prosperous.... eating half-cooked meat of a goat dream meaning

Eating Lion Meat

The one who eats the meat will receive riches from some authority or a powerful person.... eating lion meat dream meaning

Eating Mutton

In the above case if he sees himself as eating the meat of the animal it means he will usurp his wealth.... eating mutton dream meaning

Eating One’s Intestines, Liver And Kidney

If a person sees himself eating his own intestines, liver or kidneys or any other organ situated in or around the stomach it means he will have access to all his wealth which was not available to him hitherto.

The same is the interpretation if – instead of eating them-he sees himself or another picking them up or carrying them.... eating one’s intestines, liver and kidney dream meaning

Eating Or Owning A Ring-dove

If a person eats such a dove or owns it, it means he will have some business to do with a woman.... eating or owning a ring-dove dream meaning

Eating Pearls

If a person sees himself as eating or keeping pearls in his mouth, it means he will conceal the knowledge of Deen thereby depriving the people from benefiting from his ilm. At times eating pearls could mean reciting the Qur’aan and deriving benefit theregfrom.... eating pearls dream meaning

Eating Roasted Meat

Eating roasted meat means that the observer of the dram will be given meager livelihood and will face much hardships an anxiety for, roasting is called shayyun in Arabic meaning a wound. And a wound causes harm and grief.... eating roasted meat dream meaning

Eating Roasted Meat

He will receive sustenance after much anxiety.... eating roasted meat dream meaning

Eating Stars

Eating the stars he will usurp the Wealth of noble persons.... eating stars dream meaning

Eating The Eggs Of Unknown Birds

The one who eats them cooked, fried or boiled in his dream, will acquired riches and prosperity.... eating the eggs of unknown birds dream meaning

Eating The Flesh Of An Ass

If he sees himself as eating the flesh of a donkey or taking possession of one or slaughtering it for food, it means he will receive unlawful wealth.... eating the flesh of an ass dream meaning

Eating The Flesh Of His Mare

Eating the flesh of his mare means prosperity and honour. Also, he will enjoy a good reputation and receive subsistence (rizq).... eating the flesh of his mare dream meaning

Eating The Fruits Of Jannah

Seeing oneself eating the fruits of Jannah or giving it to someone else is an excellent dream for the fruits of Jannah symbolize utterance of virtue, excellence and benevolence.... eating the fruits of jannah dream meaning

Eating The Head Of An Animal

This is a glad tiding that the one who eats this will be blessed with a long life and plentiful of wealth. And the head of a human being is regarded as better and more excellent.

And Allah knows best.... eating the head of an animal dream meaning

Eating The Innards Of A Goat

If a person dreams that he is eating any portion of the innards (such as the liver, fat, spleen, heart etc.) of a goat, it means acquiring wealth.

The same is the case if the becomes the owner of any portion of the innards. There is no difference as to whether they are cooked, roasted or fried. There is also no difference as to whether they are of a goat or any other animal. But the innards of a human being is regarded as more excellent.... eating the innards of a goat dream meaning

Eating The Meat Of A Lamb

His child will become a means of prosperity for him.... eating the meat of a lamb dream meaning

Eating The Raw Meat Of A Goat

Eating raw meat of goat or striking someone with such meat means he will slander someone or speak ill behind his back.... eating the raw meat of a goat dream meaning

Eating The Shell Or White Of The Egg

Eating the shell or white of the eggs but not the yolk means he will usurp wealth belonging to the deceased or a slain person. It could also mean that he will dig up graves for the purpose of stealing the shroud (kafn) of the dead people.

And Allah knows best.... eating the shell or white of the egg dream meaning

Eating To One’s Fill

(See Appetite)... eating to one’s fill dream meaning

Eating Turtle Meat

He will acquire Islamic Knowledge.... eating turtle meat dream meaning

Eating Uncooked Eggs

He will receive haraam wealth.... eating uncooked eggs dream meaning

Fruits Salesman

(Fruit) In a dream, a fruit salesman represents a trustworthy 180 person who is entrusted with people’s money and confidentiality. In dream interpretation, a fruit salesman also represents a good person unless he takes money for his fruits. Seeing a fruit salesman in a dream is also interpreted as listening to a worthwhile lecture or listening to a touching sermon or hearing an official report from the government delivered by a special announcer, or it could mean marriage, children, fast comingmoney and worthwhile efforts.

(Also see Fruit)... fruits salesman dream meaning

Gardens, Rivers And Damsels Of Jannah

All these suggest that the observer will prosper in both the worlds, the extent of his prosperity depending on how much of the above he sees.... gardens, rivers and damsels of jannah dream meaning

Garments Of Jannah

Dreaming of oneself as having donned the garments of paradise means that the observer will prosper in both the worlds.... garments of jannah dream meaning


If a person sees himself entering Jannah it is a glad tiding that he willsurely enter Jannah and that his good actions are assuredly accepted by Allah.... jannah dream meaning

Rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) Eating Something

If Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu-Alayhi-wasallam) is seen eating (something) it means he is urging his Ummah to discharge Za-kaah.... rasoolullah (sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) eating something dream meaning

Streams Of Jannah

Drinking from the streams and springs of Jannah means that the observer will have all his legitimate desires fulfilled with dignity in both the wordls.... streams of jannah dream meaning

Woman Acquiring A Spinning Wheel

If a woman dreams that she has acquired a spinning wheel, if she is expecting, she will give birth to a girl. Otherwise a sister will be born, if such a spinning wheel has a spindle or rod, it means she will get her daughter married.... woman acquiring a spinning wheel dream meaning

Harvest / Picked Fruits

interpreted upon 4 sides: nice words, halal money, abundance of wealth and blessing in proportion to what he saw.... harvest / picked fruits dream meaning